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What is the big deal about this cartoon? Are Muslims just a little too sensitive? Go to Iran or any Muslim country and you will see anti-American and anti-Christian depictions on walls and publicly funded murals desecrating the American flag. How is this any worse?

Why is there so much outrage over this cartoon? Shouldn't the Muslim world be fixing their own behavior instead of trying to limit our freedom of expression?

I say the Muslim outrage is nothing more than hypocrisy.


Is it just me, or the Muslim world in general obsessed with violence and mayhem (esp. towards Western cultures)? So much for Islam being a religion of 'peace'.

I've never understood the violence and insanity that seems to surround religion in general...

  moltar said:

Is it just me, or the Muslim world in general obsessed with violence and mayhem (esp. towards Western cultures)?  So much for Islam being a religion of 'peace'.

I've never understood the violence and insanity that seems to surround religion in general...

No, just certain extremist factions of the Muslim world. Your statement would be like, say, a Hindu reading the LA Times regularly and musing, "Is it just me, or is the Christian world in general obsessed with being bigoted and judgmental (esp. toward minority cultures)? So much for Christianity being a religion following Jesus' teachings of tolerance and peace..."

It works both ways guys...

  Croc said:

No, just certain extremist factions of the Muslim world.  Your statement would be like, say, a Hindu reading the LA Times regularly and musing, "Is it just me, or is the Christian world in general obsessed with being bigoted and judgmental (esp. toward minority cultures)?  So much for Christianity being a religion following Jesus' teachings of tolerance and peace..."

It works both ways guys...

Yeah, the extremists get all the press... I'm not down with any religion, so it's all alien to me.

  Flybrian said:

I feel the same way. Look at their political cartoons regarding the West, Christians, and George Bush.

Fair is fair.

This reminds me of this young married couple I once knew, John and Katie Rong. Wherever they would go, they took nothing but left turns. It made going anywhere with them a real pain in the ass.

Posted (edited)
  Enzora said:

This reminds me of this young married couple I once knew, John and Katie Rong.  Wherever they would go, they took nothing but left turns.  It made going anywhere with them a real pain in the ass.

Interesting..I generally only make right turns unless I have a left turn lane with an arrow. I have a phobia about turning left in traffic without an arrow (a couple of bad experiences years ago caused that....(partially related to my phobia about carburators).

Edited by moltar
  Croc said:

No, just certain extremist factions of the Muslim world.  Your statement would be like, say, a Hindu reading the LA Times regularly and musing, "Is it just me, or is the Christian world in general obsessed with being bigoted and judgmental (esp. toward minority cultures)?  So much for Christianity being a religion following Jesus' teachings of tolerance and peace..."

It works both ways guys...

I couldn't agree more. I think we need to take a look at all religious extremism. Maybe the 9-11 attacks could be a fair warning of what can happen when religion becomes fanatical. I think the Christian zealots in this country are also only a decade or two away from being totally nuts.

  SoCalCTS said:

What is the big deal about this cartoon? Are Muslims just a little too sensitive?  Go to Iran or any Muslim country and you will see anti-American and anti-Christian depictions on walls and publicly funded murals desecrating the American flag. How is this any worse?

Why is there so much outrage over this cartoon? Shouldn't the Muslim world be fixing their own behavior instead of trying to limit our freedom of expression?

I say the Muslim outrage is nothing more than hypocrisy.

The Muslims who are outraged by this cartoon are probably the ones who have perfectly fine behavior that doesn't need "fixing".


Thank you Europe!

It's nice to see that they are actually expressing how they feel about this now, like it's all not just American and Britain.

The fact that they are reacting in this manner proves one thing! THAT CARTOON IS DEAD ON CORRECT!!! look at the way the handle it! they are a ticking time bomb.


The greatest part is they want a boycot Danish product. . . it's only because with wind turbines replacing oil are an energy, they'll fall flat on there face!


a lot of good points here...

but what some of us fail to realize is that there are ALL different types of extremists, muslims happen to be the ones in the spot light right now, which mean most likely there is another bunch of extremists getting ready to butt in.

also, look at the three western religions' they all have fought over the same strip of land for years, and most of that time, that i am aware of christians dominated most of that area...

also these people look upon our culture, and think, "hey if they are so rich and powerful, why cant the help us, or why dont they?" and then they realize, our country doesnot truly care about the people, but what lies underground.

food for thought, not that i am against the cartoon, not at all, i wanted to attempt to enlighten.

one more thing, the muslim religion very violent, and fully of condradictions...but then again, in my opinon so do all religions

  Black and Blue Landscaper said:

one more thing, the muslim religion very violent, and fully of condradictions...but then again, in my opinon so do all religions

It can be interpreted as violent, in the same manner as Christianity can.

  empowah said:

It can be interpreted as violent, in the same manner as Christianity can.

Exactly. From my learnings, I'd say that in terms of most peaceful, the order of the "Three Ring" religions goes something like:

1. Judaism

2. Islam

3. Christianity

My ranking is based on the fact that the Jews have never had an out-and-out program of any kind against the Christians or Muslims, but that they have been persecuted by both, especially Christians in the "early" days of the Church. Islam from the start preached a tolerance toward its "ancestral" religions of Christianity and Judaism, and the history of early Islam supports this. Muslims were very welcoming of early Christians into the Holy Lands, as well as Jews. It wasn't until the Crusades that relations soured. With Christianity, you have Crusades, the early European discrimination against the Jews (see: usury) and, to a lesser extent, the Holocaust.

With all the various fighting in Gaza Strip and the various "moral crusades" of many Christians these days...no one is any better or worse off.

When you look at actual doctrines, though, and the actual teachings of the three, all three are really about the same when it comes to pacificism


Let the Christian bashing begin.

The protests just prove to me what Islam is all about. Say something bad about Islam and the Muslims will threaten to kidnap and kill whoever said it. Do not believe in what they believe and they want you dead. It is what we are fighting against and many people fail to realize it.

  Croc said:

Exactly.  From my learnings, I'd say that in terms of most peaceful, the order of the "Three Ring" religions goes something like:

1. Judaism

2. Islam

3. Christianity

I would have to say of ALL the religions in the world Islam would rank dead last for peace. It is very rare that any religion other than Islam teaches about killing, overthrowing or destroying while in a place of worship. It is widely known that Islamic clerics do this in their mosques.


Anyone ever see the VW Polo TV ad with the suicide bomber...

"It's one tough little car" :P

I know XP has seen it but I forget where I saw it, maybe BigBoys or ebaumsWorld. It was like fall of 2004.

  SoCalCTS said:

I would have to say of ALL the religions in the world Islam would rank dead last for peace. It is very rare that any religion other than Islam teaches about killing, overthrowing or destroying while in a place of worship. It is widely known that Islamic clerics do this in their mosques.

That is not true Islam. It is a heretical bastardization of the Religion of Peace.

What about the pastors who advocate blowing up abortion clinics?

See, I was talking about the actual religion, not the people of it. Oh, and let's not forget, the entire Cold War was about the U.S.A. fighting a "Godless Nation." It is from the Eisenhower administration that we have "In God We Trust" and the infamous "under God" in our Pledge. Governments of all kinds (including Church government) will use fear to manipulate the populace, using the "you're either with us or against us" mentality to further the agenda of the moment. Back in the last millenium, much of it was Christian Europe using Christianity to further the Crusades. This millenium it is Islamic radicals using Islam to further their agenda against globalization. I see no difference.


Sciguy, if you look at religious doctrines with a critical and open mind, you will find that those three religions are a lot like Ramen: they may come in different packages, but for the most part they taste the same. My post was not bashing Christians or Christianity. It was (IMO) a fairly objective look at what has happened in history. As a Christian myself, it does taste bad, but it is reality. Instead of denying what happened, I find it more useful to study it so as to not suffer the same pitfalls as the people of the past did. If I were bashing Christianity, then I would also be criticizing Islam for holding Christianity in such high esteem. Not gonna happen.


This one smells like one I should stay out of....I really don't want to put my ideas on religion out on this forum.


BBL: I hope you will not get offended by this joke. It's a bit un-P.C. but I mean no harm by it. :ph34r:

Muslim Children

Body: Two Muslim mothers are sitting in a caf chatting over a pint of

goat's milk. The older of the mothers pulls her bag out and starts

flipping through pictures and they start reminiscing.

"This is my oldest son Mohammed. He's 24 years old now." "Yes, I remember him as a baby," says the other mother cheerfully. He's a martyr now, though," mum confides. "Oh, so sad dear," says the other.

"And this is my second son Kalid. He's 21." "Oh, I remember him," says the other happily. "He had such curly hair when he was born." "He's a martyr, too," says mum quietly. "Oh gracious me," says the other.

"And this is my third son. My baby. My beautiful Ahmed. He's 18," she whispers. "Yes," says the friend enthusiastically, "I remember when he first started school." "He is a martyr, also," says mum, with tears in her eyes.

After a pause and a deep sigh, the second Muslim mother looks wistfully at the photographs and says... They blow up so fast, don't they?"

  Sixty8panther said:

Anyone ever see the VW Polo TV ad with the suicide bomber...

"It's one tough little car" :P

I know XP has seen it but I forget where I saw it, maybe BigBoys or ebaumsWorld. It was like fall of 2004.

I saw that on the news a few months ago. Hilarious.

  Enzora said:

This reminds me of this young married couple I once knew, John and Katie Rong.  Wherever they would go, they took nothing but left turns.  It made going anywhere with them a real pain in the ass.

Haha, I get it! Two Rongs never make a right! Wow, Enzora, you crack me up!


After the rediculous violence today in Syria and Palestinian terrorist comments along the lines of "the people who created and distributed it should be killed," I have a strange wanting to post the images on billboards across the country, perhaps even a commercial. Do you think there are any Super Bowl spots left?


I just couldn't leave this one alone. Most of you already know what I think of religion so I won't go into that.

First off: All this violence over the cartoon is unjustified criminal behaviour plain and simple. Those who take part in it need to evolve.

second: I see Islam this way - it is an adolescent religion, by which I mean it hasn't settled down to a quiet little social obligation like the world's other major religions. So, for the last few decades Islam as a whole has been throwing a collective hissy fit. The fact that it is plagueing the rest of the world is a drag but not necessarily an intrinsic feature of the religion itself.

Third: Most of what we call Islamic extremism or terrorism is more a social phenomenon than a truly religious one. Dieing for Allah starts to sound good when your life sucks and you're full of rage against corrupt and authoritarian regimes and ,less fairly, western culture. So in strides some spoiled brat like Bin Laden to take advantage of the angry and uneducated masses,whip them into a fury and proceed to kill the innocent. Eventually, I believe, more moderate muslims who care about the fate of their culture and religion will prevail- but it could take a VERY long time.

All of the things humanity does in the name of religion just makes me want to :puke:


Hehe, the way I see it, and I do not apologise for it, is that unless one accepts Jesus Christ Son of God as their Lord and Saviour, they burn in Hell.

Just my belief. And, to all those extremist atheists that would say my statement forces my religion on them, go to hell. They will anyway.


  MyerShift said:

Hehe, the way I see it, and I do not apologise for it, is that unless one accepts Jesus Christ Son of God as their Lord and Saviour, they burn in Hell.

Just my belief. And, to all those extremist atheists that would say my statement forces my religion on them, go to hell. They will anyway.


It's Osama Bin Christian :lol:


Hey, hey, I'm not a lunatic fringe type of person. I'm quiet and reserved about how I feel. I don't like to stir up hornet nests either, but should the need arise, I will. LOL. That was mean. Of course, I do feel that vocal and active extremists should be silenced.

  MyerShift said:

Hey, hey, I'm not a lunatic fringe type of person. I'm quiet and reserved about how I feel. I don't like to stir up hornet nests either, but should the need arise, I will. LOL. That was mean. Of course, I do feel that vocal and active extremists should be silenced.

Whoa! I honestly thought your previous post was sarcasm! It does come-off as extreme when you damn the majority of the world's population to Hell, you know.

If you believe it that's fine, but re-read your post and I think you can see that a position like that might be what all the fighting is about.


Some sarcasm. I'm not an evil person, I really am not.

Totally understand where you are coming from though.

Though I believe that like, certain groups will be damned to hell, I will still befriend them. I mean, I have friends that are gay, for crying out loud.

Besides, it's not really my place to pass judgement on anyone. I have my own flaws that I need to be worried about, not someone else's.


Flaws we all have.

I really don't care if someone is devout in their belief as long as they don't throw it in others' faces.

As for me, I just don't understand the need for religion, no matter the flavor.

G'night all - time to crash.

  Camino LS6 said:

Flaws we all have.

I really don't care if someone is devout in their belief as long as they don't throw it in others' faces.

As for me, I just don't understand the need for religion, no matter the flavor.

G'night all - time to crash.

Agreed...live and let live. I have no problem with people having beliefs...I have mine--I'm a secular humanist/functional realist/athiest... I don't believe in a heaven or hell--you are born, you live, you die...make the most of your time on this earth.

  Camino LS6 said:

Flaws we all have.

I really don't care if someone is devout in their belief as long as they don't throw it in others' faces.

As for me, I just don't understand the need for religion, no matter the flavor.

G'night all - time to crash.


I probably shouldn't but what the heck:

When I was in the Army I learned that in some countries and some religions, there are no civilians! Islam, generally, falls under this category as do alot of the countries whose major religion is Islam. It is with this in mind that I find a particular interest in the violence that is now spreading throughout the Islamic areas of the third world. As this escalates and more embassies get destroyed, the world will respond in kind. The best part is that if every citizen can be a combatant, then they are all soldiers and fair game. We need to consider using large area weaponry as a solution since there shouldn't be any concerns of collateral damage.

Fortunately, I live in a country where people are willing to die for an ideal like Freedom, as I was willing to do.

So if Islam wants to pick a fight with the Western world, I say bring it!


You know what they say, "If you have to ask..."

  sciguy_0504 said:

Let the Christian bashing begin.

The protests just prove to me what Islam is all about.  Say something bad about Islam and the Muslims will threaten to kidnap and kill whoever said it.  Do not believe in what they believe and they want you dead.  It is what we are fighting against and many people fail to realize it.

It will only worsen as time progresses, I feel. Religion binds us all-whether we have no belief in God or we believe in Jesus as Messiah---we are all searching for our religion, our purpose, the reason behind things that happen in our lives. Those that are lost in meaninglessness and have found no purpose for thier life say life is nothing but a series of random events, there will come a time when a great love or a great loss will convince them otherwise. Many Muslims, fundamentalists, no doubt, believe thier religion entitles them to kill. They will not give up on this belief, and it'll lead us into a new era.

Whats worse politics or religion. Yes im a roman Catholic or whatever and I dont care what you are as long as you respect me and I will respect you. Remeber that line in the constitution that says in context "As long as your religon does not harm or interfear the states laws and peoples rights." kind of so who really cares? Its religion. and none of us get along. so why not give up and just say if you dont bother us we wont bother you.


Here we go, it was only a matter of time before they aligned against the US, even though we condemned the cartoons. Yep, any excuse to blame us and further the anti-US sentiment throughout the Islamic world.

If they are soooo religious, where is the peace and love?

Their religion is about war, and so we should respond in kind!

I know that Islam is not really just about war, but since that is the way it is being interpreted, why not just give them what they want????

Where is the tolerance that most civilized religions teach? Where is the love for fellow man?

How can Muslims not expect the world to get a jaded viewpoint on their religion when this is how it is showcased to us?


Here's a blurb from http://www.andrewsullivan.com

He's a senior editor of the "New Republic" among other things. It's interesting:

So we now discover that the hideously offensive and blasphemous cartoons - so blasphemous that CNN, the New York Times, and the Washington Post, won't publish them ... were reprinted last October. In Egypt. On the front frigging page. No one rioted. No editor at Al Fager was threatened. So it's official: the Egyptian state media is less deferential to Islamists than the New York Times. So where were the riots in Cairo? This whole affair is a contrived, manufactured attempt by extremist Muslims to move the goal-posts on Western freedom. They're saying: we determine what you can and cannot print; and there's a difference between what Muslims can print and what infidels can print. And, so far, much of the West has gone along. In this, well-meaning American editors have been played for fools and cowards. Maybe if they'd covered the murders of von Gogh and Fortuyn more aggressively they'd have a better idea of what's going on; and stared down this intimidation. The whole business reminds me of the NYT's coverage of the Nazis in the 1930s. They didn't get the threat then. They don't get it now.


You need to take a look at the whole context. Saying..


So we now discover that the hideously offensive and blasphemous cartoons - so blasphemous that CNN, the New York Times, and the Washington Post,

..is an incomplete look at things. These news sources didn't run the cartoon because it was inflammatory -- largely because of the attention & violence it has brought elsewhere in the world. Back when Egyptian media ran the cartoon, that wasn't the case. Like it or not, the western media outlet is going to be held under a different microscope than that of a native, muslim media outlet. Arent we skeptical of Al Jahera? Sure we can point to deceptions and lies by Al Jahera and say "they aren't trustworthy".. but turn it around. What must muslims think when they see a Jeff Gannon (supposed reporter, actual planted partisan bobo) with White House clearance, lobbing softball questions to our President? How about the Dan Rather fiasco? How about the numerous news people that have now been caught as getting payoffs to provide a pro-Bush viewpoint? Each one of these incidents undermine our own media credibility throughout the world. What we view as right and trustworthy has been defined by our culture -- our upbringing; and it taints what we read & see and how we react to what we read & see. That's just being a realist.

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