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Rather large project......


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22 feet of project to be exact! :gitfunky:

I figured I needed a "more mature" motorhome so I picked this up- 48,000 original miles and a slightly warmed over 440, new tires, everything is actually great shape EXCEPT the last owner threw out the sofa and swivel chairs. :stupid: So I'm plugging away and making lists, but drivetrain will be the most important upgrade as far as I can tell....


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You never fail to make things interesting, CMG!

LOL I try!!! :D

I got three sets of Alpine speakers on boxing day and replaced the originals, the stereo is now modern and can even play.... CDs!!! haha

I am presently picking up.... *gasp* speed parts! It already has headers and a custom exhau$t, I've got strange plans.... ;)

Also looking for some aluminum dually mags for my new 16" dually radials that are on my other motorhome... I found some I like for $629 + shipping, which is pretty cheap.

Updates to come. LOL


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Cool..don't think I've ever seen a class C Travco...the rounded rear reminds me of the class A Travcos...back in the mid '70s, my folks had a Mobile Traveler 22 foot class C based on a '73 Dodge Tradesman van...had a 318 IIRC. After a couple years, they moved up to a 25 foot class A Southwind, powered by a 440. Spent a lot of time growing up on RV vacations...

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