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OK, I went to Blockbuster and rented 3 movies because the weather sucks bollocks.

"Wedding Crashers"

"The 40-Year-Old Virgin"

"Slutty Summer"

I'm gonna watch 'em on the pc. Has anyone seen any of these? Let us know what you thought. I'll post my impressions later on.

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OK, I went to Blockbuster and rented 3 movies because the weather sucks bollocks.

"Wedding Crashers"

"The 40-Year-Old Virgin"

"Slutty Summer"

I'm gonna watch 'em on the pc.  Has anyone seen any of these?  Let us know what you thought.  I'll post my impressions later on.

The first one sounds dumb.

The second one is of interest to me as regfootball said it was good.

The third one: never heard of it. What's it about? Report back.

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I thought the Wedding Crashers and The 40 Year Old Virgin were pretty good. Wedding crashers I put in the same category as Old School. Of the two I liked 40 year old virgin the best.

Slutty Summer.. not particularry my type of movie

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I must be a dummy. I can't get "Wedding Crashers" to play on my existing video players here on the pc. It keeps asking me to download some new player... BAH.

"40-Year-Old Virgin" is really good. I thought it was heartwarming, innocent and cool.

"Slutty Summer" is just a piece of fluff (not porn, CD/BP). Not really my kind of movie either.

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Well... The 40 Y/O Virgin was hilarious. I laughed... and laughed hard. :P

Anyways, yeah, the rain really sucks but it didn't stop me from having a kinda-sorta-not-really good time! Oh no it didn't! I went dealer hopping again for no damn reason! I walked the streets of Brookville by my lonesome self again for no damn reason! Ah... I didn't let the rain stop me... Yes, I got soaked and froze my ass off, but you know what? It wasn't worth it. Meh...

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Ah, Vipes. I hear ya. I'm doing my own wandering right now. A person I've cared about since the first day I saw him has really been on my mind lately. I've known him for 3 years. I work with him. All I want to do is tell him, because I've had a feeling for the longest time that he might feel the same. This gay thing is so much bull$h!. It's not f@#king fair.
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Life isn't fair, straight or gay.  Quit dwelling on the self-pity and you'll find it a lot easier.  Carpe diem.  Seriously, life sucks and then you die, unless you make something of it for yourself.  Hope this helps.

LoL....yea Im sure that will brighten their days right up. :rolleyes:

Sure what you said is true, but someone who's down doesn't need to be lectured.

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Sure what you said is true, but someone who's down doesn't need to be lectured.


I'll agree with that, having been in that "down" area a bit too many times myself, only to be "lectured" by my best friend.

YET....those "lectures" were exactly what I needed, if that makes any sense.


To those who are down currently (including myself), it WILL get better. I busied myself today by moving some things around in my room ... on a couple of desks ... just to give it a "new" look. Problem now is, I have a "bug" to move things in the entire room ... and I don't have the time for that :(. Irony rocks ;).

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker

MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/

Models.HO = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/trainroom.html

"Everybody wants love to be easy" ... Nitty Gritty Dirt Band ... 'Stand A Little Rain'

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Life isn't fair, straight or gay.  Quit dwelling on the self-pity and you'll find it a lot easier.  Carpe diem.  Seriously, life sucks and then you die, unless you make something of it for yourself.  Hope this helps.

Oh yeah... I feel alot better, thanks for helping.

Well... in my situation, life is getting about as unfair as it possibly could be. Lately, I can't help but feel lonely and depressed. Being shy and gay in a town like Brookville... it really limits the possibilities of being with someone, which I want so badly. To make it worse, I don't really have a long list of friends to talk to, let alone ones that are aware of my sexuality and would approve of it. Currently, all this is really making life a living hell. For some things, coming out seems to be the only way to make some things easier... and well, that isn't exactly the easiest thing in the world. I tried with one of my closest friends, and I couldn't get it out. That and you have to consider that atleast half of Brookville is made up homophobic rednecks...

Hope this helps you understand, Croc.

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YET....those "lectures" were exactly what I needed, if that makes any sense.

Of course it makes sense; it's true.

Seriously, Doane, I am speaking from personal experience, so why don't you save the sarcasm and eyerolling, mkay? Whether ocn follows my advice or continues the same self-pity road he's been on for months now is his prerogative, but happy ocn is much more fun than sad ocn, and as someone who genuinely cares, I think it's time he tries to snap out of it. Seriously, if he samples my advice and finds it sucks and didn't work for him, he has every right to come on here and post about how $h!ty my advice was in regards to his situation, but I think that that is ocn's business and not yours. Instead of criticizing my advice to him, why don't you offer something constructive yourself? Oh, wait, that's so much harder than mocking someone you've never met and is really just text on a screen to you, isn't it? :rolleyes:

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BV: my post was more directed at ocn and his "life isn't fair" comment. That said, I think it could still be valid advice for you too in some regards. Look, teenage highschool bull$h! is just that--bull$h! stemming from being a teen in HS. It will pass. Just trust me on this. You need to go to college, and find your niche. Go to a big school. They tend to be more liberal, they have a lot of people, and it is easier to find a niche than a small one where everyone knows everyone else's business. You might even want to go Greek if you can. Waitaminute! Ludicrous? No. One of my new bros is openly gay, and it's awesome. Now, granted, not all houses are as cool as mine, but his sexuality wasn't even an issue for anyone.

Sucks you don't have too many friends now, but I don't know you in person to prescribe anything. That said, having few friends in HS is not foreign to me. Sucks to hear it, but it will pass, college will be MUCH better. You just have to put yourself out there. Worrying what people will think will only lead to more isolation because not only are you suppressing part of yourself to the world, but the world has no way of getting to know you, even if some people really try to. It's not worth it. I do not recommend that route.

Oh, and that dwelling thing...stop it. It just perpetuates the cycle. Seriously, if you catch yourself doing it, think of something else and more pleasant. When you dwell to negatively, you amplify your shortcomings and ignore your strengths. No psychologist will tell you such a course of action is healthy. You seem to have a lot going for you, and you need to realize that. Just keep your head up, and make sure that whenever you do things, you're doing them for the right reason and not because you somehow equate it with some kind of validation. Just keep a level head. I think you'll do fine. Good luck.

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Of course it makes sense; it's true.

Seriously, Doane, I am speaking from personal experience, so why don't you save the sarcasm and eyerolling, mkay?  Whether ocn follows my advice or continues the same self-pity road he's been on for months now is his prerogative, but happy ocn is much more fun than sad ocn, and as someone who genuinely cares, I think it's time he tries to snap out of it.  Seriously, if he samples my advice and finds it sucks and didn't work for him, he has every right to come on here and post about how $h!ty my advice was in regards to his situation, but I think that that is ocn's business and not yours.  Instead of criticizing my advice to him, why don't you offer something constructive yourself?  Oh, wait, that's so much harder than mocking someone you've never met and is really just text on a screen to you, isn't it? :rolleyes:

Oh Croc. :rolleyes: I wasn't being sarcastic? I thought your post wasn't helpful. Just like post Im quoting. Your delivery skills are poor. That's all. Id be happy to tell you your post is useless in person. :)

As for advice to 'Blu, I would say this. I had the *exact* same situation in college. Spent my whole freshman year going crazy. Finally told the guy how I felt over summer break. He turned out not to be gay and it was a little weird for a while. However a few months into my sophomore year everything was back to normal and we were close friends through out college.

So, summon all your courage and tell him. It might not turn out how you want, but at least it's off your chest.

As for BV, we've already talked about it in PMs.

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Life isn't fair, straight or gay.  Quit dwelling on the self-pity and you'll find it a lot easier.  Carpe diem.  Seriously, life sucks and then you die, unless you make something of it for yourself.  Hope this helps.

So, summon all your courage and tell him. It might not turn out how you want, but at least it's off your chest.

And your advice is different than mine...how, exactly? Or are you not up on the whole "carpe diem"? Don't be a douche, Chris; it ill becomes you.
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BV: my post was more directed at ocn and his "life isn't fair" comment.  That said, I think it could still be valid advice for you too in some regards.  Look, teenage highschool bull$h! is just that--bull$h! stemming from being a teen in HS.  It will pass.  Just trust me on this.  You need to go to college, and find your niche.  Go to a big school.  They tend to be more liberal, they have a lot of people, and it is easier to find a niche than a small one where everyone knows everyone else's business.  You might even want to go Greek if you can.  Waitaminute!  Ludicrous?  No.  One of my new bros is openly gay, and it's awesome.  Now, granted, not all houses are as cool as mine, but his sexuality wasn't even an issue for anyone.

Sucks you don't have too many friends now, but I don't know you in person to prescribe anything.  That said, having few friends in HS is not foreign to me.  Sucks to hear it, but it will pass, college will be MUCH better.  You just have to put yourself out there.  Worrying what people will think will only lead to more isolation because not only are you suppressing part of yourself to the world, but the world has no way of getting to know you, even if some people really try to.  It's not worth it.  I do not recommend that route.

Oh, and that dwelling thing...stop it.  It just perpetuates the cycle.  Seriously, if you catch yourself doing it, think of something else and more pleasant.  When you dwell to negatively, you amplify your shortcomings and ignore your strengths.  No psychologist will tell you such a course of action is healthy.  You seem to have a lot going for you, and you need to realize that.  Just keep your head up, and make sure that whenever you do things, you're doing them for the right reason and not because you somehow equate it with some kind of validation.  Just keep a level head.  I think you'll do fine.  Good luck.

Look, your advice just isn't helping. That sort of advice never does with me. It just doesn't make me feel better, which is really what I need more than anything, including your advice. Alot of what you say, just will not work for me or isn't for me. I can't wait until college. I usually don't care what people think. I realize that I have going for me. I can't help certain feelings. I don't have a clear head to do some things. I still don't think you understand. None of that changes how I feel and what I can do. It's not like I can choose whether I want to feel lonely, depressed, etc... Still, I am trying to change some things by coming out. But I don't think you realize how hard that is. I tried with the person I currently care the most about... I couldn't get myself to do it. I became speechless. That and the thought of risking relationships I have with certain people by doing this makes it that much harder. Not to mention how shy I am. This is all right now and waiting any longer would kill me, basically.

BTW, as of yet, Chris has been of the most help to me. Maybe he has a point...

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And your advice is different than mine...how, exactly?  Or are you not up on the whole "carpe diem"?  Don't be a douche, Chris; it ill becomes you.

:lol: Yes, Im up on carpe diem. I've even seen Dead Poets Society a few times.

We differ in delivery.

Heh, yes, Im sure most here would agree that Im the douche.

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As I said, you just have to put yourself out there, shyness or not. The people who like you for you will still be there for you in the end. Of course it's gonna be rough. No one said it's easy. Several of my HS friends ended up being gay, and when I asked them about it they said that what drove them to come out and get over their hangups on doing so was that they felt they had an obligation to their friends to be honest with them about it. If these people are truly your friends, they will still be there for you. That's a fact. One of my sister's very best friends (junior in HS) just came out, and he's a really shy guy too. Everyone has been very embracing of it. One of the former moderators here, Scott, came out to one of his best friends, and while on a vacation he got a call that the friend accidentally slipped it and everyone knew. He feared the worst until he got home and found out everyone who was his friend still was, they just needed a week or so to have it all set in. From what I've heard, mothers tend to be more accepting initially than fathers, and since you say your family isn't religious at all, you might want to consider that.

The thing you have to remember is that with these relationships you feel will be at risk...well they are bound to find out one day...so you might as well save yourself some internal angst and do it sooner rather than later.

When life hands you lemons, you gotta make some lemonade out of it.

I'm sure if you google "I'm gay" and "coming out" you will find lots of tips on doing so, and I think there's an organization PFLAG or PFLAAG or something for "parents and friends of lesbians and gays" so you might want to direct your parents and/or friends to that.

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:lol: Yes, Im up on carpe diem. I've even seen Dead Poets Society a few times.

We differ in delivery.

Heh, yes, Im sure most here would agree that Im the douche.

Just because the medicine tastes bad doesn't make it any less good for you.

Also, I didn't say you were a douche, but that in that instant you were being one. I also don't give a $h! of the outcome if you set up a poll and had the entire site vote on it. I'm on this site to talk cars, not win any popularity contests. That said, I do care about the well-being of a few longtime members on here, and if I think they should hear something I'm gonna tell them.

I have no idea if you've ever been clinically depressed, and frankly I don't care. I have been at times, as have a lot of people I know, and sometimes what you really need is a wakeup call. In the end, all that cures depression is an internal motivation or wake up call for change. Depression doesn't just "go away;" it must be dealt with head-on.

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Just because the medicine tastes bad doesn't make it any less good for you.

Also, I didn't say you were a douche, but that in that instant you were being one.  I also don't give a $h! of the outcome if you set up a poll and had the entire site vote on it.  I'm on this site to talk cars, not win any popularity contests.  That said, I do care about the well-being of a few longtime members on here, and if I think they should hear something I'm gonna tell them.

I have no idea if you've ever been clinically depressed, and frankly I don't care.  I have been at times, as have a lot of people I know, and sometimes what you really need is a wakeup call.  In the end, all that cures depression is an internal motivation or wake up call for change.  Depression doesn't just "go away;" it must be dealt with head-on.

Yep I know all about depression.

:lol::lol: Yes, Im going to set up a poll. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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OK, I went to Blockbuster and rented 3 movies because the weather sucks bollocks.

"Wedding Crashers"

"The 40-Year-Old Virgin"

"Slutty Summer"

I'm gonna watch 'em on the pc.  Has anyone seen any of these?  Let us know what you thought.  I'll post my impressions later on.

Back on topic...

"Wedding Crashers" is my favorite of the bunch, though I must have missed "Slutty Summer" as I've never heard of it until now. Apparently the "Uncorked" DVD release has a bit more character development in it that was cut from the original release, though I haven't seen it yet. Let me know how you enjoy it. Easily one of the best movies of last summer IMO.

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Look, your advice just isn't helping. That sort of advice never does with me. It just doesn't make me feel better, which is really what I need more than anything, including your advice. Alot of what you say, just will not work for me or isn't for me. I can't wait until college. I usually don't care what people think. I realize that I have going for me. I can't help certain feelings. I don't have a clear head to do some things. I still don't think you understand. None of that changes how I feel and what I can do. It's not like I can choose whether I want to feel lonely, depressed, etc... Still, I am trying to change some things by coming out. But I don't think you realize how hard that is. I tried with the person I currently care the most about... I couldn't get myself to do it. I became speechless. That and the thought of risking relationships I have with certain people by doing this makes it that much harder. Not to mention how shy I am. This is all right now and waiting any longer would kill me, basically.

BTW, as of yet, Chris has been of the most help to me. Maybe he has a point...

I wish there was something I could think of to help you BV [and ocn too]. BV sounds like you are in a town that is [a] not accepting not enlightened [c] very tough [d] very rural, which is basically all the things you've said of it.

I have something interesting to share I just thought about. As I've shared, I grew up going to two different high schools. For anyone that's ever moved, it's a difficult experience....my experience was excaberated because my parents sent me away from them, most of my family, and all the friends I ever knew.....and then they brought me back home. Don't ask, it's not that important. The first school I went to was closer to the city, and eons more enlightened. There were some gay guys there, but they were the flamboyant type who acted like "bitches", you know what I'm talking about. They would have had a hard time hiding it, and chose not to, and instead would come around me, and other guys, and say things like "cutie" and the like. anyways.....I remember hearing of some straighter acting guys coming out once they went to college.....suffice it to say, there were still some people who obviously felt they were gay, and were closeted because of the pressures.

The other high school I went to was in a rural NW Indiana suburb.....much different environment, and not on a level of creative expression as the other one. There were no gay guys there that I can remember.....or maybe one. I think I got like one note from a secret admirer....but that's a different story for a different time.

Here is the relatable part. I worked on the newspaper staff when a letter was sent to us from a guy who was gay and was closeted and gasp! was a jock. He remained anonymous, and wrote this basically 300 word letter about how he knew if he told his friends, they would turn thier back on him [except for the couple that might turn out to be real friends like Croc was talking about]. For a week the whole school was abuzz.....things were said like "I can't beleive there is a gay guy among us and he isn't telling us", "that's so wierd to know there are gay people hiding in our crowd"; basically a lot of BS that I would never be a part of.

What I'm trying to say is.....a lot of people lack the education and understanding to accept gay people.....still. A lot of people have a stigma against them, like they are animal or unhuman.....a lot of people are ignorant jackasses.

Maybe it's not the right time for you to come out to everyone just yet. When college comes around....you will be a lot better equipped to handle the situation, and others around you will be a lot better equipped to understand you.

Honestly, if I were you I would be looking at the different cities I could live in....depend on school loans, and work out your financial aid for college, try to get great grades and hone your drawing skills. Start looking into design schools out here....trust me when I say you will like living here a lot better once you are here.

One thing that could help you is this....girls seem to be more understanding and open-minded about it...especially girls that are looking for a friend or boy-attention. Maybe seek out someone who you can hang out with and open up to them in a secretive fashion.

Hope that helps.

Ocn: take Chris' advice and let the co-worker know your feelings....you are obviously feeling too much pain keeping it in. Make it blatantly clear that if he doesn't reciprocate their will be no wierdness, and that you hope you can still at least remain friends if he can't accept your feelings.

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Look, your advice just isn't helping. That sort of advice never does with me. It just doesn't make me feel better, which is really what I need more than anything, including your advice. Alot of what you say, just will not work for me or isn't for me. I can't wait until college. I usually don't care what people think. I realize that I have going for me. I can't help certain feelings. I don't have a clear head to do some things. I still don't think you understand. None of that changes how I feel and what I can do. It's not like I can choose whether I want to feel lonely, depressed, etc... Still, I am trying to change some things by coming out. But I don't think you realize how hard that is. I tried with the person I currently care the most about... I couldn't get myself to do it. I became speechless. That and the thought of risking relationships I have with certain people by doing this makes it that much harder. Not to mention how shy I am. This is all right now and waiting any longer would kill me, basically.

BTW, as of yet, Chris has been of the most help to me. Maybe he has a point...

Hey bud.....I may not be the master of advice, but I can tell you there are MANY of us (me included) that had similar challenges as you growing up and I can tell you to SMILE because believe me....there IS a bright light at the end of the tunnel....

And it's not nearly as far down the tunnel as it may seem right now......

And as far as coming out to certain people and the risk to those relationships that you are feeling now......that will all come along when the time is right. You WILL get to a point to where you'll feel comfortable telling them. It may not be right now, but don't fret as you will get there when the time is right.

You are young.....and most likely, your life will never remain the same as it is now. As you said, you can't wait to go to college. You'll leave Brookville and you'll "find" yourself and you'll "find" your life.....be it in college or whatever. Sure you'll leave memories and family in Brookville.....but you know what? You'll always be able to travel back to visit those memories and family.

I left home when I was 18 to go to college.....and it was the best thing I ever did! However, in many ways, I feel you have such an advantage over me. I didn't "come out" or "come to terms" with being gay until I was 25 years old. Many times, I DEARLY wish I had started dealing with it when I was YOUR age. I regret all those years that I missed living my life......

Don't ever stop smiling!


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I work with him.  All I want to do is tell him, because I've had a feeling for the longest time that he might feel the same. 

PB, I don't know whether or not you will listen to my advice because I tend to flip you some $h! at every opportunity.

First, this is your place of work. You need to think of the "what ifs" and what that could mean for your job. I assume you have obligations and the like.

I have been propositioned several times in the workplace since the time I left college because people think of my laid-back goofiness as "safe"...by both chicks and guys, for that matter...and I shrug it off, never bring it up and go on as if it never happened so as to not taint the work relationship. Most recently, 2 girls who are pretty fresh out of college come into my office and "hang" there. One has asked me to come see her condo. I am uncomfortable with it for a couple of reasons - 1. we work together, and 2. the age difference. So, I just laugh at their comments and keep looking into my monitor and draft away as they talk to me, hoping they will diplomatically get the message.

Second, are you and this co-worker already friends? Can you handle being friends with this person? There's nothing wrong with friendship. There's a lot to be said for it.

Be cool. Now, I will definitely rent "40 yo Virgin." I've been wanting to see it.

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Yeah Bob, we've been friends since the beginning. I remember the first time we looked at each other. It was that "locked eyes" thing. It was my first day at my current workplace.

There is a sizable age difference. He's 21. Sorry if that's not cool.

I've posted about this person before, but it's been a while.

Of course work issues play a big role in real or perceived boundaries. I am not his direct superior. He's a body tech.

Honestly, and this may sound weird, but when Meggie was around, she softened things for me. Now it's becoming harder to deal with being lonesome for him. That's why I brought it up again.

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There is a sizable age difference.  He's 21.  Sorry if that's not cool.

Honestly, and this may sound weird, but when Meggie was around, she softened things for me.

It's not whether it's cool or not. It's what works for you. Everybody's got different boundaries.

As for a pet, I seriously hope you entertain getting another one. They are extremely therapeutic. And, from what I've seen, they're better than most people. My college friend who went to my school but lives in SD says dogs are "the perfect human beings." I'd own one but, as much as I like to travel, it wouldn't be fair to the animal.

Cheer up. It's a new year...for even the Chinese (since it's February).

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hah you guys think the rain sucked for you?

i was camping with 14 11-13 yr olds and all my friends who were supposed to be there to help dipped out

and my "friend" was in FL getting rained out of her bros baseball game

and my "gf" was nowhere to be found

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Chris, you're such a douce. <_<  :AH-HA_wink:


Yeah Bob, we've been friends since the beginning.  I remember the first time we looked at each other.  It was that "locked eyes" thing.  It was my first day at my current workplace.

There is a sizable age difference.  He's 21.  Sorry if that's not cool.

I've posted about this person before, but it's been a while.

Of course work issues play a big role in real or perceived boundaries.  I am not his direct superior.  He's a body tech.

Honestly, and this may sound weird, but when Meggie was around, she softened things for me.  Now it's becoming harder to deal with being lonesome for him.  That's why I brought it up again.

Oh, hmm. I might revise my advice now...

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Well... Thanks, guys.

Anyways, this is the end. Of me being on the internet at home (I'm in school at the moment). My mom... found out some things... told my dad... and has been on my ass about it since then. I can't say I don't blame them... I really f**ked up. Don't really know what I plan to do... I'm not sure how I feel about it either. Atleast she took to it better than I thought... :unsure:

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Well... Thanks, guys.

Anyways, this is the end. Of me being on the internet at home (I'm in school at the moment). My mom... found out some things... told my dad... and has been on my ass about it since then. I can't say I don't blame them... I really f**ked up. Don't really know what I plan to do... I'm not sure how I feel about it either. Atleast she took to it better than I thought... :unsure:

Ugh...that doesn't sound like what you wanted. :unsure::( Hope you're OK.

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I wouldn't worry about it too much...there really isn't anything to do at this point. It's good you said your mom took it better than you expected; women generally accept it more easily than men/fathers. At this point, just lay low for a little bit, and try talking to them.

The one thing you MUST MUST MUST remember is that if they are insensitive, it isn't because they don't love you anymore...but that they just don't understand. Direct them to http://pflag.org . There's a lot of information on that site for them.

Just play it by ear; you can do it! :)

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Well, Chris... it's definitely not how I planned everything to happen. She f**ked up my plan on how to reveal how I f**ked up. I'm not sure what's a bigger deal to her... school or being gay. I guess that could be considered a good thing. Either way, it sucks. My plan won't work now. That and I... IDK. I'm still not sure how I feel about all this. I guess I'm alright, though. I'm haven't been ousted or killed or anything... :P

And Croc... yeah, but that's if they loved me in the first place. :D J/K... but atleast I can joke about it. I guess I'm not as depressed as I would say I am. Still lonely, though. Couldn't get that off my mind all day...

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Oh... btw, could have some of you guys' phone numbers? Like I said... the internet may be no more, soon. Either from being grounded or them taking it away (as they originally said they would). I might still have access from school, but this is just a... "just in case" thing. That and I wouldn't mind having them, anyways... ^_^

Also, here's mine: ***-***-****. I would tell people who live far away to not call... but hey, I'm not paying the phone bill. :lol::D And since I might not have internet... That'll make up for it, right? :P

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Also, here's mine: ***-***-****. I would tell people who live far away to not call... but hey, I'm not paying the phone bill. :lol::D And since I might not have internet... That'll make up for it, right? :P

I ask for I.P. Freely, right? Or is it I.C. Weiner? Anita Wang? Mike Hunt? Edited by Satty
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To those for whom calling BV would be a problem due to long distance or cell phones, Skype is a phone-type service that's free from computer to computer. Now, I know that doesn't help BV, but it also advertises that it can also be used to call from a computer to a phone in the US for less than 2 cents per minute.

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