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Toyota Recalls Camry

El Scorcho

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My favorite delusional line from the autoblog posters:

Right...how about all those "special service campaigns" with Toyota...or the well documented sludge problem.  Even better...my favorite...when Toyota does recall a vehicle they are always the first to point the finger...saying its a supplier problem or blaming it on those lazy incompetent american workers. 

Sure GM has eyesores like the head gaskets...but at least they actually own up to the defect when they recall it.


Exactly, sir! Less likely to get coverage. Infact, speaking from the outside, I'm surprised C&G got mentioned at all considering we've had factual news stories that were swept under the rug.
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1/2 a percent...what hoese&#036;h&#33;.......do they think people will really believe that.

even if it is true...c'mon now.

talk about sweeping something under the rug...i alredy think they feel americans are easy but....to that extent?

maybe its me, maybe im jaded....f@#k that. 1/2 a percent.

im insulted...use your head damn it.

if yourre gonna make up something at least try to let me believe it.

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1/2 a percent...what hoese&#036;h&#33;.......do they think people will really believe that.

even if it is true...c'mon now.

talk about sweeping something under the rug...i alredy think they feel americans are easy but....to that extent?

maybe its me, maybe im jaded....f@#k that.  1/2 a percent.

im insulted...use your head damn it.

if yourre gonna make up something at least try to let me believe it.

Wow--wouldn't Toyota be proud to have their logo on this post. Try spellcheck.

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Wow--wouldn't Toyota be proud to have their logo on this post.  Try spellcheck.

wow--why dont you try kissing my ass.

horSehit..is that better for you?

one mispelled word...get a life. what does that have to do with anything?

whats your point anyway?

maybe two...

Edited by Mr.Krinkle
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Ick. Too bad its on Edmunds.

Dear GM,

Feel free to use the C&G Java Chat for any consumer relations needs you see fit!

In case there was no sarcasm involved in your post, why don't you email that idea to GM? Even if they say 'no', at least the suggestion was made...

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Toyota is online to answer customers who have problems with this 6-speed transmission at Edmunds:



This is a customer service practice that GM should adopt immediately.  This drastically increases customer satisfaction, and halts any inaccuracies in the internet rumor mill by issuing company statements.

Internet based customer service is how companies like Dell are rated so high on customer satisfaction, because the company is responsive and easy to contact.

And the denial begins/continues:

#34 of 96  Re: Recall [JBaumgart] by tmsusa   Apr 25, 2006 (4:42 pm)

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Replying to: JBaumgart (Apr 25, 2006 1:54 pm)

JBaumgart, you are misinformed. This is not a recall. As we indicated earlier, we've become aware of this potential gear loss by listening to our customers. Our actions, if you need to label them, are our response to those owners so that we can work to ensure they continue to have a great customer experience. Also, this forum provides an opportunity for us to expedite our communication to those customers and to others who have interest--and to ensure it is correct.

"tmusa" is the Toyota rep. Way to add "usa" to your name like you are some kind patriotic American.

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:lol:   Those are just little things I like to add the get the import fanboys riled up.

(I know what it meant)

Of course you should know as someone who drives a product by DaimlerChrysler AG. My German slips my mind at the moment but I forgot what AG stands for.

Edited by evok
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Blah Blah Blah. Its all more scapegoats from Toyota. It was "half of a percent" of vehicles. Get real. You dont produce "half a percent of vehicles" then realize there is a probem.

If people did not realize there were problems with vehicles before they were produced or as they were coming off the assembly line, we would have a ton of crap cars on our roads.

Toyota probably found out by taking a V6 off the line and driving it around for a few days. Granted, the problem should have been fixed before the cars were produced and sold.

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If people did not realize there were problems with vehicles before they were produced or as they were coming off the assembly line, we would have a ton of crap cars on our roads.

Toyota probably found out by taking a V6 off the line and driving it around for a few days.  Granted, the problem should have been fixed before the cars were produced and sold.

You might want to go back and reread the Edmunds post from the Toyota Rep:

As we indicated earlier, we've become aware of this potential gear loss by listening to our customers.

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its a good idea in theory but dell just got downrated to a "sell" by some analysts...whatever that means.

Dell is hardly responsive anymore. Their customer service has gone down the drain and they have started backing away from on-line support forums and the like. Plus they sell product with inferior Intel CPUs only.

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Malibu SS


GMT 900s - Avalanche especially


The thing about main stream vehicles is... they're usually bland anyway.

Seriously... how many main stream vehicles can be considered exciting? A few Mazdas and Chryslers.  The Fusion is only exciting because it's not a Tempo.

Aura is only exciting because it isn't out yet. Once it is out it will most likely be lost in a sea of product which is just as good or better. Same thing that happened to Cobalt.

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What company do you think he/she works for?

Same could be said about certain posters on this board. I know it's not against any rule or that sort of nonsense but let's face it, it sure seems odd to have Toyota bootlickers writing so professionally on a GM fan site. And they sure as heck have the denial and skirt the issue shtick down perfect.

But's thats my opinion. and I'm welcome to it. Sure make more sense as time goes on.

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Same could be said about certain posters on this board. I know it's not against any rule or that sort of nonsense but let's face it, it sure seems odd to have Toyota bootlickers writing so professionally on a GM fan site. And they sure as heck have the denial and skirt the issue shtick down perfect.

But's thats my opinion. and I'm welcome to it. Sure make more sense as time goes on.

looking boots must taste f@#ky...especially if that boot has been in dog poop XD

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Why would you issue a recall for 1000 vehicles?  Just warrenty them out, treat the customers like gold, and for god sake keep it out of the press.

1. 160 not 1000.

2. Because if you do that, you get accused of trying to sweep the issue under the rug.

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If you peruse the latest Automotive news, you will find that Toyota also issued recalls for 29k IS & GS, as well as 12k Tacomas....

Of course, you'll also see 13k DTS' and Lucernes, or 269k DCX's or 66k Nissans...

I just don't see the big deal about a handfull of new product having an issue. It brings to mind the 'living in glass houses and stones' maxim....

Just part of humans building complex product for other humans, folks....

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It's news folks! It's gotten press, although I can't imagine .5% of the total production so far being more than 1,000 vehicles?

That pales in comparison to some recent recalls that have hit the millions! ahem. (That's part of why it may not get much play....although contenting ourselves with it being the media's fault is obviously easier for many on this site to accept. GM's on the ropes and the media loves a story of an icon failing....from actors to politicians to companies, America loves scandal and outrage!)

Uh.....I agree with enzl.....

I don't see this as any significant issue at all.

It wouldn't be an issue with a GM product.....and it's not that big of an issue with the Camry.

There's a problem....and they are going to fix it....big deal. No one thinks Toyotas are perfect...no car company is. Are they more consistent with their quality, reliability, and design execution? Well, I'd argue that in and of itself might be a stronger case.

This HARDLY seems like a solid enough platform to start another round of Toyota-bashing....??????

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My favorite delusional line from the autoblog posters:

Right...how about all those "special service campaigns" with Toyota...or the well documented sludge problem.  Even better...my favorite...when Toyota does recall a vehicle they are always the first to point the finger...saying its a supplier problem or blaming it on those lazy incompetent american workers. 

Sure GM has eyesores like the head gaskets...but at least they actually own up to the defect when they recall it.

Snate, GM does the EXACT same thing. It's called a "service bulletin" and I can CONFIRM that GM (Buick at least) did EVERYTHING they could to avoid recalling a vehicle (voluntarily or not) and would try to fix problems with "service bulletins" issued to the dealership service departments.

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Uh.....I agree with enzl.....

I don't see this as any significant issue at all. 

It wouldn't be an issue with a GM product.....and it's not that big of an issue with the Camry.

I recall the Cobalt's launch when it had to issue a recall on headlamps. There were like 2 Cobalts sold at the time... But GM was bashed by the media and C&G fans for failing to have a flawless launch. I personally can't imagine a more critical launch or more important mainstream Toyota vehicle than the Camry. Two recalls so far.

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I recall the Cobalt's launch when it had to issue a recall on headlamps. There were like 2 Cobalts sold at the time... But GM was bashed by the media and C&G fans for failing to have a flawless launch. I personally can't imagine a more critical launch or more important mainstream Toyota vehicle than the Camry. Two recalls so far.

That's not what I remember at all. Sure, there was media and C&G coverage, but AFAIK, no bashing.

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I will agree that the transmission issue is no big deal at this stage. Kudos to Toyota for jumping on it right away. Part of the problem is that with computer technology at the level it currently is, head office will know of service problems very quickly, and through forensic accounting can back track problem parts or designs very efficiently. This is a good thing in all respects, except one: more problems can become noticed. A small trend that would have gone completely unnoticed 25 years ago will get picked up within a few days with our current technology.

Now this is where the Asian fans versus domestic fans diverge: how the media treats these issues.

FACT: GM has at least 5 or 6 times as many vehicles on the road as Toyota. There must literally be more than 40 MILLION GM vehicles in operation on North America's highways and roads. (I think that number is probably low, but what the heck!) Would it not be safe to say GM SHOULD have more problems than Toyota?

But when 825,000 trucks get recalled because their front wheels are falling off and that gets buried on page 23 next to the wedding notices,yet over at GM a lawsuit that hasn't been proven and MAY be frivolous becomes front page news (the Toronto Star yesterday) - well, you Toyota guys might forgive us GM fans for being a little testy.

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well it does seem as of right now that they have it pinpointed pretty well..they probably even know the poor son of a bitch resposible for the defect...maybe it was tibor...working that graveyard shift.

kindve like the z06 roof and the supposed defective batch of adhesive...these things certainly do happen and as i said earlier, itll become more clear later.

160 seems really low ball. itd be nice if they had more details other than "you can still drive the car with no problem"

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Of course you should know as someone who drives a product by DaimlerChrysler AG.  My German slips my mind at the moment but I forgot what AG stands for.

Hell if I know. I could give two &#036;h&#33;s about Mercedes or Daimler. They haven't screwed up Chrysler too badly yet....and they have actually contributed some good things like modern RWD knowledge to help get the LX's back to RWD rather quickly. And their transmissions seem to be fairly good.

The German talk doesn't bother me at all. Bring it on! I still know a ton of people who work for Chrysler, and don't know anyone who works for Toyota. My company sells quite a few parts to Chrysler.....and yet again, none to Toyota.

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Same could be said about certain posters on this board. I know it's not against any rule or that sort of nonsense but let's face it, it sure seems odd to have Toyota bootlickers writing so professionally on a GM fan site. And they sure as heck have the denial and skirt the issue shtick down perfect.

But's thats my opinion. and I'm welcome to it. Sure make more sense as time goes on.

Haven't you read the reports? Import buyers are more educated. ^_^

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This HARDLY seems like a solid enough platform to start another round of Toyota-bashing....??????

Perhaps it is a statement to how reliable Toyotas are that even something as minor as this needs to get so much attention.

On the other hand, some think Toyota is full of it in regards to how many vehicles are being affected.

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:lol: :lol: :lol:

Loving the recalls guys! Anybody surprised by this?

Toyota = recall Smart people will wake up and realize that they should have bought a superior GM product over these recall mobiles. Dump your chintzy ass Toyota while you have the chance :CG_all:

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:lol: :lol: :lol:

Loving the recalls guys! Anybody surprised by this?

Toyota = recall Smart people will wake up and realize that they should have bought a superior GM product over these recall mobiles. Dump your chintzy ass Toyota while you have the chance :CG_all:

With the car you own and the experiences you've had, I can't believe you would post on this. Guess what the failure rate would have to be on all the components that you've had go in order to make it statistically probable?

You should view a 0.5% rate of failure as a completely unatainable success rate.

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You should view a  0.5% rate of failure as a completely unatainable success rate.

The .5% failure rate is only in relation to this specific transmission problem. That does not mean other non-related problems haven't occurred on a case-by-case basis.

However, Domesticated's comment wasn't appropriate.

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:lol: :lol: :lol:

Loving the recalls guys! Anybody surprised by this?

Toyota = recall Smart people will wake up and realize that they should have bought a superior GM product over these recall mobiles. Dump your chintzy ass Toyota while you have the chance :CG_all:

Dude, you just replaced your transmission, and GM just recalled the SRX, STS, and Saab 9-3. Why are you so ignorant?

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Dude, you just replaced your transmission, and GM just recalled the SRX, STS, and Saab 9-3. Why are you so ignorant?

I believe my transmission replacment was a fluke. I drive the hell out of my car and at 53,000 miles of hard driving, I'd say that's pretty good. My father's Grand Prix didn't even make it 37,000 miles so he must be a more aggressive driver than me :lol: but the advantage is that I have a dealership that can fix my cars for nothing so I could care less if I go through a tranny or not.

GM still makes the best cars and trucks on the planet, that is why I remain strong on my position. You call it ignorant, I call it satisfied. Gm will always build the best vehicle to fit my needs, not Toyota, not Nissan, not Ford, not Bratwurst Motor Works. I am a loyal owner, always will be. Nothing is going to change that.

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This HARDLY seems like a solid enough platform to start another round of Toyota-bashing....??????


The Answer is Yes!

This is only like .5% of the Camrys sold so far. The six speed automatic is a new transmission, for first six months of production, the Camry seems to be doing pretty well. Of course if this happened to a GM product, some people on this board would start excusing it as "early built". However, when Toyota is having early-build issues, it's bashing time!

Edited by Polish_Kris
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I believe my transmission replacment was a fluke. I drive the hell out of my car and at 53,000 miles of hard driving, I'd say that's pretty good. My father's Grand Prix didn't even make it 37,000 miles so he must be a more aggressive driver than me :lol: but the advantage is that I have a dealership that can fix my cars for nothing so I could care less if I go through a tranny or not.

GM still makes the best cars and trucks on the planet, that is why I remain strong on my position. You call it ignorant, I call it satisfied. Gm will always build the best vehicle to fit my needs, not Toyota, not Nissan, not Ford, not Bratwurst Motor Works. I am a loyal owner, always will be. Nothing is going to change that.

Ok, that's good you're a loyalist, however, not everyone is seeing it like you, everyone is different, so stop shoving your opinions down people's throats!

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I believe my transmission replacment was a fluke. I drive the hell out of my car and at 53,000 miles of hard driving, I'd say that's pretty good. My father's Grand Prix didn't even make it 37,000 miles so he must be a more aggressive driver than me :lol: but the advantage is that I have a dealership that can fix my cars for nothing so I could care less if I go through a tranny or not.

GM still makes the best cars and trucks on the planet, that is why I remain strong on my position. You call it ignorant, I call it satisfied. Gm will always build the best vehicle to fit my needs, not Toyota, not Nissan, not Ford, not Bratwurst Motor Works. I am a loyal owner, always will be. Nothing is going to change that.

You gotta learn to RESPECT other people's opinions. If someone tells you "American cars suck" then by all means go Ape &#036;h&#33;.

However, bashing a brand just because it's not yours or it's not American, and shoving it down normal people's throats its wrong. You have to realize that GM, is certainly not perfect, so you can hardly go bashing other companies.

Even Toyota has made some cool cars (can anyone say Supra?)

Nissan makes some awesome cars (Skyline GT-R, the new G35, Altima, the next GT-R)

Honda, if nothing else, makes one hell of an interior for the Accord, and the S2000 is kinda cool.

Enough examples. My point is that every company has it's virtues, and people will by them because they honestly like them. Don't go insulting people or their cars just becuawe they bought what they liked. How would you like it if the entire site started bashing your G6? It wouldn't be hard. Learn some respect dude, and peopel will like you a lot better.

BTW, 208,000 miles as of today with my original engine and tranny ^_^

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