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Good Kills?


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Anybody have some pretty memorable kills? I'll share two. The first was about a year or so ago. My dad and I were in the Durango and some punk in a riced out Civic was revving at us laughing. Funny thing is, when the light turned green, my dad brake torqued it a bit and took off, beating the Civic to the next light and the kid didn't look over nor rev. Idiot. Next is my one of two "best" kills in the Camaro (the other was against a mid-90s GT and was probably my best kill). But I raced a dude who was in a Hemi Ram. He said to go at green (we were both cruising Gratiot) and we did, but I got a terrible start. He said he started bad too (he lost nonetheless), so we decided to run 'em again. This time he admit to having a good launch, but I beat him probably a car length to 50. On the "Michigan U-Turn" he told me congratulations and that "we have about the same power only yours [the Camaro] is lighter." I embarassed him when I asked if he really had a Hemi and he said, "Yeah, and you've got an 8." I simply told him he's wrong and I'm putting out about 100 HP less than his Hemi haha
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My V6 ML320 has beaten many cars off the line that it had no business beating. My driving style can best be described as "punch and go." My best one though was against a riced-out Civic. Not because of any real skill or or anything...but because we ended up doing 90 on SR37 (not the safest thing to do as SR37 narrows to one lane right before merging into I-69 just north of 116th St) and later I found out from some friends driving behind me that there were two cops that were trying to get us but I took the exit at 116th St. and "lost" them (wasn't trying). Sheer adrenaline factor. I admit it wasn't a difficult kill.
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Ahhh... Gratiot "The Illegal Dragway" The Best was this summer when I beat a 05' Mustang GT. but on 16 mile (Metro Parkway, Big Beaver) I have done some good racing up to 70. The funniest was a Riced out CRX. I could hear some reving and some Spooling of a turbo. when the light turned green he smoked some tires and speed off. then I punched it and fishtailed the Caprice and blew by this punk At the point I passed him it sounded he was in the Mid range 2nd gear and the turbo spooling. At the next light he askes if I had a a"SuperCharger" in it. I said Nope I just have some "racing Air" in the Tires. A cool one I witnest and chased was a 40 year old in a 96ish Z28 and a Acura RSX with som Rice on it. These Punks in the RSX were pointing at the Z28. The light turned green the Z smoked some tires and went off the Acura tried to follow but even Extreme redline shifts couldn't keep up with it. I followed this race up to 50 and passed the Acura laughing and yelling "American V8 Comes Standard with power" The 572, some 69' Camaro guy told me my truck didnt sound good so I say "I bet I can Prove it can beat your SS" He said "that rusted No muffler truck might just break down if you floor it" I replied with some brake torque. he followed suit. then GREEN I let him get some speed I throw it From 2nd back to first (its easier to brake torque in 2nd for some reason) Push the tach to 5900 held it there I blew by him then shifted to sencond and just pulled some more to show off I guess. We both pulled into Wild Woodys and he asked to see what was in that little 83 chevy. He found a Brand knew 572 sitting in there. then I said Wanna race for pinks? He laughed and bought me a beer.
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Gratiot is fun as hell I remember my first time ever going out early this summer. I was in the far right lane with a Z28 next to me and a WRX on the other side of him. I told him I only had a six and he should put the WRX to shitt. Well, he said he'd give him a head start. Sure enough, he did, and still beat the piss out of the WRX. Then, about 30 seconds later, I see a GTO and STi go flying by probably at least going 80, with the (hot yellow) GTO hardly ahead. Such an amazing night.
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I prefer 'baiting' as opposed to outright killing, as in setting up some ricer Honda or hot-to-trot Bimmer to race me right into a police trap.

My latest bait n' kill was this evening when this white teen poseur guy rolled up next to me in his (dad's) new 5er with some generic hip-hop blasting and four underaged girls in the car with him. It was just me and him at the stoplight, so he revved his engine (oh boy!), I did nothing. Then, the light turned green, and I rocketed smoothly away and led him for about 7 seconds when he went tearing by me at what must've been 65mph in a 40mph zone...right into the sights of the Sheriff deputy who always parks behind the Citgo sign.

Its the simple things in life, you know? :D
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um our 93 park avenue ultra vs a mustang the guy had his girl friend in the car and was obviously trying to show off, so he reved up his engine and my MOM just floored it and we beat them to the next light lmao :lol: i love the 3800 S/C Edited by zoomtm
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I pulled up at a stoplight next to a 350Z track. We were both first at the light...he was revving it, but I wasn't paying too much attention...it was obvious he wanted to race...I didn't floor it off the line because at the time my clutch was ready to go and I wouldn't have gone anywhere with my clutch clipping...He floored it off the line and got a quick jump on me while I eased into it. Once my clutch grabbed I just about evened up with him in terms of speed and he wasn't gaining. I shifted into second with my clutch slipping all the way through and suprisingly I was gaining on him and as I approached the end of second I was moving ahead. Once I hit 3rd I was way ahead and it was over. I got in front of him as we approached another light. I didn't gun it or anything, but he merged into the other lane and tried to pass me, and as he came up next to me I just gunned it and blew past him again. So we went back to normal driving and whatever and another light came up and I was behind him. He gunned it from the light and I followed behind him. He was flooring it, I couldn't floor it or I would've rear ended him. It was obvious who the victor of those races were. That jsut goes to show you don't f*ck with teh 540 6-speed. I haven't raced all that much, but some of my most impressive pulls have been on the freeway and highways. That's where my car is at home.
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I've never raced anyone as roads in Massachusetts are too narrow and curvy.


Jamaca Plain Hwy, Summer of 1996, 3am:

I'm ridding shotgun with my buddy Mike in his Tan/Brown two tone 1979 Chevrolet Citation. We pull up to a red light and soon a shiny-new mid 1990s Taurus SHO pulls up next to us. Light turns green Taurus shirps tires and walks away from us by about tow car lengths... the thing is Mike is nucking futs and refuses to bakc down... everytime the Taurus drops his speed down ot safe levels in the turns Mike gets around him wiht all four tires squalling and the spedometer stuck at 70mph in a 35.

About 2 miles later we're at another red light. Taurus guy rolls down his tinted side window and gives mike a genuie thumbs up.

On that exact same stretch of road a college student fro the Middle East lost control of his Porsche 928 a few years ago and sliced it in half against a tree.

It's as close as you can get to a road through the Black Forrest without leaving the suburbs of Boston. Speed limit 35-40 they say Porsche kid was probably going about tripple that. Guess he had soe real driving skills but still not enouhg to overcome his cockyness.

I'd tell you a million stories of drag racing and retard-heroism on the streets of New England in my 1968 deathtrap. The most impressive car I've ever left in the dust was a Porsche Boxter... but not 0-100 or anything like that.

I pulled up next to one on the higway... at abotu 75mph the two hot MILFs inside were looking pretty good. I smilled and goosed it and they tried to keep up but I walked away from them like they were stuck in 2nd gear. By the time I realized I was headed down the road to a suspended license I slowed down from the 120 or so I was doing... it all happened on a semi-busy highway at like 6/7pm.
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My most memorable race: the 2000 SS (no mods) vs. 2002 mustang gt (with exhaust and ?) We are on PCH (south) leaving Huntington Beach. The #1,2 lanes are packed and we end up in the #3 lane (i'm behind him). Light turns green, I'm on his bumper through first, into second... we pass up all the cars in lanes 1 & 2, then he moves into lane 2. I shift into 3rd and blow by him! We get to the next light and the driver of the gt turns to me and asks "What do you got in that thing?!?" Then his passanger answers for me... "Dude! It's an SS!" :D Other notable races: took a... '95? Grand Prix GTP with our '92 SSEi, 97? supra (turbo?) with our '98 Z28, '69 Nova with our '96 Z28, '99 M3 with the SS...
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Hm, well, yesterday, I was driving up a hill in our Odyssey and was sandwiched between a slow Grand Caravan in front and a tailgating Quest behind. I passed the GC after it finally moved into the right lane, and then I moved into the right lane as well. The driver of the Quest floored it, as did I, and um, Odyssey > Quest.


Can you do that in your Uplander? :AH-HA_wink: Edited by empowah
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All these stories are giving urges to do... things that I can't at the moment (GA running sour, registration ran out... oops, no good roads for that in Bville). Damnit. I need to hurry up and get that 240SX. Race that idiot that bought the green Civic I wanted, traded his V6 Eclipse for it (IDK why, it was fast), and riced it out (all appearance so far). :rolleyes: Atleast his friend/brother/whatever-he-is still has his Celica GTS. I could probably race it too... I know my GA gave him a run for his money. :P I doubt I could do anything with his other friend/brother/whatever-he-is with a Supra, though.
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I took a C5 today.  I dont think he knew we were racing.


lmao That reminds me of the summer. Once I looked over at a lady with my friend in the car and revved up. She looked over, acting like she didn't care. She took off normally, so I'd take off in front, then act like she caught up and passed, then catch up but never "quite make it" and then beat her. We thought it was hilarious; she definitely didn't.
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About 12 years ago, I was driving the '88 Coupe deVille that belonged to my friend's mother. She was old and had Parkinsons, and lived near me. I'd take her out twice a week to the market or the hairdresser, and kept the car at my house. This Caddy was the paragon of quiet good taste (NOT!), with it's pearl white paint, fake cabrio roof and gold badges. It also had a great stereo, air-conditioning that could cool all of the valley, and that lackadaisical living-room feel hated by auto magazines that nakes you want to listen to Frank Sinatra and drive with one finger. Anyway, I was driving west on Third street by Cedars after seeing Ida into the house and on my way to my place on Oakhurst Drive. Apparently I was not going fast enough for the dude in the Porsche behind me- if I had stopped short and popped the trunk, I could have taken him home. At Robertson, he got into the right turn only lane, Since there was no traffic and no "No right turn on red" sign, it didn't take too many IQ points to realise that he was going to show me exactly what the pride of Germany could do to the big American pig car. I let him rev his little engine all he wanted, and the nanosecond I saw the light turned green, I stomped the go pedal. Sadly for Mr Porsche, he had to shift, and that GM low end torque just got the better or him. I shot through the intersection, and he had to get behind me again. Poor bunny. Forced to do the speed limit until he went north on Doheny. Must have killed him. I loved that car. It's tires screamed like a banshee and you needed a dramamine drip on Coldwater Canyon Drive (although I've never driven a car that was not severely challenged by Coldwater between Ventura and Mulholland), but on the freeway and most city streets it was like piloting a very comfortable club car. And that AC- amazing! I remember taking it to Costco to get some stuff for my friend's mom's house. After a few hours parked in the valley, starting the car the climate control was practically chucking crushed ice at us to cool off the interior.
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LOL @ Nos. Reminds me of a funny retard moment wiht the same kid and the same car.... Mike put a Cherry Bomb exhaust on that Citation that summer and the weekend after we went cruising at Hampton Beach. We ended up next to a late 80s Ferrari Testarossa (red of course) and the driver was a jacked Mofo who looked like he could crush a oil barrrel with his pinkey. He was wearing no shirt and was oiled up.... :rolleyes: Anyway Mike revs up the POS 2.8 liter in the Citation and the guy just looks over with disgust. A few minutes later the light turns green and the Testarossa takes off like a freeking bullet. Only thing remaining is a puff of blue smoke that oozes out of the rear "grille", you know the horizontal slots. The thign was Mike just sat there at the light laughing and holding up traffic. What a tool. Actually both of them acted like dorks in that scenario. Few minutes later we caught up to the Blonde Tan-in-a-can Ah-nold impersonator when he got stuck behind a Winebago at the next red light. :P Edited by Sixty8panther
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I loved that car.  It's tires screamed like a banshee and you needed a dramamine drip on Coldwater Canyon Drive (although I've never driven a car that was not severely challenged by Coldwater between Ventura and Mulholland),


Coldwater Canyon?!
That's mere child's play.

Head over more towards Mulholland and Decker. Now that's where all the fun is. :AH-HA_wink:

Then again, now that I read your comment you say you've never driven a car that wasn't challenged by Mulholland, and judging by your choice of an 88 coupe deville I guess I can understand why :P
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