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This joke is sort of 2013 in its punch, but it will probably always have some relevancy, relatively speaking ...

Q:  An Italian, a Spaniard, and a Greek go to a bar. Who picks up the tab?

A:  A German.

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1 hour ago, trinacriabob said:

This joke is sort of 2013 in its punch, but it will probably always have some relevancy, relatively speaking ...

Q:  An Italian, a Spaniard, and a Greek go to a bar. Who picks up the tab?

A:  A German.


Problem is...

The Spaniard and the Italian had some sort of ties  with the German in the past...

The Greek, not so much...

Related image


I would laugh at that "joke" if it werent for this...

Related image

Image result for Nazis at the Acropolis


If Germany would actually pay Greece for all that above, plus all that Germany did during the first one in 1914...then Id have pity for Germany...

And dont get me started with Greece's other European "allies" either...



Edited by oldshurst442
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8 hours ago, oldshurst442 said:


Problem is...

The Spaniard and the Italian had some sort of ties  with the German in the past...

The Greek, not so much...


Currently, millennials in Italy have forgotten what the sentiment toward Germans was like in the 50s and around there.  Time, globalization, and the internet have smoothed over some of those dynamics and the differences, not to mention the fact that the EU has allowed many folks to move to other European countries more effortlessly.

At the time you refer to, the average Italian on the street was blindsided that they would be allied with the Germans in a war they did not support.  For people from that generation, the attitudes toward Germans were not exactly positive.  My parents were young and remember the bombs that the Allies were dropping on the countryside as a result of who their country was in bed with.  Sicilians felt liberated when the Allies finally stormed through and had essentially taken back the island, as depicted in the epic film "Patton."

The joke, as I'm sure you know, has to do with Germany's Angela Merkel era and the countries in southern Europe whose economies have teetered the most during this last global recession.  But it was a joke limited only to the current era ... on a joke thread.

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1 hour ago, trinacriabob said:

Currently, millennials in Italy have forgotten what the sentiment toward Germans was like in the 50s and around there.  Time, globalization, and the internet have smoothed over some of those dynamics and the differences, not to mention the fact that the EU has allowed many folks to move to other European countries more effortlessly.

At the time you refer to, the average Italian on the street was blindsided that they would be allied with the Germans in a war they did not support.  For people from that generation, the attitudes toward Germans were not exactly positive.  My parents were young and remember the bombs that the Allies were dropping on the countryside as a result of who their country was in bed with.  Sicilians felt liberated when the Allies finally stormed through and had essentially taken back the island, as depicted in the epic film "Patton."

The joke, as I'm sure you know, has to do with Germany's Angela Merkel era and the countries in southern Europe whose economies have teetered the most during this last global recession.  But it was a joke limited only to the current era ... on a joke thread.

I understand that fully...

problem is...young Greeks dont forget...

Yes its a joke in a...joke thread...

But like I told you...






Germany returns 10,600 pieces of Greek history, stolen during WWII

Jun, 19 2014 Author: newsroom

This is the second batch of ancient artifacts being returned to Greece in the last two weeks

After 73 years, thousands of Neolithic pottery fragments that were illegally excavated and transferred to Germany during World War II return to Greece. Among them are 10,600 fragments of clay vessels, stone artifacts, and osteological material that were unearthed during excavations carried out between June and December 1941 by the Nazi occupation forces.




And that is just with the looting...the bombing of infrastructure, the Greek POWs, the strain the Allies and the Germans put on our national identity pitting us against each other with the communist accusations and the like...

Oh...it seems like young Italian millennials have NOT forggotten either...



1 comment was made on that  article, from an Italian...

rocco flavioni  4 years ago

wow. what can one say!! the germans and their proverbial magnanimity (cough, cough)....returning what was stolen. but let's not forget the greek government, and it's shameless tactics. resorting to cheap photo-ops to cover its complete and utter incompetence on issues that really matter. disgracefully bowing down before their german masters...now that's what i call solid and proud foreign policy on the part of the greek leaders...




  • He dont seem too happy with the Greek government on how the Greek Government is handling the issues...Im guessing he sees Italy's economical affairs in the same way...you know...the heavy austerity measures taken by the EU (Germany) and the poor Greeks and Italian civilians paying for German arrogance...By the way
  • What is this doing at the Louvre?
  • Résultats de recherche d'images pour « venus de milo louvre »
  • And why havent these been returned to Greece?
  • Résultats de recherche d'images pour « Elgin Marbles »
  • And the Brits call these arrogantly the "Elgin marbles"
  • Greece owes billions to the EU because Greece is socialist? Because Greeks are lazy? 
  • Yeah...real funny joke. 
  • Now...I dont get riled up on politics or on jokes involving political shyte, I laugh...but, I dont see where the joke is in this.  Nazi Germany and MODERN Germany has really put the strangle hold on Europe, even France has felt that choke hold, Britain left the EU...BREXIT (mistake on their part or not), its telling that that joke really is not a joke, but a propaganda tool meant to silence the people that are pissed off...
  • And you, being Italian, I wouldnt be making that kinda joke either.  Germany has phoqued Italy plenty of times...
  • It took the GREEKS during the end of the war to protect you in Greece from the Nazis!!! 
  • So...without this going deeper into poitics, I assure you that the "joke" you tried to tell, well, reality of it all is that Germany is the one that OWES billions to Italy, Spain and Greece for not playing fair...
  • All the VW, Audi and Mercedes plants, Siemens and the like are all in Germany...Opel too. You know, formelly known by General Motors.
  • Spain has VW owed SEAT that builds cars in Spain while Italy has its own automotive manufacturing. Greece relies heavily on olive oil and feta cheese. And tourism. And when the EU decides to buy these products on the low side of the price scale, you know, for the good of the EU, for Germans to eat, and when the economic bubble burst and Europeans and North Americans cease to travel, the billions that Greece makes from tourism is all but gone, and the billions that is owed to German banks for the Olympics and the infrastructure improvementfor Greece to host the millions of tourists...well, Greece gets into a funk...and Germany wants its money...through hell and high water...Germany wants its money. Germany wants to bleed the Greeks dry! Its not enough the looted her, bombed her, now they want all her money and treasure and bl;ood!
  • But Im supposed to sit here and laugh?  Because its a joke, right?

    Edited by oldshurst442
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    For what it's worth, I laugh at almost all jokes, including almost all jokes made about Italians.  Sometimes, it's more about the irony, sarcasm, stereotyping, fatalism, and drawing of parallels that overrides the facts.

    Q:  Why do most men die before their wives?

    A:  They want to.

    Anyone have any other jokes?

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    In my ode to jokes a few posts up, I forgot to add the creativity factor.  I'm laughing at the outlandish thinking process that even led to the creation of these jokes. 

    When we were teens, we had (inside) acronyms for everything.  Some of them were pretty funny.  They went great with Big Boy burgers, fries, a Coke, and a side of zits!

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    7 hours ago, trinacriabob said:

    For what it's worth, I laugh at almost all jokes, including almost all jokes made about Italians.  Sometimes, it's more about the irony, sarcasm, stereotyping, fatalism, and drawing of parallels that overrides the facts.

    For what its worth, I have a huuuuge sense of humour.

    Problem is...ONE MORE TIME...

    That THAT was NOT a joke.

    Its distorted reality.

    Its what your POTUS calls #fakenews.

    You talked about your parents feeling the ALLIED bombs...

    MY mom's mother had to feed German soldiers in her home...

    But THAT was 70 some odd years ago...


    Two different men...GREEK men...in Greece...

    I wouldnt be dismissing this...I wouldnt be all sooo phoquing snug about how YOU got a sense of humour and I dont! 

    Why am UI taking this this far?

    Well...A simple Im sorry would actually would do.  A simple I did not know how you felt about this would be suffice.

    A little EMPATHY and COMPASSION about how phoquing severe austerity measures in Europe actually are...

    A little phoquing research would go along way instead of relying on your POTUS' own words #fakenews...

    From Italy, albeit not as instense as in Greece...


    From Spain

    Just as intense



    And yes...when the punchline is that Germany picks up the tab, because Italy and Spain and Greece are the punching bags...yeah...it pissed me off...knowing that GERMANY IS A HUUUUUUUGE REASON FOR THE DOWNFALL... Sure  there was corruption in all three countries to which led to billions of dollars being pissed out the window...the corruption of the German money machine is far far worse...

    So...nada on that being a joke...

    We live in the USA and in Canada where all that did NOT affect us...

    Let's put it this way...something that hits you home...RECENTLY (because OBVIOUSLY YOU FORGOT HOW BAD IT WAS IN AMERICA WHEN THAT VERY SAME BUBBLE BURST HERE!!!!)


    Image result for laura ingraham


    Make a joke about that!!!

    When there has been people hurt from the joke you are about to crack...


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    I put a damper on things, didnt I?  


    That last thing I said... was meant in jest...as in if you have an ounce of a sense of humour, you would appreciate the ironic and sarcastic twist I just did...  


    So...if it seems like Im angry...I AM NOT!

    Just  trying to enlighten some of you...that while joking around is fun...we must tread very carefully on how we approach said humour. Sometimes...the jokes do hurt. 



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    Olds, without meaning to be negative also I think people need to think about how they see Greece. LOTS of anti Greek sentiment about. One of my friends recently referred to Greece as a 'white version of Haiti." Greek shaming is a very real issue, and I don't think being concerned about that is irrational.

    That being said, my ancestors part of them (biologically) came from Poland. I love jokes about Polish people.  Let the humor begin!

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    I once joked to one of my aviation buddies about the Polish building a diesel powered fighter aircraft that was dog slow...only to be informed the Polish did just that at one point.

    27 minutes ago, Scout said:

    Dumb polish inventions,


    Inflatable dart board

    Screen door s on submarine

    Ejector seats in helicopter

    Self deflating toys, Self washing ships, pilots that always have a fresh haircut.  What is not to love about any of this.

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    1 hour ago, A Horse With No Name said:

    I once joked to one of my aviation buddies about the Polish building a diesel powered fighter aircraft that was dog slow...only to be informed the Polish did just that at one point.

    Self deflating toys, Self washing ships, pilots that always have a fresh haircut.  What is not to love about any of this.

    If you are thin skinned or take things personally I guess there could be a problem. However these are is jest and I'll tell anyone offended to go bleep themselves. 

    I'm not then skinned, easily offended, or politically correct. It would be very difficult to offend me.

    There are jokes that I have heard that I will not share here because it is not the appropriate venue.


    However there are jokes that are just plain racist and don't have a place anywhere. I think we all  know the difference between in jest and unappropriate. 

    It's no different than a joke you would tell in your circle of friends versus a joke you would tell at the company office party.

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    Once a priest asks a rabbi: "Tell me the truth: you never tasted bacon, not even once?"

    The rabbi says: "Well once, when I was young I was curious, I tried it once, yes it was delicious"

    Than rabbi asks priest: "Tell me the truth: you never had sex with a women, not even once?"

    The priests answers: "Well once, when I was young I was curious I spent a night with a woman."

    The rabbi than says: "No comparison to bacon isn't it?"


    Once a rabbi and a priest find a bag full of money.  They split the money and discuss what to do with it.

    The priest says: "I will donate all my share to the Catholic church to serve God"

    The rabbi says: "I will make a pact with God, I will throw all the money in the air, whatever he wants he will take, the rest will be for me"

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    A physicist, an engineer and a programmer were in a car driving over a steep alpine pass when the brakes failed. The car was getting faster and faster, they were struggling to get round the corners and once or twice only the feeble crash barrier saved them from crashing down the side of the mountain. They were sure they were all going to die, when suddenly they spotted an escape lane. They pulled into the escape lane, and came safely to a halt.

    The physicist said "We need to model the friction in the brake pads and the resultant temperature rise, see if we can work out why they failed".

    The engineer said "I think I've got a few spanners in the back. I'll take a look and see if I can work out what's wrong".

    The programmer said "Why don't we get going again and see if it's reproducible?"



    A guy is standing on the corner of the street smoking one cigarette after another. A lady walking by notices him and says
    "Hey, don't you know that those things can kill you? I mean, didn't you see the giant warning on the box?!"
    "That's OK" says the guy, puffing casually "I'm a computer programmer"
    "So? What's that got to do with anything?"
    "We don't care about warnings. We only care about errors."

    Edited by Cubical-aka-Moltar
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    Three engineering students were gathered together discussing the possible designers of the human body. One said, "It was a mechanical engineer. Just look at all the joints." Another said, "No, it was an electrical engineer. The nervous system has many thousands of electrical connections." The last said, "Actually it was a civil engineer. Who else would run a toxic waste pipeline through a recreational area?


    Before studying engineering, if someone asked me what 1+1 is, I would have said "2."

    Now, I'd say "I'm pretty sure it's 2, but we'd better make it 3 just to be safe."


    How many nuclear engineers does it take to change a lightbulb?
    Seven. One to install the new bulb and six to figure out what to do with the old one for the next 10,000 years.

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    An oldie but a goodie:

    A software engineer, a hardware designer and Bill Gates are driving in car on the freeway. Suddenly the car breaks down, the engine stops. The software engineer says: “I think that car ran out if gas. Let’s walk to the nearest gas station and get some gas, put it in the car and then it will start again.” The hardware designer says: “I think the muffler broke off, let’s fix it and then we can go on. “ Bill Gates says: “I’m not sure what the problem is but let’s close all the windows, and then try restarting.”

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    Cleaning is like gambling. You might do okay for a while, but in the long run, the house always wins.

    The victim, identified as one William Edwin Coyote, has no known next of kin and will be buried in an acme crate per his will.


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    My opinion of Greece has not changed.  I have been there and liked it.  I would have liked to spend more time in Athens.  Athens does not have a beach.  The city is about 10 to 15 miles inland from Glyfada and other coastal towns near the old international airport.  Since I last went, the Metro into the new international airport has been completed, so it's just one line into the center of Athens.  Like most people who do Greece and a few islands, those islands were of the Cyclades chain (think dry, sparsely vegetated, and windmills).  I want to see Adriatic Greece, meaning Corfu (Kerkyra), Zakynthos, et. al.



    Speaking of the islands, many have more than one name.  The residents of Lesbos/Lesvos got testy once when they were being referred to as Lesbians.  There was nothing incorrect about that.  However, they are also known as the island of Mytilini (sp.).  They could just as easily be Mytilinians.

    I don't know many Polish jokes and I only remember one.

    Q:  How does a Polish guy take a shower?

    A:  He pees against the wind.

    There are a lot more Italian jokes floating around out there.  Bring them on!

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    59 minutes ago, trinacriabob said:

    My opinion of Greece has not changed.  I have been there and liked it.  I would have liked to spend more time in Athens.  Athens does not have a beach.  The city is about 10 to 15 miles inland from Glyfada and other coastal towns near the old international airport.  Since I last went, the Metro into the new international airport has been completed, so it's just one line into the center of Athens.  Like most people who do Greece and a few islands, those islands were of the Cyclades chain (think dry, sparsely vegetated, and windmills).  I want to see Adriatic Greece, meaning Corfu (Kerkyra), Zakynthos, et. al.



    Speaking of the islands, many have more than one name.  The residents of Lesbos/Lesvos got testy once when they were being referred to as Lesbians.  There was nothing incorrect about that.  However, they are also known as the island of Mytilini (sp.).  They could just as easily be Mytilinians.



    Not the Adriatic sea....That would be North...

    Ionion sea...that would be South. Greek waters. Ionian sea. 

    And yes...Zakynthos. My dad was born in Montreal. My grandfather, his dad, was born in Zakynthos. Ive never been to that beack. Navagio. My mom comes from the neighboring Island...Kephalonia.  Both my mom's parents were born in Kephalonia. 

    Image result for captain corelli mandolin

    I recommend the movie... GOOD movie. 

    True story. Most of the love story is true. My family knew the family starring in the movie.  

    The movie itself, a couple of my friends are in it as extras. They visit Kephalonia on a yearly basis. I got a family house their too. Its in disarray  as my aunts and uncles are squabbling in the division of my grand-parents lands, including the house. Nobody seems to want to renovate it either.  

    My grandmother from my dad's side comes from Ithaca. Yes...Odysseus' Ithaca. Many historians now believe that Ithaca actually refers to Kephalonia and Ithaca too.  Zakynthos, Ithaca and Kephalonia are side by side by side. They are close together. A swim away. 

    And yes...there are several beaches in Athens.  Around Athens is more accurate. A short drive away. Vouliagmeni  is one. Ive been to it just once in my life. I dont really remember it.   

    Many Italians visit Corfu. Brindisi. The port city of Brindisi has a direct boat ride to Corfu if Im not mistaken.  Ive never been to Corfu. 

    My wife's lineage...My father-n-law comes from Sparta. Ive never been. But Ive been to the Corinth Canal, duh...and Ive been to Olympia on the Peloponnese.  My wife's momma comes from Rhodes. Which on our honeymoon, we went. We also went to Santorini and Mykonos and Turkey. Ephesus. I also took her to Kephalonia and introduced her to the literally crazy Kephalonians that inhabit this beautiful but chemically imbalanced island. I got lots of family and friends still living or vacationing there. 

    Ive gone to Greece countless of times. Zakynthos and Kephalonia is where I spent many a summers...mainly Kephalonia. 

    This year, finally, we as a family are going back to Greece. We are gonna introduce our kids to where our ancestors come from. 2 weeks. Only on the Aegean side. Rhodes, Mykonos, Santorini and Crete.  It will be the wife's and my first time in Crete. Knossos we will visit. 

    Thank-You for extending the olive branch.  I appreciate it! 

    I have a 1st world problem as I am excited to go to Greece this year. I am also not! 

    As Ive been to Greece many times, was even baptised there. In Kephalonia. Agios Gerasimos chapel. The patron Saint of Kephalonia. I now am ready to see the world. Ive been to Boston many times. When a summer was not going to Greece, it was going to Boston. Ive been to NYC 3-4 times. I LOVE New York! I have been to Toronto. Just once. Barely. And that is it. 

    I WANT to see Italy. All of Italy. Just like Greece.  Italy has many different regions that are awesome and historical and not one region is the same. You cant go to Italy and just see the Colosseum. One HAS to go to Naples, Florence, Venice, Toscanna, Sicily...which many Greek descendants happen to be there. Many Ancient Greek architecture and temples are present. It is said that Sicily is the Island of the cyclops...

    Im a car guy...HELLO...FERRARI headquarters. 

    HELLO...the Stelvio Pass. 

    I played video games...HELLO, the Amalfi coast

    I want to see London...the one in England, NOT the one in Ontario, Canada.  

    Paris. North of France. The South of France...Oh...the South of France...Anything that is on the Mediterranean I want to see. Spain. Italy, Egypt, Syria Jordan, Palestine, Israel...Yes...the last four countries too.  Obviuosly on better economical and peaceful times!!! 

    Hungary, Germany, Poland, Austria, Ireland, Scotland, The Netherlands, Finalnd, Sweden, Denmark. 

    China...all of China, Japan, Australia.

    THE UNTIED STATES of America....other than Boston and NYC.   CALIFORNIA. ALL OF CALIFORNA. NoCal, SoCal.  Hollywierd. San Fran. Malibu, Venice...the Santa Monica Pier... see those big redwoods and sequoias...Death Valley...Tijuana Mexico right after I see San Diego!!!

    The OLD WEST. To see the history of Billy the Kid, the James Gang, the Earps..all those old Western Frontier towns starting in Colorado and head out west...west of the Pacos...

    But...Greece it will be. Not Maui or the French Polynesian Islands or Jamaica...

    At least Greece's beaches compare to Maui, the French Polynesian Islands and the Caribbean!  

    Classic Greek movie. Classic Greek song . The song talking about...JAMAICA!  How, they would get the little fishing boats ready to go fishing...far far away  as far aways as Jamaica.  Singing and dancing and drinking their wine with their girl...(more than girlfriend but not quite wife yet, but one day.) 








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    Greece and more of Italy (I've been twice) are on my future vacation list.  My sister took a vacation in Greece and Turkey some years ago, said she enjoyed the islands she visited on the cruise portion of the vacation--Santorini and a couple others, IIRC.

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    1 hour ago, ocnblu said:

    So now we are being encouraged to drop everything and partake in some Greek love.

    Come on, you love a good love fest! :P Enough love to go around, Greek, Italian, American, German, Asian, Love the world over! :D 

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    On 4/7/2018 at 8:59 AM, Cubical-aka-Moltar said:

    I think I need a gyro, pita and hummus, grape leaves, baklava. 

    As far as jokes, most of the ethnic jokes about my ethnicity seem to involve consumption of copious quantities of alcohol.  

    I always need a gyro.

    Regarding copious amounts of alcohol, I'm thinking this could be to the left side or right side, per the map, of the Irish Sea.  Or it could be near the North Sea.  If it's on the right side of the Irish Sea, per the map, most of the jokes I hear are about bad teeth.

    Joke ...

    Q:  You go to an airplane manufacturer's delivery area.  How do you know which aircraft was built for the Italians?

    A:  It has hair under its wings.

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    1 minute ago, trinacriabob said:

    I always need a gyro.

    Regarding copious amounts of alcohol, I'm thinking this could be to the left side or right side, per the map, of the Irish Sea.  Or it could be near the North Sea.  If it's on the right side of the Irish Sea, per the map, most of the jokes I hear are about bad teeth.


    Ya, Irish Sea and North Sea...most of my ancestors are from Yorkshire, the Scottish Highlands, and Ireland.   Though there are some from Alsace and Vaud as well.

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    If someone wants to see a great foreign flick (bittersweet comedy/drama) about the Greek islands, check out "Mediterraneo."  It is of 1993+/- vintage.  It may have won Best Foreign film in its year.  I recall that it was subtitled, being a product of Italy.  It sure has some kinky and strange subplots, but remains firmly PG.

    I've seen it more than once.  However, it was the funniest the first time around.  Like singer Sade' says, "It's never as good as the first time."  That casts a broad net!

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    • 3 weeks later...
    On 4/5/2018 at 10:05 AM, Cubical-aka-Moltar said:

    An oldie but a goodie:

    A software engineer, a hardware designer and Bill Gates are driving in car on the freeway. Suddenly the car breaks down, the engine stops. The software engineer says: “I think that car ran out if gas. Let’s walk to the nearest gas station and get some gas, put it in the car and then it will start again.” The hardware designer says: “I think the muffler broke off, let’s fix it and then we can go on. “ Bill Gates says: “I’m not sure what the problem is but let’s close all the windows, and then try restarting.”

    I can't believe I once saw Bill and Melinda Gates driving on the freeway.  It was on I-5 northbound, traveling down the "Southcenter Hill," as it's called, and just south of Seattle's city limit.  They were in a late model, larger black Mercedes.  This was in the 2000s.

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