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Posted Image
Yeah, you know, the infamous GM control signal/wiper/headlamp/cruise stalk. It comes in other forms, but that's the most remembered form.

Am I the only one who actually likes having a whole bunch of functions on the stalk? Like, I can't stand having cruise control on the steering wheel and when I drive a car with those buttons, I can't stand it.

Is something wrong with me?
Posted (edited)
I like mine. But mine's simple. Click side for Cruise Control. Throw in neutral for it to turn off. Up/Down for blinkers. Twist outter half for wipers. Push inner half for spray. Pull for brights. Edited by NOS2006
They suck pretty badly. I like the setup in my M-Class. One stalk for lighting on the left. One stalk for wipers and washing on the right. Finally, there's one small, thin stalk for cruise control at about the 10 position behind the wheel. Easy, convenient, never take the eyes off the road. The one in my father's 2000 DHS is similar to the top one pictured, and it is horrible. I always have to look at it to figure out how to do the wipers/washer fluid. The ergonomics aren't even that great once you figure it out. Using the washer fluid is AWKWARD.
I love the stalk. The one in my Lumina is exactly like the one at the top. Where else can you set your cruise control, use turn signals, wash and wipe your windshield, and turn on your brights all on one handy, plastic stalk. :P
Posted (edited)

They suck pretty badly.
The one in my father's 2000 DHS is similar to the top one pictured, and it is horrible.  I always have to look at it to figure out how to do the wipers/washer fluid.  The ergonomics aren't even that great once you figure it out.  Using the washer fluid is AWKWARD.


I love the stalk.  The one in my Lumina is exactly like the one at the top.  Where else can you set your cruise control, use turn signals, wash and wipe your windshield, and turn on your brights all on one handy, plastic stalk.  :P


I agree and also have the top one, I don't really know what the complaints are, because if you just remember the buttons, you don't have to look. I remember them from using them a couple of times and it's all second nature. Push in the side to turn on the Cruise control. Tap the little button right to advance in 1mph increments, or push the left side to slow down 1mph increments. Shutting the cruise means just sliding the button to the left til it clicks, or tapping your brakes. Up for right turns, down for left. Windshield washers are easy because the tab sticks out--just push it in. Wipers, how much simpler can you get... first click is the slidable intermittent wipers, next click low, next click high.

What's the huge confusion? I might enjoy having another stalk to separate wipers from cruise control, but how many stalks are we going to have in a car? Not to mention I have a stalk for the tilt steering, and another one for my gear selector.

It's all a matter of just getting used to the device. Once you're used to it, there's really no hassle at all. Edited by Paolino
Well being as Ive only driven GM's for a decade and all have the same function I have no problem with them. I do not want more "stalks" on my cars, this one with its few simple functions is great ! Push slide lever forward (or in) for each 2 mph increase, push the little button in the center to back down two. Twist the thing to get various wiper speeds and crank the obvious flapper to get some fluid.....couldnt be any simpler, thank you GM. I do wish they were also wired with 2 way switch for a floor mounted dip switch for High/low beams as well as on the column. I get so tired of haveing to reach and pull and the "only" driveing position available to use at night. The floor mounted dip switches were great, just a little click of the toe which was already right there bored to death anyhow.

I like mine. But mine's simple.

Click side for Cruise Control. Throw in neutral for it to turn off.
Up/Down for blinkers.
Twist outter half for wipers. Push inner half for spray.
Pull for brights.


Nos - dont you simply touch the brakes to release cruise ? Not sure on the throwing it in neutral idea.
Simplicity rules, I must say...

Thankfully, my GA didn't have those multifunction stalks. It had two simple ones. Left side controlled exterior lighting while the right side controlled the windsheild wipers. Simple. My only complaint was that the electrical/wiring was all f**ked up, causing me to have to keep pulling over and over until the damn high beams finally decided to stay on. If it weren't for the fog lights having to be shut off for the highs... Anyways, I can only imagine the problems that occur with GM's greeeaaaat mutlifunction stalk. Ugh... It's all because of those damned column shifters anyways. :D :P
I like having two stalks: headlights/turn signal on the left, wipers on the right. Cruise control buttons should be on the steering wheel. I don't like having headlight controls on the dash. The wiper controls should not be twist, but up and down.
I like one stalk that takes care of it all. Anything else just gets in the way, and you end up turning on windshield wipers while making left turns, or washing your windshield when you really want the "mist" function. Also, I hate it when the headlight controls are on the stalk.
I've never had any problems with my stalk. It took me a few times driving to fully figure it out, but like Paolino said, it's second hand nature afterward. It's convenient and it saves space. It works perfectly for me because 95% of the time I drive with one hand on the wheel, and that hand is always the right hand...so my left is freed up for the stalk.

Am I the only one who actually likes having a whole bunch of functions on the stalk?

No...I wouldn't say that....he he he.

I like the functionality of the stalk.

But, I was "weirded out" earlier this year. When I went east in August on my 2-week road trip, I rented a Buick Century...and was shocked to see the stalk on the steering column looked VERY much like the stalk on my '87 MC LS (with a few updates, of course). Meanwhile, neither my former '97 malibu or '00 mc LS had the stalk ... in favor of other ways to accomplish those functions. Guess I was shocked that the newer Century was more like my older '87 MC LS than the newer '97 malibu or '00 mc LS....


Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker
MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
Models.HO = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/trainroom.html
"How much longer will they be around?" ... Don Williams ... 'Old Coyote Town'
C. indiferent
I have The Stalk on my truck. It's a GM thing, and it's fine with me. Had a rudimentary one on the '73 Catalina. It's what I'm used to.
The stalk kicks ass. I'm accustomed to it so I never have to take my eyes off the road to operate one either. I've driven GM vehicles for so long that the features and etc are engrained into my head so it is a natural relfex to operate one with no problem. I agree with the button sentiment. I hate push button features for cruise on the steering wheel, or I hate when they place knobs somewhere on the dash to operate your wipers and etc.

Posted Image
Yeah, you know, the infamous GM control signal/wiper/headlamp/cruise stalk. It comes in other forms, but that's the most remembered form.

Am I the only one who actually likes having a whole bunch of functions on the stalk? Like, I can't stand having cruise control on the steering wheel and when I drive a car with those buttons, I can't stand it.

Is something wrong with me?


Nah nothings wrong with you. Some people like some things and others like other things...

Personally, I prefer cruise control on the steering wheel or in the "Toyota" position on the right lower side of the column.....and wipers on the right had side. I don't mind headlights on the turn-signal stalk.

My Intrigue has two stalks: the left hand side is the turn signal (duh) with the headlamp controls as a twist-control. The right hand side does wipers in an up-down fashion and cruise control is on the steering wheel. However, my dad's Rendezvous has the Super Stalk with cruise control, wipers, and a satellite launcher. I greatly prefer the dual-stalk method, mainly because the cruise control isn't a tiny little thumb switch.

BTW was anyone else appalled to see the 2007 Escalade has the Super Stalk? I mean come on! :o <_<

Posted Image


They suck pretty badly.

I like the setup in my M-Class.  One stalk for lighting on the left.  One stalk for wipers and washing on the right.  Finally, there's one small, thin stalk for cruise control at about the 10 position behind the wheel.  Easy, convenient, never take the eyes off the road.  The one in my father's 2000 DHS is similar to the top one pictured, and it is horrible.  I always have to look at it to figure out how to do the wipers/washer fluid.  The ergonomics aren't even that great once you figure it out.  Using the washer fluid is AWKWARD.


I agree with you, Croc. My C6 has what I call a "modified" version of the typical GM stalk.....the wipers are on the right-hand side, but the headlights and foglights are still on the turn-signal stalk and cumbersome at BEST to use....I hate it.....AND they've STILL packaged the cruise functions on there as well.....

All the headlight functions, plus the "auto" setting, the DRL "cancel" setting, the foglights, and the normal lights are split between two rotating "dials" on the turn-signal stalk.

The best I've seen is the Benz (and similar BMW) headlight dial on the dash. Turn the dial to the right to activate the lights you want (off, auto, parking lights, on) and pull the dial OUT to activate the foglights. When you turn the dial "off" it automatically goes IN and turns off the foglights as well.....simple, intuitive, and easy to use.....

Nos - dont you simply touch the brakes to release cruise ? Not sure on the throwing it in neutral idea.


PLUS.....how come GM STILL refuses to give us a "cancel" function for our cruise control?

Tapping the brakes briefly lights up the brake lights....(not good if you see a cop coming up behind you) and moving the shifter into neutral and back seems unnatural. Also, turning the cruise "off" without tapping the brakes cancels the cruise memory function....

EVERYONE else I can think of gives us a "cancel" button for the cruise that kicks it off without forgetting your cruise setting.

Nos - dont you simply touch the brakes to release cruise ? Not sure on the throwing it in neutral idea.


Really? I don't know. I'll have to try that on the way to the mall today.

I usually just throw it in neutral and that gets rid of the cruise.
Its not world ending or anything in a car, but its a general rule of thumb to never throw a moving vehical in neutral. A stalled engine (not that its typical) will give you no power steering and no power brakes, its a horrible feeling let me tell ya. This is why trucks were switched to air brakes. Guys would mess up and stall loaded trucks on hills, with vacume hydro brakes you have this extremely hard brake pedal that does absolutely nothing. I have had it happen, if your first reaction it the wrong one, your in serious trouble.
Posted (edited)
I've always thought GM tried to get too much functionality on one stalk... I like the DC approach---the stalks in my Jeep GC work quite well...lights on the left stalk, wipers on the right, cruise control on the front of the steering wheel, radio/CD controls on the back of the steering wheel. Edited by moltar
Toyota puts a little cruise control stalk on the right side bottom where its in the pefect place to be used by your right hand while driving. I really like that system. I don't really like the ones where they put the buttons right on the steering wheel.
The stalk doth rule all. :bowdown: I love having all those functions in one place. I have no problem at all performing any and all of the functions on the stalk without looking at it and while keeping at least my thumb on the steering wheel. My only problem w/ it is that the markings are all worn out. It still has good tactal feedback to let you know exactly what wiper delay setting it's on, even w/ this kind of mileage on it. I do like the newer-style GM stalks better, tho, I would like to transplant one into my car.

Posted Image
Yeah, you know, the infamous GM control signal/wiper/headlamp/cruise stalk. It comes in other forms, but that's the most remembered form.

Am I the only one who actually likes having a whole bunch of functions on the stalk? Like, I can't stand having cruise control on the steering wheel and when I drive a car with those buttons, I can't stand it.

Is something wrong with me?



I like having two stalks:  headlights/turn signal on the left, wipers on the right.  Cruise control buttons should be on the steering wheel.  I don't like having headlight controls on the dash.  The wiper controls should not be twist, but up and down.



my diamante had it perfect. wipers on right. turn signals on left stalk. auto headlights were twist on left stalk but were auto off so i never had to turn that on or off. cruise on steering wheel.

all as God intended.
I'm not too partial. I think I can learn to live with or without it. My Blazer had the all-in-one stalk and I liked having everything on one little contraption. My Cobalt is laid out the same way as bobo's and reg's cars, and after a short adjustment period, I find this to be just as user friendly, once I got over trying to use the wiper stalk as a column shifter.

You've never experienced horrific ergonomics and layout until you drive a 1979 Granada. Seriously stalks aside that car ahs the worst interior of any car made. EVER.

Thsi photo is actaully super flattering.

Posted Image


I like one stalk that takes care of it all.  Anything else just gets in the way, and you end up turning on windshield wipers while making left turns, or washing your windshield when you really want the "mist" function.

Also, I hate it when the headlight controls are on the stalk.


Yea none of that has ever happened to me. How would you turn on wipers when making left turns? That's as ludicrous as suggesting one changes gears on right turns with a column shifter.

I agree with you, Croc.  My C6 has what I call a "modified" version of the typical GM stalk.....the wipers are on the right-hand side, but the headlights and foglights are still on the turn-signal stalk and cumbersome at BEST to use....I hate it.....AND they've STILL packaged the cruise functions on there as well.....

All the headlight functions, plus the "auto" setting, the DRL "cancel" setting, the foglights, and the normal lights are split between two rotating "dials" on the turn-signal stalk.

The best I've seen is the Benz (and similar BMW) headlight dial on the dash.  Turn the dial to the right to activate the lights you want (off, auto, parking lights, on) and pull the dial OUT to activate the foglights.  When you turn the dial "off" it automatically goes IN and turns off the foglights as well.....simple, intuitive, and easy to use.....


OK you just contradicted yourself (bold for emphasis):

Nah nothings wrong with you.  Some people like some things and others like other things...

Personally, I prefer cruise control on the steering wheel or in the "Toyota" position on the right lower side of the column.....and wipers on the right had side.  I don't mind headlights on the turn-signal stalk.


Now I don't know what Benz system you've used (top quote), but my headlights are not on the dash, now would I want them to be. They are a twist function on the end of the signal stalk. You literally turn the end of the stalk and it clicks out. You pull the stalk to flash brights. Signals work as they usually do. Keeps it handy and convenient, no need to take eyes off the road at all.
I love it since i no where every thing is on it since i have been driving GM for all my life. I dont have to take my eyes off the road to look at it. As for Cruise i barely ever use since it is broken, but when it worked I just hit the buttom that pushes in the stalk and it slowed down. or just shut it off. the only time i use cruise is night time on the hiway.

PLUS.....how come GM STILL refuses to give us a "cancel" function for our cruise control?

Tapping the brakes briefly lights up the brake lights....(not good if you see a cop coming up behind you) and moving the shifter into neutral and back seems unnatural.  Also, turning the cruise "off" without tapping the brakes cancels the cruise memory function....

EVERYONE else I can think of gives us a "cancel" button for the cruise that kicks it off without forgetting your cruise setting.


Cadillac has this. Has for a long time. I'll have to check, but I think the 1982 has it.

That said, is it really that hard to just accelerate up to cruising speed and turn it on? I have a cancel function in the M-Class but I never use it.

Posted Image
Yeah, you know, the infamous GM control signal/wiper/headlamp/cruise stalk. It comes in other forms, but that's the most remembered form.

Am I the only one who actually likes having a whole bunch of functions on the stalk? Like, I can't stand having cruise control on the steering wheel and when I drive a car with those buttons, I can't stand it.

Is something wrong with me?


I'm with you, I like EVERYTHING on the steering column. Of course, most of you guys already know I like the tranny shifter up there, but I also like the flashers on the column. I can't stand the big button on the dash in my Impala, and it lights up red at night. Red tells me something is wrong, and it grabs my attention at times when it shouldn't. The Impala also has the cruise on the steering wheel, and it lights up which is annoying. When I'm trying to back down my driveway at night and I'm using the mirrors to make sure I'm not too close to the house all I see is the reflection of the cruise lights moving on the side window as I'm moving the wheel. I also prefer the ignition on the column, easier to turn when reaching in from the passenger side (to let car warm up whil I'm scraping the ice/snow off the windows). I couldn't stand the wiper location in my g/f's old Beretta. It was on the dash to the right of guages. I almost crashed once trying to find the wipers frantically. The only bad thing is when it goes bad, it's bad. I thought I was going to fail my driver's test in my dad's '91 Jimmy because after the right turn signal snapped off, the wipers took a single pass.

My Intrigue has two stalks: the left hand side is the turn signal (duh) with the headlamp controls as a twist-control. The right hand side does wipers in an up-down fashion and cruise control is on the steering wheel. However, my dad's Rendezvous has the Super Stalk with cruise control, wipers, and a satellite launcher. I greatly prefer the dual-stalk method, mainly because the cruise control isn't a tiny little thumb switch.

BTW was anyone else appalled to see the 2007 Escalade has the Super Stalk? I mean come on!  :o  <_<

Posted Image


I'm not at all appalled. After driving GMs for years, I am very comfortable with "the stalk". The nice thing about the stalk is that I can get in nearly any GM car and everything works the same as the last one. No need to take my eyes off the road when I'm in a GM rental because I know where everything is.
Posted (edited)
I like the setup in our BMW and VW: headlight knob on the dash, left stalk for the turn signal and high beams (push a switch in for trip computer), and right stalk for the wiper (goes up and down, except to adjust wiper sensitivity). Cruise control on the steering wheel. The one in our Honda is too fussy (twist the left stalk for headlights, twist the right stalk for wipers). Some of the new Euro cars have toggle-style turn signals, which, when you get used to them, are rather convenient. Edited by empowah
I don't care for the new Mercedes and BMW turn signals. Using it for a lane change requires one tap to turn on and another to turn off. I imagine most people will say just heck with it and not use it for lane changes. I don't like Honda's twisting motion for the wiper stalk on the right side. It requires you to take your hand off the wheel. Same goes for GM's ubiqui-stalk. As for the stubby cruise control stalk at the 4 o'clock position in Toyota vehicles, it works very well. The mini-stalk on the upper right side of Mercedeses is also very good and intuitive. Headlight controls on the dash require a slightly longer reach, but the controls can be lighted. I also agree that the foglight control on the Mercedes is very good. Twisting action for the headlights on the left stalk is not a bother because you generally use it once to turn on and once to turn off if it is not set on auto. Because so many of GM's vehicles still have a column shifter, GM is heavy into the single stalk. It has too many compromises on it.

PLUS.....how come GM STILL refuses to give us a "cancel" function for our cruise control?

Actually...my '97 malibu and '00 mc LS both had the "cancel" button function for the cruise control. I sure liked that..... As I mentioned previously, I was surprised that the Buick Century rental I used this past August didn't have that feature....and it is a newer car than either of my former 2 cars.....

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker
MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
Models.HO = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/trainroom.html
"How much longer will they be around?" ... Don Williams ... 'Old Coyote Town'

Really? I don't know. I'll have to try that on the way to the mall today.

I usually just throw it in neutral and that gets rid of the cruise.


you're right, if you touch the brake or clutch or pull the shifter out of gear, it deactivates the cruise control. it's like that on every car i've ever driven.

OK you just contradicted yourself (bold for emphasis):

Now I don't know what Benz system you've used (top quote), but my headlights are not on the dash, now would I want them to be.  They are a twist function on the end of the signal stalk.  You literally turn the end of the stalk and it clicks out.  You pull the stalk to flash brights.  Signals work as they usually do.  Keeps it handy and convenient, no need to take eyes off the road at all.


OK sorry I'll modify.....

I don't mind simple headlight controls on the stalk....my Jeep has ONE dial for twisting the headlights from off, to parking, to on. It's on the stalk and not offensive.

The Corvette, however, has two dials that move both ways and has way more functions such as the DRL cancel, the "auto" setting, the foglights, etc. It's WAY more complicated.

In THAT case, I'd rather have a dial control on the dash somewhere like the Mercedes referenced in my previous post....

Cadillac has this.  Has for a long time.  I'll have to check, but I think the 1982 has it.

That said, is it really that hard to just accelerate up to cruising speed and turn it on?  I have a cancel function in the M-Class but I never use it.


Well, the C6 DOESN'T have a cancel button.

Cancel is very convenient if you need to disengage the cruise, but still want to use resume later.

Why use cancel to disengage?

If you don't want a cop behind you see you tap your brakes to disengage....or you don't like the idea of moving the shifter to neutral (or dipping the clutch pedal will do it too.)

As far as the Benz headlight question, the S-Class has a dash-mounted dial knob and it controls (very effectively) the headlights, the parking lights, the auto setting, the front AND rear foglamps. You twist from left to right to activate lights....and then pull out once for front fogs and a second time for front AND rear fogs...

Two actions.....twist and pull....very convenient and simple...and keeps the stalk less cluttered.

I don't care for the new Mercedes and BMW turn signals.  Using it for a lane change requires one tap to turn on and another to turn off.  I imagine most people will say just heck with it and not use it for lane changes.


Like he said....once you start using them, you'll LOVE them. And the point is....for lane changes, you ONLY need ONE tap....not two like you said above....one tap gives you three-four blinks and then they stop automatically.

The C6, actually, has the "tap" feature on the turn signal and I LOVE it. You tap it without "clicking" it on, and the signals flash three times then go off. GREAT for lane-changing.

The BMW and Mercedes turn signals are very similar.

Actually...my '97 malibu and '00 mc LS both had the "cancel" button function for the cruise control.  I sure liked that.....  As I mentioned previously, I was surprised that the Buick Century rental I used this past August didn't have that feature....and it is a newer car than either of my former 2 cars.....
Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker
MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
Models.HO = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/trainroom.html
"How much longer will they be around?"  ... Don Williams ... 'Old Coyote Town'


You know I'm wondering if it has to do with cruises on the stalk versus the wheel....? The Corvette has cruise on the stalk.....and DOESN'T have a cancel function....

My '96 Century had cruise on the stalk and I'm pretty sure it had cancel, I think the cruise was on the right side of the column, the wipers on the left and the lights on the dash. Its been a while, but thats how I remember it being set up. Cruise on the wheel spoke (like in the L200) is kind of awkward to use, maybe its just me. The little cruise stalk on my Toyota is great, it moves with the wheel and it is places right where my hand rests when cruising. Lights on the left, wipers on the right. The only quirk in the Toyota setup is the high beams, when you pull (which turns gM high beams on) it just flashes the brights, you have to push to activate them. Just different, takes a couple of times to get used to it. I'd rather have 2-3 stalks than the SuperStalk with all of the things to push, twist and press. If I wanted to play Bop It, I'd go to a toy store not buy a new car.

Like he said....once you start using them, you'll LOVE them.  And the point is....for lane changes, you ONLY need ONE tap....not two like you said above....one tap gives you three-four blinks and then they stop automatically.


Sorry, but that sound like another one of those We-Put-More-Thought-Into-This-Rather-Than-Making-Sure-Our-Cars-Don't-Fry-Or-Break-Down Mercedes things as of late.

I'm not at all appalled. After driving GMs for years, I am very comfortable with "the stalk". The nice thing about the stalk is that I can get in nearly any GM car and everything works the same as the last one. No need to take my eyes off the road when I'm in a GM rental because I know where everything is.


I'll have to agree with Oldsmoboi & Fly... It requires no brainpower. Its functionality is instinctive. I'm completely use to it and don't find it distracting at all.

Even if it takes a while for some to become familiar with the stalk, it still shouldn't be a big issue. Auto-headlights & rain-sensing windshield wipers prevent most interaction with the stalk. These features are standard (or available) on Cadillacs, Buicks, and other GM brands so I can't see how the "stalk" would be that much trouble to a previous import buyer.

These complaints remind me of when journalists complain about the distance they reach to adjust the volume control on the radio... even though the car comes with redundant controls on the steering wheel. Uhm, how much closer do you want it??? :rolleyes:

I'll have to agree with Oldsmoboi & Fly... It requires no brainpower. Its functionality is instinctive. I'm completely use to it and don't find it distracting at all. 

Even if it takes a while for some to become familiar with the stalk, it still shouldn't be a big issue. Auto-headlights & rain-sensing windshield wipers prevent most interaction with the stalk. These features are standard (or available) on Cadillacs, Buicks, and other GM brands so I can't see how the "stalk" would be that much trouble to a previous import buyer. 

These complaints remind me of when journalists complain about the distance they reach to adjust the volume control on the radio... even though the car comes with redundant controls on the steering wheel. Uhm, how much closer do you want it??? :rolleyes:


My 97 Grand Am had auto headlights, and so did my 2000 Malibu, and my 98 Grand Prix does also. I would not want my headlights to be on the stalk though, and I dont like having cruise on the stalk. I like having cruise on the steering wheel, but that would interfere with having my radio controls on my steering wheel. What cars dont come with auto headlights now?

Sorry, but that sound like another one of those We-Put-More-Thought-Into-This-Rather-Than-Making-Sure-Our-Cars-Don't-Fry-Or-Break-Down Mercedes things as of late.


Actually, it is one of my favorite features. "Flash-to-Pass" is what it is technically called, and GM needs it across the lineup.

Well, the C6 DOESN'T have a cancel button. 

Cancel is very convenient if you need to disengage the cruise, but still want to use resume later.

Why use cancel to disengage?

If you don't want a cop behind you see you tap your brakes to disengage....or you don't like the idea of moving the shifter to neutral (or dipping the clutch pedal will do it too.)

As far as the Benz headlight question, the S-Class has a dash-mounted dial knob and it controls (very effectively) the headlights, the parking lights, the auto setting, the front AND rear foglamps.  You twist from left to right to activate lights....and then pull out once for front fogs and a second time for front AND rear fogs...

Two actions.....twist and pull....very convenient and simple...and keeps the stalk less cluttered.


No. You're missing my point. You can turn off cruise with The Stalk and just not have the memory that "cancel" would provide. My question is, is it that much effort to go up to 60 or whatever yourself and then turn cruise back on? Why is the memory "cancel" feature necessary? Seems like a lazy-ass thing to me...

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