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I figured that with all the bickering around here, we should have a good thread about each other too.

Name all those you respect MOST around here. Remember, if you're not listed, it's not because we don't like you.. but you're just not the MOST respected out there.

First and foremost, ocnblu, aka oblu. He's always been there to add the "father" tone for me around here and always has my back. He can turn a bad thread good and a worse thread raunchy. Ocnblu, this one's for you. :cheers:

blackviper. Cory. You're 17 (right?) and growing up in a setting where you're very binded up and not able to function to your fullest because of it. For this, and getting through it (and by keeping faith in Pontiac all this time), I commend you. :cheers:

PlumCrazy. Though not too active anymore, I've always envied his great skill at drawing efficiently, effectively, creatively, and quickly. He's undoubtedly the greatest drawer I've ever seen.

Sixty8panther for keeping faith in RWD and because the same reason as the next few:

Chazman, wmj, hyperv6, and others who kept faith in the Camaro when all was gloomy and gray. Nobody thought it was coming back, but we all kept the faith, and because of it, we'll be whooping Mustang owners again in just a short year or two.

CaminoLS6 and z28luvr for just being awesome people and keeping topics on topic and relentlessly trying to put emphasis on civility all the time. Plus, they're Muscle Car guys at heart and both own awesome cars. :AH-HA_wink:

AH-HA, evok, thegriffon, fbodfather. You've always kept us informed and let us know what we should and kept us guessing at everything we shouldn't know. Thank you for always being the men to put down the most advanced word for us.

Flybrian for relentlessly working on the site, and all the other mods for that matter. You're what keep us running day to day, along with Josh's money and good-will to keep us on the 'net. You're all commended on my behalf.

Edited by NOS2006
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Evok and Thegriffon for obvious reasons.

I enjoy Chicagoland, Wildcat, Ellives, GuionM, Chazman, and The O.C. also. Mule Bakersdozen LS could be my son or little brother - I like his ideas, even though I don't think some of them are feasible any more.

Edited by ehaase
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Thanks ehaase! You, thegriffon, AH-HA, evok, Hogan and Z28 and others top my list-I'm more of a post than lounge guy though.

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Variance, for taking the time to post new storys-even in the "Other Guys Forum".

Mosy anyone else for being hilarious at times!

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$20 to everybody who mentions me! Come on now... Say my damn name over and over and over and over and over! I have about $200 to give away. Hurry, people, hurry! :D

Let's see... I respect any and everyone who respects me. Well... almost. Nos can be a little whore sometimes... keeps flirting with me, inappropriately. He knows I enjoy it too much... :lol::P

Specifically, though (using code names!)... Chris, Bill, Drew, Chris II, Frank, Brian, Sylvester... um... Mod person PA, Mod person ZC, that one guy, that other guy, that other-other-but-not-other guy, that gal, that resident bitch, that weird-freaky-robot person... and some dude. Don't ask. You know who you are...

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You guys have a good list going (thank you for the mention 76) I'll add Balthazar, MightyMouse, WildManJoe, GM1, HarleyEarl & Black&BlueLandscaper to the list.... But I'm sure I've forgoten a few.

And of course Variance gets extra props for helping me not overlook one of the coolest post-B-body RWD Roadmonsters on the market today, even if it is Japanese. I love our new Q. :)

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Turbo200 because he's in SoCal

Nick because he's in SoCal

AAS because he's in SoCal

Newbiebear because he's in SoCal

Trinacria because he's level-headed and all about LA

BV because he's cool

Lauren because she takes her top off

Fly because he's a Model Minority

TED because he's Canadian and doesn't piss me off

Z28 because he's level-headed

AH-HA for obvious reasons.

evok because his posts make my day

Hogans_Heroes for obvious reasons

Northie because he's cool

Camino because he is fair

uhhhhhh that's it for now...NOS would've gotten a mention except he left me off his, so I hope he burns his ass next time he goes tanning :P

EDIT: empowah, enzora

Edited by Croc
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I also respect alot of others for not totally discomunicating me when they found out i was 12.

That is SO cool. I find it really hard to believe you are so damn smart and only that age! I'm sure your parents are real proud of you!

There are a lot of likeable people on this board; however, CHEERS to those of you who are mature beyond your years...the teens, HS and college students who make good points and write well.

It's funny because when I was a "kid," I always liked hanging around people older than myself and when I graduated with my B.S. from college at 21.5 +/-, I liked being around people in their 30s and 40s. Whatever. It was either that I was brainier than most of my peers or that I felt I had something to gain from people with more years under their belt! They didn't seem to mind having me tag along, either.

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thanks, it was really hard for me to "fit in" in elemantary school b/c i just liked older kids....now im in middle school and just use my "smartness" to be funny and a "smart ass"!.

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Trinacria because he's level-headed and all about LA

Thanks, Croc.

Don't forget, tmp will give me a run for my money any day of the week on LA....and it's more current...and he's not even a native.

Damn transplants. :AH-HA_wink:

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To me, it's more like who do I NOT respect...?

Because there's only maybe two (2..) people in my history on C&G that I'd ever say I would have a hard time respecting....in one way or the other....

I love the people that agree with me on here (for obvious reasons) and I love the people that disagree with me on here (because it makes life more interesting and continually challenges my opinions and assumptions.)

(I even think I have a deep-seated attraction to Croc.......something about loving guys that abuse you.....) :yes: heheeheheheh

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To me, it's more like who do I NOT respect...?

Because there's only maybe two (2..) people in my history on C&G that I'd ever say I would have a hard time respecting....in one way or the other....

I love the people that agree with  me on here (for obvious reasons) and I love the people that disagree with me on here (because it makes life more interesting and continually challenges my opinions and assumptions.)

(I even think I have a deep-seated attraction to Croc.......something about loving guys that abuse you.....) :yes: heheeheheheh

I with you. Respect is not about who agrees with you. It's about who can make you think about your own position. Changing your own position is not necessary, but a proper and well-thought out debate is.

For that reasoning, I agree with the above positing.

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havent been here for very long but ive definitely found a bunch of people that i respect...

68 for his ridiculous knowledge of hardtops, coupes etc and willingness to look up info on them all because i asked as well as his encouragement for my sketches

Fly, Camino, Z28 and all the other admins just for being admins and taking all that responsibility upon themselves

Harvey Earl i think he was the first person to compliment one of my drawings on here and he seems to be extremely knowledgeable

Anyone who has ever complimented any of my sketches, as well as anyone who has made suggestions as far as what to change for my sketches to make them look better

Anyone who saw my first post here (the absolutely awful Trans Am...) and didnt give up on me (for the record... i have no idea why i ever thought that looked good... i saw it the other day and almost cried it was so bad)

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A few I unintentionally forgot (well, not forgot haha)...

Nick: Pretty close to my age and we can always relate to just about everything. Plus, we've both been around here for, what, forever?

Croc: He's always PMed me whenever he seemed appropriate to "look out" for something. You get what I mean. He's a good guy, though he can sometimes seem to "rough it up" around here a bit.

Cort: Knightfan. Burning passion for Montes, which surpasses my passion for Camaros and Sixty8's passion for RWD. You do those two things (for a car I, too, like) and you're doing something right. Now, if you had that burning passion for Civics? ha.

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...except harry :lol:

(sorry couldnt resist)

I admit it is hard for people to resist me. Ask Ocy or my studly SciGuyBoiToy.

I R-E-S-P-E-C-T J-O-S-H-I-E the M-O-S-T. HawtHawt. I also respect all my loyal fans and groupies. Apologies that I cannot visit you all. But you are welcome in my bachelor 'Bu any time.

I give "mad props" which I believe is a form of "street" respect you immature youngins use these day to the forums. They look abfab no doubt. Very hawt as Paris Hilton would say.

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I admit it is hard for people to resist me. Ask Ocy or my studly SciGuyBoiToy.

I R-E-S-P-E-C-T J-O-S-H-I-E the M-O-S-T. HawtHawt. I also respect all my loyal fans and groupies. Apologies that I cannot visit you all. But you are welcome in my bachelor 'Bu any time.

I give "mad props" which I believe is a form of "street" respect you immature youngins use these day to the forums. They look abfab no doubt. Very hawt as Paris Hilton would say.

Yes, it is very hard for us to resist you. Heck, the reason most of us want to be around you is because we want to strike you about the head and face with various blunt and pointy objects.

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Cort: Knightfan. Burning passion for Montes, which surpasses my passion for Camaros and Sixty8's passion for RWD. You do those two things (for a car I, too, like) and you're doing something right. Now, if you had that burning passion for Civics? ha.

LOL! What a thought ... a burning passion for Civics....


Seriously, tho, thank you, NOS! Heh...if I had to give my list ... I'd take up a good amount of space, so suffice it to say, you're on mine as well.

I just hope I get to meet you, and a number of others, sometime soon....

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker

MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/

Models.HO = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/trainroom.html

"I'm just out to find the better part of me" ... 5 For Fighting ... 'Superman'

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Croc: He's always PMed me whenever he seemed appropriate to "look out" for something. You get what I mean. He's a good guy, though he can sometimes seem to "rough it up" around here a bit.

Thanks. You are one of the few on this site who actually get it. For that, I salute you.
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Well, you know what? F- you too!

:P j/k

I know you're j/k Fly.....but seriously...I mean when I say there's a couple I don't respect, I'm talking about the one or two few posters over the past while that have been on here that MOST of us didn't like 'cause they only seemed to be on here to cause problems or bash people.

I know I'm opinionated.....devoted to my southern California lifestyle.....and am many times (many say overly) critical of GM.......but DAMN I really love the discussions and debates we all get into on here.

There's those on here that have batted heads with me all too often.....and I love those guys all the same.


I hope it never gets boring in here!!!!!!!!!!


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At least he comes out and says it instead of pining from a distance and then whining about it :AH-HA_wink:

Sorry, O.C., don't swing that way! 8)

Awwww Croc.....I think you're just a "six-packer."

You know....."give him a six-pack (of beer) and ANYTHING will feel good to him!"



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I respect everyone here...

I admit, I'm a type A personality so I ALWAYS love a good challenge! I harass people sometimes about their thoughts, but that doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of whether I like/respect them or not, even when it gets a little personal.

Besides, GOD KNOWS I'm not the LEAST bit biased, close minded, opinionated -or- obnoxious!!!! No.... Not TheF_O_G!!!!!!! Not at ALL! :AH-HA_wink:

In fact, I think disagreement and conflict, especially in a community like this, is constructive and educational. It opens your mind for a different perspective on things. For example, just to pick on someone; The O.C. One of my favorite things to do is harass him about certain subjects, yet he's probably one of the many members I respect more than others simply because he IS so opinionated and doesn't hesitate to take me down a notch.

Anyway, not to ramble, but we have a great group here for the most part; love us or hate us.

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No, I am a fraternity member.  Would you call your country a ####?

Sorry if i'm not up to date on west coast lingo, everything goes a bit slower here in the South, ya know, but has frat taken on some bizarre vaginal connotation that I don't know about?

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Fraternity - ernity = Frat.

I think that's the connotation Enzora was referring to.

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