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AutoWeek now says 09 Camaro has been moved to 08


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If you don't like Edmunds date for the Camaro start reading AutoWeek. They are reporting in the Feb 20th issue that the 2009 Camaro has been moved up to 2008.

I get the feeling info on this is so tight the press is reaching for any clue they can right now. Watch the Camaro web site and posts from Fbodfather for any additional clues. What clues he post do come together in time.

They give no other details on the Camaro but they do outline the latest Bluedevil hints. Most of the same as we have been hearing 2900 pounds, $100,000 and supercharged. They did say 7.0 SC but they have been the only ones I have seen to make a 7.0 claim.

For the folks that don't like the 08 Camaro date you can contact them at Autoweek.com.


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  • 4 weeks later...

would 2007 MY in late fall mean "HOT"? :D

(wishfull thinking for a 40th anniv, model)

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Thats great news, if they do it right it will be a big hit. The D.O.D. system and great price point and quality will make it a smash. With the MPG so good i would use it as my daily driver. I really hope its here soon. I honestly believe they will sell a lot of the base models to young girls/woman. If the price they have been saying it will cost is true, I cant see it not being a huge hit for GM. GET HER HERE!!!!

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I think a Camaro followed up by the Impala will be a great 1-2 punch.

The heritage of these two car is something Japan can build. They have for years tried to buid a better Harley but don't understand it is might run better and sound like it but it still ain't a Harley. NSX and Ferarri they same thing still not a Ferarri.

For such a traditional minded country they never have grasped Heritage and history in cars or bikes in the states.

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especially how nice they say it is. The only thing that scares me is we heard the same stuff about the new Malibu for years and still no car so I hope it doesnt take forever GM needs it now. However I do agree it would be a great one two punch. The line up should be pretty cool in the next few years. Monte RWD Impala RWD and the Camaro. and in a newly designed Malibu ( soon I hope ) to compete with the Camrys/Altimas of the world, the trucks its changing I just hope people will give them a fair shake

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"One hot rumor: Camaro production was moved forward, from 2009 to 2008".

That is all they give in details, I wish there was more.

GMT900 was moved up from 2008 production... and we've already got em... lets see you work your magic with one of chevy's icons...

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I can't effin wait!


If all goes according to schedule we'll be buying a house in the next three of four weeks and closing by early summer. After that I'm pickig up a Cobalt and after that the next car will be a 5th gen. Camaro. Even if I can't afford a V8 as long as it's a Stick I'll buy one new. :D

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No, it means you have to put your foot down to roast your tires. AFM shuts down half the engine at low load — coasting downhill, highway cruising, idling at the lights, crawling around the parking lot etc. Put your foot down and all the cylinders fire for maximum power.

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Hmmm.... this where on of our resident  Jimmy Neutrons comes in and tells all of us it just does not work that way?  :rolleyes:

Sorry to tell the children there is no tooth fairy? Don't cry little boy. It will be OK.

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Slightly warmer, but I have a feeling that's too far into the decade to make a difference.

Just look at the progress made on GMT900. :thumbsup:

LOL - Your 2007 CY release date is pure BS. Keep believing in the fairy tales.

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LOL - Your 2007 CY release date is pure BS.  Keep believing in the fairy tales.

no he's right. they just have to make a few minor mods to the concept before it makes it into production in Oshawa. adding 2 rear doors, turning the engine sideways and adding a leaping antelope logo. instant Campala? or maybe Impalaro? or maybe just Impalacamaro.

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no he's right.  they just have to make a few minor mods to the concept before it makes it into production in Oshawa.  adding 2 rear doors, turning the engine sideways and adding a leaping antelope logo.  instant  Campala? or maybe Impalaro? or maybe just Impalacamaro.

Yea - my bad - who am I to talk - especially when some very talented and gifted people around here are sifting through certain peoples dried turds, counting the reconstituted corn kernels and learning the coded messages and hidden mysteries to these programs.

I can't compete with that - especially when I can only pick up the phone and talk to real people.

Yea - again - my bad. Sifting through crap is not my strong suit!

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Considering this being a place for GM Enthusiasts and real enthusiats I often wonder why certain people post here any longer? Simply to inflate their own ego's in a "Jim Dollinger" sort of way?

I do apologize that I am not as good as "sugar coating" my responses, must be that college education you have.

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This is a place to share ideas, speculate and have fun! Not a place to just do personel attacks on another posters just because you don't agree.

If you have an idea present it and let other have their own opinion!

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This is a place to share ideas, speculate and have fun! Not a place to just do personel attacks on another posters just because you don't agree.

If you have an idea present it and  let other have their own opinion!

tell me who Jimmy is you pomous, child............

So I will say it - that is not the way it works.

Go back to sifting -

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Considering this being a place for GM Enthusiasts and real enthusiats I often wonder why certain people post here any longer? Simply to inflate their own ego's in a "Jim Dollinger" sort of way?

I do apologize that I am not as good as "sugar coating" my responses, must be that college education you have.

So Josh will it still be here in 07 - Yea I shot that timing down over at cz28 when you posted it. Why, it is wrong.

And another thing Josh - a reflection of ego is being able to admit when you are wrong. I think you and the BM should step back and look in the mirror. Admitting you are wrong is a trait you both lack. That is why your opinions are such easy targets for being dissected and torn apart. You do not learn from your mistakes. You do not learn period.

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Jimmy is a child Genius in a cartoon. Happy not the slam you though?

I would post something to make you look like foolish but I don't work that way. Besides your post speak volumes.

By the way I sure Brian would not agree with you on that being rude and attacking people personaly :) is not how it works here!

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Let's keep this civil, shall we?

We have differing opinions and different sources and different information - let's just accept that. By all means express your position on this, but let others do the same without petty attacks. Time will tell who has the right of things.

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This is what I think we'll see:

A production version of Camaro at NAIAS in January '07

A fleet of pre-production/production spec Camaros at major auto events all through '07. I believe these cars will wear 40th anniversary colors and be considered '07 models. One will pace Indy. The cars will have a pedigree with a history of their promotional tour much like the first SSRs did. Some of these cars will find their way to private owners eventually.

If GM can find any way to do it, I expect to see a few regular production '07s with full-scale production of '08s starting late in '07 or early in '08.

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There is difference between speculation and what is really going on. As I have pointed out in an above post and countless times on this subject, and will reiterate - spamming threads with speculation does not get anyone closer to the truth especially in light that the speculation is not correct. And that is what is actually going on, spamming. The fact of the matter is, the spam has not ceased and has only continued. Opinion and fact are two very different things. The program in question will not be on the market for 07 MY and it will not be on the market for the 08 MY. I will say no more on the expected release date beyond what will not be. Sorry folks but it is not my opinion that it will not happen but it is a fact.

These facts have been verified countless time.

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There is difference between speculation and what is really going on.  As I have pointed out in an above post and countless times on this subject, and will reiterate - spamming threads with speculation does not get anyone closer to the truth especially in light that the speculation is not correct.  And that is what is actually going on, spamming.  The fact of the matter is, the spam has not ceased and has only continued.  Opinion and fact are two very different things.  The program in question will not be on the market for 07 MY and it will not be on the market for the 08 MY. I will say no more on the expected release date beyond what will not be.  Sorry folks but it is not my opinion that it will not happen but it is a fact.

These facts have been verified countless time.

I know you have information that supports what you believe to be fact and I respect that. However, speculative posts are hardly "spam", they are enthusiasts doing what they come here to do: speak their minds. As I said before, time will tell and we will all know. Just give the folks some space to speculate, divine, and opine - it is one of the reasons we all come to a site like this. Everyone is entitled to be heard, right or wrong.

On the topic at hand, there appear to be two camps of people in the loop that disagree with one another. This being the case, the rest of the online community will gravitate to one position or the other. All that we, the staff of C&G, ask is that the debate proceed in a respectful and civil fashion.

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Lets put it like this so the debate is settled:

evok and chazman have contacts/sources/information that specifically state that the car is NOT being marked as either an 07 or 08. Chazman has actually said that no work was going on in NA on the car. I think evok has stated that there is no approved program right now. Is this right guys?

Now there is another camp, GuionM specifically, who has lead people to believe, based on sources, that Holden is running full steam ahead with the Camaro based upon their sources.

That being said either evok and Chaz aren't gettting the full story, the work that is going on is not an official program and so those who should know about it don't, or the car is not being worked on at the moment.

Now can we call this argument quits?

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There is no official green light on any zeta program and no RFQ's have gone out to suppliers. When either of these things happen, I imagine it will leak out the very same day it happens.

The RFQ really is the big one...who cares about an official green light. Anouncing an official green light amounts to nothing more than a P.R. move. Sending out RFQ's to suppliers actually means they are saying "hey let's get some parts together and build this damn thing." Gee am Im being Captain Obvious here yet?  :rolleyes: Just wait to hear about RFQ's and then you will all get a better idea of the timing.

and this is what it all comes down to. supplier ramp-up, in my limited outsider perspective, takes some time, making '07MY [even late intro as discussed] downright impossible, and '08MY somewhat unrealistic.

However, I respect both sides of this argument, and am glad both can co-exist. I come for the realism of the plan, but also for the possibility.

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No, it means you have to put your foot down to roast your tires. AFM shuts down half the engine at low load — coasting downhill, highway cruising, idling at the lights, crawling around the parking lot etc. Put your foot down and all the cylinders fire for maximum power.

Or how about this: make a button like traction control so there's a manual override.

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would 2007 MY in late fall mean "HOT"? :D

(wishfull thinking for a 40th anniv, model)

Careful what you wish for- the 04 GTO was a 40th anniv car and look how that turned out- or didn't turn out...

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I know you have information that supports what you believe to be fact and I respect that.

Believe and fact are two very different things.

That has been and will continue to be the dispute on this thread until the moderators understand that. That is the root cause of this discussion and has been for months now.

However, speculative posts are hardly "spam", they are enthusiasts doing what they come here to do: speak their minds.

In the context of this discussion it is spam.

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I would post something to make you look like  foolish but I don't work that way. Besides your post speak volumes.

Be my guest - I accept the challenge. I am anxious to find out what the corn has to say.

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Now there is another camp, GuionM specifically, who has lead people to believe, based on sources, that Holden is running full steam ahead with the Camaro based upon their sources.

That being said either evok and Chaz aren't gettting the full story, the work that is going on is not an official program and so those who should know about it don't,  or the car is not being worked on at the moment.

There is misinformation out there as to how the VDP process works. He still thinks and posts that there really is an 18 month VDP in real time. That is taken out of context and spreads the misinformation. I do not need to go into that again.

Please refer to CD/BP post.

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Believe and fact are two very different things.

and both are part of a discussion board

That has been and will continue to be the dispute on this thread until the moderators understand that.  That is the root cause of this discussion and has been for months now.

Discussion is fine, normal and appropriate - personal attacks are not. Angry disputes are not necessary and have no value.

In the context of this discussion it is spam.

No, it is the free expression of the membership. Which, by definition, cannot be spam on a messageboard. The members are invited to offer their views, spam is something forced upon us from outside unasked for

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