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Where do you live, give some pictures and baout your town if ya want.

I live in Deadwood, SD. The elevation here is 4,550 feet on average. Although it does rapidly slop upward to a peak of 7,076 feet (terry peak). Deadwood, SD is located in the scenic historic black hills of south dakota. Some of the scenic places here in the Black Hills are Mount Rushmore(45 minutes away), and CrazyHorse sculpture. Deadwood, SD is one of the only whole towns to be named a National Historic Landmark by the Department of the Interior. Deadwood, SD and Lead, SD (where i go to school) are seperated by a gorge/gulch that is 1 mile long. Lead, SD is on average a mile high town. Deadwood, SD population is 1,315. The few reasons Deadwood is a Historic Lanmark is b/c of the gold rush heer in the 1800's and many notorius wild westerners spent there last few days here and are buried here (wild bill hickok, calmatiy jane, a bunch of other poeple uve never heard of). One of the main festivals here is The Sturgis Motorcycle rally although it is located in Sturgis SD (15 mins away) most anyone who comes to strugis comes to Deadwood.

Here are soem pics.

My House

View from where im sitting.

View down the street.

View from front porch.

A zoomed in view from my rear porch.

Looking Downstream.

View from back porch

My House from Rear.

Nother view from back porch.

Deadwood Main Street Scenic Winter Pic


St. Clair Shores, Gang Town during prohibition. runed by the Purple Gang. The worst criminals ever. The owned ther Detroit River. smugled beer to the us. and nowadays has High Taxes $h!ty schools.


wow charger, i have to say that looks like a very very small town.

Fremonts population is 210,000+ and there are 7 districts, each about twice the size of your town, so basically its too huge to photograph.

i'll get a few pics in tomorrow of my block.

Posted (edited)


First off great idea for a thread. I love it. Looking at those photos makes me all retless. I want to hop into my little Datsun (dare I say Q45) and take a 2 week roadtrip from here all the way out west untill I hit the Pacific Ocean.


Who's '69/'70? Blazer? Let's see some more pics. :wub: Looks shiney and clean. :)

Here's a photo of my house about a year ago.

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Just down the street this past fall.

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Fall of 2004. After I squished the Camaro's driver's side into a guardrail... junkyard fender shown bolted on. :(

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Satelite Image of my house (rental).... if you squint you can see my Camaor in the back yard. :wink:

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Our famous landmark, the Tyngsboro Bridge, and the temporary one next to it (gray) taht we're using while they repair the old 90 year old one.

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Edited by Sixty8panther

i got the BESTEST IDEA EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

everyone go to http://www.local.google.com/ and look up your town!!

then zoom in to where u can see it nicely, and take a screen shot (its after F12 :AH-HA_wink: )

then go into something, paint or whatever, and click edit paste, and label the cool/important things in your town!!

heres fremont, im very excited to see other peoples towns and places :):)

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This is the bridge that took nearly three years to complete and had to be blown up twice because it was sinking. Good site survey, guys.

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This is an old shot of downtown. Scientology owns everything between the two up arrows...

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I exaggerate slightly. Well, at least they're fixing things up alot better than the city commissioners are doing.

Here's yet another crappy condo they plan to ruin our nice public beach with.

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I'll be sure to laugh extra hard when hurricane season comes again.

Hey, its the world's crappiest junction of the two most congested roads in the county!

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Don't get me wrong, I do love living here, especially compared to the rest of the state - Orlando is too congested, Ft. Myers is too boring, Jacksonville is a big morass of everything, and Miami is like going to a foreign country, but not in that charming or even slightly appealing way.


thanks 68, lol about the road trip, o and thats my/dads K/5 1970 Blazer, will post some pics later,

and Fijan it is a small town but lets add to your idea with sharing are address'es so yah could look em up on google earth or w/e if your not comfortable with sharing your address just the fll town name.

Here is my Address, 110 Charles St, Deadwood, South Dakota

here are some aerial photos,

Lead and Deadwood


Terry peak

BTW panther nice place yah got there.



Take two rides on your ATV wiht the lights off and email us in the morning. :chillpill::lol: :wink:

All joking aside this was BVs idea originally. But don;t you know immitation isd the most sincere form of flattery? :)

Posted (edited)

o sorry didnt know

along with every other repeat thread ive posted

how did i repeat your thread bv, you just showed us your town didnt ask anyone to show there, i seea big difference.

Edited by Charger4U
  capriceman said:

St. Clair Shores, Gang Town during prohibition. runed by the Purple Gang. The worst criminals ever. The owned ther Detroit River. smugled beer to the us. and nowadays has High Taxes $h!ty schools.

Mmm Hmm. :yes:
  CSpec said:

Some random shots of my campus:

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Wow...look at all those trees!

Needs more agent orange... :P

  Charger4U said:

o sorry didnt know

along with every other repeat thread ive posted

how did i repeat your thread bv, you just showed us your town didnt ask anyone to show there, i seea big difference.

I know... I didn't say you copied mine, just mentioning that it was similar. :P

Oh... and showing people where to go to see info and alot of pics of my town instead of posting it all again. I mean... there's alot of pics in my thread. :D Although, I don't think I have any of my house in there... Hold on... *searches for another thread of mine from the past* Here you go. 8)

Posted (edited)

The funky new office building across the street from me:

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The complex I used to work in before I got a job downtown:

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On the west side of town, the house where Bugsy Siegel got his head blown off:

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Beverly Gardens Park, which bisects the city, separating the rich part from the rest of us:

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The house I'd love to own, a Lloyd Wright (FLlW's son) on Crescent Drive (not a great photot)

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Edited by tmp
Posted (edited)

I don't really live in an exciting place. ^_^

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Edited by Paolino

Zhawk & I live in a very small town in Washington state about 2hrs south of Seattle & about 45mins South east of Olympia ( the capital)

On the best days you can see MT Rainier big & Bold while driving down any of the streets of this small town.

We live about 10 mins from town in the country air & love it out here because no busy body neighbors are telling us we cant "Play" with our cars going down the streets

  Flybrian said:

This is the bridge that took nearly three years to complete and had to be blown up twice because it was sinking. Good site survey, guys.

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Hey, its the world's crappiest junction of the two most congested roads in the county!

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OO representin' Clearwater here too! 'cept I was actually born there :)

Brain, you forgot to mention our wonderful Roundabout!!!!

I live in Hippie Central, USA now.

Asheville, NC

Heres my house/cottage.

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The Biltmore is here...

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Quite a contrast eh?

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Andie McDowell lives here too!

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There are lots of protests for various things here...And a drum circle every Friday!

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Bele Chere at Vance Memorial (AKA the detested downtown dildo)

Goooooooo team!

That has got to be the sweetest little house ever! And thanks for the creative, fresh perspective here on the board. :)
  ocnblu said:

That has got to be the sweetest little house ever!  And thanks for the creative, fresh perspective here on the board. :)

aww thanks! It's a little *too* cute. Only 700 square feet and most of it is ceiling.

We're gonna upgrade in August.

I have perspective....?


  empowah said:

(Please excuse the imageshack quality:)

Today after the rain and hail...

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... the wind was pretty strong, though.

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Is that PV or Hollywood Riviera (Redondo Beach)? Nice.

  lauren said:

I live in Hippie Central, USA now.

Asheville, NC

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Quite a contrast eh?

Andie McDowell lives here too!

Never made it up there when I lived in Atlanta. How far is it? I always went the other direction -- to Florida! Really, I though the South was conservative. They have earthy-crunchy granolas living in Asheville NC? I thought they were limited to Berkeley, Eugene, Olympia and Bellingham...oh yeah, and Boulder.

Is Andie McDowell granola too? She looks like she could be earthed up to go that way. I have a cousin in Italy who is virtually her double...no lie.

Lauren, did you just join up on the site?

  Paolino said:

I don't really live in an exciting place.  ^_^

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You cheater!!! :AH-HA_wink: That's a photo montage. That bridge (God knows which, but not the Verrazzano, the GW nor the Brooklyn) AND that part of the skyline do NOT backdrop Lady Liberty.

Show us some hum-drum L.I. suburbs instead!

  trinacriabob said:

Never made it up there when I lived in Atlanta.  How far is it?  I always went the other direction -- to Florida!  Really, I though the South was conservative.  They have earthy-crunchy granolas living in Asheville NC?  I thought they were limited to Berkeley, Eugene, Olympia and Bellingham...oh yeah, and Boulder.

Is Andie McDowell granola too?  She looks like she could be earthed up to go that way.  I have a cousin in Italy who is virtually her double...no lie.

Lauren, did you just join up on the site?

The South is very conservative. (as a side note- FL is not cosidered 'South')

Most of our radio and TV is eaten up by religious programming.

However, Asheville is an anomaly. Dunno exactly how it sprang up, but it's very hippie. On the other hand, this IS the south, so out where I live it's pretty evenly split between hippie and yuppie. We have a Starbucks, but for every yuppie store there are 2 more incense and Tibetan prayer flag shops.

Yeah I'm new...but I joined because I'm friends of Brian's from high school.

I have no idea about Andie McDowell. Personally I really dislike her. She married some guy up here that owns a car lot.

  trinacriabob said:

Is that PV or Hollywood Riviera (Redondo Beach)?  Nice.

It's Rancho Palos Verdees or Arr Pee Vee or however it's supposed to be butchered. :lol:

  lauren said:

The South is very conservative. (as a side note- FL is not cosidered 'South')

Some parts of Florida are very much 'Southern', namely north of Orlando between the coasts and up in the panhandle between Perry and Jacksonville, including Tallahassee.

  Flybrian said:

Some parts of Florida are very much 'Southern', namely north of Orlando between the coasts and up in the panhandle between Perry and Jacksonville, including Tallahassee.


I know Florida WELL. I love it. I have cousins (who I don't particularly like, though, in Dade and Broward counties).

For some reason, I always assumed you lived on the Space Coast (Cocoa/Vero/etc.) but you live on the West Coast. I know that Rivieraranch and Harry (emh-emh) live closer to my cousins, as they have indicated that in their posts.

At any rate, I think of Florida and I think of dance music...I swear, compared to any place else I have ever been, you can't channel surf without hitting dance music. It seems as thought the synthesizer is the sound of Florida.

I like the pix you posted. We just need the Sunshine Skyway Bridge (beautiful design) to top it off!

  lauren said:

However, Asheville is an anomaly. Dunno exactly how it sprang up, but it's very hippie. On the other hand, this IS the south, so out where I live it's pretty evenly split between hippie and yuppie. We have a Starbucks, but for every yuppie store there are 2 more incense and Tibetan prayer flag shops.

I grew up in Asheville in the 1970's and early 1980's and went to Asheville High. Asheville was liberal back then, but there weren't very many hippies. Many kids were preppy, many were rednecks, and many were fans of Karl Marx. When my employer sent me to Atlanta in 1999 for a lengthy detail, I drove up to Asheville every other weekend, and it hadn't changed much physically.

  ehaase said:

I grew up in Asheville in the 1970's and early 1980's and went to Asheville High.  Asheville was liberal back then, but there weren't very many hippies.  Many kids were preppy, many were rednecks, and many were fans of Karl Marx.  When my employer sent me to Atlanta in 1999 for a lengthy detail, I drove up to Asheville every other weekend, and it hadn't changed much physically.

That sounds about right. Most of the structures are still very conservative.

I made a humble website with some of the pictures Ive been taking with my new camera.

It's just a bunch of shots, mostly of plants, from the Asheville area. Being from FL, I've never really been through any seasons before and I'm finding it terribly fascinating. The flowers are baffling to me. If you know what any of them are that have "unidentified" next to it, I would really appreciate knowing. You can email me at

lauren at bansemer dot com

The website is HERE!!

And I will be adding to it frequently.

  trinacriabob said:

I like the pix you posted.  We just need the Sunshine Skyway Bridge (beautiful design) to top it off!

The Space Coast is very narrow and I don't really like it that much. I lived there for a few months during my flight training and it doesn't have that same feel the Tampa Bay area does.

Just for you...

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...I absolutely love this bridge. My father - being the old school pipefitter type - prefers the old steel truss one that existed before the 1980s.

Here's another shot, this time from the Courtney Campbell Causeway, another one of our four main bridges. None of these are pretty by comparison, but regardless...

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What I love so much about this locale is you're no more than 20 minutes on a bad day away from some form of beach and water. It makes my commute into Tampa so much more pleasent because of it. It never gets too hot because my county is a peninsula itself and of course never, ever too cold. Plus, on a clear day, you can actually see the Space Shuttle launch from clear across the state. Nothing better. :)

  trinacriabob said:

You cheater!!!  :AH-HA_wink:  That's a photo montage.  That bridge (God knows which, but not the Verrazzano, the GW nor the Brooklyn) AND that part of the skyline do NOT backdrop Lady Liberty.

Show us some hum-drum L.I. suburbs instead!

Damnit! You found me out! Sigh. Okay, if you have more money than God, you can have views like this from your house:

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And let's not forget the history on Long Island... the invention of Long Islands famous Iced Tea:

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Then of course, we have the vineyards out east:

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This is the Fire Island lighthouse, which shows the ships when they've hit a very gay part of the northeast:

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And don't say nothing exciting ever happens on Long Island:

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And of course, Montauk Point, home of Gosman's Dock, the best damn seafood restaurant I've ever been to:

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Well, I was going to post more interesting things, but then I realized, this might physically burn out someone's modem :P

If I get bored, I'll post some more another time.


Here is my new house. Well, it's technically not mine yet. Our closing date should be March 28th. Anyone want to help move?

It's in Fort Mill, SC right outside of Charlotte, nc.

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House progress can be found here:


It was raining when we went to the Biltmore last year


Here is a link to our city downtown.



Today's sunset was awesome... it's not unusual for us to look down and see the clouds hovering close to the ocean, but it's rare when there's another layer of cloud above us. Cloud sandwich:

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You can see it raining (near the palm tree) far away:

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The LCD screen on my camera broke, so I couldn't turn off the flash, but I did try covering the light... except I forgot the red one.

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The effect is kinda cool though...

  lakefire said:

Here is my new house.  Well, it's technically not mine yet.  Our closing date should be March 28th.  Anyone want to help move?

It's in Fort Mill, SC right outside of Charlotte, nc.

House progress can be found here:


It was raining when we went to the Biltmore last year


Here is a link to our city downtown.


Hey what gives? The homes they build on TV take 6 days. Yours took about 4 months?? :P

  ocnblu said:

Awesome house, lakefire, but what's this... no indoor plumbing?

Hahah, I thought one of the nice things about building my own house is being the first one to use the toilet and not have someone else's ass on it; or what not. But when we were walking through the other day Anne shouts out; "I think someone peed in here (pointing to one of the toilets)." I didnt' even bother looking....sigh.

  CD/BP said:

Hey what gives? The homes they build on TV take 6 days. Yours took about 4 months??  :P

Ya, and my builder built one of those homes as well. Freaking Company, why couldn't they hire 100 people to work to build my house. We signed our contract in September and after all is said and done it will have been 5 to 6 months. But it's sexy in our eyes.

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