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Drew Dowdell

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Ethanol, a tax payers waste of subsidies to a select group of individuals who have become rich off the backs of hard working Americans who have had to deal with higher food prices due to the lack of Ethanol to reduce the fuel cost to the average American.

Ethanol equal less HP, less Torque and LESS MPG. It might burn cleaner with less CO2 but it is such a small amount that it would be better to go with CNG as a logical next step. Shut down the Ethanol industry, save the billions in tax dollars and put it back into the US infrastructure. There is a real benefit for americans. Smoother roads, stronger bridges, etc.

Ethanol, the 21st century Snake Oil Sales Man!

Why not have this in the Alternative Fuel category?

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Very Cool,

I could see the title of this being "Ethanol, the 21st century Snake Oil Sales Man?" Then do an in-depth review of when the industry started, the amount of tax dollars given to the industry, what the cost of corn was at the beginning per bushel and what it is now. Also include other costs of components then and now to see if there really is a correlation of increased cost to the public. What is the real benefit of Ethanol and is it delivering on what was promised?

I would look forward to reading this.

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We'll E85 failure I see is due to the high cost of the fuel along with the lower energy level per gallon compared to gas, diesel and CNG. Along with lower HP, Torque, general availability all leads to a reduced desire and demand for the product. Negativity about the tax dollars spent on it and if the subsidies were removed, it would be on pare cost wise with gas at a lower performance level. This alone just kills it. Even Propane is a better alternative than Ethanol.

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dfelt, in GM engines, most of the last~5 year old engines and newer get higher power out of e-85. look at the ecotec3 v6 and v8... also seen is a a couple to ~10 hp/lbft in the 4cyl ecotecs... not trying to be a dick, just showing you that the ratings with e-85 aren't lower.

but i'd say you're right with engines not programed to know the difference and alter it's fuel map, i assume

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