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How often have you got drunk?


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Honestly, I've never been. I tried shoving massive amounts of alcohol down myself, but I know when to stop. And for some strange reason I just refuse myself to drink more.

I feel a bit light, but still perfectly conscious.

How about your story?

Edited by ToniCipriani
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I didn't have my first drink until I was eighteen. Honestly, I almost never drink anymore. I think my biggest bender was a week after my 21st birthday, and then since I've been drinking less and less. I just don't find the pleasure in it anymore for being wasted.

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I get drunk pretty irregularly. It's fun every now and then, but if you do it more than that you need to drop the sauce and go to a 12-step program. Usually I'm drunk at holidays, birthdays, and a few thursday/friday nights throughout a semester.

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I drank more in high school more than I do now, and even then I only did on some weekends. Sometimes now I'll go up and visit a buddy of mine up in Bufallo in his dorm and there's been some times where .... well there was a lapse in memory and some things I don't want to remember. But as time goes on, not seeing many of my friends on a regular basis, social drinking has slown down quite a bit for me, and I'm not someone who enjoys drinking alone.

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TWICE. That's it, thank you very much.

Once at the end of college. Some of us went down to the Marina del Rey to drink. I probably had 3 or 4 Greyhounds. We drove back to campus and I aired out a bit. I then drove the 7 miles home. I did not like the sensation.

The second time was in grad school. Some people who lived near me and in my program were celebrating job offers. I went with them. The Long Island Iced Teas kept coming. I remember laying in bed the whole next day (Saturday), not even knowing how I got out of my clothes. I felt very depressed more than anything else, wondering why people drink in the first place.

Overall, idiotic experiences. I can honestly say I have never purchased more than 20 to 30 alcoholic drinks in my entire life and I think I have purchased red wine 3 x to keep at home to fight cholesterol( :lol: )...and I takes me forever to get through a bottle.

Seriously, when a Coke is 1.75, a beer is 4.00 to 5.00, and wine/mixed drinks are even more than that, why would I support that industry? Remember, this is from someone who clips coupons!

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I can't drink....

But, I enjoy hearing stories people tell about being drunk ... he he he.

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker

MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/

Models.HO = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/trainroom.html

chdQB = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/quilt.html

"What happened next is hard to tell" ... Ray Stevens ... 'Mississippi Squirrel Revival'

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I know of two times the I've been completely $h!faced, and another two that can come pretty close. Otherwise, I go weeks without really consuming. I have a liqour cabinet that remains rather unstocked, save a bottle of Maker's Mark and some Jose Cuervo Gold. I really don't have the money for drinking, and only a few of my friends drink.

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Maybe two or three times since I started drinking. The first time was November '04...I had 6 bottles of beer in a short period of time and hardly anything in my stomach...I got sick by about 12:30 and have never touched Blue Moon beer since.

The other two times were both this year, once earlier in the year hanging out on the floor and once in December when I was feeling kinda depressed and ended up nearly punching a drunk guy that threw his cup of beer at me.

Despite all that, I've never gotten to the point where I don't remember it the next morning. I also don't like getting drunk because I don't like the idea of not being in control of myself. And even when I am drunk, I'm never loud and obnoxious like most people get...I'm usually just my normal self. Plus, all that alcohol it takes to get you drunk = wasted money.

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I don't clip coupons.  If I drink vodka (rare...hate the stuff) it is Belvedere.  I might drink Grey Goose if I'm in an exceptionally good mood.  Only the best for me!

I've never understood the appeal of vodka. To me, it's like the fish of the alcohol world. How good it is is dependent on how little it tastes like itself. If I'm going to drink, I prefer whiskey, especially bourbon, but I haven't gotten drunk since the summer.

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All night, every night, just right.

Ask Harry. We're on such a bender right now he calls me Joshiepoo. Maybe it's because I'm bald, or maybe it's because he's drunk. Either way, I'm going to scratch my back with the keyboard right now.





Ahh . . . That's better. Now, if you don't mind me, I've got an appointment with Jack Daniels, Captain Morgan and The Marlboro man. Z ya later mother crunkers!

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WOW...I have so many stories about myself that I never remember happening...if thats an idicator...but normally I stop when I start to feel pretty 'good' Usually that takes quite a bit though. Half irish and half Hispanic...what do u expect...ha ha

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Never. Don't feel the need.

However, a friend of mine got wasted, passed out standing up leaning against a dumpster behind a KFC while his pants were down around his ankles, subsequently making brown in them, and then puked all over his own car.

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I've never understood the appeal of vodka.  To me, it's like the fish of the alcohol world.  How good it is is dependent on how little it tastes like itself.  If I'm going to drink, I prefer whiskey, especially bourbon, but I haven't gotten drunk since the summer.

I knew we'd agree on something sometime. I love a good bourbon--Jack Daniels is definitely a good choice.

The appeal of vodka is that you cannot get hung over from drinking it (unless you drink the $h!tiest Takka, but that stuff freezes into ice :blink: ).

Have you ever had Belvedere? It is tolerable. Mixed into a Cosmopolitan, it tastes even better.

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I knew we'd agree on something sometime.  I love a good bourbon--Jack Daniels is definitely a good choice.

Have you ever had Belvedere?  It is tolerable.  Mixed into a Cosmopolitan, it tastes even better.

Nah, I've agreed with you on plenty of points; I just think your delivery could use some work. Besides, it's much more fun to argue than say "righto, Croc, jolly good point you just made." Well, actually, it isn't if I'm going to use fake British speech, but under normal circumstances, it would be.

The only time I drink vodka is in mixers, so I don't usually spring for the fancy stuff. I've had Grey Goose mixers before, liked it , but a little taste doesn't really bother me, so I usually get something cheap, namely Vladimir. Speaking of cheap vodka, has anyone here ever tried the trick of running vodka through a Brita filter? I hear it does wonders for the taste.

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On my 18th birthday I went up to a bar in canada, got completely $h!faced, passed out face down in the parking lot of the bar after getting into a scuffle with the locals. After my friends settled down the locals they threw me in the car and took me home...stopped to puke 4 times on the way home...I had been drunk a couple times before that, but not since, so its been more than a year and half now. Just doesn't seem like much fun after that night.

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I used to like to drink quite a lot at a time. Like a whole bottle of something at one sitting but I dont do that too much anymore. I dont like the feeling after you start coming down from the high. plus the nausua. I have liquer from my grandmas house when we sold it and I havent even opened it.

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Never been drunk. I've reached a level of "buzz" maybe five times my whole life, and that's from ONE drink.

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I've gotten drunk about 6 times in my life... maybe 7.

Three out of those 6/7 I was VERY drunk, like saying dumb things, inability to walk straights etc. Only one time did I not remember the night the next day, have a massive hangover and puke.

All three times I got that sloshed it was mostly on Vodka, straight up. I HATE screwdrivers and other mixed drinks involving hard liquer. I'd rather drink Vodka straight up than make Oragne Juice taste like gasoline. :puke:

I have frineds who can drink in one night the equivelant of half of the alcohol I've consumed in my entire life. I'm not a big drinker, my tolerance is near non-existant and I have no desire to drink unless I'm mildly pressured to do so in a group setting.

I do however think a glass of red wine with a fantastic Italian pasta dish is like the equivelant of 7th heaven.

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Wow! What a tame bunch!

Myself, I rarely drink these days but I enjoy it when I do. Did most of my major drinking before it was legal for me to do so. :AH-HA_wink:

I'm amazed at the decline in "partying" that has taken place over the last 2 decades. From high school through my twenties we all did some serious partying. Then it just sort of faded out of my life.

I like to get a good buzz every once in a while and get good and drunk maybe once or twice a year. Months go by without a drop of alcohol though, and I never miss it.

I think being drunk is like most things: always better when taken in small doses. You won't catch me buying cheap alcohol - I'd rather just not drink at all. And you'll never see me "stocking-up for the weekend". There has to be a reason for me to go buy alcohol. Some kind of event or celebration.

I've seen too much of what alcoholism can do and that kept me from taking that road I think.

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Never. Don't feel the need.

However, a friend of mine got wasted, passed out standing up leaning against a dumpster behind a KFC while his pants were down around his ankles, subsequently making brown in them, and then puked all over his own car.

wow that happened to a friend of mine too!

who, btw, is going to kill you if he sees that...

A couple years ago on Halloween at college, there was this bus taking everyone to a club called Junkanoos and it was shuttling back and forth all night from the beach to the college, and it was about a half hour ride.

I don't dance unless I'm drunk so I got pretty wasted on Gilbeys and Old English beforehand with my buddy.

Before we got on the bus he burned me with a cigarette *looks at scar* and then we were ready to roll.

The bus was really packed and I wa wearing this purple wig thing and couldnt really see with all of the alcohol I'd ingested earlier.

I made out with my friend (it wasn't the first time, but I still had a boyfriend who wasn't present...and who I've appologized to since) and then he threw up in the isle and went into the bus bathroom where he passed out and we didn't see him for the rest of the ride.

The bus was so rough and I couldn't take it anymore so I just put my head on the stea in front of me and then ended up puking twice all over the two guys in front of me, who screamed....but I felt a lot better.

We never did get off the bus. My awesome roommate was holding my wig hair back and letting me barf all over her feet.

So when then endless bus ride stopped back at the school after making its round-trip, I stumbled off and for whatever reason the cops were waiting there. My friend who was in the bathroom had to be dragged off, and he took about two steps on his own and collapsed right in front of the cops.

I bolted since I could still walk, and the next day there was a write-up in the paper about him. His blood alcohol level was .24 and if he had been a couple of inches shorter, he would have died.

Needless to say, he was very proud of that, although he got in big trouble with the campus for being underage and also with his parents. hahaha.

(the bus driver must have been SO pissed...so many kids puked on his bus that night)

But a good time was had by all...even if we never did make it to the club.


So that's one of my drunk stories.

Edited by lauren
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Wow!  What a tame bunch!

Myself, I rarely drink these days but I enjoy it when I do. Did most of my major drinking before it was legal for me to do so. :AH-HA_wink:

I'm amazed at the decline in "partying" that has taken place over the last 2 decades. From high school through my twenties we all did some serious partying. Then it just sort of faded out of my life.

I like to get a good buzz every once in a while and get good and drunk maybe once or twice a year. Months go by without a drop of alcohol though, and I never miss it.

I think being drunk is like most things: always better when taken in small doses. You won't catch me buying cheap alcohol - I'd rather just not drink at all. And you'll never see me "stocking-up for the weekend". There has to be a reason for me to go buy alcohol. Some kind of event or celebration.

I've seen too much of what alcoholism can do and that kept me from taking that road I think.

Sounds like me.

My friends and I used to get together and sit at a table until all the whiskey was gone. Then drive to Denny's for breakfast (usually around 4-5 am).

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I'm amazed at the decline in "partying" that has taken place over the last 2 decades. From high school through my twenties we all did some serious partying. Then it just sort of faded out of my life.

No, it still happens. People have just gotten smarter about it, especially with the proliferation of nanny organizations like MADD and increased legal penalties. The partying happens, just more quietly so the neighbors don't call the cops.
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I drink EVERY day.......to some extent.

It may just be a couple of glasses of wine with dinner.....but it happens every day.

Now....how often do I drink to the point of crazy (and sometimes fun) drunkedness...? Well, maybe that happens a couple of times a month.....at best....

I can't handle it like I did 10 years ago......ugh

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Yeah, same here Camino... having a friend or two that are always hanging out with Buddy Weiser, Jack Daniels & Capt. Morgan makes you think twice.

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No, it still happens.  People have just gotten smarter about it, especially with the proliferation of nanny organizations like MADD and increased legal penalties.  The partying happens, just more quietly so the neighbors don't call the cops.

I'm not even sure about the "smarter" part.

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Hey, Lauren, it appears that you want us to be enamored with your upper anatomy. Both sig and avatar! So, how about posting ALL OF YOU (legal, of course) on the Pictures thread so we can do the name-face association thing?

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I drink pretty regularly and it's obviously known. Like O.C. I'll have some sort of drink whether it be at dinner or just after a hard days work.

As far as getting completely hammered, not too often. Last time I had a total "meltdown" from drinking would be New Years.

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Hey, Lauren, it appears that you want us to be enamored with your upper anatomy.  Both sig and avatar!  So, how about posting ALL OF YOU (legal, of course) on the Pictures thread so we can do the name-face association thing?

I did, actually...you just gotta find it, haha.

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My God!  That's exactly what we did right down to the choice of restaurant.

Too funny.

That's really funny--the first time I got really drunk was when I was visiting my first "girlfriend" (yeah, tried it, don't ask), at Dartmouth College, and we went to a frat party, and she got me wasted playing beer pong (although, I don't drink bear, so she put a cup of water down on the table for me and kept a large glass of rum and coke on the side).

Needless to say, I stopped drinking around 3AM, to somehow end up in Vermont (I have no idea who drove me), peeing my name in script in the urinals of a Denny's. Was funny at the time.

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*smacks Paulie's fingers* FRATERNITY party, sir. We don't use the term "frat" on this board. It's derisive.

There's nothing more potent to make a guy lay off alcohol for a long time than to be on a spinning toilet, spewing from both ends. Ohhhhh, the pain.

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