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Conspiracy Theory & Buickman? What's the deal with


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I think someone should pass this on to Dan Brown. This could make for a greater book than the De Vince Code. Rober Lutz and the conspiricy to hide the fact his blood is of the offspring of Jesus and Mary thus passing on clues for future generation in mystical styling details on the next generation Tahoe. Rick Wagoner a member of the secret Illuminati incorporating secret sysmbols into the warning lights on the IP. Gary Cowger and Fritz conducting Pagan ceremonies in the D-Ham body shop in an effort to improve J.D Powers IQS while Jim Queen is sacrificing burnt offering to the Sun god in advanced engineering as a member of the Templar Knights in an attempt to make a vehicle more aerodynamic. All this, to keep the secret bloodline of Bob Lutz safe.

The conspiricy is everywhere.

Edited by evok
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this article is a real get you downer...

Try reading some of the previous editions. Robert Farago has a one-track mind, to say the least.

Like all conspiracy theories, this one sounds pretty plausible. I wouldn't be surprised if Kirkorian was pursuing a buyout of GM, but, "a cabal of international financiers"? I don't think so. And, while Wagoner may have made some boneheaded moves, I don't think he is trying to put GM into bankruptcy.

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Right or wrong, this part is interesting.

who cares whats under the hood of a concept that people arent even allowed to look at...

if they had the designs finished, they would be on the showroom floor not the concept floor...

I dont doubt that its not a hybrid, but i do doubt that there is someone trying to trick the world thinking that they will have products that they dont...

Under Promise and over Deliver...

GM doesnt like to say, we'll have Hybrid Tahoes in 08, and have no backing behind that..

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Buickman is a paranoid delusionalist who is so wrapped up in his great, self perceived marketing prowness that he cannot see the forest for the trees. If you dont drink the BM Kool-aid your not a individual who has rationale or independent intelligence, your just a "Wags" nuthugger

He refuses to take critical advice or tips even when he says he wants input on his "plan" and he focuses all of his rage on one being and thats Rick Wagoner.

The man is the perfect example of the sterotypical car salesman that people hate. Will say and do anything to get you into a car and buy or in this case, get into his "plan" and buy it.

Thats all I've gotten from his rambling banter of Rick and GM. After he started telling people who work at GM and people who have been involved in the auto industry for a while that they have no idea what they are talking about, he lost all any possible credibilty.

And at that point credibilty was at a all-time low on his end.

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I think someone should pass this on to Dan Brown.  This could make for a greater book than the De Vince Code.  Rober Lutz and the conspiricy to hide the fact his blood is of the offspring of Jesus and Mary thus passing on clues for future generation in mystical styling details on the next generation Tahoe.  Rick Wagoner a member of the secret Illuminati incorporating secret sysmbols into the warning lights on the IP.  Gary Cowger and Fritz conducting Pagan ceremonies in the D-Ham body shop in an effort to improve J.D Powers IQS while Jim Queen is sacrificing burnt offering to the Sun god in advanced engineering as a member of the Templar Knights in an attempt to make a vehicle more aerodynamic.  All this, to keep the secret bloodline of Bob Lutz safe.

The conspiricy is everywhere.

:rotflmao: that was funny

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Uh. Doesn't that mean that BMW and Daimler are in on this, too? I mean, either BMW and Daimler bought a bill of goods, are in on the conspiracy with those financiers, or were sold a real hybrid drivetrain.

Hmm. Let me think. I'll go for the real hybrid answer. Why? Because it exists and is already in buses throughout the US and journalists have seen it over at Daimler? D'uh.

Of course, the real truth is that the hybrid in the Tahoe was stolen by the cabal that is hiding that 100mpg carb that was "invented" in the 1960s. Yeah. That's it.

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Buickman is a paranoid delusionalist who is so wrapped up in his great, self perceived marketing prowness that he cannot see the forest for the trees. If you dont drink the BM Kool-aid your not a individual who has rationale or independent intelligence, your just a "Wags" nuthugger

Yuck! I surely won't be drinking the "BM Kool-aid".

Edited by bdubsee
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I think someone should pass this on to Dan Brown.  This could make for a greater book than the De Vince Code.  Rober Lutz and the conspiricy to hide the fact his blood is of the offspring of Jesus and Mary thus passing on clues for future generation in mystical styling details on the next generation Tahoe.  Rick Wagoner a member of the secret Illuminati incorporating secret sysmbols into the warning lights on the IP.  Gary Cowger and Fritz conducting Pagan ceremonies in the D-Ham body shop in an effort to improve J.D Powers IQS while Jim Queen is sacrificing burnt offering to the Sun god in advanced engineering as a member of the Templar Knights in an attempt to make a vehicle more aerodynamic.  All this, to keep the secret bloodline of Bob Lutz safe.

The conspiricy is everywhere.

Not to mention the compromising photos of Soichiro Honda owned by GM in order to get a cut-rate deal on engines for the Vue...conspiracy???...Hmmmm....


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Don't be negative...but are you positive?


I kill me sometimes.


I am kinda curious though why it was removed. I remember either last year or the year before they had a silverado hybrid with the hood open, so you know they have one in the works. I have to wonder sometimes just how many concept cars there actually do what they are supposed to. For example that Ford Super Cheif, I'd like to see it actually be able to convert over from gas to hydorgen with the flip of the switch.

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Don't read too much into the Tahoe movement.

If it was removed while the show was open to the public then it would "mean something".

Just my opinion but since these are the press days doesn't it make more sense to take it outside and run it for the doubters than to have it sit on a turntable? I doubt that GM cares what this guy's phony blog site writes anyways. But it sure is funny when he makes up outlandish conspiracies.

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who cares whats under the hood of a concept that people arent even allowed to look at...

if they had the designs finished, they would be on the showroom floor not the concept floor...

I dont doubt that its not a hybrid, but i do doubt that there is someone trying to trick the world thinking that they will have products that they dont...

Under Promise and over Deliver...

GM doesnt like to say, we'll have Hybrid Tahoes in 08, and have no backing behind that..

I know for a fact that the Tahoe is a working hybrid. It drove to its introduction on full hybrid power. Though they did run into issues thats why its not in the show room. we need to stop these stupid conspiracy theories that GM is out to trick us, that will not help the company.. it will only bring it further down.

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This guy is shocked because GM tricked auto journalists? How old is he, four? Car companies always trick journalists, and the auto media itself is not the most reputable. Jim Wangers, the Pontiac marketing guru from the 60's, gleefully describes slipping Car and Driver a "ringer" GTO for testing.

What Farago fails to see or point out is that while conspiracy theories can sometimes turn out to be true, they are much more often complete fallacies that people are simply more willing to accept in times of crisis. Does the notion that Jews conspired to lose WWI for Germany and destroy its economy seem plausible? Well, it certainly did to impoverished Germans in the 1920's.

My point is that just because things are bad does not mean that any idea is a good idea. In fact, most idea like Dollinger's make things worse, not better.

And also, let's be clear. Dollinger is not a "whistle blower." He's a self-promoter. He's proven that countless times on these forums.

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The Tahoe concept is a full hybrid with all the running gear. It was driven out on stage under electric power. Autoweek did not drive this concept. The electric motors are in the transmission, therefore could not be hidden by an engine cover, nor could the "hybrid powerplant" (which you fail to describe). The display by the Tahoe tells the story about the whole system. The people by the car, unless they are GM or a GM person is present cannot just "pop the hood" for any random Joe, especially during public days. Just because GM didn't stick to you "plan" doesn't mean you can go slandering GM. Your little blurb is ridiculous.

FYI it was probably removed from the floor for maintenance and will be back when fixed - the hot lights shining on these concepts can melt parts that are affixed to the car with adhesive - nothing to do with the powertrain. Stuff happens to all concepts (for example, one of the Challenger's gauge lights is out, and the Imperial's brake lights don't work, only the CHMSL).

Edited by mrfunji
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Once again, this shows that Buickman will seemingly do anything to further his cause.

Ladies and Gentlemen. It is now 2am. I am sitting in Cobo Hall in our office within the Chevy Exhibit. The Tahoe Hybrid is in plain sight of where I'm sitting.

I can ASSURE YOU that the Tahoe Hybrid is a real vehicle...and has all the hybrid components. It runs on hybrid power. I touched the components myself. (if he'd like to have forensics performed to see my finger prints.....)

Moreover, next to it is a cutaway chassis that demonstrates how the system works. I know because I had it built for the Chevy Exhibit.

If this does not convince everyone that this man is nothing but publicity-hungry, nothing will.

I'm offended and outraged that this man will seemingly go to no length to get headlines.

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Once again, this shows that Buickman will seemingly do anything to further his cause.

Ladies and Gentlemen. It is now 2am.  I am sitting in Cobo Hall in our office within the Chevy Exhibit.  The Tahoe Hybrid is in plain sight of where I'm sitting.

I can ASSURE YOU that the Tahoe Hybrid is a real vehicle...and has all the hybrid components.  It runs on hybrid power.  I touched the components myself.  (if he'd like to have forensics performed to see my finger prints.....)

Moreover, next to it is a cutaway chassis that demonstrates how the system works.  I know because I had it built for the Chevy Exhibit.

If this does not convince everyone that this man is nothing but publicity-hungry, nothing will.

I'm offended and outraged that this man will seemingly go to no length to get headlines.

nice to hear from you...

yea, i'm getting relitively sick of hearing about his stuff, i didnt realize he's had this plan since 94... and i didnt realize hes been pushing it for so long...

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Hmm...Imperial's brake lights worked fine when I saw it at the debut on Sunday?

I could swear when it came out for it's debut with Eva that guy guy hit the brakes, the CHMSL lit up, but the other brake lights didn't. I had a crappy seat and I was pretty much looking straight on @ the back. (Plus I do electrical work so I pay attention to the dorky stuff.... :) )
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Okay. He has really lost it now. Besides not understanding how Hybrids work and where the components are, (Tranny HELLO), he continues to assert that there is some master plan in which GM and the union are in bed trying to bankrupt the company.

This makes NO sense. GM can bankrupt itself perfectly well, without anyones help, and without a massive conspiracy. Come on, when you had Roger and Jack Smith run the company, destroying brand deliniations, and turning GM into a mecca of badge jobbing without really re-engineering anything.

It took a long time to get GM into this mess. It is going to take time to get it out of this mess. Patiences is a virture.

PS: The Hybrid is real.

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I agree with Sigma

The idea that GM's management is deliberately trying to bankrupt it is laughable. They're doing that just fine by accident - they don't need anyone's help!!!

But I think there are some scattered grains of truth in there - people getting their parachutes ready, Wagoner bankruptcy proofing his pension, refusing to give specific dates.

The CEO should stand up and say "We will have positive cashflow by the end of the year or else I will quit. Everyone will have to make sacrifices, including the UAW, and including me"

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Well, GM already has the hybrid in use on public buses in many cities across the nation. Why would GM have to pretend that they do have a working hybrid system when they actually do have one?

Unless the buses aren't really hybrids.. but are running on *GASP!* ... PEOPLE!!!!!

Josh.. seriously.. don't let Buickman post his rants on this website anymore... clearly he's lost his mind.

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Just an FYI Tuesday at the Auto Show is really slow. This is when all the TV crews and magazine guys come in and get to shoot extended shots of certain cars. They get moved, they get people to vacate the area etc.

It is NORMAL. I even psoted about it on MPH yesterday.

It is not a conspiracy. I even saw Steve Kroft from 60 Minutes on the floor. CBS News has no mention of this week's show scheudle but I'm guessing GM will be this week.

Also the Tahoe is unique in a few ways, and duh, of course it's real.

It can tow what a normal Tahoe tows. that's impressive. Also Ive heard Toyota can not upscale their system to do this. But I haven't checked the towing capacity of the highlander.

Also how is someone reporting on something when he is not there?

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I used to think that this site was somewhat useful....

Has anyone seen this?

Okay, let's just ignore the consipracy theory for a while and focus on the allegations.

The article raises valid questions that deserve to be answered. If GM is truly doing givebacks to the Union, then that's just shy of fraud. GM can't announce a cost saving measure to the public, and then secretly not fulfill. That's wrong any way you look at it. Its not right to the shareholders, its not right to employees and its certainly not right to the consumers.

And the questions about Fiat *STILL* have not been answered. Exactly *WHAT* happened there? Does *ANYONE* really know the details? From what we know, GM essentially gave away 4 billion dollars. Now that just doesn't make sense at all. I am not buying into the consipiracy theory, but I still think that details are being withheld.

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Okay, let's just ignore the consipracy theory for a while and focus on the allegations.

The article raises valid questions that deserve to be answered.  If GM is truly doing givebacks to the Union, then that's just shy of fraud.  GM can't announce a cost saving measure to the public, and then secretly not fulfill.  That's wrong any way you look at it.  Its not right to the shareholders, its not right to employees and its certainly not right to the consumers.

And the questions about Fiat *STILL* have not been answered.  Exactly *WHAT* happened there?  Does *ANYONE* really know the details?  From what we know, GM essentially gave away 4 billion dollars.  Now that just doesn't make sense at all.  I am not buying into the consipiracy theory, but I still think that details are being withheld.

I have said this before in the "What is wrong with GM thread", it is piss poor communications that leave many people guessing. So with that I agree with your comments because all your comments reflect a lack of communication with the investment community. Do I think there is fraud going on, no. But, I have to do a lot of digging inorder to undertand many things that GM does. This is not a new problem but an ongoing issue with GM. You bring up one point that I still have never fully understood and that was Fiat.

I have a partial answer and a partial theory but why should I be theorizing on a financial decision such as the Fiat payoff. There is still good that came out of the link up but the question I have that was never answered was it worth the 4 billion. Hell I am still unaware if they were payed off in cash or funny money. I might have forgotten but at the moment I am not sure what happened to the 2 billion that Fiat bought of GM? Did GM just sell the 10% they owned in Fiat and give it back to them in cash? I do not know.

What this leads to is a stock trading at $22 and a lot of people asking questions. It also seems GM's 3rd largest shareholder is asking the same questions. What's the story. Read the Jerry Yorks articles posted in the news today.

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Okay, let's just ignore the consipracy theory for a while and focus on the allegations.

The article raises valid questions that deserve to be answered.  If GM is truly doing givebacks to the Union, then that's just shy of fraud.  GM can't announce a cost saving measure to the public, and then secretly not fulfill.  That's wrong any way you look at it.  Its not right to the shareholders, its not right to employees and its certainly not right to the consumers.

And the questions about Fiat *STILL* have not been answered.  Exactly *WHAT* happened there?  Does *ANYONE* really know the details?  From what we know, GM essentially gave away 4 billion dollars.  Now that just doesn't make sense at all.  I am not buying into the consipiracy theory, but I still think that details are being withheld.

End this right now, there are no givebacks to the union. None. That's it.

Want to know what happened with Fiat? GM got caught in a bidding war with Nasser from Ford who was like drunk sailor on shore. They screwed up. They did try to make it work and did get a few production sites out of the deal but unlike Ford who has thrown carloads of cash at Jaguar, Aston Martin and the the rest, GM got out. Do you remember what happened with Daewoo? Care to be reminded? Ford again went bezerk with the bids and then sanity took over. They made an insane bid and then withdrew it. GM picked up the pieces for pennies on the dollar. Now Daewoo is a cashcow.

Besides Roger Smith and his days at the helm the one person that has done the most damage to the US auto industry is Jacques Nasser. He started this stupidity of mega companies by buying and led the entire US industry into the crapper. I dare say if he wasn't the moron he is, Eaton wouldn't have sold the keys to Chrysler (no merger, just a pay off to the chiefs) to Schremp who is just about as stupid as Nasser.

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