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Chicago: 2007 Toyota Tundra


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AWESOME is all that I can say.....and WHAT a stylish interior.

What a surprise... (See my first post)

I also heard a rumor that Toyota was working on a new PUSHROD V8 for the heavy-duty versions....? Evok? Anyone confirm or deny this?

Can't WAIT to hear the media JUSTIFY this after years of BELITTLING the domestics for "OLD TECH" pushrods...

I'm sure it'll be all good in Toyota land...

Oh and this truck "doesn't have to out do the 900's, just be competitive" What about all of those GM products that are BITCHED at for being "just competitive" with Toyota products?!?!?!?! Another double standard.

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Of course credit will not be given when credit is due.


SUCKS!!! Don't it???!?!?!?!?

I cannot wait to see what GM brings to the table.

Doesn't matter.... We all know HOW the chips will fall.

'we're an American compnay making an American truck.'.

That's a cue to the media and analysts to turn up the propaganda war another notch... How do you sell to american-loyal truck buyers???? You TELL them that your an american company (Which has already began--the Toyota PR team began this 2-3 years ago)

What's sad is; most of america is too STUPID to know the truth, just like they don't know that GM and Ford contribute MUCH, MUCH, MUCH more to this economy than Japan Inc.

i can't wait for the first person to say the new tundra interior is better than this.

Get ready!!! Just like the Ford interior presence, this interior will be twisted in some way to where GM gets the $h! end of the stick and Toyota smells like a rose.

Example: "Well, at least with Toyota, you don't get the same million other copies interior shared with SUVs treatment as in the Silverado."

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Then again, as Evok says, there is more than meets the eye. My guess? Toyota will launch with an extremely agressive pricing strategy, and is preparing heavy-duty models to debut in a couple years. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

A checkbook with 6 digit figures to the press???

1) Nissan did this last year. 300hp + 9,500+ lbs. It didn't turn Detroit's world on edge. It garned some sales; but it didn't exactly deliver a "shotgun at point blank range to Detroit's chest" as some were quoted as saying.

But Nissan isn't Toyota.

2) Toyota has baggage. Yup--I said it. Just like Detroit does with cars. It's not quite so bleak, but it exists. Toyota, for the last decade-plus has advertised their T100, and then their Tundra as full-size. Chevrolet, not Toyota, has the title for the longest-lasting/most-durable + the best resale value. Chevy's '06 5.3l had virtually the same hp, way better torque, and still got better gas mileage. Tundra's legacy, to date, is that it's small, underpowered, and not as fuel-conscious.

First of all; the 'baggage' is a non issue... The media will be SURE to take care of that... I mean, after all, it's not like TOYOTA gets mild failures from 30 years ago THROWN into thir faces nd over exaggerated like GM does. Secondly, the media will take care of the dependability too by hyping Consumer Reports.

3) Pickup truck owner loyalty is greater than car owner loyalty. That translates into Toyota/Nissan/Honda having a harder time picking up auto sales in the truck market than the domestics do in the car market.

Not for long... The propaganda has already started to print.

4) What does the Toyota provide you that a current domestic cannot? Greater reliability? Even that's questionable nowadays. Matter of fact, when it comes to heavy-duty pickup trucks, Toyota doesn't have any repuation in this arena (within the US). What did Toyota do better? Fit and finish? From the looks of it, that isn't going to be a distinguishing factor anymore with the interior of the latest F150's and Silverado's.

Who the hell knows honestly??? Snob status..... Owning a series of plastic chromw "T's"???? (Every american's dream) Looking cool in front of librarians and failed teachers???? Who knows?

Lastly: that gear shifter looks like it came out of Ford's part bin. I know all manufacturers do this, but when you see something this obvious, it just screams "rip-off", "copy-cat", or "wannabe".

Certainly wont be mentioned though... And I'm sure it miraculously works with "more precision and smoothness" in the Toyota.

It will sell if Toyota finds a way to solve their piston slap problem.

Toyota and piston slap? Who would have thought it. Yep they got a problem.

Oh really?!?!?!

You must be one of 3 people that know of it!!!! Not like the media tried to ruin it's sales (Like they did the Silverado/Sierra's a couple of years ago over this issue)

I'm sure it'll be hush, hush... And I'm sure no one will sue. Gee golly, it's good 'ole innocent Toyota after all.

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What a surprise... (See my first post)

Can't WAIT to hear the media JUSTIFY this after years of BELITTLING the domestics for "OLD TECH" pushrods...

I'm sure it'll be all good in Toyota land...

Oh and this truck "doesn't have to out do the 900's, just be competitive" What about all of those GM products that are BITCHED at for being "just competitive" with Toyota products?!?!?!?! Another double standard.

Dude get over it.

Your rants are TIRING.

When has the media EVER dissed on GM's pushrod V8 truck engines?

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Why should the valve actuation of a car be held to different standards than a truck? You cannot say you haven't read volumes of criticism over GM pushrod car engines, right?

FOG- damned great call on the 'double standard' issue regarding 'just have to be competitive'! I missed that one first time by.

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You're LIEING to yourself if you don't think this piece of junk will be successful. DOESN'T MATTER if the merits are there or not.

How do you know this is a piece of junk? Now you're contradicting yourself. You say the media automatically labels all domestics as automatically being junk. You're doing it yourself. :stupid:

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How do you know this is a piece of junk?  Now you're contradicting yourself.  You say the media automatically labels all domestics as automatically being junk.  You're doing it yourself. :stupid:

I do believe his "junk" statement was out of disdain for the vehicle not that it was mechanically unsound.

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Guest YellowJacket894

Posted Image

Let me quote a few lines from an old car review article...

"It's an electric car without batteries..."

"It stands for nothing, affrims nothing, suggests nothing; it's your definitive noncar..."

"A limp, unending mass of tapioca..."

"An embodiment of zepplin-sized boredom on an economy scale..." (<--- Best fits the whole damn mess.)

"The [Tundra] consitutes a never-ending stream of the third-rate and the underdone, a rolling potpourri of mediocrity..."

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Why should the valve actuation of a car be held to different standards than a truck? You cannot say you haven't read volumes of criticism over GM pushrod car engines, right?

FOG- damned great call on the 'double standard' issue regarding 'just have to be competitive'! I missed that one first time by.

Balthazar why are you making me BEAT THIS DEAD HORSE?

We've all mostly agreed that GM has, for some reason, done a much more bang-up job engineering their pushrod V8 engines.....that includes the later-gen 5.3L AND the LS engines in the performance cars.

Why they can't execute a pushrod V6 to the same high standards, I can't answer.

In many cases, GM gives up little to import multi valve/cam V8s with their V8s.....but you can't say that about the V6 comparisons....

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LOL...GREAT! Well, I guess that means that GM truly is dead... I mean, afterall, evok LOVED the Ridgeline and so did 110% of the media apparently.

Don't put words in my mouth as you try to put your spin on my arguments. You misrepresent words and facts about as bad as you claim the media does.

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Guest gmrebirth

Overall, the Tacoma has NOT been a success... Just like ALL of Toyota's truck efforts thus far.

And they're probably up 30% for January because of RAMP UP of the new model this time last year. I'm sure Toyota didn't tell you that though.. And they probably threw in a few Scion sales somehow to make things look good.

The great hypocrite himself. You yell from the rooftops about media bias, yet you promote bias yourself with your extreme fanatical views.

Honestly, get over yourself.

If the Tacoma has not been a success, by YOUR WORDS, then the Colorado/Canyon, Dakota, and Ranger must all be dismal failures by comparison.

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Dude get over it.

Your rants are TIRING.

When has the media EVER dissed on GM's pushrod V8 truck engines?


"Get over it"

My rants are no more tiring than hearing how Toyota is going to SAVE THE WORLD all the time with WONDERFUL products that in fact AREN'T that special or better than average.

And what's even more tiring is that ALL of the 'in the knows' seem to try their BEST to promote this logic like they've been brainwashed or something.

How do you know this is a piece of junk?

My opinion told me... LOL.

Why they can't execute a pushrod V6 to the same high standards, I can't answer.

In many cases, GM gives up little to import multi valve/cam V8s with their V8s.....but you can't say that about the V6 comparisons....

I'll have to agree with this one.

Don't put words in my mouth as you try to put your spin on my arguments. You misrepresent words and facts about as bad as you claim the media does.

I never put words in your mouth.. You LOVED the Ridgeline and your post implied that you were impressed with the Tundra...

As far as the 'misrepresentation of facts' FACT has nothing to do with what I say here, it's all opinion with a VERY HEALTHY dose of SARCASM (Which I guess didn't transfer well through text) So, the basic difference is I, unlike the media, do not push my BIASED OPINION off as fact to an unsuspecting public.

The great hypocrite himself. You yell from the rooftops about media bias, yet you promote bias yourself with your extreme fanatical views.

1) This ain't no UNBIASED NEWS SITE.

2) That's right; if they can play the bias game then so can I. I'm not going to 'GIVE IN' and give Toyota a free ride (READ: Chant along with the media) as some of our members have now decided to do.

3) Yet again; I am a nobody... What does my OPINION matter to any of you (Other than to occasionally piss you off) I AM NOT a source of automotive data or reviews. The media outlets are, and therefore with great power comes great responsibility to be fair and unbiased. See the difference: FOG= smart a** with a laptop. Major media outlets= SOURCE for MANY purchase decisions.

Honestly, get over yourself.

LOL. (Let me knock that chip right off my shoulder)

If the Tacoma has not been a success, by YOUR WORDS, then the Colorado/Canyon, Dakota, and Ranger must all be dismal failures by comparison.

Actually, that was by Edmunds.com standards earlier this year. I can try to find the article if anyone wants.

***If it wasn't obvious that a lot of what I said was meant in sarcasm, then let this be the disclaimer.***

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The styling on this thing is off. Like Petra said, this thing won't be a domestic killer. I have my fingers crossed for the redo on GM's full size trucks. I actually don't think it'll be hard for GM to maintain their market share in this segment. As long as they don't completely mess up the styling I think they'll be ok. I just hope the new trucks have a design that looks more evolved than the new Avalance or GMT900s.

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The tundra, as a foreign truck in a domestic-dominated market segment, faces the very same, tall & wide obstacles that many proclaim the domestic cars face vs. the import cars: it must EXCEED the competition as opposed to merely benchmarking it and attempting to equal it, otherwise there is no reason to leave the popular makes for a brand with a poor track record and nothing new to offer.

toyotanation posters are all slack-jawed that "300 plus HP" quotes from toyota literally means 400 HP. Apparently nothing was learned from the very recent across-town example provided by nissan, who's upcoming "300+ HP" titan came to market with.... 305 HP.

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toyotanation posters are all slack-jawed that "300 plus HP" quotes from toyota literally means 400 HP. Apparently nothing was learned from the very recent across-town example provided by nissan, who's upcoming "300+ HP" titan came to market with.... 305 HP.

the current 4.7L Tundra makes 271hp (SAE rated), basic math should tell the 5.7L

will put out a min of 330hp.

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The tundra, as a foreign truck in a domestic-dominated market segment, faces the very same, tall & wide obstacles that many proclaim the domestic cars face vs. the import cars: it must EXCEED the competition as opposed to merely benchmarking it and attempting to equal it, otherwise there is no reason to leave the popular makes for a brand with a poor track record and nothing new to offer.

agreed on this respect except for the track record part....Toyota has a fantastic track record, not exclusive to trucks, and truck buyers usually aren't just truck buyers, they have a few other cars too. GM has image problems to topple that they can defeat through design and quality, and then the market will gradually begin to accept them back. Toyota has won over customers through superior quality and engineering, not just superior to GM either.
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Being that this is Toyota, and that we are in the U.S., we might consider saying uh-oh just because if Toyota Camry buyers need a "big" truck, and that the Camry is the "best-selling" car in the U.S. or whatever, then that could spell trouble for GM, Chrysler, and Ford, you know?

That centre stack is atrocious- looks like the HVAC is too far away from Driver

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