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Stupid Driver Week


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Pop quiz...

1) You come upon a toll booth. The lane is marked SunPass/exact change and there is no 'booth,' merely a basket for change, 25 cents to be exact. You...

a) Stop, toss in correct change, proceed.

b) Drive at reduced speed, listen to your transponder beep, proceed.

c) Stop, toss in a dollar bill. Wait. When gate doesn't open, toss, in another dollar bill. Wait. When gate still doesn't open, honk furiously and yell for an attendant. When attendant walks up and points out its exact change only, returns your dollar bill, keeps one, and returns 75 cents (depositing the toll in the basket), you argue with him about why he only gave you back $1.75.

2) You come upon another toll booth. The booth itself is unattended, the gate locked in the 'up' position, the green light flashing, and a digital readout displays 'NO TOLL COLLECTED TODAY.' You...

a) Proceed through the toll gate at normal speed

b) Look ahead, slow slightly, realize you don't have to pay a toll, resume at speed.

c) Stop briefly, realize you don't have to pay a toll, accelerate

d) Stop, look inside the toll booth befuddled, look at your passenger, look back in the booth, then proceed to toss like a dollar and a half of change into the basket before realizing you're a dolt. Accelerate.

3) You're a pedestrian trying to cross a mall parking lot while talking on your cell phone. An oncoming car stops and waves for you to cross. You make a hand gesture that appears to the driver as waving him on as if you'll wait. Driver begins to accelerate and you begin to cross. Driver notices and stops, still about 10ft away. You.

a) Wave a 'sorry!' and step back on the curb

b) Wave a 'sorry!' and continue walking across

c) Simply walk across with nothing said or gestures

d) Yell out at the top of your lungs, "f@#kING WATCH OUT!!" then proceed to call me an asshole.

Yeah, C, C, and D happened to me this week.

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Good thing we don't need to pay tolls on highways, other than 407...

... but I don't use it :P

As for pedestrians, what I do is I just stop there and wait till they cross. Then still stop, wait for the guy to overtake me and run the pedestrian down.


Edited by ToniCipriani
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A couple weeks ago at an IL I-PASS automated toll booth, exiting a major tollway here (I-294 N at River Rd): with no gate that needs to raise after paying the toll, the guy in front of me stops at the tollbooth, despite the fact that (a) there is no "booth" per se, and (b) there are signs telling you not to stop, and © I can see his I-PASS transpnder on his windshield. So what does he do? He takes the thing down, and starts waving it around inside the car like a magic wand, waiting for the indicator light just outside the tollbooth to turn green. When that doesn't work, he sticks it out the window, with more waving. With no result, he (OMG) gets out of the car, a befuddled expression on his face like a Cro-Magnon man getting suited up to fly the Space Shuttle, and proceeds to walk around behind the car, waving the transponder around. :duh:

I S you not, he did this for about 60 seconds, then got back in his car and started to move- which is precisely when the I-PASS system caught his transponder (he had been about 3 feet too far back) and turned the light green, which is precisely when he stopped again, then took off. Not a cop in sight, either.

I keep putting off hooking up my car's photon torpedoes, and I end up needing them at times just like this...

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what about you pull up to toll both as you reach into pocket to get money you hear a Not reassuring sound and some type of fluid leak. car rolls forward you pump brakes to find there is no pressure. keep rolling you hear yelling "STOP THE CAR A_HOLE" hit baracade bar. cause big scene. Not the funnest thing in world try to explain that your brakeline blew and you crashed into a toll booth baracade

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My wife stopped on the street for a pedestrian wanting to cross from her left (the other side of the road). As she waited for the person to cross, two cars drove past her on the passenger side and honked as if she was some stupid driver not signaling to turn and just sitting there. The pedestrian walked as far as up to the forward-passenger side and then had to wait for a stream of three more cars before someone with brains realized why my wife was actually stopped, and let the pedestrian through.

My wife said they were looking at each other while waiting for a car to stop, shaking their heads in disbelief at the stupidity and impatience of people.

I'm not even going to get into how stupid people are while walking in parking lots but just to say that I find it rather aggrivating to follow or approach people as they walk directly in front, or in the middle of the car lanes, blocking all traffic. Grr.

Edited by ShadowDog
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If they're not in the crosswalk that's 20 feet from where they cross, can I still turn them into a flat possum with no repercussions except to my suspension? What if they're on their cell phone while driving, drifting slower and slower, weaving slightly, can I pull a Dale Earnhardt and bump them onto the shoulder so I can continue on my way? :ohyeah:
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I keep putting off hooking up my car's photon torpedoes, and I end up needing them at times just like this...

that is like by far the funniest thing i've read in a few months :lol:

thank good for not having toll booths up hear in the north.

thats the only thing i hate about driving to the us for a vacation, every few miles sometimes you gotta put in money..

that and i'm cheap :lol:

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that is like by far the funniest thing i've read in a few months :lol:

thank good for not having toll booths up hear in the north.

thats the only thing i hate about driving to the us for a vacation, every few miles sometimes you gotta put in money..

that and i'm cheap :lol:

I'm loving how people up here just stop in the middle of the road for no reason whatsoever. (perhaps taking a sip from their Big Gulp?) Or they'll slow down so slow that I can switch my car into 1st gear for no apparent reson.

Also something interesting about NC is that no one knows how a stop sign works. I don't know...maybe it's a new concept up here and all of these signs have just been installed.

It's baffling. Either they don't stop at all and just blow through them, or they stop and wait forever even if it's their turn. (and if you go, they get all pissed off) Or they stop and then immediately go even if it's not their turn. (and act all pissed off that you tried to go)

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Last month I had the worst driving expirience. I went to get some mc donalds and I have to get onto one main road that leads to another main road where mcd's is. So I get to McD's and As I am coming up to exit the drive thru, I saw that there was bumper to bumper traffic...So I sat there for ten minutes trying to squeeze into traffic and when I get into the traffic, I have to make a U-turn! So I couldn't swith lanes to get to the U-turn lane...I ended up having to pass three U-turn lanes before I got into one. Then as I am waiting to make a uturn(another ten minutes)...I see thast people are going insane..a guy in a jeep liberty went over the line divider concrete island thing and almost hit someone because he couldn't wait to make a U-turn. I saw that there was a chance to make a u-turn..as I am making it, A huge chevy truck thing almost slams into me so I beeped the horn and screamed out the window at him...he preceeded to do the same so I cut him off in my little green saturn and to top it all off..the first main road to get to the second one had a huge accident so I had to take this LONG detour and my food was cold by the time I got home.

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Last month I had the worst driving expirience. I went to get some mc donalds and I have to get onto one main road that leads to another main road where mcd's is. So I get to McD's and As I am coming up to exit the drive thru, I saw that there was bumper to bumper traffic...So I sat there for ten minutes trying to squeeze into traffic and when I get into the traffic, I have to make a U-turn! So I couldn't swith lanes to get to the U-turn lane...I ended up having to pass three U-turn lanes before I got into one. Then as I am waiting to make a uturn(another ten minutes)...I see thast people are going insane..a guy in a jeep liberty went over the line divider concrete island thing and almost hit someone because he couldn't wait to make a U-turn. I saw that there was a chance to make a u-turn..as I am making it, A huge chevy truck thing almost slams into me so I beeped the horn and screamed out the window at him...he preceeded to do the same so I cut him off in my little green saturn and to top it all off..the first main road to get to the second one had a huge accident so I had to take this LONG detour and my food was cold by the time I got home.

ugh. people up here use a merge lane as an acceleration lane and nearly side-swipe everyone.

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ugh. people up here use a merge lane as an acceleration lane and nearly side-swipe everyone.

I can't stand it...although I have formed a tough driving attitude...Another tiem in my breeze I was stopping at a stop light and this middle age crisis came driving up to me(leaving the gas station) in his little mecredes convertable...so he begins trying to squeeze in front of me...so I reved up and inched up quickly..he came within 3 inches of smahing my front up...but he got infront of me...of course I beeped the horn and yelled out the window :P

Image demonstration

" |

" |

" ----------

"( ) ~~ <Exit of gas station

" ----------

" |

( ) is me ~~ is the mercedes

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I had some 17 year old douche cut me off yesterday while in the Solstice and got one hell of a dirty look. Lucky for him I felt like a bitch. I had my glasses on and my hair was not done. Pfffft like that'll ever happen again.

Next time he's getting an ass kicking.

I can honestly tell you probably 3 or 4 stories on stupid drivers per day here in Metro-Detroit. Then there's always the city of Detroit. Oh boy, the stories I could share.

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I had some 17 year old douche cut me off yesterday while in the Solstice and got one hell of a dirty look. Lucky for him I felt like a bitch. I had my glasses on and my hair was not done. Pfffft like that'll ever happen again.

Next time he's getting an ass kicking.

I can honestly tell you probably 3 or 4 stories on stupid drivers per day here in Metro-Detroit. Then there's always the city of Detroit. Oh boy, the stories I could share.

Preach on brother... :)

People around here are just plain stupid.

I've also come to terms with the fact there are no real stoplights in Ypsi.... :(

One can gp though a set of brakes quick around here...

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Last month I had the worst driving expirience. I went to get some mc donalds and I have to get onto one main road that leads to another main road where mcd's is. So I get to McD's and As I am coming up to exit the drive thru, I saw that there was bumper to bumper traffic...So I sat there for ten minutes trying to squeeze into traffic and when I get into the traffic, I have to make a U-turn! So I couldn't swith lanes to get to the U-turn lane...I ended up having to pass three U-turn lanes before I got into one. Then as I am waiting to make a uturn(another ten minutes)...I see thast people are going insane..a guy in a jeep liberty went over the line divider concrete island thing and almost hit someone because he couldn't wait to make a U-turn. I saw that there was a chance to make a u-turn..as I am making it, A huge chevy truck thing almost slams into me so I beeped the horn and screamed out the window at him...he preceeded to do the same so I cut him off in my little green saturn and to top it all off..the first main road to get to the second one had a huge accident so I had to take this LONG detour and my food was cold by the time I got home.


I've actually been hit WHILE in the mickey D's drive-though.... :angry:

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I-696- if you ever wondered what a NASCAR race feels like..well, you get the picture.

Drive at your own risk....


Ugh...it's terrible. Especially when I have to drive to Southfield from Roseville for Corporate Meetings. Man, I just want to take a vacation day on those days of the meetings. Then, there's I-75. Ok, one of my favorite bands is "75 North" (link in sig, *cheap plug) but c'mon I-75 is like a coke bottle between 3 and 6pm week days.
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Ugh...it's terrible. Especially when I have to drive to Southfield from Roseville for Corporate Meetings. Man, I just want to take a vacation day on those days of the meetings. Then, there's I-75. Ok, one of my favorite bands is "75 North" (link in sig, *cheap plug) but c'mon I-75 is like a coke bottle between 3 and 6pm week days.

Yep...I-75...tailgaters paradise.... :blink:

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Thinking about it, I guess 95 isn't that bad...I avoid most of the times when it's especially terrible. Basically, if you're anywhere near NY shortly after 3 P.M., you're going to be crawling northbound.

It annoyed me tonight because appartently DOT-guys don't know how to arrange signs and cones when doing construction work. You couldn't tell which lanes were closed and which were open.

Oh, and nobody wants to let you move out of a closed lane so you can avoid crashing into a sign.

Edited by Variance
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Thinking about it, I guess 95 isn't that bad...I avoid most of the times when it's especially terrible. Basically, if you're anywhere near NY shortly after 3 P.M., you're going to be crawling northbound.

It annoyed me tonight because appartently DOT-guys don't know how to arrange signs and cones when doing construction work. You couldn't tell which lanes were closed and which were open.

Oh, and nobody wants to let you move out of a closed lane so you can avoid crashing into a sign.

Yea, no one ever wants to let anyone in....sadly, I've seem someone actually hit a sign... :(

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