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i have the strongest urge of my life to join hundreds of thousands on the streets of SF tomorrow but i cant cut school because i have a paper due...

i can take a subway to there in the day after class but then getting out may take hours.... and my parents told me to stay away from it :(:(

god i really really wanna go!!

  Flybrian said:

Man, I have to go to work tomorrow. If anyone is blocking the streets in Tampa, they're going to taste some Oldsmobile.

Did you just get it fixed...again (I'm assuming)?

Your body shop must love you. :AH-HA_wink:

I must've been under a rock: Who's rallying for what later today? :huh:


Viper, wait until later in the afternoon, it will be warmer then. Don't want you to catch cold.

I am not aware of any goings-on here locally, but we have a substantial number of Latin people around here.


So, there was a rally in downtown Stamford today. Quite a few people, too. Though, I'm not sure what they were trying to prove by walking in the street at green lights trying to get hit by oncoming cars (apparently anyway). :stupid:


My work sent me home with a laptop on Friday and told me not to come in. No violence was expected (nor was there any), but it was just logistically impossible to get anybody who was not critical personell into the building.

I support their right to demonstrate, but I'm not exactly sure whom they'd be convincing. People who support them will continue to do so, and people who don't will continue to not.

Of course, polititicians are so out of touch, maybe they need to see few million people marching instead of bussing their tables or parking their government-paid cars to realise that they exist, and may even vote.


As it turns out, no one got a taste of silver teal this afternoon. Things were peaceful...lots of hooting and hollering and horn honking, but nothing out of hand. Apparently, one of these 'Minutemen' f*$ktards tried to start something, but the police hauled him away. I don't understand why we even have vigilante border patrol in Florida anyway. Too many Alabamian immigrants? Go back to Valdosta, you illegal Georgian? The rest of the state is surrounded by water and these aren't the type that appear to be able to afford watercraft beyond the Tom Sawyer variety.

  Fijian said:

i have the strongest urge of my life to join hundreds of thousands on the streets of SF tomorrow but i cant cut school because i have a paper due...

i can take a subway to there in the day after class but then getting out may take hours.... and my parents told me to stay away from it :(  :( 

god i really really wanna go!!

Why? to urge the U.s. to open its borders rather then doing the process millions have done succesfully. :nono:


It's so sad to see what this nation has come to. ILLEGAL aliens, people who purposely dodged the laws that were set in place to protect this country and it's citizens (including LEGAL immigrants) are demanding rights that they do not deserve at all because they are not even citizens!

No, I'm not a bigot. My Father, Grandmother, and Aunt were all born in France and all became LEGAL citizens. My best friend's mother is from Mexico and she is a LEGAL citizen now. My neighbors are Canadian and they are all legal citizens. I can go on, but I won't bore you.

Declaring amnesty to these protesting criminals is a slap in the face to all those who legally entered the country and to our system of government.

They should not be allowed guest worker programs or amnesty at all. If they want civil rights, government assistance, social security, then they can apply for legal citizenship. If they don't want to do that, then they can leave.

We should also severely punish companies who take advantage of the ILLEGALS by hiring them for well under minimum wage. Not only does it hurt them, but it hurts American citizens who look for the same job, but aren't hired because they must be paid at or above minimum wage.

By punishing these companies, it would make it impossible for an ILLEGAL alien to get a job and they would have to leave.

My opinion may not be popular, but it's an opinion that a lot of hard working LEGAL Americans of all races, creeds, and countries of orgin share with me. Those people need to stand up and demand that the government take action against these invaders.

REMEMBER THIS: I'm NOT against Immigration at all. I'm against ILLEGAL immigration. These illegal immigrants need to either become citizens LEGALLY or leave. It's as simple as that.

  Flybrian said:

As it turns out, no one got a taste of silver teal this afternoon. Things were peaceful...lots of hooting and hollering and horn honking, but nothing out of hand. Apparently, one of these 'Minutemen' f*$ktards tried to start something, but the police hauled him away. I don't understand why we even have vigilante border patrol in Florida anyway. Too many Alabamian immigrants? Go back to Valdosta, you illegal Georgian? The rest of the state is surrounded by water and these aren't the type that appear to be able to afford watercraft beyond the Tom Sawyer variety.

:lol: Fly, you rock.


actaully charger i dont support the rally as much as i just wanted to be there, lol!

i wanted to see all these people and take some pics and stuff.. i ended up not going and was glad i didnt cause i had 2 tests :duh:


Why the hell would you want to go to that thing? :banghead:

It looks like the illegal immigrant supporters got caught with their pants down today. If these people are here to do all those necessary jobs that American allegedly can't or won't do, then what use are all these illegals if they go on strike at the drop of a hat? And if our economy functioned just fine today (which it did at least here in Ohio, I don't think anyone noticed the Mexican illegals striking), then it seems like they are not so critical to our economy to begin with.

  Shantanu said:

Why the hell would you want to go to that thing? :banghead:

It looks like the illegal immigrant supporters got caught with their pants down today.  If these people are here to do all those necessary jobs that American allegedly can't or won't do, then what use are all these illegals if they go on strike at the drop of a hat?  And if our economy functioned just fine today (which it did at least here in Ohio, I don't think anyone noticed the Mexican illegals striking), then it seems like they are not so critical to our economy to begin with.

They're not.

Illegal immigrants have no rights until they're legal citizens. Millions did it back in the early 20th century, Mexicans can do it now.

  Fijian said:

actaully charger i dont support the rally as much as i just wanted to be there, lol!

i wanted to see all these people and take some pics and stuff.. i ended up not going and was glad i didnt cause i had 2 tests  :duh:


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