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Did God Make Adam & Ocn?


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I am totally smitten by that little hottie, the Opel Adam, after seeing the Opel press photos and two videos showing the car in motion. The Chevrolet Spark is a hideous, cheap little POS compared to this sexy little guy. AND it's a 3-door!

tangent/You know, that's what the people voted for when they chose the Beat a few years ago in the GM contest asking people to choose among 3 Chevy minicar concepts. Then GM pulls an old-school "bait and switch" by bringing the 5-door Spark to production./tangent

Apparently the Adam is a bit shorter but wider than a MINI Cooper, with up to 99 horsepower out of a choice of three 4 cylinder engines.

I love the detailing on this car, especially around the roof. Makes the Fiat 500 look a bit inadequate, imo. The interior's nice, too.

But they won't bring it here and sell it out of a hip corner of a Buick showroom. Noooo... who buys MINI and Fiat? No one... right?

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I think I know why this Opel will end up a Buick and not a Chevy: MINI and FIAT are not known for being cheap. Chevy is known for being cheap/value (depending on your point of view). A subcompact Buick based on this car may be a good idea.

Now if only Adam Opel/vauxhall can be ditched on the cheap (in order to save GM for the incipient failure that is Europe). . . . .

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I think I know why this Opel will end up a Buick and not a Chevy: MINI and FIAT are not known for being cheap. Chevy is known for being cheap/value (depending on your point of view). A subcompact Buick based on this car may be a good idea.

Now if only Adam Opel/vauxhall can be ditched on the cheap (in order to save GM for the incipient failure that is Europe). . . . .

Yep. Unless they can sell the NG Corsa for MINI/500 prices in the US, and thus offer a larger and slightly more substantial car (though most likely way more mass-market-styled than this - BTW, I don 't like the ADAM's styling). The engine choice for this (at first at least) is ridiculous; they should have waited for the new 3-cyl and 4-cyl small engines and fitted a diesel in.

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This guys will be your new Buick. [They could call it the David? LOL!].

The car would do well here as a Buick as it would be priced in the Mini Range.If GM did not intend on bringing it they will with the sales of the 500 taking off.

While it is not my kind of car I do like how they came to a retro image while still using the present Opel lines. The two lines are much like the the other Opel and should look fine in person.

As I have read the new Spark was loved by review by MT and the only snipe was the stying was subjective. This car should provide a even better car at a little higher price point. I would price it even with the Fiat and just under the Mini. It would fill the market here well as people here so like small cute Hatches. Note the Cute is key to hatch sales.

I would give an option on the roof color.

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Roof color options if I were writing the book: body color, red, white, silver or black. I just love the way it evokes a vinyl top, with the bright reveal trim.

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I'd love to see it here. The Buick waterfall grille would need to be tweaked to be much less conservative looking if it were to appear on this car. I wouldn't buy it though (I like the 500 but the wheelbase is just a bit too short to be comfortable for long term ownership).

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The way I see it the 500 is a piece of crap but Fiat is going to make a ton of money with it. GM may as well just on the band wagon and make the money too. I feel they can do a better 500 with no issue.

I have said for a long time GM needed a Mini fighter.

The nice thing with Opel is it has the Retro look but does not carry the baggage of being based on a Retro design. This will give them freedom that Mini and Fiat struggle with. They need to expand what their cars are but they have to work in the box of keeping it retro enough so it retains the image. Opel or Buick would be free to create their own look while making it modern retro.

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What? How about Electra 225? Wildcat? Invicta? LeSabre? Century? Skylark? Skyhawk? Apollo? Centurion? Limited? Riviera? Super? Roadmaster? SPECIAL? :huh::lol:

How about something origina for once?

They call theirs the Adam we could call ours the David as In David Dunbar Buick. LOL! Just kidding.

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Original names are fine, as long as they aren't stupid-sounding.

BTW- are there any 'original' names left in autodom?

In that LeSabre & Electra were named after jets, maybe another jet nameplate?

This like the Verano are new cars to Buick and nothing in the past really applies here. There is no reason they can not come up with some kind of new name to apply here. The only issue with new names are the time and cost involved getting them registered.

Buick is trying to convince new buyers they have changed and that is hard to do when you slap an old lable on the car. Most of those who bought all the Lasabres in the 90's are no longer driving if they are even alive.

Just be happy Buick has stayed with names at this point. Letters and numbers are cheap to gain the rights for them.

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:P I'm not 42. I was born in '64. Thanks for the compliment though. ;)

Better fix your profile.

They say the difference between being Immature or being a A hole is age.

Now we know.

Now back to the topic.

Edited by hyperv6
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This like the Verano are new cars to Buick and nothing in the past really applies here. There is no reason they can not come up with some kind of new name to apply here. The only issue with new names are the time and cost involved getting them registered. Buick is trying to convince new buyers they have changed and that is hard to do when you slap an old lable on the car. Most of those who bought all the Lasabres in the 90's are no longer driving if they are even alive.

Made-up names don't convey much more than alpha-numerics, but it is good IMO that Buick has avoided A-Ns for the most part.

The real problem is not the process of registering a name- that is unchanged in our lifetimes. The issue is that there's not much left to choose from, hence things like 'Velite' & 'Verano'. What do you think these convey to Buick's sought-after new buyers (which, BTW, they have been acquiring for many years now).

THIS is where the time/money come in; clinics & polls, greatly expanded legal searching, just to invent something that sounds 'good'.

And if you read my post clearly, I did not advocate using a prior nameplate, but a new one in that same vein. Again- I'm not sure what's left from that pool, tho.

'Enclave & 'Encore' are terrible, tho.

My father bought LeSabres, in '89 & '90. Still doing very well & driving everyday. He's got a Lucerne now, and is only a tick above Buick's ABA.

Your disdain for heritage has caused you to overstate this greatly.

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This like the Verano are new cars to Buick and nothing in the past really applies here. There is no reason they can not come up with some kind of new name to apply here. The only issue with new names are the time and cost involved getting them registered. Buick is trying to convince new buyers they have changed and that is hard to do when you slap an old lable on the car. Most of those who bought all the Lasabres in the 90's are no longer driving if they are even alive.

Made-up names don't convey much more than alpha-numerics, but it is good IMO that Buick has avoided A-Ns for the most part.

The real problem is not the process of registering a name- that is unchanged in our lifetimes. The issue is that there's not much left to choose from, hence things like 'Velite' & 'Verano'. What do you think these convey to Buick's sought-after new buyers (which, BTW, they have been acquiring for many years now).

THIS is where the time/money come in; clinics & polls, greatly expanded legal searching, just to invent something that sounds 'good'.

And if you read my post clearly, I did not advocate using a prior nameplate, but a new one in that same vein. Again- I'm not sure what's left from that pool, tho.

'Enclave & 'Encore' are terrible, tho.

My father bought LeSabres, in '89 & '90. Still doing very well & driving everyday. He's got a Lucerne now, and is only a tick above Buick's ABA.

Your disdain for heritage has caused you to overstate this greatly.

I do not have a disdain for heritage when I see it as a positive.

This is what I see at Buick.

#1 They are going to cars like the Verano and hopefully the two other small Opel. They are unlike anything Buick has really offered so I think new names are in order. The past names really do not apply.

#2 Old names like Electra, Wildcat and Riviera would be fine as they have been off the market for a long enough time many buyers today would not relate them to the past 15 years easily. The Riv was a name that never got tarnished too much.

#3 Names like Lasabre are good names but need to sit out for while. I would have no issue with a new larger Buick coming back as Lucerne.

I just see it hard for a company to reinvent itself when they go to names that were used on cars that have reps for being old people cars with the non GM buyers. The fact is GM buyers will keep buying them no matter the name but it is the non traditional GM buyer that needs to be brought in with no preconceived ideas.

The bottom line is the new smaller Buicks need to bring in new younger buyers and I see new names being the key. We want them to come with an open mind.

I Also think the old names should be used wisely. Too often a good name is placed on a car and damaged. I think they need to use old names but make sure it really fits the car. I really would love to see the Wildcat come back but Buick has yet to make a car that would fit the image yet. One day I hope that changes.

So I really don't hate old names as I just look at who the division is trying to attract and will that name help or hurt. with a younger age group.

The Lacrosse whould have been an Invicta. It fit much better. As for Le Sabre it is too soon to bring back. While it was a good car and name for Buick it was not ment for the market they are trying to make gains in today.

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hyper, you're OK with me. My problem is, I get bored and my inner grammar policeman comes out when I read your posts. To me and others like me, a person's message is compromised when spelling and grammar errors punctuate the posts. But be clear on this: everyone can agree that you're a valued member of this forum. But enough of that.

I saw a comment on another internet forum advocating calling this car "David" if it were sold here as a Buick. None of the heritage names I rattled off above are appropriate for this car, and "Kadett" is a foreign spelling.

I'd love to see this handsome, premium small GM car sold here at a Buick store, but I have no idea what to call it. Whatever it would be called, I believe it would fit the Buick brand as we now know it, whether that is good or bad is up for further debate.

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This is what I see at Buick....

I must've lost you with "advocate". Let me restate: I did NOT suggest using prior nameplates.

The issue is that a LOT of the current general crop of made-up word/names carry no meaning, no image. I don't know if having an "open mind" matters when there's no image to process at all.

But there are still a few usable names out there that CAN convey an image, and a 'new' fresh one at that (I'm fairly amazed that 'Sonic' hadn't been used before now). My wondering was if there was anything left in the pool where LeSabre & Electra came from. They have dynamic sounds, and that (like 'Sonic') conveys something.

"David" is horrendous. Haven't seen anyone suggest "Dunbar", but that's awful, too. The other thing that absolute MUST DIE is the practice of self-limiting a brand to 1 or 2 beginning letters of the alphabet, as if coming up with invented words isn't hard enough already.

Names are not unimportant, but on a scale of 1-10 they rank about a '2' where product is the '10' and marketing (apart from name) ranks around '6-7'.

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This is what I see at Buick....

I must've lost you with "advocate". Let me restate: I did NOT suggest using prior nameplates.

The issue is that a LOT of the current general crop of made-up word/names carry no meaning, no image. I don't know if having an "open mind" matters when there's no image to process at all.

But there are still a few usable names out there that CAN convey an image, and a 'new' fresh one at that (I'm fairly amazed that 'Sonic' hadn't been used before now). My wondering was if there was anything left in the pool where LeSabre & Electra came from. They have dynamic sounds, and that (like 'Sonic') conveys something.

"David" is horrendous. Haven't seen anyone suggest "Dunbar", but that's awful, too. The other thing that absolute MUST DIE is the practice of self-limiting a brand to 1 or 2 beginning letters of the alphabet, as if coming up with invented words isn't hard enough already.

Names are not unimportant, but on a scale of 1-10 they rank about a '2' where product is the '10' and marketing (apart from name) ranks around '6-7'.

I fully understand you are ok with a new name for this car. No issue there. Just the same I not fully against an old name when used at the right time on the right product.

Too many times companies cop out to the easy or cheap way out on names and either go for a number or old name. I feel the same with respect to some retro styling. At times it is good others it is just a port excuse for originality. In the long and short there is a place for everything just picking the where and when is the hard part. Also the lack of originality is a issue in more than one area.

The David was just a joke as noted on my post. Not a good one but just a joke all the same.

But today we also should not read too much into a name. Just look at some of the best selling products in the world. Today it is the product and what it will do for you vs the name. In the paste you had to paint an image today people are right to the point and just want to know what the product will do for them.

Some of todays best selling products have simple and plain names. Just look at the electronics field alone. I phone, X Box. etc. Todays market is looking more at the product than image in many cases. That is how they sell so many Camrys as it is not on styling or name.

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Would be neat to see it here...but with GMNA's fear of hatchbacks I don't see it happening..


As a Chevy model or mid lux model for Buick, this would sell crazy here. I would buy one for my wife who wants some small american car like this for a school commuter now that she is back in college.

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What? How about Electra 225? Wildcat? Invicta? LeSabre? Century? Skylark? Skyhawk? Apollo? Centurion? Limited? Riviera? Super? Roadmaster? SPECIAL? :huh::lol:

Electra 225 would be very nice for this little hotty!

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hyper, you're OK with me. My problem is, I get bored and my inner grammar policeman comes out when I read your posts. To me and others like me, a person's message is compromised when spelling and grammar errors punctuate the posts. But be clear on this: everyone can agree that you're a valued member of this forum. But enough of that.

I saw a comment on another internet forum advocating calling this car "David" if it were sold here as a Buick. None of the heritage names I rattled off above are appropriate for this car, and "Kadett" is a foreign spelling.

I'd love to see this handsome, premium small GM car sold here at a Buick store, but I have no idea what to call it. Whatever it would be called, I believe it would fit the Buick brand as we now know it, whether that is good or bad is up for further debate.

I have no issue with you other than immature rude comments. Sorry for the typo's but I never claimed to be a top Typist and they happen. I am far from the only one here that makes them. It is what it is and if it bothers you that bad skip my post.

The fact is poor behavior and rude character compromise more than any mis typed post. How one treats others means more than anything else.

I am sorry it came to this but you just did not want to do it the easy way when I sent the PM the last time. As of now you know where things are and lets move on.

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I like Agile, not far from Opel's Agila (a Spark-like subcompact below the Corsa).

I too like Agile. Short simple sends a message.

That is as long as the car handle very well. I could see the comments if it was a poor handler. It would be like then Jeep intro'd the Compass and guess what was not included in the Compass?

Anyone take note of the bike rack that folds out of the rear bumper? Very nice detail along with the many tech features the younger people look for today.

If it does become a Buick I wonder how long till we see one with American flag on the roof?

With the coming CAFE I would not be suprised to see both this and the Astra GTC both here. This would add the youth products to Buick that would draw in people under 50.

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SIGH, when's the Buick coupe coming? Even a Verano in a proper coupe would be so stylish. Adam may be the apple of my eye in this thread, but a proper notchback coupe would really light my fire.

Pontiac's gone. Saturn's gone. And Oldsmobile. It is high time the remaining divisions expanded their lineups to fill some holes left with their demise.

"A car for every purse and purpose".

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Yes...the Astra CC would be nice to see here also.

Astra Convertible is going back to a soft top; no more Astra CC :AH-HA:

As the ADAM is concerned, maybe Buick could revive the old Buick Opel name? After all, Opel's founder name was Adam Opel, so it's just a matter of picking the other name :P

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Yes...the Astra CC would be nice to see here also.

Astra Convertible is going back to a soft top; no more Astra CC :AH-HA:

As the ADAM is concerned, maybe Buick could revive the old Buick Opel name? After all, Opel's founder name was Adam Opel, so it's just a matter of picking the other name :P

You want a Buick Eve??? :rofl:

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