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"I don't much care for..."


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i dont care much for going to bed at 5:30am and setting your alarm for 6:30am to finish studying for finals at 8am and 11am respectively...and then waking up to see its 8-f*cking-30 and sprinting 10 minutes to get to it...

it went well, but DAMN!

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... Programming languages and Compilers

Electronic Devices and Transistors

Digital Computers and Assembly

RC, RL, Opamp Filters and Circuits

Numerical Methods and MATLAB...

But I can't. Finals @ Friday.

hehe... those could be my answers too... But, i've learned to live with all those things. Maybe it's because I've already been tested on those subjects, and I no longer have to freak out about finals.

yep, I second that........ finished my studies in summer of '04 in avionics

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i dont care much for going to bed at 5:30am and setting your alarm for 6:30am to finish studying for finals at 8am and 11am respectively...and then waking up to see its 8-f*cking-30 and sprinting 10 minutes to get to it...

it went well, but DAMN!

I guess that's why you've been so crabby lately

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The Internet message board is notorious for this: people who either are lazy typists, can't spell, or simply use the wrong word...

The one from C&G that often makes me crazy is break/brake.

Or not capitalizing proper nouns... you know, like countries that aren't the US or makers of non-domestic cars. ;):P

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...when people piss on the seat in public restrooms.

stall walls and doors in public restrooms that don't fit properly, so that when someone else closes another door, yours pops open on you.

public restrooms' stall walls covered in dried urine

public restrooms floors covered with urine

....screw this...

public restrooms

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Where should I start?

RWD on everything. There is room for all powertrain combinations based on the use of the vehicle.

Country music

Rap music(Mostly)

Too many people around me at one time.

Old Fords(about 1995 and older)

New Chryslers (1990 on)

Internet sites that dont work like they are supposed to.

People volenteering me to do stuff for others.

Illegal Drugs.


Bullys( we are not ten years old on the playground. Get over it).

Import cars.

Some safety features on power equiptment.

Heat and Humidity(Winter isnt really a bother to me).

Most vegetables.

I am sure I will think of more later.

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It's finals season; the last time our professors get to screw us over before christmas break. They like to stack the deck in their favor by having finals at bad hours like Croc said, and also by putting so much material on said final that you have to stay up until all hours just to study for it.

Half my professors have made their finals at 7:30 in the morning and the other half have made them during the same time I have to be at work. Making matters worse, I just had many of my midterms this week while all my finlas are scheduled for next week. I don't care much for any of it. I'll say this in German so as not to offend anyone. "Meine Professoren sind Scheißeköpfe."

Here at USC the university sets a schedule of final exams based on when a particular class meets so there is very little room for conflict as one cannot have two classes scheduled simultaneously, though some professors like my accounting prof have "exceptions" and schedule them way early.
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The one from C&G that often makes me crazy is break/brake.

Or not capitalizing proper nouns... you know, like countries that aren't the US or makers of non-domestic cars. ;):P

Ahh, so someone finally noticed, eh? Merely a little intentional Reverse Snobbery. ;)

Edited by balthazar
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Other things I dont care much for anymore:

My ex girlfriend. At first when I broke up with her I wanted to be friends still. Now I wish an anvil would fall outta the sky, and smash her ass flat so I could be rid of her.

A coworker we will refer to as "Todd" The man is a freak and I think he is either physco or bi-polar. Some days he is as nice as can be, other days he is a whiny snot who throws his keyboard against his desk and bitches about why a 300 page print job wont print from a printer not designed to print that much at once.

My mother at times. If by any chance I still have a piece of mail that is routed back to my parents house because the address change was never noted... SHE WILL READ IT AND CALL AND BITCH!! The other day, my credit card bill came in, she pops it open, reads it, then calls me to bitch at me about what I do with MY money. That gets old real quick. Hopefully I'll have my stuff sent to me soon 100 percent.

Morning raido shows that laugh at their own jokes when no one else does.



The POS Sprint service we have on our company phones

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Ohhh.... here's a big one:

Cingular Cell Phone Service



Well although my town is considered the suburbs it's less than 4 miles away from a small city. (Lowell, MA) There's plenty of horrific and tacky rims around. I'm actaully VERY open minded when it comes to wheels. I like certain spiners, even saw a pair of the "Venitian Blinds" (washboard) style rims on a 1990s Jaguar once and liked them. They look pretty funky in motion.

Here's some examples of rims I think are ugly, tacky or just plain horrible.

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The king of nasty, gross rims: the classic tri-spoke POS 18" chromies that end up on 50% of 1980s Celicas, 20% of Nissan Sentras & 15% of all 1990 Acuras.

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Extra, Extra - Read all about it: FWD declared unconstitutional and all cars with said drivetrain setup declared illegal for sale in the UAS as of Jan. 2006.

Carguy: I think you need to emphasise the disadvantages of FWD a little more. :D

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United American States :P

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I don't much care for:

- People without basic road / driving courtesy or common sense;

- Smelling the body odor of others;

- When people expect everyone else to move around them in a crowded mall just so they can walk their straight line;

- Inarticulate people, and those saying, "...like..." where it doesn't belong;

- People too overtly passionate about something, expecting me to care, and becoming offended when they learn I'm not;

- Being treated as if I'm the 'youngin' in my job by a couple of people, as though I require guidance when I'm already doing the job of others above me;

- Materialistic society with each having their head so far up their ass they have absolutely no idea for anything but what revolves around their insignificant, self-absorbed life;

- Impatient people;

- Liars;

- Braggarts;

- Ignorance and intolerance (biggots, and people whom don't take responsibility for their actions);

- Wife, husband, pet and child beaters;

- The power of the almighty dollar;

...the lack of respect in this crap-hole of a spinning rock.

Edited by ShadowDog
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...when people piss on the seat in public restrooms.

stall walls and doors in public restrooms that don't fit properly, so that when someone else closes another door, yours pops open on you.

public restrooms' stall walls covered in dried urine

public restrooms floors covered with urine

....screw this...

public restrooms

Even with all that, I'll still use one if I've gotta go (and in number 2's case, there's enough toilet paper to get the job done)

I hate when some douche tells me that they strictly use the restroom at their house ONLY. I've had a cousin and a GF tell me this. And then to complain of constipation and things of that nature. That's just idiocy. If you've gotta go, you use it where it is, you don't get all snobby and dainty about it.

Things like that remind me how I'm going to teach children when I have them.

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  • 1 year later...

"I don't much care for..."

icy roads..



diarrhea.... though I try and take immodium before and after spicy food, I forget sometimes.. I'll enjoy a delicious vindaloo, then my arse burns with the heat of 1000 suns, red-hot lavapoo pouring out...not fun.

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Import humpers

Domestic bashers


Most mainstream rap or country

All the stupid ass spoof movies

People who judge me by my musical taste or clothing

Emo, ALL of it


V8 haters

The new Tundra ad's



Texas bashers

Stupid drivers

Snobbish people

More to come later..

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Thanks for upping one of mine. Didn't know it was still here.

People who snob off about things they aren't getting paid to endorse frickin' irk me for real. Apple/Mac snobs, people who gush over A-list celebs, stuff like that.

Broads on Myspace are beyond full of themselves. They all play by their own rules. I could go on forever with this, but straight men aren't supposed to go there....

Speaking of Myspace, all these people who jump over hurdles to let it be known they dont' watch TV, like they're above it all are corny as hell.

No disrespect to those of you in New England, but I'm glad the Patriots got smashed. That way, I don't have to hear the same stuff I hear about the Spurs and Yankees before they're eliminated from playoff contention (you know, how they can dance underwater and not get wet, stuff like that)

How stinkin' Fox and NBC have two of my shows going head to head (Heroes and 24) forcing me to record one in order to watch the other....

The colorways of a lot of NBA teams. Does the entire Western Conference have to wear sky bluer and navy blue together?

(sticking with sports) One apparel company making every team's uniforms. I want it like the 90s or like European soccer, where there are a variety of companies making them and putting their designs in the mix.

I know you guys love the 69 Camaro to DEETH, but the 67/68 looks much better.

These gyms are strictly in the business of making money. They charge you for breathing, it seems. Also can't stand tryna get in shape next to all these people who already are. It's not inspiring, it's intimidating and discouraging.

Women who just about DARE you to be interested in them are wack as hell too....

The way the sports talk fraternity acts like American football (especially the NFL) is the only sport in the world. NBA barely gets any time to shine (and sorry, it's better than college, and always will be), and they treat people who like hockey, let alone soccer, like they don't have a right to be alive.

We skipped all of 2006 here, so I'll have many more later.

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People who think theyre better cause theyve got more money.

Donald Trump


Insecure people.

People with a low self-esteem. (cant stand 'em!)


People of authority.

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Can't believe I missed this thread.

Things I don't much care for...

Silverstone 600W power supply which died yesterday, leaving me without my computer <_<

The Current Malibu

Most Toyotas

Most Hondas

The Nissan Armada

60-80% of FoMoCo products

The entire Hummer lineup

The Compass

The Aspen

People who can't drive properly

People who can't talk properly

People who are morons and oblivious to the truth


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1. FWD

2. HondAcura

3. FWD

4. ToyLexuScion

5. Transverse mounted motors

6. People who know less about cars than my cats do but have strong opinions on the topic!

7. Republicans

8. Democrats (even more so than #7)

9. Political Correctness

10. So. Korean cars

11. Rubber Bands meant to drive/time camshafts instead of a metal CHAIN

12. B-pillars, especially on 2 door cars. No excuse in 70% of cases!

13. Did I mention Front Wheel Drive?

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What's wrong with insecure people or people with low self-esteem?

I cant stand socializing with them, more so insecure people...low self esteem on the other hand is not always the beholders fault..People who are insecure just bother me

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Grey's Anatomy

American Idol

Toyotas (including Lexus & Scion) and their drivers

Religious hypocrites (I know a f@#kton)

Being broke

*Cincinatti Bengals

*Pittsburg Steelers

*Michigan Wolverines

...maybe more to come later.

EDIT: * indicates dislike in a mere light-hearted fashion.

Edited by ichbinjohnk
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Guest YellowJacket894

My first list in a possible series of many.

  • Toyota. I needn't say more.
  • Extreme consumerism.
  • Emo and other Pop bands on the radio that put their hair-dos before the music and suck at making music in general.
  • Kiss. When you endorse condoms, it's time to just shut the f@#k up. Runner up: Metallica (I'm sorry to say).
  • Country music. (Except Johnny Cash -- he really transcended from that genre.)
  • Politicians who have their heads shoved way up their asses.
  • Valentine's Day.
  • Inflated egos.
  • Assholes who create malicious computer files and viruses. They can burn in hell for even thinking about destroying a piece of equipment that cost $500 bucks or more of someone's hard-earned money.
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I don't car for

Jap cars

Hey, Captain America, how ya doing....I know you've been in that block of ice for a while, and I'm here to let you know that you're not in the 1940s anymore. Welcome to the year 2007. Hopefully the future shock won't be too overwhelming for you.
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They only Asia car I could ever see my self in is a last gen WRX STI. the rest of them i dont care for.

Until recently all cars look bland. Now that the 2.5 woke up cars actually have style to them. Cars are not appliances they are almost a relationship. And Anyone that drove a old Detroit Iron car can say it has a personalty. And it still holds true in the 06 Impala LTZ i drive around. But When I had Corolla and Accord for 3 months, They were soulless appliances. Call me crazy. but I'm not the only one that thinks this.

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