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Toyota chairman: U.S. gov't may help GM

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TOKYO (AP) - Toyota Motor Corp. Chairman Hiroshi Okuda said Tuesday he believes General Motors Corp. will likely receive support from the U.S. government if it faces further trouble.

"I have the feeling that GM is in a difficult situation," Okuda was quoted as saying by Hisako Komai, a spokeswoman for the Nippon Keidanren, Japan's most influential business lobby. Okuda heads the lobby.

"But the auto industry is a symbol of the United States, and if GM faces further difficulty, I don't think the U.S. government will leave it," he was quoted as saying at a press conference for the organization.

Okuda's remarks came as Japan's top automaker tries to overtake the struggling U.S. rival as the world's top automaker.

Toyota announced in late December a global production target of 9.06 million vehicles for next year, and analysts say it's only a matter of time before Toyota overtakes GM as the top automaker in the world.

GM lost $4.8 billion in its North American operations in the first nine months of 2005, and recently announced plans to cut 30,000 hourly jobs and close 12 facilities by 2008 in an effort to restore profitability.

Okuda also noted that the American rival company's problems are caused by a rise in oil prices and the lack of popular new models.

  Josh said:
TOKYO (AP) - Toyota Motor Corp. Chairman Hiroshi Okuda said Tuesday he believes General Motors Corp. will likely receive support from the U.S. government if it faces further trouble.

Ok, first of all it's not his place to say this...

"I have the feeling that GM is in a difficult situation," Okuda was quoted as saying by Hisako Komai, a spokeswoman for the Nippon Keidanren, Japan's most influential business lobby. Okuda heads the lobby.

No $h! captain obvious?!?!?!?

And it's all thanks to YOU and self loathing americans

"But the auto industry is a symbol of the United States,

Not anymore... The new symbol of the united states is aparently "we serve everyone else to the detrement of ourselves"

and if GM faces further difficulty, I don't think the U.S. government will leave it,"

Think again.... The government will do NOTHING for GM.. Hell, they won't even hold foreign firms to fair labor and trading practices, what makes him think that the government will bail GM out?!?!?!?!

If anything, they'll make GM beg and then everyone in America will ridicule them like they did with Chrysler. Which leads me to point number 2: Do you actually think most americans will stand for government intervention??????

Most of america doesn't give 2 $h!s about the survival of GM, or Ford, or any american business for that matter. And combined with the HUUUUUUGE anti-GM/anti-domestic media blitzkrieg it would create and the fact that everyone is SO SOLD on this *AWESOME* global economy I would predict NO help from the government... It would cost them too many votes (Which is the only reason they do anything anyway these days)

Okuda's remarks came as Japan's top automaker tries to overtake the struggling U.S. rival as the world's top automaker.

This statement just serves to reinforce how asian business mentality works... They say comforting words to your face while they're twisting the knife in your back... And that's exactly what he is doing. The ONLY reason he was quoted as saying this is to further dismantle an american consumer backlash against Toyota or Japan Inc. in general (Not that that would actually happen with the biased media ALREADY working overtime to save Japan Inc.'s ass by spreading the "They employee.... and They invest.... and This car is really made in... And this is the future of our industry" Even Foreign Car and Import Driver WORKED it into their sedan comparison last month... In fact NEVER has the "New transplant" propaganda been so apparent in ALL of the "journalists" write ups. It's not as if he (Okuda) actually cares and it's not as if america actually takes pride in itself or it's industry, ESPECIALLY those "rust belt, ignorant, car building dinosaurs" A dead GM=a bigger Toyota, and appartently automotive liberation for us all; end of story.

Toyota announced in late December a global production target of 9.06 million vehicles for next year, and analysts say it's only a matter of time before Toyota overtakes GM as the top automaker in the world.

Make it happen... That's the goal.

GM lost $4.8 billion in its North American operations in the first nine months of 2005, and recently announced plans to cut 30,000 hourly jobs and close 12 facilities by 2008 in an effort to restore profitability.

Damned american companies!!! Always downsizing!!!! My dollars will go to a company that actually invests in America, like Toyota---Typical media informed consumer.

Okuda also noted that the American rival company's problems are caused by a rise in oil prices and the lack of popular new models.

Yet another "No kidding Sherlock?" statement. And they wonder why this guy does such a good job, he's a genius, or has a lot of money ;)

  Josh said:

"I have the feeling that GM is in a difficult situation," Okuda was quoted as saying by Hisako Komai, a spokeswoman for the Nippon Keidanren, Japan's most influential business lobby.

No $h!. :rolleyes:

Posted Image

Posted (edited)

he points out the possibility of the US government helping GM, but that little b@$tard sure as hell didn't point out how his government likes to manipulate the currency rates to further screw everyone abroad, and be the crutch in the Japanese auto industry.

The damn frickin press better add that into the article about this.

yes FOG, the knife is in deep in corksrew fashion with a sweet smile on his face.

That does it for me, kick toyota off our shore and let the chinese come in and take their market share.

Edited by regfootball

This country is getting ever closer to being the laughing stock of the world. No wonder everyone hates us so! It's a sad day when not even americans can support there own products and don't give a rats ass were it came from or how many familes and lives they are screwing but purchasing all the foreign rubbish because Honda & Driver or Toyota reports says so. Toyotas arrogance goes without saying. If the day ever comes when they are on top, I for one will laugh in there faces as they take on all the problems that such a title incurs. Recalls galore, quality control glitches, being in the limelight to constantly produce produce PRODUCE! But don't worry. In 10 more years or less it will be Hyundai who will be clawing Toyotas eyes out for supremecy to be number one and it's doubtfull we will ever see an American company on top again. Good job America!


i think toyota may have fianlly crossed the line, but the problem is the avrage americans won't notice. I think it's time for theis country to get off it's ass, and become the leader in the world. We need to put down the the big macs, and grow a backbone. I'm tire of be walked on. I will NEVER, NEVER. Buy anything from Toyota.


I just don't understand America's love affair with everything foreign!!

Its sad that Americans don't care that we lost the textile, steel and electronic industry.

Now we are in a situation that we might lose the auto industry!!

But, we have no one to blame because it is Americans that run out and buys "Made in China" products, shops at Walmart that imports everything, and buy foreign cars because my daddy's buick broke down in 1987!!!

  drew770 said:

I just don't understand America's love affair with everything foreign!!

Its sad that Americans don't care that we lost the textile, steel and electronic industry.

Now we are in a situation that we might lose the auto industry!!

But, we have no one to blame because it is Americans that run out and buys "Made in China" products, shops at Walmart that imports everything, and buy foreign cars because my daddy's buick broke down in 1987!!!

So true.


But don't you see it?

Toyota is doing us all a favor by destroying the evil American auto industry!

There isn't a single commentator that has enough common sense to read what this guy said and figure it out. He really thinks that the US should do the exact same thing that his government did.

He just called us stupid and we are going to agree. John Lennon with his "more popular than Jesus" statement had more impact. We want to be fat, lazy, stupid and soon broke.


This is the type of reoccuring Toyota arrogance we GM'ers bitch about yet people still continue to deny exists. Seriously...what other purpose does this article serve other than to further emblazon GM's demise into the papers, while placing a crown upon the head of Toyota. Why does Okuda feel it is necessary to make these comments other than to further attempt to humiliate General Motors? Keep twisting, Toyota...you're doing a damn good job of turning Americans against anything that is made in Detroit...scaring them away with fears of buying from a bankrupt automaker. Oh well, it's only a matter of time before Hyundai replaces you as the favored one.

Who published this article anyway? Japanese or American publication?

  mustang84 said:

This is the type of reoccuring Toyota arrogance we GM'ers bitch about yet people still continue to deny exists.  Seriously...what other purpose does this article serve other than to further emblazon GM's demise into the papers, while placing a crown upon the head of Toyota.  Why does Okuda feel it is necessary to make these comments other than to further attempt to humiliate General Motors?  Keep twisting, Toyota...you're doing a damn good job of turning Americans against anything that is made in Detroit...scaring them away with fears of buying from a bankrupt automaker.  Oh well, it's only a matter of time before Hyundai replaces you as the favored one.

Who published this article anyway?  Japanese or American publication?

Hyundai will be first, then Chinese auto companies will come into play. China dislikes Japan more than we dislike Toyota. When a major Chinese auto company comes into play, then Japan will get these "concerning" comments towards them X100. I don't think GM will die off though. I think GM will be keeping Toyota on their toe's more year after year. Look at the designs Toyota is coming out with..........now look at GM. Where is the new MR2? Now, where is the Solstice? That is just the tip of the iceberge. The hunger for terrible looking vehicles will soon demenish. I think GM needs to keep coming out with cutting edge designs, and Toyota will begin to lose (yes, I said lose) market share. It might take years..........but it can happen!


How can anyone listen to Okuda and believe Toyota has not passed it's prime. Until there is a crisis Toyota will, like GM in the '70s, be just running on momentum. They have great processes ad good engineers, but the rot has already set in.


Personally, I believe this is good news. Toyota is finally starting to show its true colors. Conspiracy theories aside, the media eventually is going to clue in that Toyota has never been the Friendly (green) Giant and has always been after GM's throat, as any good multinational corporation would do.

It is about time that the media and General Motors wake up and realize that Japan Inc. is a juggernaut, sponsored by MITI and backed by the Japanese government, unlike Washington that believes in Free Trade on the one hand, but does nothing to ensure that other countries are playing by the rules, too.

  Angry Dad said:
But don't you see it?

Toyota is doing us all a favor by destroying the evil American auto industry!

There isn't a single commentator that has enough common sense to read what this guy said and figure it out. He really thinks that the US should do the exact same thing that his government did.

He just called us stupid and we are going to agree. John Lennon with his "more popular than Jesus" statement had more impact. We want to be fat, lazy, stupid and soon broke.


Another PERFECT post!!!!

Yep, he called us stupid, just like the asians always do... I swear to god, this country has a "Japan is better than us" complex with EVERYTHING! And it shows as we take their insults and unfair business practices like a cowardly little kid.

Who published this article anyway? Japanese or American publication?

Japanese.... And yes they always possess the same communist bias FOR their industries as OUR media does, so they ALWAYS take cheap shots at us.

Too bad america isn't the nation that Japan is... Then maybe this country would be as good as theirs and as good as it once was.

Hyundai will be first, then Chinese auto companies will come into play. China dislikes Japan more than we dislike Toyota. When a major Chinese auto company comes into play, then Japan will get these "concerning" comments towards them X100.

According to a survey published last month by Reuters, the Japanese firms are expected to dominate the chinese market over the next 10 years just like they're dominating our market now.

How can anyone listen to Okuda and believe Toyota has not passed it's prime. Until there is a crisis Toyota will, like GM in the '70s, be just running on momentum. They have great processes ad good engineers, but the rot has already set in.

Yes, BUT....

I'm afraid that it'll go unnoticed... The American companies have been criticized for years by our own media and I think it's because they ARE american. They're easy targets, yet once Toyota starts screwing up, we won't hear a word about it. It'll all be covered up simply because that's where our media's LOYALTY and personal preference lies.

Personally, I believe this is good news. Toyota is finally starting to show its true colors. Conspiracy theories aside, the media eventually is going to clue in that Toyota has never been the Friendly (green) Giant and has always been after GM's throat, as any good multinational corporation would do.

It'll be encouraged.... The media has been encouraging the dethroning of the big 3 for years and they've finally swayed enough opinions to do it.

It is about time that the media and General Motors wake up and realize that Japan Inc. is a juggernaut, sponsored by MITI and backed by the Japanese government, unlike Washington that believes in Free Trade on the one hand, but does nothing to ensure that other countries are playing by the rules, too.

Exactly, this is a fight GM can never win and that's why they'll lose. The deck has been stacked for years, deliberately and blatantly.

Guest gmrebirth
  Josh said:

TOKYO (AP) - Toyota Motor Corp. Chairman Hiroshi Okuda said Tuesday he believes General Motors Corp. will likely receive support from the U.S. government if it faces further trouble.

"I have the feeling that GM is in a difficult situation," Okuda was quoted as saying by Hisako Komai, a spokeswoman for the Nippon Keidanren, Japan's most influential business lobby. Okuda heads the lobby.

"But the auto industry is a symbol of the United States, and if GM faces further difficulty, I don't think the U.S. government will leave it," he was quoted as saying at a press conference for the organization.

Okuda's remarks came as Japan's top automaker tries to overtake the struggling U.S. rival as the world's top automaker.

Toyota announced in late December a global production target of 9.06 million vehicles for next year, and analysts say it's only a matter of time before Toyota overtakes GM as the top automaker in the world.

GM lost $4.8 billion in its North American operations in the first nine months of 2005, and recently announced plans to cut 30,000 hourly jobs and close 12 facilities by 2008 in an effort to restore profitability.

Okuda also noted that the American rival company's problems are caused by a rise in oil prices and the lack of popular new models.

Source for the article?

Do you always like to post without sources? How convenient :rolleyes:

Guest gmrebirth
Posted (edited)
  FUTURE_OF_GM said:

And it's all thanks to YOU and self loathing americans

Wrong. It's thanks to GM's lack of ability to compete, and more to the point, it's thanks to America itself: the land of opportunity, the capitalist free market nation that welcomes all competition.

You people always point fingers at everyone else but yourselves. It's not Toyota's fault for playing the game of capitalism so well, and for being such a fierce competitor. That's ludicrous.

The media has bias? The government doesn't care? Ok fine, but that has nothing to do with Toyota.

Is it Toyota's fault unions have such an influence on GM? No. Is it Toyota's fault that GM has made endless boneheaded moves and decisions, like signing the UAW contract in the 80s? No.

Is it Toyota's fault that GM, until recent years, has had a sagging lineup of uncompetitive, inconsistent, and forgettable cars? No.

You should join GMI; I think the 16 year old domestic fanatics who have no clue of reality would greatly welcome you there.

Edited by gmrebirth
Guest gmrebirth
  Flybrian said:

"The Associated Press, or AP, is an American news agency, the world's largest such organization."

Thanks for the links. And so much for this being a "Japanese" publication, when in fact this is reported by the American media.


This is just a really smart way of doing reverse phsycology...

by japan stating that... it makes the government feel like a coward and less interested in helping...

its a really good way to make the government stay out of it...

but aid would be desired...

  gmrebirth said:

"The Associated Press, or AP, is an American news agency, the world's largest such organization."

Thanks for the links. And so much for this being a "Japanese" publication, when in fact this is reported by the American media.

First off, there is a link to the ORIGINAL JAPANESE story.

Secondly, if it were an original american piece then that would just reinforce the bias argument.

And third, your points are good and agreeable. But they do nothing to bring the points I made into question.

Posted (edited)

Perhaps the US govt can artificially manipulate the value of our currency so that our automake... oh, wait.. um, that's Japan. Nevermind.

Edited by cmattson

One Coment to the World!

If you take everything away from us americans, like all are comapnies and jobs, We wont have any money to buy your products will we? Causeing you to make nothing since the US is your major "money maker" isnt it?

  capriceman said:

One Coment to the World!

If you take everything away from us americans, like all are comapnies and jobs, We wont have any money to buy your products will we? Causeing you to make nothing since the US is your major "money maker" isnt it?

yea i think we are one of the only countrys that buys everything we see...

we are very materialistic here...

just goto toys r us or best buy... all things you will never need to live...

  regfootball said:

he points out the possibility of the US government helping GM, but that little b@$tard sure as hell didn't point out how his government likes to manipulate the currency rates to further screw everyone abroad, and be the crutch in the Japanese auto industry.

I honestly don't blame the Japanese government for doing what's in the best interest of their economy, who could that's the purpose of the government. I think the real question is why OUR government does not take actions to protect and enrich OUR economy.


Actually, here's a scary thought:

With the Chinese population gaining discretionary, spendable income (notice the fact that the car market is growing over there?), it's inevitable that they displace the US as the "world's consumer". We won't be able to hold this carrot out in front of everyone for too much longer.


According to the World Trade Orginization, the US should be able to apply duties to Japanese cars, because their government subsidizes Toyota. They have bought out all of Toyota's retirees. Imagine if the US government bought out all of GM's retirees.


What is a Subsidy?

Ø      Under the Subsidies Agreement of the World Trade Organization (“WTO”) (to which the U.S. is a party), a subsidy is a financial contribution from a government or a public body which confers a benefit upon a targeted group or company.

Ø      Where a government provides goods or services, a benefit is conferred if the authority does not receive adequate remuneration for the provision of such goods or services.  Factors considered in determining what is fair remuneration include price, quality, availability, marketability, and transportation.

Ø      “Domestic” subsidies (those not contingent on export performance) are only illegal if they are “specific” to a particular industry or group of industries.

Ø      Where an illegal subsidy is found to cause injury, the injured country may apply a countervailing duty (“CVD”) to offset the subsidy.

  BrewSwillis said:

According to the World Trade Orginization, the US should be able to apply duties to Japanese cars, because their government subsidizes Toyota.  They have bought out all of Toyota's retirees.  Imagine if the US government bought out all of GM's retirees.

wow... how long will something like that last... social security is due to be bankrupt pretty soon...

japan is much smaller though..


Smaller, yes, but it is the proportion of retired persons versus working aged persons that counts, and I believe Japan has more of a disadvantage that either the U.S. or Canada. Their population is aging (they live longer) and they don't have the relatively young immigration influx that we do here to offset the retirees. Also, Japan's population is basically stagnant. They will have a bigger problem with funding retirment than the U.S. should.

However, Japan doesn't have the huge military budget to deal with.

  BrewSwillis said:

According to the World Trade Orginization, the US should be able to apply duties to Japanese cars, because their government subsidizes Toyota.  They have bought out all of Toyota's retirees.  Imagine if the US government bought out all of GM's retirees.

Wow, do you have a link about Japan buying out Toyota retirees?

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