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The post rating system

Camino LS6

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Odd, because I recall certain 'unique' individuals expressing considerably vitriolic opinions towards other individuals who were real assets to this place. You know, when one unique individual made a topic about the V8's demise, and a few other 'unique' members decided to lambaste the poster.

There's no 'group' at C&G out to silence opposing viewpoints. Instead, perhaps you're just noticing people beginning to get sick and tired of hearing people complain about:


Small Cars

Government Motors

New cars versus Old cars

Technology in vehicles


Society supposedly being in the sh*tter

Hyundai Sonata Turbo

Cadillac needing a 100K car, but should not have a 35K crossover in order to pay for that 100K car's development


The worst thing of all is how people have just decided to regurgitate their arguments in different threads. It gets really old, really fast. And that's why there's been an increased 'fight' from the people you believe are somehow out to eliminate participation. Participation isn't being eliminated; it's just that those 'unique' individuals are being taken to task, and they've got no real recourse.



There's no point to all this negativity, whining and bitching. MOVE ON with your life. GET A HOBBY. By the way, you need to add Oldsmobile to your list because after 10 years I'm super over it, and I'm a current owner!!

Edited by Croc
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I mean really, what does it say to new members when they join the site and see countless threads bitching about the same petty things? Then all of this negativity and conspiracy theories about "groups" being out to get people. It's far more harmful than green and red dots.

Plus it could always be worse. Some sites have rep systems where the rep requires a comment and gets left in your profile, but it still anonymous. So you can have a - rep calling you a dumb retard cluttering up your profile. Now that would be counterproductive and create an uninviting environment.

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Just a question...

Why all this animosity and snide attitude over Camino's opinion? He certainly has a right to it. As Olds said, some people seem to take this post-rating system way too seriously... and it's not Camino. I find it rather insulting to our community that he can be smothered with accusations after simply starting a conversation asking others opinions on a certain topic. I don't see how that correlates to him getting berated for simply bringing it up. Again, it's his opinion and the wrath of negative ratings in response to it is exactly his point. Some people obviously take it seriously enough to make a mockery of someone's thoughts. You disagree? That's fine; express it in the same respectful manner as he, without resorting to the pathetic comments made above.

Personally, I could care less about the post rating system. I don't see the point in the having it, but I do use it since its there. However, this thread is full is nonsensical bickering brought on by someone's inability to cope with other's opinions. As dully noted by Oldsmoboi, this is the sort of commentary that drives away membership.

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Sorry, BV...have to disagree with you a bit. I just reviewed the entire thread. The majority of people don't seem to have a problem with the system, or even *gasp* like it. Then you have Camino posting that he doesn't like it over and over and over. No one started giving attitude until the discussion became repetitive and circular...after Camino expressed his sentiment for the fourth time in less than 2 pages. I also don't think name-calling is a hallmark of civil discussion.

Just sayin...

Edited by Croc
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Wouldn't "someone without the intellect to actually debate me" (IE; 'stupid') fall under name-calling, or is it indirect enough that it's still 'high-level discourse' ?? :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

I take no issue with those who express their subjective opinion, even repeatedly- that shows passion & commitment.

What I DO take umbrage with is opposing viewpoints which run to the wall with overblown hyperbole to debate the 1st POV.

Repetition of things like 'I disagree, so get a life/hobby/tin foil hat'- juvenile sh!t like that. Telling others what they need to do - who comes here for that?

It was exactly that that drove me off of GMI years ago, and is MUCH more tiresome than any issue ever brought up here, no matter how often.

Edited by balthazar
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Small Cars

Government Motors

New cars versus Old cars

Technology in vehicles


Society supposedly being in the sh*tter

Hyundai Sonata Turbo

Cadillac needing a 100K car, but should not have a 35K crossover in order to pay for that 100K car's development


So... eliminate these, and what subjects are left?

Cooing over what new material has made a minivan's interior so cool? Comparing the Cruze to Corolla, option by option... like consumer reports?

Those topics above are what weigh heavily on the GM fans' mind... second guessing the General is easy, as they've made 30 years of bad decisions.

Without those topics above, C&G drys up in three weeks, as discussions devolve into:

Olds: Got a Lamborghini to test.

BV: Does it seat 4?

Croc: Cruze seats 4.

HyperV6: 4 is better than 2. (+1)

Camino6: Yeah.

Balthy: I agree.

OcnBlu: Exactly

Paulino: Well, Then is sounds like the Cruze is better than the Lambo. (+4)

Satty: Yay! (-1)

Olds: OK that settles it. Lamborghini is no good.

*Topic Locked*

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Just a question...

Why all this animosity and snide attitude over Camino's opinion? He certainly has a right to it. As Olds said, some people seem to take this post-rating system way too seriously... and it's not Camino. I find it rather insulting to our community that he can be smothered with accusations after simply starting a conversation asking others opinions on a certain topic. I don't see how that correlates to him getting berated for simply bringing it up. Again, it's his opinion and the wrath of negative ratings in response to it is exactly his point. Some people obviously take it seriously enough to make a mockery of someone's thoughts. You disagree? That's fine; express it in the same respectful manner as he, without resorting to the pathetic comments made above.

Personally, I could care less about the post rating system. I don't see the point in the having it, but I do use it since its there. However, this thread is full is nonsensical bickering brought on by someone's inability to cope with other's opinions. As dully noted by Oldsmoboi, this is the sort of commentary that drives away membership.

Thank you for this, Vipes.

It is always nice to see that someone has understood not only the content, but the purpose behind it.

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Just a question...

Why all this animosity and snide attitude over Camino's opinion? He certainly has a right to it. As Olds said, some people seem to take this post-rating system way too seriously... and it's not Camino. I find it rather insulting to our community that he can be smothered with accusations after simply starting a conversation asking others opinions on a certain topic. I don't see how that correlates to him getting berated for simply bringing it up. Again, it's his opinion and the wrath of negative ratings in response to it is exactly his point. Some people obviously take it seriously enough to make a mockery of someone's thoughts. You disagree? That's fine; express it in the same respectful manner as he, without resorting to the pathetic comments made above.

Personally, I could care less about the post rating system. I don't see the point in the having it, but I do use it since its there. However, this thread is full is nonsensical bickering brought on by someone's inability to cope with other's opinions. As dully noted by Oldsmoboi, this is the sort of commentary that drives away membership.


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Just a question...

Why all this animosity and snide attitude over Camino's opinion? He certainly has a right to it. As Olds said, some people seem to take this post-rating system way too seriously... and it's not Camino. I find it rather insulting to our community that he can be smothered with accusations after simply starting a conversation asking others opinions on a certain topic. I don't see how that correlates to him getting berated for simply bringing it up. Again, it's his opinion and the wrath of negative ratings in response to it is exactly his point. Some people obviously take it seriously enough to make a mockery of someone's thoughts. You disagree? That's fine; express it in the same respectful manner as he, without resorting to the pathetic comments made above.

Personally, I could care less about the post rating system. I don't see the point in the having it, but I do use it since its there. However, this thread is full is nonsensical bickering brought on by someone's inability to cope with other's opinions. As dully noted by Oldsmoboi, this is the sort of commentary that drives away membership.


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Wouldn't "someone without the intellect to actually debate me" (IE; 'stupid') fall under name-calling, or is it indirect enough that it's still 'high-level discourse' ?? :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Taken out of context as you just did, of course that seems contradictory. That is why yours is a straw-man argument. What I actually said is quite different (emphasis added):

My unpopular, but reasoned, opinions get down-rated all the time, and I just laugh it off as someone without the intellect to actually debate me on my views...assuming I even notice/care in the first place.

There's the key clause right there: if someone makes a reasoned post, objectively iterating WHY they have the (subjective) opinion they have concluded to themselves, I do believe it is pretty weak to just down-rate it without adding to the discussion in any way. I don't down-rate a post unless it's the equivalent of "you're wrong" without explanation, or is just repetitive whining about the same thing over and over. I just don't have that inclination. If I post a reasoned post, though, and someone down-rates it and doesn't actually respond to any of the objective observations or philosophical points, I don't really care enough to get upset over it BECAUSE I view it as intellectually-weak debating--assuming I even notice in the first place.

There, does that clarify it enough?

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So... eliminate these, and what subjects are left?

Cooing over what new material has made a minivan's interior so cool? Comparing the Cruze to Corolla, option by option... like consumer reports?

Those topics above are what weigh heavily on the GM fans' mind... second guessing the General is easy, as they've made 30 years of bad decisions.

Without those topics above, C&G drys up in three weeks, as discussions devolve into:

Olds: Got a Lamborghini to test.

BV: Does it seat 4?

Croc: Cruze seats 4.

HyperV6: 4 is better than 2. (+1)

Camino6: Yeah.

Balthy: I agree.

OcnBlu: Exactly

Paulino: Well, Then is sounds like the Cruze is better than the Lambo. (+4)

Satty: Yay! (-1)

Olds: OK that settles it. Lamborghini is no good.

*Topic Locked*

I disagree. There's always room to debate future product plans, discuss business cases or speculate on which segments GM needs to pay more attention to. HOWEVER repetitively complaining about something that is a done deal, such as closing a division, or bemoaning the loss of BOF pillarless hardtop convertibles, adds no real value to any discussion. This is DIFFERENT than "Closing __ division was a mistake IMO because of X, Y and Z" or "GM lost its way when it shifted its product mix at the Arlington plant because __ ." The repetitive whining is along the lines of "GM closed __ and I'm never going to buy another one again!" or "I haven't been interested in a GM vehicle since the 1967 __ ."

In other words, they might as well be still stuck on LaSalle. That ship has sailed, and it's not coming back. MOVE ON!! There's plenty of current GM news and product developments to talk about and debate, whether it's the Zeta sagas or the possibility of a civilian Caprice, or what-have-you. But refusing to be interested in, say, a civilian Caprice solely because it doesn't have an arrowhead on the hood and stating that opinion in EVERY. SINGLE. THREAD. about the rumored civilian Caprice...well that's repetitive and doesn't really add to the discussion anymore.

Of course, YMMV, but I think this is what FAPTurbo was getting at.

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FOG, the whole point of C&G is to come here and argue about the things we love the most. The whole point is to disagree.

How interesting would C&G be if every post was "THE CAMARO ROXZORS@!!11!"





Yes, it is...

But the point is not to open every single Pontiac thread and read EXCITEMENT!!!!! {insert lame smart assed remark here}

And the point is not to have a Turbocharged Sonata referenced in EVERY post about EVERYTHING

And the point is not to TARGET and harass people because they have a preference for 'old fashioned' cars or drivetrains.

(And, BTW, my post above proved my point... I'm now -3 because I 'played the bad guy' and said something out of line with what the majority wanted to hear)

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I think this is actually a pretty ridiculous thread, to be honest. I've yet to see any evidence of a problem this is causing.

So why are you replying to it?

This is a PERFECT example of what I'm talking about.

Camino posts a topic that you supposedly aren't even interested in, yet you feel the need to come in here (in you typical arrogance) and try and belittle him for even starting a thread that you supposedly don't give a $h! about in the first place.

That's called TARGETING people you don't like. (just like I'm doing now by quoting your posts) And that's what killed Cheers and Gears.

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Odd, because I recall certain 'unique' individuals expressing considerably vitriolic opinions towards other individuals who were real assets to this place. You know, when one unique individual made a topic about the V8's demise, and a few other 'unique' members decided to lambaste the poster.

The difference was the debate.

I didn't just spam the thread with "V8's r EXCITEMENT yallz!!!!"


Small Cars

Government Motors

New cars versus Old cars

Technology in vehicles


Society supposedly being in the sh*tter

Hyundai Sonata Turbo

Cadillac needing a 100K car, but should not have a 35K crossover in order to pay for that 100K car's development


The worst thing of all is how people have just decided to regurgitate their arguments in different threads. It gets really old, really fast. And that's why there's been an increased 'fight' from the people you believe are somehow out to eliminate participation. Participation isn't being eliminated; it's just that those 'unique' individuals are being taken to task, and they've got no real recourse.

First of all, I don't really care about participation. 1) It's not my site and 2) The "staff" (or would be disappearing staff) ran me off a long time ago. And I figured I'd be the king of negative ratings anyway. (No offense Oldsmoboi) Secondly; we're living in a time where GM has literally been beaten for 10 years, went through bankruptcy and cut itself in half. Can YOU find a way to make a discussion forum dedicated to GM all "peace, love and flowers"? My point is; these things ARE the debate because that was the subject matter we were given to debate.

Just a question...

Why all this animosity and snide attitude over Camino's opinion? He certainly has a right to it. As Olds said, some people seem to take this post-rating system way too seriously... and it's not Camino. I find it rather insulting to our community that he can be smothered with accusations after simply starting a conversation asking others opinions on a certain topic. I don't see how that correlates to him getting berated for simply bringing it up. Again, it's his opinion and the wrath of negative ratings in response to it is exactly his point. Some people obviously take it seriously enough to make a mockery of someone's thoughts. You disagree? That's fine; express it in the same respectful manner as he, without resorting to the pathetic comments made above.

Personally, I could care less about the post rating system. I don't see the point in the having it, but I do use it since its there. However, this thread is full is nonsensical bickering brought on by someone's inability to cope with other's opinions. As dully noted by Oldsmoboi, this is the sort of commentary that drives away membership.

And BV illustrated the 'group mentality' I'm talking about perfectly. (Well done, sir... Much better than I could come across)

'I disagree, so get a life/hobby/tin foil hat'- juvenile sh!t like that. Telling others what they need to do - who comes here for that?

Croc was just giving us an example of that 'YouTube mook' mentality I was talking about.

Edited by FUTURE_OF_GM
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I disagree. There's always room to debate future product plans, discuss business cases or speculate on which segments GM needs to pay more attention to.

Future business plans will continue to discuss the limitations GM has placed on themselves by abandoning certain markets to attempt to beat Toyota in a game in which Toyota seems to write the rules. There will always be 'what could've been'. This leads back into that list of "undesirable" subjects. Plus future business cases are going to be subject to more nanny tech... also on the "undesirable" list. (-1)

HOWEVER repetitively complaining about something that is a done deal, such as closing a division, or bemoaning the loss of BOF pillarless hardtop convertibles, adds no real value to any discussion.

Many like to mix in the improbable with the unlikely and dismiss it all as impossible. BOF pillarless hardtop convertibles are improbable... and only make a slim bit of discussion here... but multiple bodystyles is not, and is what DOES take up a lot of bandwidth... as people rooted in reality see GM only offering 3 coupes (all fairly expensive offerings, at that) to be almost surrealistic. Grouping this all together and dismissing it as undesirable is sticking one's head in the sand. (-1)

This is DIFFERENT than "Closing __ division was a mistake IMO because of X, Y and Z" or "GM lost its way when it shifted its product mix at the Arlington plant because __ ." The repetitive whining is along the lines of "GM closed __ and I'm never going to buy another one again!" or "I haven't been interested in a GM vehicle since the 1967 __ ."

Well, adding value to a conversation is very subjective around here. Several people have repeatedly posted the X, Y and Z... and it gets the "TL;DR" treatment... then someone chips in with "Cars given away at a loss", "Just another Chevy" or "Fleeted to death" snippets and everyone just goes along. No one really provides a rebuttal to X, Y and Z... but we're supposed to accept the snippets, even though GM has never submitted any proof that a certain badge on the car was causing them to bleed money... and yet, major fleeting continues... along with its profit loss. (-4)

Lets address "I haven't been interested in a GM vehicle since 19xx and/or I'll never buy one again". Well, the problem here is that 80% of buyers are NOT buying GM. That makes it a valid item for discussion. (-2)

In other words, they might as well be still stuck on LaSalle. That ship has sailed, and it's not coming back. MOVE ON!!

Ah, yes, more hyperbole. I've read the "Bring back LaSalle" argument at least 4 times on C&G. Nobody is realistically arguing to bring back LaSalle... or AMC... or Plymouth or Oldsmobile. Few are arguing to bring back Hummer or Saturn. We mourn these, but these all died long enough ago or had clear business cases to be closed... Pontiac was NOT a clear case, and its hole affects future product development. (-1)

To ignore that is to rename C&G's tagline to "GM's Biggest Shills". There are enough sites on the web that simply regurgitate GM propaganda. (-13)

There's plenty of current GM news and product developments to talk about and debate, whether it's the Zeta sagas or the possibility of a civilian Caprice, or what-have-you. But refusing to be interested in, say, a civilian Caprice solely because it doesn't have an arrowhead on the hood and stating that opinion in EVERY. SINGLE. THREAD. about the rumored civilian Caprice...well that's repetitive and doesn't really add to the discussion anymore.

Discussion of future Zetas and having the Impala and Caprice too close together in the same brand will result in the "undesirable" RWD vs. FWD subject. The solution to this generally was the dreaded "Pontiac" subject. (-2)

Personally, I think we already know how the whole Caprice thing is going to play out. And by the time it does, you'll be bored with the

discussions, as I think every that will be said about the Caprice already has been said by someone. (-1)

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As everyone in this thread very well knows, it doesn't take a post rating system to drive away membership.

The kind of bickering in this thread however.... quite effective.

Irony rocks.

That ... and ignoring people completely.....

The worst thing of all is how people have just decided to regurgitate their arguments

But ... it's OK for certain companies to regurgitate arguments and misleading statements.

Participation isn't being eliminated; it's just that those 'unique' individuals are being taken to task

...or simply ignored.

Cort | 37.m.IL.pigValve.pacemaker | 5 Monte Carlos + 1 Caprice Classic |

** RadioShow.CDshowcase.HOLIDAY | Friday | 12.24.2010 | noon-4p.CENTRAL = www.WRMN1410.com **

"Maybe I'll drive so far they'll all lose track" ... Dolly Parton ... 'Hard Candy Christmas'

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  • 5 years later...

some people take the post rating system way too seriously.

Yeah...I guess I do too...

PS...6 years later and a newbie like myself sees the same problems...


I'm pretty sure the rating system does nothing but distill a common mindset.

Then again, the same group that ruined pretty much all discussion here has pretty much targeted and eliminated participation by all of the unique posters. (Balthazar and Camino have managed to somehow hang on, but that's about it)

Im gonna be honest; I rarely visit any forum here besides the Lounge because it's just not worth my time to read posts by people who can't seem to progress past the 'YouTube mook' phase of internet maturity.


The ratings system engenders a negative and combative tone that detracts from the site in my opinion.

I believe that C&G is here for discussion and debate, not argument and animosity.

Obviously, some think otherwise.

Will it impact the way I conduct myself here? No, not really, but I do see it as a net minus for the site. Taking issue with another poster's position or words can certainly be a positive and beneficial contibution to the discourse here. But only if done a some measure of clarity and skill... and courtesy. The point system is a cudgel where a scalpel is required.

Such a system is both crutch and weapon when employed by the immature and those given to a tribe mentality.



I just read  these very quickly and HOT DAMN!!!!

Same concerns I have...


I believe that C&G is here for discussion and debate, not argument and animosity.



Mr. DFELT and I have said the same thing....about this down voting thing.

I said it one and Ill say it again...


It sucks to get a down vote and not get a reason for it....

Besides the blatant trolling and hatred crap...if a decent discussion could be had....no matter how bad the idea...why the down vote?



Its a HUUUUGE pet peeve of mine that...


No, not for reputation voting stuff, but for the lack of discussion...


MY POST that garnered a down vote at the time which made me whine about it that garnered me more downvotes....like for these dudes back in 2010...they raised some concerns and got themselves down votes as well...speaketh the truth....get down voted...



Its like an Old Boys Club in here sometimes....

I like shaking it up a bit....and I dont mind downvotes....I dont care for them that much....its the lack of maturity and the lack of discussion that gets my goat....


Down Vote...STATE your reasons why if post does not tickle your fancy and post seems to be a legit one, and not a trolly one, even though the message is kinda stupid....THAT is what DISCUSSION FORUMS are all about...



I'm pretty sure the rating system does nothing but distill a common mindset.

Then again, the same group that ruined pretty much all discussion here has pretty much targeted and eliminated participation by all of the unique posters. (Balthazar and Camino have managed to somehow hang on, but that's about it)

Im gonna be honest; I rarely visit any forum here besides the Lounge because it's just not worth my time to read posts by people who can't seem to progress past the 'YouTube mook' phase of internet maturity.


Well, FOG, the discussions in 2016 at C&G are better I guess....the down voting that some still so, even though we are now limited to one....gets childish....because the maturity level has not progressed....now, they down vote legit posts and do away with discussions all together....I guess in fear that they will get exposed in their own childishness...


Down vote away...at will....

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The rating system is awesomazing.


It was especially needed because its 'victims' ran off many vibrant posters, including some insiders who shared insights such as V6's and turbo-four's displacing V8's in the not-too-distant future and OH GOD NO WHAT THE HELL?? BLASPHEMY VEE EIG888'S ARE FORVER HOW DARE YOU SUGGEST SUCH WACKINESS I BET YOUR ONE OF BARACK HUSSEIN OBUMMER'S CAFE REGULATORS COMMING TO TAKE MY CAR AWAY AND FORCE ME TO DRIVE A SMART BUILT BY GOVERNMENT MOTORS UNDER UNITED NATIONS CONTROL!!!!!. !!!11!!


See late aughts era threads about:

Small Cars
Government Motors
New cars versus Old cars
Technology in vehicles
Society supposedly being in the sh*tter
Hyundai Sonata Turbo
Cadillac needing a 100K car, but should not have a 35K crossover in order to pay for that 100K car's development

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Some people take the downvoting too seriously..have melodramatic reactions to getting downvoted....upvoting and downvoting is a standard feature on many sites, needs no explanation why a post is upvoted or downvoted.  We should be able to downvote more than one post a day, though.  There are certain posters that should be consistently downvoted out of principle, for instance.  ;)   I'm just remembering how things worked back in the old days before the influx of newbies..

Edited by Cubical-aka-Moltar
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Some people take the downvoting too seriously..have melodramatic reactions to getting downvoted....upvoting and downvoting is a standard feature on many sites, needs no explanation why a post is upvoted or downvoted.  We should be able to downvote more than one post a day, though.  There are certain posters that should be consistently downvoted out of principle, for instance.   ;)   I'm just remembering how things worked back in the old days before the influx of newbies..

Sorry dude....


This is where you and I disagree....


It aint the melodrama about the down vote itself.....

This is a web site...for discussions...

Even in 2010...well before I joined, the conclusion was made that C&G was about discussions...


What IRKS me, is that NO DISCUSSIONS are made....just a down vote...


I made a comment...a bad idea of a comment, and the Old Boys Club, I presume......down voted me....yet...the disussion in that thread....continues on.....with plenty of bad ideas being thrown...with a nary of a down vote in sight.......because Old Boys Club are doing the discussions....


Mr. Cubical....

I'm just remembering how things worked back in the old days before the influx of newbies


We newbies.....the ones that have remained....the ones that are actually trying to make things work in here....are doing our darnedest to entertain, to inform, to please you Old Boys Club....


We....are also a part of you guys nearing a year......

Speaking for myself, for my behalf....

I dont think Im a bad apple....

OK....maybe I am....


TALK to me....

tell me what it is you dislike about me...DISCUSS....


Believe me, I could take it....

But....be an adult...



How old are we?

Im assuming most of us are over 25 years old. The majority of us in our 30s....

Im 43...

Do we really need to hide between a down vote to show displeasure of an opinion based discussion?



You see....I dont think Im that bad of of guy to begin with....


There are certain posters that should be consistently downvoted out of principle, for instance.




Out of principle?


This is what you want your site to be?

Just a bunch of down votes and nothing else?

How does THAT advance discussions?


And it seems to me that you frown upon newbies...



I'm just remembering how things worked back in the old days before the influx of newbies


I just read this thread quickly...by fluke I came to it....

I did not read the whole thing....just those quotes I did.


It seems to me for 6 years, this has been going on....I could be wrong, I did not read the thread completely....


And you want Drew to take the down vote limit off?

Cool....I down with that...but down voting people just because you may not like them is not very mature.....

And the irony is....I may sound like a whiny shyte...being all immature and stuff about this...being melodramatic....if you analyse what it is Im saying and what is going on.....I aint being very childish at all....on the contrary....but by people down voting the way they do...without any discussions...THAT is very childish...


The crap I pulled with Wings with this....its beause Wings...well...we all know about Wings....again...I dont think Im bad like him...but maybe you folk think Im also like him...


upvoting and downvoting is a standard feature on many sites, needs no explanation why a post is upvoted or downvoted.


You actually believe that its healthy for a poster to start an idea, no matter how bad it may be...but it being a GENUINE idea non-the-less, you feel that down voting it just because you dont like the idea without further discussion is a healthy way to approach a web site that is supposed to be about discussion shyte???!!!!




Dont expect too much involvement then from newbies if that is how you feel about the voting...


Its disappointing to start a conversation even if its out in left field and the only thing you receive is a down vote...


But then again...maybe some of you feel that I need to go....


I could take a hint....



Just be a man and tell me....trust me....I could take....

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You really are reading too much into downvoting and extremely overreacting.  There is downvoting on other auto sites (like Autoblog) they don't have this much drama about it.   An upvote or downvote is just that.  Nothing more complicated.  I was joking about downvoting every post by certain people, but I've definitely wanted to do it.. :)

Edited by Cubical-aka-Moltar
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You really are reading too much into downvoting and overreacting.  There is downvoting on other auto sites, they don't have drama about it.

I dont know....I dont do other car sites...

I did MT....


I now do C&G....


Over at MT....even when MT was trolly...people actually discussed things...

No voting system.....and the people that wanted to discuss, over came the trolls....


When MT came to a rolling halt, is when they stopped banning the REAL trolls and let them run free while banning for life...yeah no joke....for life...the guys that actually discussed but were also vocal AGAINST the trolls and the corrupt mods that let the REAL trolls run scott free....


I aint reading to much into it...


  1. This thread is 6 years old...started by somebody else waaaaaaay before I got my ass in here....discussing the very thing that IRKS me 6 years later!!!!
  2. This comment is proof that there is a problem...and its a CURRENT comment
Some people take the downvoting too seriously..have melodramatic reactions to getting downvoted....upvoting and downvoting is a standard feature on many sites, needs no explanation why a post is upvoted or downvoted.  We should be able to downvote more than one post a day, though.  There are certain posters that should be consistently downvoted out of principle, for instance.   ;)   I'm just remembering how things worked back in the old days before the influx of newbies..




Just by brushing off MY comment by calling it melodramatic...and by ADMITTING that DOWN VOTING certain posters constantly and consistently out of principle just proves my point.....


Yeah...I did THAT exact same thing to Wings....

Except I was also VOCAL on my displeasure of him...

BEFORE he even joined even....and HE even down voted THAT comment I made BEFORE he joined that I thought he was a troll BEFORE I started down voting him.....yet we all found out how genuine he was....


Like now...Im VOCAL about this down voting thing...and it aint the first time either....

Just like some other posters 6 years ago...

The irony....these guys voiced their opinions and THEIR opinions got DOWN VOTED....


Im all for the down votes....

But its a pisser when I introduced a crazy idea...I even labeled it as such....

I got a down vote....WITHOUT a BLOODY reason...


YOU, Mr Cubical....also made a crazy notion just now...about this down voting thing...

Should I just down vote you and forget this back and forth conversation?


Because that is my issue...

I dont like the fact that you hold this particular opinion...

It does deserve a down vote....in my eyes it deserves a down vote....


I shall down vote you then...and then Ill just erase my posts so you have NO CLUE as to why and who down voted you....

But yet...its your opinion and observation...not a hatred remark just for the sake of hating and you are not trolling...


You think that its better just to down vote in this situation rather than have this discussion with me?

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take a deep breath and relax.  You are reading waaaay too much into the concept of upvoting/downvoting.  As I said, it works fine on other sites without noticable issues.  Have a good evening.

Ill have a good evening...yet you havent answered the question....


Avoiding it like the plague...



PS:  This is NOT about how well it works on other web sites....

Edited by oldshurst442
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Im a part of this website for about a year now...whether you or anybody else likes it or not...

Maybe I like to give my opinion on how to improve upon it...even if it means  rustling the Old Boys Clubs' feathers...changing up the status quo just a tad...


EDIT: This post was made before I read what you just wrote...but it still stands...


Maybe Id have it toned down just a tad, but Ill keep it as is...

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Some people take the downvoting too seriously..have melodramatic reactions to getting downvoted....upvoting and downvoting is a standard feature on many sites, needs no explanation why a post is upvoted or downvoted.  We should be able to downvote more than one post a day, though.  There are certain posters that should be consistently downvoted out of principle, for instance.  ;)   I'm just remembering how things worked back in the old days before the influx of newbies..

This is how I feel as well. *thumbs up*(I can't use the little picture guy from my phone)

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take a deep breath and relax.  You are reading waaaay too much into the concept of upvoting/downvoting.  As I said, it works fine on other sites without noticable issues.  Have a good evening.



I do agree with this here.....don't go crazy man.....



That said, I've grown quite tired of the system myself, as it tends to bring the children out of people. I've always loved a good debate, regardless of how in-left-field it was.  Some stuff like that here kinda drove me a away for a a little while back.....

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take a deep breath and relax.  You are reading waaaay too much into the concept of upvoting/downvoting.  As I said, it works fine on other sites without noticable issues.  Have a good evening.



I do agree with this here.....don't go crazy man.....



That said, I've grown quite tired of the system myself, as it tends to bring the children out of people. I've always loved a good debate, regardless of how in-left-field it was.  Some stuff like that here kinda drove me a away for a a little while back.....


That is the advice ya'll give...


yet...you yourself said that stuff like that drove you away for a bit..


After reading Hyper's response back to me regarding that bad idea post...I as far as retreated my thought process on my "crazy idea"....


And...more crazy ideas have come up in that thread....

In other words, I sparked up a conversation....


However, no additional down votes were made to any body else...other than to myself....


And the thing is. I could play devil's advocate and still defend my "crazy idea"...yet I dont feel like it because some of us would rather be like babies and just down vote rather than have a conversation....

Hyper had a conversation with me...yet people I have a sneaky suspicion that down voted me....are telling me to relax...chill out...


You think....that this type of behavior....to down vote somebody...without discussion....will spark interest from the person that got down voted to continue posting in that thread?


You think....that this type of behavior....to down vote somebody...without discussion....will spark interest from the person that got down voted to continue posting at all?


You know...I say lots of crazy things...to spark conversation....and all Im gonna get is a down vote...you think that makes me want to continue to speak in here?

You think that promotes interest in me to contribute?


Let that sink in for a awhile...then remember that you also took a vacation from in here from this....and then come and tell me to relax when alls Im doing is voicing a concern.....

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No matter what people will take offense to a downvote.. There is the 1% like you Olds who will want to discuss and converse about the topic but the other 99% will see a -1 and bitch and moan regardless. If it bothers those people.. so be it.. I've already said why I downvote 99% of the time. Douche posts. Almost any time I disagree with somebody I just make a post to them and converse. I somebody makes some stupid flamboyant fanboy post like..I'll leave their name(s) out ;) .. Then I give them the -1 and it ruffles their feathers lol. I don't know why..but it does. My -1 is saying "you're a douche" more often than not. 

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take a deep breath and relax.  You are reading waaaay too much into the concept of upvoting/downvoting.  As I said, it works fine on other sites without noticable issues.  Have a good evening.



I do agree with this here.....don't go crazy man.....



That said, I've grown quite tired of the system myself, as it tends to bring the children out of people. I've always loved a good debate, regardless of how in-left-field it was.  Some stuff like that here kinda drove me a away for a a little while back.....


That is the advice ya'll give...


yet...you yourself said that stuff like that drove you away for a bit..


After reading Hyper's response back to me regarding that bad idea post...I as far as retreated my thought process on my "crazy idea"....


And...more crazy ideas have come up in that thread....

In other words, I sparked up a conversation....


However, no additional down votes were made to any body else...other than to myself....


And the thing is. I could play devil's advocate and still defend my "crazy idea"...yet I dont feel like it because some of us would rather be like babies and just down vote rather than have a conversation....

Hyper had a conversation with me...yet people I have a sneaky suspicion that down voted me....are telling me to relax...chill out...


You think....that this type of behavior....to down vote somebody...without discussion....will spark interest from the person that got down voted to continue posting in that thread?


You think....that this type of behavior....to down vote somebody...without discussion....will spark interest from the person that got down voted to continue posting at all?


You know...I say lots of crazy things...to spark conversation....and all Im gonna get is a down vote...you think that makes me want to continue to speak in here?

You think that promotes interest in me to contribute?


Let that sink in for a awhile...then remember that you also took a vacation from in here from this....and then come and tell me to relax when alls Im doing is voicing a concern.....




The whole "worried about getting voted down" seems to be freaking you out a bit....thinking that might be why-or simply not understanding the passion behind....


Do I agree? To some points, yes.  And it wasn't just that that "drove" me away for a while....just happened to be one of many things that kept me away...


And why the hell do you find yourself crazy?  You sound alright to  me.  Unless the down votes happen to be driving you there.....



And yes-still not a fan of the voting system- causes people to get childlike among other things- I've seen it bring things down on other sites.....causes major fights between people! It can work, most times it does not, because people starting screwing around with it......



So if I do agree with you and some points, why should I let that sink in? That I don't understand? I've been here over 10 years bud....seen it all.


 I don't down vote, it wastes my time. If  get voted down, I could care less- because it means nothing to me in this stage of the game. I roll how I want, when I want.  Don't let it ruin yours...just be you.



I think if enough people would like it gone, Drew might get rid of it. But we as a group need to tell him that........



Also means that spark need to be as positive as it can be........

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No matter what people will take offense to a downvote.. There is the 1% like you Olds who will want to discuss and converse about the topic but the other 99% will see a -1 and bitch and moan regardless. If it bothers those people.. so be it.. I've already said why I downvote 99% of the time. Douche posts. Almost any time I disagree with somebody I just make a post to them and converse. I somebody makes some stupid flamboyant fanboy post like..I'll leave their name(s) out ;) .. Then I give them the -1 and it ruffles their feathers lol. I don't know why..but it does. My -1 is saying "you're a douche" more often than not. 



Call me old school ccap, but I'd rather just tell em that.... :smilewide:  :AH-HA:

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No matter what people will take offense to a downvote.. There is the 1% like you Olds who will want to discuss and converse about the topic but the other 99% will see a -1 and bitch and moan regardless. If it bothers those people.. so be it.. I've already said why I downvote 99% of the time. Douche posts. Almost any time I disagree with somebody I just make a post to them and converse. I somebody makes some stupid flamboyant fanboy post like..I'll leave their name(s) out ;) .. Then I give them the -1 and it ruffles their feathers lol. I don't know why..but it does. My -1 is saying "you're a douche" more often than not. 



Call me old school ccap, but I'd rather just tell em that.... :smilewide:  :AH-HA:


lol I'd like to but I feel like that's more likely to result in a reprimand... Plus, it really rustles feathers when they receive a little red -1. ;)


Maybe I'll try your system and see how it works out. lol 

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It is very amusing to see how some get so emotionally worked up over a simple downvote.  It's not a declaration of war, not the murder of your loved ones, or something else serious...just a downvote on a post on an internet forum...people that get so upset over such a triviality probably need to seek help from a mental health professional if they are that fragile.   I guess it's a byproduct of a world where every delicate flower gets a trophy, no winners or losers, and we have to watch out for the kiddo's 'feelings'. 

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It is very amusing to see how some get so emotionally worked up over a simple downvote.  It's not a declaration of war, not the murder of your loved ones, or something else serious...just a downvote on a post on an internet forum...people that get so upset over such a triviality probably need to seek help from a mental health professional if they are that fragile.   I guess it's a byproduct of a world where every delicate flower gets a trophy, no winners or losers, and we have to watch out for the kiddo's 'feelings'. 


But Cubical, according to the Idiot Parents raising kids now, EVERYONE has to Win and EVERYONE must be given a trophy. This whole falsehood of everyone is a winner is creating fragile kids that end up doing stupid things.


We need and should be able to down vote a persons posts. I do think it should also go hand in hand with an explanation so people can understand where and how others see their posts.

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I don't see the utility in an explanation. A down vote reason is obvious usually.

While it is a clear valid point, a better discussion can be had if one is to explain their thinking and who knows, maybe you will want to change from a down to an up vote based on the debate. :P


Both have their point, I just like to better understand why people are thinking the way they do.

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I don't see the utility in an explanation. A down vote reason is obvious usually.

While it is a clear valid point, a better discussion can be had if one is to explain their thinking and who knows, maybe you will want to change from a down to an up vote based on the debate. :P


Both have their point, I just like to better understand why people are thinking the way they do.


My downvote explanations will all be the same though..



"Because you're acting like a douche"


I'm not sure how much discussion that will bring..lol 

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