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i'm thinking of getting a real smart phone in november... looking at pay as you go, picking up an S3, parlty because i've used it before.... with a price tag of ~$400. would anyone recommend something else?

I'd wait and see what the next Google Nexus device is like before making a purchase. It should launch in October. Rumours have it pegged for a 1080p display, 13MP camera and LTE. It'd be far more modern than the S3, with fast updates and a better UI.

sounds like a reason the S3 should drop in price again....i don't need bleeding edge...

But there's a good chance the Nexus 5 will cost the same as the S3, even after a price drop. Google sells the Nexus devices at barely any profit. For example, the Nexus 4 with 8GB was sold for $300 at launch.

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It's sold out forever. Google just cleared things out to make way for the Nexus 5.

However, the Nexus 4 is a good device. You'll probably find some unopened models on your local Craigslist or on eBay.

Still, I'd recommend waiting for the Nexus 5. It promises to be a very good phone.

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The instability I've observed w/ the 2 Android phones and tablet I've had (and my sister's phones and tablet) does concern me w/ Android in general, though..freezing, crashing, the screen going blank randomly, non-responsive apps, etc. The Apple products I've used just seem to work.

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The instability I've observed w/ the 2 Android phones and tablet I've had (and my sister's phones and tablet) does concern me w/ Android in general, though..freezing, crashing, the screen going blank randomly, non-responsive apps, etc. The Apple products I've used just seem to work.

I'm on my 3rd Android here and only on the first one did I have those problems, but it was a very early device. The second device was a great phone crippled by a horrible network. I've been very happy with my 3rd one and my tablet as well.

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ps. Careful with iOS 7! You can end up getting other people's text messages...

Your family members keep receiving iMessages/text messages that are meant for the other person

You and your family members must all have individual Apple IDs unless you want to keep receiving messages meant for the other.
If you and your family members are sharing the same Apple ID across multiple devices, every time you use iMessage to text the other person, whoever else is using that ID will also receive the same message.

To stop your kids from receiving messages meant for Dad and vice versa, they will need to set up their own Apple ID, or log in to iMessage using their phone number instead of a group email. The same goes for you and your significant other.

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The instability I've observed w/ the 2 Android phones and tablet I've had (and my sister's phones and tablet) does concern me w/ Android in general, though..freezing, crashing, the screen going blank randomly, non-responsive apps, etc. The Apple products I've used just seem to work.

I've been using Androids since the G1 Dream... on beta versions, stable versions and Cyanogen versions... freezing, crashing, etc. have been very rare. That said, I have only used Android on good phones... there are a lot of Androids out there that are designed to be bargain specials... and I steer clear of them.

My G1 still lives actually... Ran Froyo with it for a bit... then rolled back to 1.6.

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The instability I've observed w/ the 2 Android phones and tablet I've had (and my sister's phones and tablet) does concern me w/ Android in general, though..freezing, crashing, the screen going blank randomly, non-responsive apps, etc. The Apple products I've used just seem to work.

I've been using Androids since the G1 Dream... on beta versions, stable versions and Cyanogen versions... freezing, crashing, etc. have been very rare. That said, I have only used Android on good phones... there are a lot of Androids out there that are designed to be bargain specials... and I steer clear of them.

My G1 still lives actually... Ran Froyo with it for a bit... then rolled back to 1.6.

The G1 runs a pure Android experience, which is why you've had few issues.

Any issues with Android are typically the fault of brands like Samsung or HTC who put their own skins and software on top of the core OS, which causes a lot of issues.

For example, my Note 2 does have occasions where it heavily lags due to Samsung's TouchWiz software. My buddy's Note 2 which runs ParanoidAndroid, is amazingly quick, no matter what.

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The instability I've observed w/ the 2 Android phones and tablet I've had (and my sister's phones and tablet) does concern me w/ Android in general, though..freezing, crashing, the screen going blank randomly, non-responsive apps, etc. The Apple products I've used just seem to work.

I've been using Androids since the G1 Dream... on beta versions, stable versions and Cyanogen versions... freezing, crashing, etc. have been very rare. That said, I have only used Android on good phones... there are a lot of Androids out there that are designed to be bargain specials... and I steer clear of them.

My G1 still lives actually... Ran Froyo with it for a bit... then rolled back to 1.6.

The G1 runs a pure Android experience, which is why you've had few issues.

Any issues with Android are typically the fault of brands like Samsung or HTC who put their own skins and software on top of the core OS, which causes a lot of issues.

For example, my Note 2 does have occasions where it heavily lags due to Samsung's TouchWiz software. My buddy's Note 2 which runs ParanoidAndroid, is amazingly quick, no matter what.

So I've heard...our phones have been Motorola Droids (Droid 1, 2, 3 and Razr Maxx HD) (Verizon) and the tabbys Kindle Fire HDs (which run a forked version of Android 4.0).

Edited by Cubical-aka-Moltar
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Motorola's were notorious for their skinning with Motoblur, often raising the ire of reviewers and the general public. It's believed that Motoblur contributed to the company's massive decline in Android marketshare. For the past year, they've cleaned up their act and offer a fairly standard Android experience, albeit a couple versions behind the newest Google release.

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I just wish the phone companies would not screw with the consumer the way they do, seems the closer you get to the end of your contract the worse the phone works and they seem hell bent on NOT offering upgrades to the phones.

I wish Google would stop with their Open source customize crap for everyone as there are just way to many versions and you should be able to upgrade their OS just like Apple or MSFT. Not too thrilled with my Android Samsung Charge right now. I also Blame Samsung for not offering an update on the OS.

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Or get a Google Device with Google Software and it all works, no muss no fuss.

The problem is the carriers and the phone manufacturers putting bloat on there.

But that problem is also an advantage. It also means that I can customize my phone in an infinite number of ways.

and I still have a bigger dick screen.

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gee, get an apple device with Apple OS and apple software and it all just works without fuss. :)


Apple products suck IHO, their interface is not user friendly nor intuitive to me, I would rather have a windows phone before an Apple. I like the Android, just wish they were better about updates. Decided I am going to try a windows phone next. Apple will never get a cent out of me.

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I haven't used the maps much on ios7 yet. I recall being in San Francisco a while back w/ coworkers and one of my colleagues looked up a bar on his ios6 phone and it mapped into the middle of the bay. I found the bar just fine w/ Google maps on my Android phone. Will be in SF again next week for a conference, will have to test ios7 maps....

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  • 2 weeks later...

My work iPhone has been fine since updating w/ ios7..never seen a blue screen on an iPhone, thought that was a Windows exclusive.. :)

My Mac Book Pro has been crashy w/ the 'Gray Screen of Death' lately, but I've traced that to firewall settings changes from using sshuttle to do VPN tunneling when at client sites. The bigger annoyance lately is Chrome on the Mac, which routinely locks up and prevents any mouse or keyboard inputs...so I've quit using Chrome and sticking w/ Safari and Firefox.

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Windows Phone 8 is a cool OS, though I'd probably wait for the Nokia 1520 which is expected to have a four core CPU, and an HD resolution, plus a 6 inch screen. The 1020's camera is incredible but the 1520 will have a 21MP shooter.

But the Samsung is likely the more practical choice just because the app ecosystem is better. But Sammy's UI is pretty bad and you might be better off waiting a little bit for the Nexus 5 if you want Android.

If you don't need specific apps, the Nokia might be a fun pick.

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I bought NovaLauncher years ago as a replacement for SenseUI from HTC... I use that instead of Touchwiz now on my Samsung.

Eventually, I'm getting I'll root my phone and put stock Android on the phone instead.

I broke down and got Nova Launcher a couple weeks ago and it is an impressive piece of software. I even splurged on a nice icon pack. However, because I have a Note 2, some of the unique features of the phone are 'lost' with the new launcher. I guess I can't have everything.

But at least the navigation doesn't ask me to drive into an aircraft runway.

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I currently have a year old Samsung Galaxy S3. It's been a good phone, but not completely perfect. Once upon a time the phone decided it needed to reboot on its own and in doing so, decided that I would be better off with a clean slate and erased all of my info, pictures, music, etc. I've been a little soured since then (and not a fan of Verizon's back-up service that rarely works). Other than that little quibble and little glitches in Samsung's software (I've been using Go Launcher as a free alternative to Touchwiz), it's been okay. I have noticed it likes to consume 80% of my RAM consistantly, as well, and no amount of clearing processes through a task manager (I use Clean Master) seems to have a lasting effect without restarting the phone. What I would like to change the most about my phone is something that could have been implemented from the start: The quad-core processor they neglected to give to the U.S. market S3's. Perhaps it could have kept up with Samsung's suffocation software.

While I am no fan of Apple, they do know how to deliver a consistent product that always works fluidly (just don't ask it to Navigate). Despite having 1GB less memory and only a dual-core processor, the iPhone 5 manages a higher CPUmark rating than any Android phone while the Android phones score higher on the Passmark rating of the overall system. I haven't seem what the ratings are for the iPhone 5s, however, so that may change.

I'm sure Google could deliver an equally as consistent and fluid product if they built an entire Android phone themselves rather than outsourcing to various manufacturers for their Nexus line. Google could even do better in the market it already owns if they limited how much a vendor or manufacturer could mess with the pure Android experience, but that would also hinder the appeal in Android's vast options for customization. Course, now that Google acquired Motorola, we may very see that. The Moto X is already a good start.

Oh, and for that it's worth, I like the Windows 8 phone software. What I don't like is the complete lack of apps that doesn't seem to have changed much in over a year now. That and no Windows phone has been a truly well-designed phone as of yet. Nokia has something with their Lumia line, but their much too bulky. The 1020's is clearly understandable through with its massive camera.

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I expect Motorola to change the way Android phones are marketed. There isn't a model of theirs out now that I'd want, but if Google makes the right changes there, they could be on the list next time.

As far as backing up pics, I put dropbox on my phone and have the pictures automatically upload when I'm on wifi.

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I am so loving the size of the Nokia 1520


Phucking Phablets.

Why not put the phone software in Surface Pro use it as a phone? Better yet, use the Dell Precision 6700 - the Russian military tank.

I realize that most people fit the So called US average of 5' 8" tall. As such, existing phones are just fine, yet for me at 6'6" tall I have large hands and in playing piano, cover 14 key reach. So up until now 100% of phones are always too small, I hit multiple buttons and it has been hell to use a cell phone. With these Phablets as they are called and you point out, for us with large hands, these are much better and work great. Plus there are many who actually like this 5-6" size phones. :D

I do appreciate your sarcasm, :P

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Me and my wife have had our new iPhone 5C's almost a week now. Wanted the 5s badly but none were in stock and she needed her new phone, and BBY had extra 50 bucks off. Hard to justify the extra 150 bucks ea for the 5s in this case.

Anyways, both love the new phones. FAST, great battery. ios7 takes getting used to, so still learning that.

My biggest beef is the size. That's right, the physical size is too big in comparison to the 3gs. 3gs fell perfect to the hand in every way, with the slight contour. The 5c don't get me wrong, feels very good. But the flat back and the fact that there is occasionally things you need to do with the second hand is kind of annoying at times, or you have to shift and move the phone a bit to reach something that your thumb could easily hit anywhere on screen on the 3gs. Home button in relationship to the rest of the case and screen on the 5c feels a bit too low. I am sure I will get used to the difference in more time.

If the shell of the phone were less tall and a bit wider and had some slight contour in the backing, with the same height screen and a little more width in the screen I think we'd be on to something. I can not for the likes of me get how people can use something larger one handed or where the home button is way down at the bottom of the phone. I hate having to use a phone device with 2 hands.

Wanted a green phone but my wife made some snide comment last minute about dudes and a green phone. So I choked and got a white one (all my past apple stuff was white). Now I am sort of ok sticking with white and the black case. Hers is blue with the blue case and it looks kind of kiddish already. The Apple case is so thin and narrow, I might get a different case later that is a bit thicker and wider.

Really wanted the 5s but when its not in stock, not much you can do. 5s is a beautiful piece.

Edited by regfootball
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As far as the larger phones and phablets,

I think for someone who uses a phablet as a PDA more than as a phone, it makes sense. If you use bluetooth for phone mostly and seldom put it to your head, then it really is just a PDA with a bluetooth connection. But seriously, why not just get a separate tablet at some point? It is cost effective to just pay for the one device connection.

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Speaking of Motorola, the Moto X is a nifty piece of kit. It doesn't really compete with the high-end smart phones, but it does have some interesting features, lots of appearance customization if you're into that sort of thing, and it's the first smart phone to be made in the USA.

The Nokia Lumia 1020 really has my attention for its powerful camera, although I'm not really big on Windows Phone.

Speaking of powerful phone cameras, the Galaxy S4 Zoom is a really cool concept, having an optical zoom and a body reminiscent of a slimmed-down point and shoot. However, like a lot of Samsung's clever ideas, the don't seem to follow through on every aspect to make it a complete and compelling package. The screen is only quarter HD, big step down from the S4's full HD screen, its got a dual core processor VS the S4s quad core, and runs 4.2 vs 4.3 (although I can't complain too much on that front, my phone is running 2.2!).

That all said, I'm sticking with Virgin Mobile for the foreseeable future because its plans fit my needs perfectly. VM's phone choices have gotten much better in recent years, although they are about a generation behind the latest tech. (they offer the S3 and S2 but not the S4). The one exception is that they do offer the iPhone 5S and 5C as well as the 5 and 4.

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I've had the Droid DNA by HTC for about 6 months or so, it's been a good phone aside from the battery life which could be better, but thats a minor gripe. Overall it performs well, the screen is big and responsive and very clear.

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  • 1 year later...

I have a home phone and an old-fashioned cell phone and never thought of owning a smart phone because I prefer the simple things in life. Just this week I was surprised with a Blackberry, now i'll have to go back to school on that one, LOL.

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I've had a personal iPhone 5S for about a year now since my Motorola Droid Razr bit the dust.  The Droid had been flaky for a while--it was periodically locking up and the mute/speaker functionality worked intermittently.  One night last spring, Verizon ads started autoplaying while I was sleeping, couldn't get the volume to go down, so I threw it against a wall--cracked the screen...I then smashed it into small pieces with a hammer (it was too big to fit in my shredder). No more Android junk for me.


  I've been happy w/ the 5S though the battery life could be better.  Got a year to go on the contract, will probably get an iPhone 6 or whatever their latest model is then.

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I have a Galaxy S4 and as of today, I'm 30 days away from being able to upgrade it.   The trouble? There are no phones out there that appeal to me enough to get me to spring the $200 to upgrade.  My S4 does everything I ask of it and the new OS should be out shortly.  The Nexus 6 and Galaxy S6, the only two options I see for me, haven't done enough to convince me I need to change.


Albert is on an iPhone 5 and he's the same with the fruit products.


The only thing that interests me in wireless right now is Google Fi and mostly because I could roam anywhere in the EU, Canada, AU, or Mexico with my phone and not pay roaming charges.  That would necessitate a change of phones and might be my eventual reason for switching out my S4. 

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