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Eh, not sure if anyone else on a car forum is all that interested about it but it seems to be quite the uprgrade from the console of old

A custom octo core AMD "Jaguar" 64 bit processor over the old "cell" processor that likely costed more than sony will ever get out of it

A custom AMD 7850 GPU vs a custom Geforce 7800 gtx

Eight gigs of GDDR5 vs 256 of XDRRAM and 256 of GDDR3

Pictures of the actual console have yet to be released

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I'm pretty impressed with the specs. That's about on par with my PC which has a GTX 470 in terms of sheer power. Of course, my computer is nearly four years old so I suppose we can take that for what it's worth too.

Needless to say, console gamers are going to be getting graphics upgrades that are sorely needed.

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Pass. Sony sat on their ass and lost, they OEM panels from Samsung and others, nothing new or great about Sony TV's, Camcorders, computers or even this game console. They are on a slow death march which on name alone will keep them going but eventually will fad away.

XBOX that is a cool freaking console and the upgrade based on what I have read and what I have seen on campus will blow this away. Better options than the over priced Sony stuff.

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Wonder what the price will be..

Release date?

They said below the 500 & 600 price of the PS3 more inline with what Microsoft has charged for new XBox's. This Xmas. Guess it will be a busy time for PS4 or what ever they call it and the New XBox. I am very excited for the new xbox.

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The rumor is the Xbox will be called Xbox 720, a name that i very much dislike, i much prefer Sony's consoles to their xbox counter part, the build quality and reliability along with free online gameplay made the PS3 always seem Superior to the 360

Rumor has it the Xbox will run nearly identical hardware

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Eh, not sure if anyone else on a car forum is all that interested about it but it seems to be quite the uprgrade from the console of old

A custom octo core AMD "Jaguar" 64 bit processor over the old "cell" processor that likely costed more than sony will ever get out of it

A custom AMD 7850 GPU vs a custom Geforce 7800 gtx

Eight gigs of GDDR5 vs 256 of XDRRAM and 256 of GDDR3

Pictures of the actual console have yet to be released

With those specs, it will probably make a great panini too.

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I am a bit surprised that Sony did adopt a more conventional hardware approach. The PS2's Emotion Engine CPU was complex, and so was the Cell. Pairing the two together in the first generation of the PS3 was an exercise in dumbness. I guess they figured that the PS4 could be their strike three.

Sony appeared to be 'above' conventional hardware that was sourced from PC's. Sega learned the hard way with the Saturn that thinking outside the box (and relying on two totally different CPU's to work in tandem with each other) was a bad idea. They fixed that with the Dreamcast which sourced off-the-shelf parts and was a familiar developer environment.

TL;DR: Features, as we've seen the past several years, will continue to define consoles. The PS3 did win in that realm at the start, but Xbox will have the upper hand this time.

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Eh, not sure if anyone else on a car forum is all that interested about it but it seems to be quite the uprgrade from the console of old

A custom octo core AMD "Jaguar" 64 bit processor over the old "cell" processor that likely costed more than sony will ever get out of it

A custom AMD 7850 GPU vs a custom Geforce 7800 gtx

Eight gigs of GDDR5 vs 256 of XDRRAM and 256 of GDDR3

Pictures of the actual console have yet to be released

With those specs, it will probably make a great panini too.

Well the Jaguar is their low power CPU around 15w ( for the four core version although that includes a GPU) and a 7850 card, including the fan on the card which runs pretty inefficiently since they are basically maxed out having to push air sideways is about 100- 125 w

current PS3 has a 190 w Power supply, but only pulls a little more than 70 w

on the other hand ive seen my original PS3 pull more than 220w (this is the version with a set of PS2 hardware inside too that fapturbo was talking about) The PS2 back compatibility is why (along with how cheap the new ones look) i had mine refurbished when it yellow light of doomed

good god it's noisy though, but still quieter than the xbox

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Both my old xbox and xbox 360 is wisper quiet compared to the PS3 and the PS3 has Lag on booting up and responding during loading of games, etc. XBOX clearly beats them hands down and has a far superior online experiance. From what I have seen via friends that are working on XBOX 720, people are going to really like it and the new updated Kinect. They are truly taking it to the next level. I am very excited for this.

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Both my old xbox and xbox 360 is wisper quiet compared to the PS3 and the PS3 has Lag on booting up and responding during loading of games, etc. XBOX clearly beats them hands down and has a far superior online experiance. From what I have seen via friends that are working on XBOX 720, people are going to really like it and the new updated Kinect. They are truly taking it to the next level. I am very excited for this.

Well i hope its good (kinect) i don't find Kinect or PS move that useful, they both try to ape the Wii, which has also lost it's luster, and end up exactly in the same situation

I'm just wondering how old your Xbox 360 is because the newer ones pull a lot less power and heat, mine is about 2008 and my PS3 is the launch console so it doesn't have any of the improvements the more current ones do and the thermal paste is probably gone

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Both my Xbox and Xbox 360 are from the orignal releases. I have had to replace power supplies as that was a fault on the original set of 360's, but over all it has been bullet proof. I do always buy the top of the line models to make sure I have a system that lasts and so far it has done really well. I have kept up on all the updates for it also.

My PS3 is also from the original release and while I have kept it updated and it clearly beats the original Xbox, it does not have the quality that my Xbox 360 seems to have and like I said, it is noisy compared to the 360. Not sure why, but it does make noticable noise that others have commented on it when we play it.

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  • 3 months later...

Let me amend that statement just now: the Philips CD-i was designed to have a resource-frugal OS. In comparison, a good chunk of your resources on the Xbox One are dedidated to the frigging OS. So, by a careful re-evaluation of one simple fact, one of the worst game consoles ever made is actually better than the Xbox One.

One again, good job on your big fail Micro$h!.

Now, here's some more gif to go on your PB and J.



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I Also use PC, but i was just hoping someone this console gen knew what they were doing, if metal gear solid V is a console exclusive i'll have to get my hands on a playstation somehow

And don't rag on it too much about power, its almost the equivilant of the top of the line GPUs from two generations back

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Let me amend that statement just now: the Philips CD-i was designed to have a resource-frugal OS. In comparison, a good chunk of your resources on the Xbox One are dedidated to the frigging OS. So, by a careful re-evaluation of one simple fact, one of the worst game consoles ever made is actually better than the Xbox One.

One again, good job on your big fail Micro$h!.

Now, here's some more gif to go on your PB and J.



Black Knight I have to totally disagree with you in this regards as the XBOX is a very efficient system for what it does and allows and easily out does the the Phillip CD-i, Playstation or Wii. You can suck on the Linux turd of life all you want but their open source crap has still not made it the standard of the world and folks can piss all they want about Microsoft, but they built a MultiBillion dollar industry that employees millions of people generating millions of paychecks and by the way brought Standardization to an electronic device that billions now have in their home.

Fact is that UNIX had it's chance in the Early 90's, I was with Digital Computer who led the way to build a standardized UI and a standardized OS based on the best of everyones version. Sadly everyone was so pig headed about who had a better UNIX that the whole project exploded and everyone built their own terrible UI that never really made a difference.

Then you have the LINUX Turd. This came out with much potential, but everyone swore it had to be 100% open source and as such you now have a fragmented LINUX Turd World that will never replace Windows.

Apple has come closest after multiple restarts and almost deaths of the company over the last 20+ years and still what seems intuitive to some is a mess to others. Some folks can easily work on both windows or mac systems, then you have those that are confused by Windows and finds Mac easier. Then you have the majority of people who find Windows easier and Mac a confusing mess.

There is plenty of room for all to survive and operate but at this time you still only have one industry leading Giant. Microsoft's glory days are really behind them, Apple is in the midst of them now and the next big thing will be on the horizon.

You can hate the company all you want, but is it really the company or the fact that you lost out on building a career and making money on the growth of what the majority find to be the best game console out there?

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dfelt, that post shows how out of the loop you really are on this one. Have you actually read about and researched the specifcations of the Xbox One versus the PS4? I'd place a bet on "no."

Let's bring you up to speed then.

Xbox One:

- Basic Spec's:

  • 8 GB DDRM Memory (5 GB for games, 3GB for OS)
  • 500 GB Storage
  • AMD Radeon graphics
  • AMD 8 Core CPU (2 Quad Core Jaguar modules)
  • Kinect is bundled with every console
  • $499 starting price

- The Real Bull$h!:

  • The Xbox One's restrictive DRM makes sharing, buying, selling, and trading used games either impossible or, at the very least, outrageously expensive and/or very difficult. Publishers can set restrictions on used games as they see fit and, as we all know, EA and Activision certainly are in dire straights for money and can benefit from the extra revenue.
  • The console must connect to the internet at least once every 24 hours to remain functional. Good luck with that if you live in a rural area and can't have or can't afford a broadband internet connection.
  • Kinect is bundled with every console and is also required for the console to function. Kinect never is truly off unless you unplug the damn thing and the damn console completely. Couple that with the fact that the Xbox One has to be online at least once every 24 hours and you can see how some people wouldn't allow the thing in their living room or bedroom because of "OMFG BIG BROTHER ASSHAT CAN WATCHES ME SPANK IT WITH JERGENS."
  • The Xbox One OS is the biggest resource hog Micro$h! has turned out since Windows Vista, requiring 3 GB to function all in the name of SPORTS! CALL OF DUTY! TV!
  • Games are region locked and the console looks like it could serve as a stand-in for an '80s alarm clock.

Playstation 4:

-Basic Spec's:

  • 8GB DDRM Memory (7 GB for games, 1 GB for OS)
  • 500 GB of storage (user upgradable!!!)
  • AMD Radeon graphics
  • AMD x86-64 CPU
  • PlayStation Move is an inexpensive option
  • $399 starting price

-The Good Stuff (or The Rape and Pilage of Micro$h!):

  • No restrictive DRM to tell you what to do with your own games. You can buy, sell, trade, and lend used games as you see fit without any restrictions whatsoever.
  • The PS4 can be offline forever and ever and ever and you can still pretty much play any disc-based game as much as you want.
  • Don't want PlayStation Move? Fine, don't spend the extra $60 to $70 bucks to buy it. (Sony probably just has it around this time to ensure that games designed for the Xbox One's Kinect can be ported smoothly to the PS4.)
  • Only one measly gig of memory is needed to run the OS. In layman's terms, this means smoother, faster, and more enjoyable gameplay.
  • No region-locked games with this console. If someone released a badass Europe-only title that you gotta have, well, just hop on over to eBay and buy it. It'll work in your console, unlike with those other guys.
  • Oh, don't forget it's $100 bucks cheaper. Suck it, Micro$h!.

You'd have to be an avid fanboy to defend the Xbox One at this point. The spec sheets speak for themselves. The Xbox One is going to flatline in the market place. People I know who currently own Xbox 360s will not be buying or replacing their console with a new Xbox One. Microsoft decided to cave in to the greed of big publishers, and their anti-consumerist policies will cost them dearly as a result.

Watch Sony's rollout of the PS4 at the E3 convention this week. People cheered at the idea of lending, buying, selling, and trading their own games ... which is honestly sad. But if Sony is going to support the consumer on this one, people will vote with their wallet and it won't be hard to tell which console is going to be the hot item this Christmas.

Edited by black-knight
  • Agree 2
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I Also use PC, but i was just hoping someone this console gen knew what they were doing, if metal gear solid V is a console exclusive i'll have to get my hands on a playstation somehow

And don't rag on it too much about power, its almost the equivilant of the top of the line GPUs from two generations back

Metal Gear Solid is pretty much the main reason why I own a PS3. I've loved the series since I was a kid. I played the ever-loving crap out of MGS2 and MGS3 on my old PS2.

MGS5 and MGS: Ground Zeroes will be on 360, PS3, Xbox One, PS4, and PC as far as I know.

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I put my bet on the Playstation franchise a long time ago because I was sick of spending big dollars trying to keep my PC bleeding edge. I just want to put a disk in and play... and I don't want a big fat OS interrupting the process (XBox, Windows) because it feels that some obscure widget in the process table needs equal CPU time as the game I'm running. True, in the last generation of PS3 v. Xbox360, MS won a lot of credibility... higher sales and lots of good titles... and Kinect is a great piece of hardware (especially hooked up to a Linux robot)... but I still feel the PS3 was the better piece of hardware (especially the original one with PS2 hardware compatibility) in features, performance and quality (no red light of death here)... however, I have always felt Sony would return with the PS4 with a vengeance. Sony "gets" the gamers, whereas Microsoft is busy losing money on the XBox platform in an attempt to invade the living room... even if its at the expense of the gamers... and I feel that's what you are really seeing here. Nickel and dime a profit and control the gamer... blah.. I hope it goes over like EA's SimCity 5 fiasco (I love SimCity, but apparently will never own SC5 due to EA's idiocy).

Speaking of titles, well, in general, I only buying driving games... so with the Gran Turismo series, GRID series, Burnout series, GTA series, NFS series, I generally have all the titles I need. I only miss out on Forenza.

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I haven't turned on my 360 in over a year (so loud and crashed in the middle of games one too many times for me to play anything confidently). It red-ringed once and was repaired under expanded warranty by MS.

I have 2 PS3s (Wanted a BR player for downstairs and picked up another so I could play also). Older PS3 BR drive died once. Had replaced for $100 out of pocket.

I am not a fanboy when it comes to consoles. I've had every one of them recently, even a Sega Dreamcast. That ended with the Wii, as I was not impressed with graphics or where there any games I had to have. The Wii U appears to be a joke.

I pre-orded the PS4 and Watch Dogs. I'm really interested in Infamous Second Son also.

I have a TV with software that I use to watch Netflix. YouTube, etc. I do not watch sports. I do not want a new interactive TV Guide. I want to play games. Very little of what MS showed interests me at this time. Will I pick up an XBox One 2 years from now - maybe if there is a few exclusive games - but I don't like Halo (and that original team is now making cross-console games) so...

I put my money on the PS4 and will have one delivered to my door on launch day.

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PS4 or Xbox One, this is a battle no different than Apple versus Windows. The interfaces will be loved by some hated by others.

Where Apple's Interface I find confusing, non-intuitive and over all worthless to me, I can enjoy the windows or to a lesser degree Linux better.

Right now nothing really has impressed me about what I have seen on the PS4. This could change once I actually can get hands on time. XBox One I can say that many people will be really surprised just how great it is when it hits the market. Perfect? no, but Microsoft has for the last few years been using the Kinect camera's and software to map everyone on their campus to help perfect the way you interact with it. Since going in and out of the buildings, accessing rooms, etc. The Kinect is a revolutionary jump forward when it came out and again will jump ahead big time. The ability to interact with the games without having to have a control in your hands is part of the future. Sony as does WII has a long way to go to catch up.

I will say that the full story is not out yet on Xbox One, Microsoft does not always do the best marketing and sharing of the details. Stay tuned as Microsoft is not done with their focus groups and they are listening to people feedback.

The Xbox online experience is far superior to anything Sony has had to offer to date including keeping your profile and personal information secure. This XMAS season should be exciting for fans of either PS4 or XBOX One.

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The Kinect is a revolutionary jump forward when it came out

Sure if you forget the fact the Nintendo did the whole motion capture thing first.

The ability to interact with the games without having to have a control in your hands is part of the future

Yes, because when I want to play a game I want with wave my hands around like an idiot. Kinect will be supplementary at best, even Microsoft's own E3 conference mentioned very little of it when they were discussing games, because they know gamers aren't interested. You know what works really well for playing games? A controller. Kinect might be useful for supplementary controls, like waving a squad to move forward, etc. (although you'd still look like a tool), but it shou;dn't be required, always on, an adding an extra $100 to the price of the console.

The console was very clearly designed with big corporations in mind, otherwise they wouldn't make people jump through hoops and pay a fee to play used games. When I actually played consoles, my friends and I would often borrow games from each other to play. Good luck doing that with Xbone.

Meanwhile. Sony assured people that they would never do such a thing, that you don't need an internet connection to play single player games (what a concept), and commitment to supporting indie developers.

As for online support, Live is better than PSN and the one area PSN+ will need to really work on.

With the current gen consoles I prefer the 360, but with this new gen, as of right now, and until Microsoft pulls their heads firmly out of their asses, my money's on the PS4.

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The always online bugs me a lot since when i was a kid i used to play PS2 on a portable DVD player on trips to hockey tournaments or wherever, i had just turned 12 when the PS3 came out so i've used that a lot on the road as well never had an issues. My little brother took the xbox 360 on a trip and it eats disks if it moves around. Talk about first impressions, i wonder if the new xboxs eat disks if you move them. Ive also found blurays to be more scratch resistant.

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No matter how much people hate Microsoft, they do build a competitive product that Kinect allows more people to play than the poorly designed for little hands only controllers. People can say they think the controllers are awesome, best ever, etc. Yet not everyone fits in the perfect little 5'8" world with medium size hands. If you really wanted to get interactive with your games the future will be Kinect versus WII controllers that got loose and broke your screen. :P

Over all I stand by my feeling and thought that this xmas will be good for both consoles and that the gaming world is going to move into new areas that allow new game designs / interaction that has not been done before.

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Will it be like how wrong EA was to make Simcity 5 always online?

Is that game still being played???? I thought it died years ago. :P Course I moved onto first person shooters and never did return to the peace. Kill them, Kill them all! :P

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Will it be like how wrong EA was to make Simcity 5 always online?

Is that game still being played???? I thought it died years ago. :P Course I moved onto first person shooters and never did return to the peace. Kill them, Kill them all! :P
>First Person Shooters on console



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PS4 or Xbox One, this is a battle no different than Apple versus Windows. The interfaces will be loved by some hated by others.

No, no, no, no, no, no. No. The main issue at hand is not an issue of who has "the better interface." Once again, have you actually read anything about the Xbox One? Honestly?

Any company who thinks they have the right to tell me how I can use any form of content I have purchased and legally own can go straight to hell. If I bought something, it's mine and I have the right to do whatever I want with it. If I want to go out and buy 50 copies of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 just so I can use the discs as drink coasters and the user manuals as toilet paper, then I can do that. I bought it, I legally own it, and it's my right to do so. If I have a used game that I've beaten once or twice and that I'm not very fond of, then -- once again, since I legally own the content -- I have the right to give it away, sell it, or trade it in for a game I do want. Argue that with me. Justify Microsoft is right here. If you do, you might as well just Sieg Heil the hell out of here.

The game publishers and Microsoft peons who have implemented this catastrophic DRM system into the XBone is like every CEO of every automaker in America waking up one day, getting on the phone, and saying to each other, "You know, used cars sales are a big pain in the company's ass. We'd really rake in the dough if we could implement some sort of restrictions on people buying, selling, and trading in used cars. Let's -- oh I don't know -- restrict infotainment capabilites and make the new buyer pay the full MSRP for that car if they want to buy it. I think this is a great idea that will really help up ramp up profits!" Any company who has the nerve to tell me what I can or cannot do with something I legally own needs to be bankrupted and sold to foriegn interests. They do not deserve the right to operate in a captalist economy.

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Will it be like how wrong EA was to make Simcity 5 always online?

Is that game still being played???? I thought it died years ago. :P Course I moved onto first person shooters and never did return to the peace. Kill them, Kill them all! :P

Clearly the reference was lost to you. Go look it up to see the relevance to the subject.

Will it be like how wrong EA was to make Simcity 5 always online?

Is that game still being played???? I thought it died years ago. :P Course I moved onto first person shooters and never did return to the peace. Kill them, Kill them all! :P
>First Person Shooters on console




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If I want to go out and buy 50 copies of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 just so I can use the discs as drink coasters and the user manuals as toilet paper, then I can do that. I bought it, I legally own it, and it's my right to do so. I

That sounds like the best use for Call of Duty.

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PS4 or Xbox One, this is a battle no different than Apple versus Windows. The interfaces will be loved by some hated by others.

No, no, no, no, no, no. No. The main issue at hand is not an issue of who has "the better interface." Once again, have you actually read anything about the Xbox One? Honestly?

Any company who thinks they have the right to tell me how I can use any form of content I have purchased and legally own can go straight to hell. If I bought something, it's mine and I have the right to do whatever I want with it. If I want to go out and buy 50 copies of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 just so I can use the discs as drink coasters and the user manuals as toilet paper, then I can do that. I bought it, I legally own it, and it's my right to do so. If I have a used game that I've beaten once or twice and that I'm not very fond of, then -- once again, since I legally own the content -- I have the right to give it away, sell it, or trade it in for a game I do want. Argue that with me. Justify Microsoft is right here. If you do, you might as well just Sieg Heil the hell out of here.

The game publishers and Microsoft peons who have implemented this catastrophic DRM system into the XBone is like every CEO of every automaker in America waking up one day, getting on the phone, and saying to each other, "You know, used cars sales are a big pain in the company's ass. We'd really rake in the dough if we could implement some sort of restrictions on people buying, selling, and trading in used cars. Let's -- oh I don't know -- restrict infotainment capabilites and make the new buyer pay the full MSRP for that car if they want to buy it. I think this is a great idea that will really help up ramp up profits!" Any company who has the nerve to tell me what I can or cannot do with something I legally own needs to be bankrupted and sold to foriegn interests. They do not deserve the right to operate in a captalist economy.

WOW, you have a Horse with Blinders approach, the Apple versus Microsoft is an analogy. I know this is bigger than an interface comparison. The ownership issue I understand, whether Sony or Microsoft's approach is correct will be shown in the market place. The on going study groups will also help Microsoft solidify their approach and they could and probably will change things between now and Xmas launch.

Nothing is written in stone and Microsoft is watching what people say and write about the Xbox One and Sony's PS4.

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That's great news! Now Microsoft actually stands a fighting chance, although removing the DRM hasn't left the Xbox One completely burr and splinter free. You still have to connect the console to the internet somehow at least once and some features that were DRM-dependent have been taken out.

The bigger question is, how much damage did they inflict on their image over these last few weeks before making the right decision?

I'd still like to have a PS4 over the Xbox because I'm not terribly fond of the Kinect interface and I don't like the Xbox's resource intensive OS, but at least now the console isn't a complete joke.

Edited by black-knight
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We'll they had to try and see how far they could push the control issue. They now see what the competition is doing and the response from the gamers and we now have a level playing field. Funny thing is that my friends who all work on this have been telling the marketing idiots since day one that the 24hr internet and control thing on games would fail and would not be well received and yet Marketing kept looking at what they believed was another pot of gold to keep people paying always for something.

Idiots never seem to learn that just like what has been posted here, people perceive that once they buy something, it is theirs to do with what they want and the companies will have to accept it.

Interesting read on the SimCity 5, thanks for bringing it to my attention, I am shocked companies think they can build a product, charge way to high a price and then still keep control and ownership of said product. That approach deserves to die.

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And that's why there was such a huge backlash against Microsoft to the point where they had no choice but to pull their heads out of their asses. Good for them for at least doing that, but they still made a PR nightmare for themselves that shouldn't have existed, and they should never have tried to do it in the first place.

What EA did with Simcity 5 is just further proof that EA is a bunch of ass grabbing butt monkeys.

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