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O.K., there seems to be a large number of gay people that read this forum, and I was wondering if this Dodge Caliber ad is offensive to you? What do the straight people think? :

First watch the commercial, if you haven't seen it (I hope this link still works, as my company firewall now blocks youtube.com):


Then read this Detroit News article, and let me know if think these people are reading too much into the ad:


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Posted (edited)

Here we go again...........flame city!

Silly little fairy cracks me up and is aimed at a FAIRY, you know, the tinkerbell kind. Leave it up to a bunch of over-sensitive minorities to find some kind of offense in a funny commercial. Yes, gays are just another over-sensitive minority.

So they turned the guy into an effeminate homosexual stereotype, it is gays who created that stereotype. Ever watch queer eye? They don't sound too butch to me! Ever been to San Francisco (My company is headquartered there)? Meet a whole bunch of effeminate homosexual stereotypes out there. In other words, how can gays be offended when the world portrays them as they portray themselves?

I wish everyone would just worry about their own lives and stop trying to control everyone else's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by funkypunnk

It doesn't really offend me and I do think it is amusing. I get the point of the ad and it is clever the way it plays off its 'cute' Neon predecessor. However, I also have to add that when I see it, there's a little something in me does get tweaked in a negative way.

The first time I saw it I immediately thought, "Oh boy, this is going to get a reaction." It made me wonder why they didn't do something to avoid the potential controversy like refer to the 'fairy' as a 'pixie' and instead of turning the guy into what could easily be considered a stereotype, they could have made him look like a clown or something. I think the meaning of the ad would have been the same but it would have sidestepped the issue.

  funkypunnk said:

Here we go again...........flame city!

Silly little fairy cracks me up and is aimed at a FAIRY, you know, the tinkerbell kind. Leave it up to a bunch of over-sensitive minorities to find some kind of offense in a funny commercial. Yes, gays are just another over-sensitive minority.

So they turned the guy into an effeminate homosexual stereotype, it is gays who created that stereotype. Ever watch queer eye? They don't sound too butch to me! Ever been to San Francisco (My company is headquartered there)? Meet a whole bunch of effeminate homosexual stereotypes out there. In other words, how can gays be offended when the world portrays them as they protray themselves?

I wish everyone would just worry about their own lives and stop trying to control evryone else's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get OVER yourself.....

Gays are not an "over-sensitive minority..."

There's a minority of gay people that are over-sensitive......

BIG difference....

And, for the record, I could care less about the Caliber commercial.....it's probably pretty funny (I haven't seen it, but heard about it.)

And before you over-generalize about how "gays protray themselves" why don't you get out of your house and go meet some?

It's the maybe 5-10% of the (gay) population that gets any sort of media attention....just like any other "group." (black people, hispanics, poor-driving asians, etc..)

  The O.C. said:

Get OVER yourself.....

Gays are not an "over-sensitive minority..."

There's a minority of gay people that are over-sensitive......

BIG difference....

And, for the record, I could care less about the Caliber commercial.....it's probably pretty funny (I haven't seen it, but heard about it.)

And before you over-generalize about how "gays protray themselves" why don't you get out of your house and go meet some?

It's the maybe 5-10% of the (gay) population that gets any sort of media attention....just like any other "group."  (black people, hispanics, poor-driving asians, etc..)

Im not a gay dude or anything, but I dont think that has anything to do with homosexuality. he just looks like he came from Beneton or something. Also- since when did fairy tales and toys become gay?

That's really over-reacting.

People will say anything is offensive. And people will say that anything is gay.

What everyone needs is a hobby.

  lauren said:

What everyone needs is a hobby.

For realz.

The line of that Detroit News article that cracked me up the most:


The way he delivers the line is more indicating of how he might say that to a man.

How do you figure that? It's a fairy zapped by her own magic..."Silly little fairy" seems pretty appropriate. Also, straight guys usually don't use the word "silly" when we're being homophobic...I've heard plenty of "stupids" but never a silly. Plus that guy delivers it pretty sing-song.........how the hell is that "more indicating of how he might say that to a man"? :unsure:

Yea time to get a life...

Stereotypes exist for a reason...there's a little grain of truth in them somewhere. You have two options: be offended, or make fun of the stereotypes.

Also, I am kinda on board about the over-sensitive minority thing to an extent...let's be honest...when has a white male been truly offended by the "white people can't dance" or the "white people can't play basketball" stereotypes? Seriously...I've never ever ever ever seen someone get pissed off and offended because of those...the reaction is usually "Eh, whatevs."


To tell you the truth, and maybe I'm naive (probably not since I'm fairly open minded, and almost 30), but I didn't even think of a gay slant to this commercial until I read this article.

I never thought that the "biker type" guy was transformed into a gay guy. I took it that he was transfomed into a rich, pretty-boy, country club type of guy. In fact, I wouldn't even consider that look to be gay stereotype.

The dogs however.......they were gay! :lol:


i dunno. we thought (wife and i) that the spot was a pretty comical.

i am greek/italian. if i got pissed everytime someone of my nationality was made fun of...................

the guy was so "out there" that i cannot understand any gays being offended. c'mon, i know a few G&L's and non of them dress like that.

  BrewSwillis said:

To tell you the truth, and maybe I'm naive (probably not since I'm fairly open minded, and almost 30), but I didn't even think of a gay slant to this commercial until I read this article.

I never thought that the "biker type" guy was transformed into a gay guy.  I took it that he was transfomed into a rich, pretty-boy, country club type of guy.  In fact, I wouldn't even consider that look to be gay stereotype.

The dogs however.......they were gay! :lol:

thats exactly what I thought. I'm willing to bet that's what the creators of this had in mind too.


I thought the guy looked more gay before that transformation. He went from pet night at the Faultline to bad 80's prep drag.

No gay guy would wear-pleat front shorts........

Posted (edited)

these people need REAL jobs!

i thought he became just a "pretty boy"

can we poll this issue?

Edited by jbartley
  funkypunnk said:

Here we go again...........flame city!

Silly little fairy cracks me up and is aimed at a FAIRY, you know, the tinkerbell kind. Leave it up to a bunch of over-sensitive minorities to find some kind of offense in a funny commercial. Yes, gays are just another over-sensitive minority.

So they turned the guy into an effeminate homosexual stereotype, it is gays who created that stereotype. Ever watch queer eye? They don't sound too butch to me! Ever been to San Francisco (My company is headquartered there)? Meet a whole bunch of effeminate homosexual stereotypes out there. In other words, how can gays be offended when the world portrays them as they protray themselves?

I wish everyone would just worry about their own lives and stop trying to control evryone else's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You've GOT to be kidding me?! I didn't find the commercial at all offensive--however, I find everything you wrote except the last line offensive.

I do not walk around like that. I am not effeminate, and I honestly have only met ONE in person in all the years I've been out.

Posted (edited)

I can see where some of the gay population might be offended... but it's not a very good commercial in its own right. Just blame it on a crappy commercial for a subpar car.

Oh, and I'm gay.

[/newsflash :P ]

Edited by Cadavillac

Paulie...you're just proving his point by getting all offended over his post instead of just rolling your eyes and laughing to yourself at the ignoramus's expense.


I thought the commercial was just kinda "eh".

I didn't get offended over it and I'm gay.

I did think to myself "Some Human Rights Commision types are going to get their panties in a wad about this"

Not all gay people a mindless whining minorities.

I tell some of the best gay jokes around.

  Oldsmoboi said:

Not all gay people a mindless whining minorities.

I tell some of the best gay jokes around.

This is true. The ones I'm friends with are pretty hilarious.

If you can't laugh at yourself, you shouldn't laugh at anyone.

That said, what? Man, talk about making something out of nothing.

  tmp said:

If they wanted him to look Gay, he'd be wearing this:

Posted Image


Guest lance armstrong's Testicles
  BrewSwillis said:

O.K., there seems to be a large number of gay people that read this forum, and I was wondering if this Dodge Caliber ad is offensive to you?  What do the straight people think? :

First watch the commercial, if you haven't seen it (I hope this link still works, as my company firewall now blocks youtube.com):


Then read this Detroit News article, and let me know if think these people are reading too much into the ad:



do you take it in the ass?

  Oldsmoboi said:

I tell some of the best gay jokes around.

Me too... not to mention I do one hell of a "flamer" impression. :AH-HA_wink:

I really don't get this...ITS A DAMN COMMERCIAL! I know my brother wouldn't be offended in any way shape or form...and apparently most of the people here aren't either...it IS these kind of people that put those negative stereotypes in the media where they get attention. If they are so offended they should just change the channel when the commercial comes on or boycott the company if they're that upset...I think they are hurting themselves more by complaining about it. Plus I never noticed ANYTHING 'homophobic' or 'gay' about this commercial until I read the article about it. :stupid:

  The O.C. said:

Get OVER yourself.....

Gays are not an "over-sensitive minority..."

There's a minority of gay people that are over-sensitive......

BIG difference....

And, for the record, I could care less about the Caliber commercial.....it's probably pretty funny (I haven't seen it, but heard about it.)

And before you over-generalize about how "gays protray themselves" why don't you get out of your house and go meet some?

It's the maybe 5-10% of the (gay) population that gets any sort of media attention....just like any other "group."  (black people, hispanics, poor-driving asians, etc..)

What part of the statement about mycompany being headquartered in San Fran didn't you read? 25% of the employees out there are gay and of that group at least half of the males, or a fourth of the fourth, are highly effeminate flamers. I have met more gays than the average straight guy. I do understand that there are "normal" gays, but unfortunately they are represented by gays who have problems with things like tinkerbell getting called a stupid fairy or a guy being turned into a flamer. Get over it. The only way to not be ridiculed in this society is to approach some assemblance of mainstream conformity. There just isn't that much humor in being normal. When I was a fat adolescent, I was made fun of, so I lost weight and the jokes stopped. I never whined about it, I never reported anyone or sued them for violating my civil rights. I didn't even retaliate as they were right, I was fat. And some people are gay. Don't whine about negative portrayals of gayness in the media, just accept it. If there were not flamers, there wouldn't be portrayals of flamers. If there were not butch-dikes there would not be portrayals of butch-dikes.

For the record there is one subset of gays I really like.....Lipstick Lesbians......Fun to watch.

Maybe BrokeBackside Mountain might help change the image a little, but then again it is a movie about gay sheepherders (not cowboys) and what is so surprising about a sheepherder being gay. You know what they say, Montana....where the men are men and the sheep are scared!!!!!!!

Flame away but before you do, I wasn't the one who made the fairy joke and I am not the one who perpetuates the gay stereotype, I am just the heterosexual father and husband who has to insulate his children from these images and I am getting tired of having this crap shoved in their faces! :banghead:


Well, excuse me for breathing! Both my sisters have no problems explaining about their uncle and his boyfriend. My one sister has 4 boys, ranging from 5 to 12 and she has no problems worrying about shielding them from anything.

For the record, the problem with stereotypes of all types is the messages that they send to the young and the stupid. Of course, all mature adults understand that stereotypes don't represent all people of that certain group, but it is the signal that kids get at a young, impressionable age that can set them up as adults with the wrong ideas.

Funky, your remarks about being fat are true, but that doesn't make them any less hurtful to those who are fat and can't do anything about it.

I happen to be one of the fortunate gay men who is out to all my friends, family and co-workes, who can slip in and out of the gay/straight world unnoticed if I choose because I look and act "normal." But that is just me. I enjoy gay jokes as much as the next person, but then I've always had a thick skin.

We all need to get a sense of humour to get through this life and we should all remember that BEING HETEROSEXUAL ISN'T NORMAL IT IS JUST COMMON.


I still don't associate this commercial with being gay. I honestly don't know what the fuss is about.

Funkypunk, by shielding your kids from the real world, you harm them, and you make them curious. It's certainly not catching. Could you be seduced by another guy? I doubt it. But that's for you to decide. If you think you can be seduced by another man, then I might be able to understand your stance on this. Otherwise, you are jutht being a thilly gooth.

Posted (edited)

Oh now this is just sad. It's a damn commercial, get the rod out of your asses and lighten up. It's funny and clever (the dog mooning the other dogs was hilarious too). You know I didn't even think of the guy as "gay" when tinkerbell did that to him. At least Dodge is creative and puts some humor/life into their commercials. If you don't like it then switch the channel next time or get a sense of humor.

Let's humor the people bitching about this for a sec and assume that the commercial was making a stereotype joke (which I didn't think it was). Why get offended over a commercial, or a stereotype? Stereotypes exist and sometimes it's fun to poke fun at them. Have you ever watched Carlos Mancia? Hilarious stuff. He pokes fun at everyone and it's funny!

Still don't like it? Buy a Ford :P

Edited by Dodgefan

Me: I'm part of the thread's "focus" group. (Ask how I'm pronouncing :blink: that word.) Not offended but not impressed. I like the one with dogs, but that's because I like dogs.


:duh: here I go, wading into the waters that inteligent men stay clear of.

Here is my question, being a Lesbian trapped in a man's body - I am confused as to how exactly this BECAME a GAY issue. Somebody want to help me out here?

1) A Fairy is a Fairy - meaning imaginary miniature creature with wings...not a gay guy. If someone Refered to the guy walking the dog as a fairy - that would be derogatory and would be implying that they are calling him gay.

2) they took a the guy from a 'tough guy walking a big mean dog' to a preppy walking a poodle. Where in the commercial does anyone refer to him being a fag, gay, 'overly happy' or flaming??? I did not see it.

3) The whole premise of the commercial is taking tough, strong, and powerful images and knocking them down to cute and cuddly toy like items...the powerful train becomes a toy in technicolor, the strong tough skyscraper becomes a soft and colorful sunday with a cherry on top...and the tough 'harley' guy becomes a preppy walking three poodles...but the Caliber is untouched by the fairy's magic.

4) if SOMEHOW you find something offensive about this commercial, you are trying too damned hard to read way between the lines. This is probably what other members on the forum are trying to state by calling people overly sensitive minorities. Sad choice of wording, but the message is on target.

5) (Jumping off the cliff here) I think acceptance has been made of the Gay culture now, so do 'your people' and the rest of the world a favor - stop trying to make issues about everything and anything that you can to try to keep your cause in the "I-AM-OUT-OF-THE-CLOSET-AND-I-AM-IN-YOUR-FACE-UNTIL-YOU-ACCEPT-IT!" phase...we get it - you are gay. Congrats! Happy for you. I am Married...do you see me flying a black 'rainbow' on the back of my car? Nope. If you stop trying to get us to 'GET IT' we will like you more. Seriously. It is like when my wife asks me to take the garbage out a million times...I just get madder each time she asks! Same goes for over selling your Gay-dom. Again - congrats, we got it. :thumbsup:

  toesuf94 said:

:duh: here I go, wading into the waters that inteligent men stay clear of.

Here is my question, being a Lesbian trapped in a man's body - I am confused as to how exactly this BECAME a GAY issue.  Somebody want to help me out here?

1) A Fairy is a Fairy - meaning imaginary miniature creature with wings...not a gay guy. If someone Refered to the guy walking the dog as a fairy - that would be derogatory and would be implying that they are calling him gay.

2) they took a the guy from a 'tough guy walking a big mean dog' to a preppy walking a poodle.  Where in the commercial does anyone refer to him being a fag, gay, 'overly happy' or flaming???  I did not see it.

3) The whole premise of the commercial is taking tough, strong, and powerful images and knocking them down to cute and cuddly toy like items...the powerful train becomes a toy in technicolor, the strong tough skyscraper becomes a soft and colorful sunday with a cherry on top...and the tough 'harley' guy becomes a preppy walking three poodles...but the Caliber is untouched by the fairy's magic.

4) if SOMEHOW you find something offensive about this commercial, you are trying too damned hard to read way between the lines.  This is probably what other members on the forum are trying to state by calling people overly sensitive minorities.  Sad choice of wording, but the message is on target.

5) (Jumping off the cliff here) I think acceptance has been made of the Gay culture now, so do 'your people' and the rest of the world a favor - stop trying to make issues about everything and anything that you can to try to keep your cause in the "I-AM-OUT-OF-THE-CLOSET-AND-I-AM-IN-YOUR-FACE-UNTIL-YOU-ACCEPT-IT!" phase...we get it - you are gay.  Congrats!  Happy for you.  I am Married...do you see me flying a black 'rainbow' on the back of my car?  Nope.  If you stop trying to get us to 'GET IT' we will like you more.  Seriously.  It is like when my wife asks me to take the garbage out a million times...I just get madder each time she asks!  Same goes for over selling your Gay-dom.  Again - congrats, we got it. :thumbsup:



I am out of the closet and not in your face, but I do have to gently remind you that you are allowed by law to marry....

  funkypunnk said:

What part of the statement about mycompany being headquartered in San Fran didn't you read? .... I am just the heterosexual father and husband who has to insulate his children from these images and I am getting tired of having this crap shoved in their faces! :banghead:

Might I suggest you not live in San Francisco? Your complaint seems like living in Africa and complaining about all those damned migrating Wildebeest....


You know, you never hear of a contingent of Irish people getting all pissy about stereotypes every year on March 17th.

I understand that a group like this is certainly not reflective of the entire gay community, but you guys need to find yourselves a better spokesman regardless.


:o you seriously WANT to get married??? WHY? I WANT OUT!

Actually, I feel your pain, and am all for you getting married. Have a ball. The problem comes when you look at what 'married' means. Employer's need to give 'partners' benefits, tax law has to be rewritten, insurrance regulations have to be changed...the list of changes is long and complicated. It is not as simple as pronouncing you man and man or wife and wife.

I am not smart enough to have the answers. I am not a bible thumper and really don't care one way or another. Same goes for abortion - your choice, your GOD, your concience - just don't ask me to pay for it!

I am going to ask the question that will start a $hit storm of controversy...Why exactly do gays want the governments of the world to recognize you as married? What is the BFD? Get married to each other - profess your undying love for one another - have a ceremony- share rings. What is the deal with needing it to be a legally binding arrangement recognized by the rest of the people in the world? Isn't having someone who loves you reason enough?

Since when has being a minority in this country made it o.k. to overturn what 90+% of the rest of us believe in(marriage is between a man and a woman)? An example: Because of 1% of the population - the word GOD cannot be uttered anywhere near government or a school.


i never even thought of it as a gay thing. guess i don't really care, i don't usually think of gay people when I see fairys/pixies, and I got the message of her dumbing things down to a cute nature.

Posted (edited)
  toesuf94 said:

4) if SOMEHOW you find something offensive about this commercial, you are trying too damned hard to read way between the lines.  This is probably what other members on the forum are trying to state by calling people overly sensitive minorities.  Sad choice of wording, but the message is on target.

5) (Jumping off the cliff here) I think acceptance has been made of the Gay culture now, so do 'your people' and the rest of the world a favor - stop trying to make issues about everything and anything that you can to try to keep your cause in the "I-AM-OUT-OF-THE-CLOSET-AND-I-AM-IN-YOUR-FACE-UNTIL-YOU-ACCEPT-IT!" phase...we get it - you are gay.  Congrats!  Happy for you.  I am Married...do you see me flying a black 'rainbow' on the back of my car?  Nope.  If you stop trying to get us to 'GET IT' we will like you more.  Seriously.  It is like when my wife asks me to take the garbage out a million times...I just get madder each time she asks!  Same goes for over selling your Gay-dom.  Again - congrats, we got it. :thumbsup:

So far, I don't think there's a gay man on this site that did find the commercial offensive... so I don't know why you're addressing this to "us". I can say the group that brought up this complaint does not speak for me.

Next.. Guess what? I NEVER put my sexuality in anyone's face. But if everyone is so accepting, why is it 90% of the faculty at the school I work at occassionally brings up how disgusting gays are? That "their" lifestyle is disgraceful and should never be portrayed on television or in the movies. How accepting does that sound?

  tmp said:

I am out of the closet and not in your face, but I do have to gently remind you that you are allowed by law to marry....

Thank you -- It's nice to hear at least a few brothers who don't fall into the "stereotype" and are looking for a relationship based on love and commitment... and having watched--no joke, 12 hetero couples get married in the past 4 years--all my dear friends... it saddens me that they can't exactly share a wonderful celebration with me in the same way I shared with them. Edited by Paolino

When I was referring to the 'in-your-facer's' - I am referring to the groups who bring this to the media and make issue out of things that should be non-issues. These are the people who make life difficult for the people they think they are helping IMHO.

As for anyone who professes great disdain for your lifestyle - who the hell are they to say anything about another person's life choices? I will stand side by side with anyone - gay or straight or whatever and fight along side them standing up for thier rights.

Like I stated earlier - I have no problem with any marriage. Gay, straight, sideways, whatever.

And I have never accused ANYONE on this board of being in my face - I will gladly have a beer with anyone on this board - we are all car guys and gals. I am sure we can all find something to talk about.


Since when has being a minority in this country made it o.k. to overturn what 90+% of the rest of us believe in

Uhhm, I don't know, since Lincoln freed the slaves? Since Jews were allowed to buy in Hancock Park? Since Women got the vote? I seem to have read that there were some issues with those decisions as well.

Not trying to poke a stick into anybody's cage here. Really. :-)


You know, you never hear of a contingent of Irish people getting all pissy about stereotypes every year on March 17th.

Well, if there hasn't been one, I'm starting one. I'm Irish on my mother's side enough that I can get citizenship, and I am here to say, I do not have a pot of gold (well not one that I'm telling you about, don't have a four-leaf clover, almost never wield a shillelagh, and while magically delicious, and am not going to grant your wishes, no matter how much green beer you feed me.

Unless you're reeeeeeeeeally cute.


  toesuf94 said:

I will gladly have a beer with anyone on this board - we are all car guys and gals.

And I would gladly have a beer with you.


  toesuf94 said:

:o you seriously WANT to get married???  WHY?  I WANT OUT!

Actually, I feel your pain, and am all for you getting married.  Have a ball.  The problem comes when you look at what 'married' means.  Employer's need to give 'partners' benefits, tax law has to be rewritten, insurrance regulations have to be changed...the list of changes is long and complicated.  It is not as simple as pronouncing you man and man or wife and wife. 

I am not smart enough to have the answers.  I am not a bible thumper and really don't care one way or another.  Same goes for abortion - your choice, your GOD, your concience - just don't ask me to pay for it!

I am going to ask the question that will start a $hit storm of controversy...Why exactly do gays want the governments of the world to recognize you as married?  What is the BFD?  Get married to each other - profess your undying love for one another - have a ceremony- share rings.  What is the deal with needing it to be a legally binding arrangement recognized by the rest of the people in the world?  Isn't having someone who loves you reason enough? 

Since when has being a minority in this country made it o.k. to overturn what 90+% of the rest of us believe in(marriage is between a man and a woman)?  An example: Because of 1% of the population - the word GOD cannot be uttered anywhere near government or a school.

Having a majority and being right to not always go together. Privileges should not be denied on the basis of sexual orientation. To do so is simply discrimination. I could go on about this, but I'll spare everyone my ridiculously long rant on this subject.


I am sure that over time this will be a non-issue and that acceptance will come eventually...although the whole women voting thing is still under review due to the whole "Clinton was soo cute I had to vote for him" vote of the '90's. Just takes a while for this all to get straightened back out... :rolleyes::wub:

ha ha ha...wasn't this about a car commercial about an hour ago? :duh:

  tmp said:

And I would gladly have a beer with you.


Not me, I prefer a nice, stiff, martini... or a fruity drink with an umbrella. You know, something I can hold with my pinky sticking out. :lol::lol::lol:

Seriously though, beer isn't my thing... as long as we can have the option of tossing back something stronger, say like scotch or tequila :AH-HA_wink:


and I am not saying that anyone is right or wrong on the marriage issue...like I said four posts ago - go for it. I really don't care one way or another.

Does this mean the Caliber is fighting the Subaru for the 'official gay car' now?


and a fruity-umbrella'd pinky-out drink will be fine. I go both ways on the drink issue...this takes us back to the whole Irish kettle-o-worms...I am part Irish and I will drink damned near anything! In fact, I could be a great alchoholic if I had the time...

  toesuf94 said:

and a fruity-umbrella'd pinky-out drink will be fine.  I go both ways on the drink issue...this takes us back to the whole Irish kettle-o-worms...I am part Irish and I will drink damned near anything!  In fact, I could be a great alchoholic if I had the time...

and the money--liquor is so damn expensive! Especially when you go out and they charge you like 8 bucks for a small drink.
  tmp said:

And I would gladly have a beer with you.


Agreed. If you guys/gals are this lively now, it would be really fun after a few drinks.... :P

Going back to the ad, I thought it was strange, yet funny.

I never though of the gay idea either, I just though the biker was going prep... :lol:

  toesuf94 said:

Does this mean the Caliber is fighting the Subaru for the 'official gay car' now?

That would be the official Lesbian car. The boys stick to BMWs.

Paulino, I'm there with you on the martini (don't care for beer) but they are expensive out. Iusually order beer out a bar since I can hold it for about three years.

back to the Caliber ad: It was mildly amusing, didn't do much for the product. What was I supposed to get from the ad? That driving an ungainly compact that looked like a New Balance trail shoe will make me look, what, butch? No, not so much. If I want to look butch, I'll drive a Silverado. A Caliber is about as butch as a doily.

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