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Posted (edited)

the REPUBLICAN PARTY just called me at home asking for money. Asking for 50 bucks...a REFUNDABLE donation (since when did they start doing that?). Anyways, the guy was an ass and kept going on and on. I said

NOT INTERESTED.. got the whole schpeel about our 'rebuilding prosperity' (for who?) how "its not a lot to pay" to guarantee our chances to maintain control of our legislature, yada yada yada....

my comeback....

"well, your gas prices aren't exactly cheap right now, sorry"

you should have heard the silence/huffiness on the other end.


i am a moderate. i go either way. but man, this idiot just has me leaning the other way now........

first off, dikheads, don't call me at home, secondly, shut the fu and listen to what I have to say. Jackasses. aren't your overpaid execs sending enough coin your way?

Edited by regfootball

I forget what the limit is (I think it's $50/person), but basically, if you make a donation, the government will reimburse you upto that amount - you just need to fill out & mail in the form. Usually, when you make a donation, the party will send you a receipt, along with the form you need to fill out & mail in - so they make it extremely simple to donate to the party of your choice - without costing you much more than a postage stamp. I don't recall if this was a Minnesota state program or if it was a federal program. I think it was Minnesota..


Whenever I donate money the card that you fill your information out on says the donation is not tax deductable. It does not mention anything about a reimbursement.

Reg, just wondering if you would give money to the DemocRATS if they called in the same way?

Second, the Republican party does not set gas prices. Neither do oil companies.


Personally, I think both parties are full of morons, but I'd pick the lesser of two evils and go democrat. The republicans just set the standard for stupidty and incompitence.


cmattson, thanks for the info.

dodgefan, i think they are both morons also.

scifan, i would not give any money to the dems either and i would have said the same thing.

my point is, they both suck, don't call me, all pompous and try to assume i have free money to give to you worthless piles of dung.

figure out a way to make our economy better, grow some balls/leadership and figure out for us how we're not all gonna take a both on the war and 50% energy increases in one year.

you want money? DO SOMETHING FIRST, then we'll talk. and send me something. Don't call my phone. Bastards.


at a 32% approval rating for the W and somewhere in the range of 19% for the congress, I'd think they'd be used to people getting huffy with them on the phone when they ask for money.

  Dodgefan said:

Personally, I think both parties are full of morons, but I'd pick the lesser of two evils and go democrat. The republicans just set the standard for stupidty and incompitence.

Republicans have bad ideas, dems have no ideas. Eh, vote libertarian, I say.




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