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I'm having a hard time

Camino LS6

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...giving a $h! anymore.

About GM

Hell, about the country itself.

It all just seems so hoplessly wrong, and determined to become even moreso.

The popular "visions" for the future that are bandied about are anathema to me.

I'm starting to become very,very, angry.

I'm not loving the time we live in at all.

And it has almost nothing to do with the economy either.

So, what to do?

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Its easier to give up when times are tough, especially with something you are attached with emotionally. One of the first defense mechanisms is to get rid of it because it causes stress in our lives. It's completely understandable. This is why fair weather fans are so common. The true fans stand by their company, country, and hell, their sports team.

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>>"I'm not loving the time we live in at all."<

Too true on numerous fronts.

Hold true to your values & principals- you owe compromise there to no one. You still have, or have access to, the products that forged your bond with GM; that is written in time and is unbreakable by all but you.

Will GM, or ANY OTHER MANUFACTURER... EVER build the perfect vehicle for me? No; never. But I have a lifelong unbreakable bond with their past products... and that transfers to strong good will & good wishes for their future. If it all ends in the 101th year, my bond remains.

As far as things larger than GM- the tide is beginning to turn, I believe. Meet up with those who share your views and the voices will grow stronger. It IS possible to reverse the course there- maybe moreso than in the case of GM.

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So, what to do?

Find a nice rust hole, and patch it. Pound out some dents. Cut the roof off the parts car and drive it around the backyard Maybe replace some suspension parts... that requires a lot of bashing. IMHO, the car hobby is the best for getting out frustration... even better than boxing.

If you're still having a hard time, repeat until you're too tired to think about it and go to bed. Tomorrow has to get better eventually.

Seriously, you are preaching to the choir.

From my experience, the best thing to do is something generally constructive. (Cutting the roof off the parts car _is_ constructive, since you need to part it out anyway). Fretting about GM, the economy or the general public lemmings that are jumping off a cliff is helping anything, as you can't be expected to change something so big. Getting things done gets the mind off things and helps you get where _you_ need to go.

Its been two months since I've been out of work. I desperately need to find work to maintain my high flying exotic lifestyle... but I'm not ready. I still haven't gotten my head unscrewed from the old job (and other things). For now, I have other things to bang on... like fixing the van, fixing the wagon, cleaning the yard, fixing the houses and putting out just enough resumes to land a dream job if it falls into my lap. ;-)

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Thanks guys.

I think (for me at least) the question "what to do?" is quite real, and not really a lament.

I really am looking for a good answer to the question. I'm disgusted by the hollowed-out nature of this country (and GM for that matter), and I want to help move things in another direction.

Balthazar: Great post! And I am resigned to the possibility that anything from GM that I hold dear may be relegated to the past. It's those "larger" things that I feel like we are losing that, frankly, make me wish I was still 20 and armed for revolution. At 45, I need other weapons.

SAmadei: So true. Messing with cars is a refuge, one that I depend on and am willing to protect. Getting where I need to go is right at the core of my qestioning, unlike so many here in the US, who whore themselves out for a higher place in the pecking order. Whatever I do has to matter to me or it doesn't work. Average has never worked for me.

daves87rs: Your post hits my current thinking with a bullseye! Simplicity has been a central theme for me lately. Do we really need to live such complex lives? That is a place where our society fails miserably, and I'd like to change that.

The things I was raised to believe in, to expect, to depend on, are all under assault as passe. All of my life I have watched us accept lesser ways of living, a smaller slice of a shrinking pie, and an abdication of freedom and self-sufficiency. I'm just not wired to accept that.

Sacrifice and apologistic thinking are not something to measure progress by, nor a path to a better future.

I can't join the collective that is forming around us, I'm sorry, but it is just wrong.

Innovation and defiance, individuality and freedom, simplicity and privacy - those are watchwords I can get behind.

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I've felt this way for years...

This country became what I am not, so I abandoned it. I am very proud of what it was and those that made it what it was (and those that still ensure that I can be what I am, for that matter)

As for GM... Well, I've kind of removed myself from the situation. I will always bleed GM, but I cannot allow myself to take a vested interest in their survival anymore. It's detrimental to my being. I guess I'll always have their history to reflect upon. (Like so many things in my life that I've watched become a thing of the past) It seems I was born 50 years too late.

As far as my lifestyle... Not to sound like a psychopath or anything, but I have accepted the fact that I might become "outdated" to this society and that might impair my ability to live in it someday. Just know this; there are certain freedoms that I will NEVER give up and if anyone wants to try me, then I'll accept the outcome and they better be willing to accept that outcome as well.

I really don't think it'll ever get THAT bad though... I think the world will self destruct before then

Edited by FUTURE_OF_GM
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This day and age is pretty depressing, and while it pains me to see see my fvaorite automakers is such trouble, a lot of which is their own doing, I can't let it consume me. I also can't let the economic and national situation get to me too much. I pay attention to it, but being obsessed with it and the problems isn't good for the health,.

So with all of those things in mind, I push them towards the side a bit and focus on what makes me happy, and work towards achieving my goals (large and small).

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Become a FoMoCo fan and register Libertarian?

2012: Down with both parties!

But yes, i completely agree with you, i have become rather disenfranchised with everything going on.

Ford has my support ( at least moral support).

And I'm already a registered Libertarian.

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I felt the same six+ months ago but wasn't willing to watch people screw things up only to leave me with the bill. Over the past six months I got politically active on a local level, started a biofuel group, and have done everything I can to teach people why they need to get their head out of their _ss.

By getting on our city budget committee, becoming a PCP in my local party, teaching and pushing for a local CE plant, meeting with state reps, etc., I've been able to start making the changes I know we need.

I still get very frustrated with the whole GM scene, but during my time out, I've been able to show people that buying local means buying GM/Ford/Chrysler. It has been the big push for buying local that has helped me convince people the importance of helping the Big 3, by buying from the Big 3. I've helped promote a local Chevy Dealer, Loren Berg, and because of that Loren lets me take out any of his cars at any time. Driving new GM vehicles alone will help you realize why you are a fan of GM.

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Disturbing thread...sounds like some people on this forum may end up on CNN some day in one of those 'armed gunmen kills a lot of people' stories...

If that's what my comment's have lead you to believe then I apologize. What I meant is that I'll be damned if someone tell's me how to live/work/play. We are not a communist country and I believe our forefathers would be disgraced by what we as a nation/world have become.

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Disturbing thread...sounds like some people on this forum may end up on CNN some day in one of those 'armed gunmen kills a lot of people' stories...

Oh please, do not buy into that media garbage. Yes there are people on both sides who advocate violence to achieve their aims, these people target civilians and are terrorists. We a not a bunch of domestic terrorists and i know that i, at least, would never advocate violence to achieve anything because all it does is delegitimize the movement & harms others which is unjustifiable. Although i obviously cannot speak for others and there are undoubtedly people who would advocate violence.

Us law abiding people will use all the political & social movements necessary to achieve our aims... and even if those aims leave no option other than the secession of some states from the Union, there is nothing to say that has to be violent.

Just because you do not seem to mind losing your freedoms in the name of "fairness" doesn't mean that other are fine with it.

Edited by Teh Ricer Civic!
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...giving a &#036;h&#33; anymore.

About GM

Hell, about the country itself.

It all just seems so hoplessly wrong, and determined to become even moreso.

The popular "visions" for the future that are bandied about are anathema to me.

I'm starting to become very,very, angry.

I'm not loving the time we live in at all.

And it has almost nothing to do with the economy either.

So, what to do?

the masses of our population have a lot of effed up priorities right now. I am guessing you're not pleased with it. Problem is its like a trainwreck. We'll have to watch the carnage and maybe it will get better. Maybe it won't. I have a feeling we'll be stuck with the crap in this country till the 2010 and 2012 elections. People may wake up and smell the coffee by then.

Edited by regfootball
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That does not contradict my previous statement.

Q: Doesn't the Texas Constitution reserve the right of Texas to secede? [bACK TO TOP]

A: No such provision is found in the current Texas Constitution[1](adopted in 1876) or the terms of annexation.[2] However, it does state (in Article 1, Section 1) that "Texas is a free and independent State, subject only to the Constitution of the United States..." (note that it does not state "...subject to the President of the United States..." or "...subject to the Congress of the United States..." or "...subject to the collective will of one or more of the other States...")

Neither the Texas Constitution, nor the Constitution of the united States, explicitly or implicitly disallows the secession of Texas (or any other "free and independent State") from the United States. Joining the "Union" was ever and always voluntary, rendering voluntary withdrawal an equally lawful and viable option (regardless of what any self-appointed academic, media, or government "experts"—including Abraham Lincoln himself—may have ever said).

Both the original (1836) and the current (1876) Texas Constitutions also state that "All political power is inherent in the people ... they have at all times the inalienable right to alter their government in such manner as they might think proper."

Likewise, each of the united States is "united" with the others explicitly on the principle that "governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed" and "whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends [i.e., protecting life, liberty, and property], it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government" and "when a long train of abuses and usurpations...evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security." [3]

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Right but as the Confederacy found the last time they tried it, that no such right is guaranteed to not be met with resistance either.

i've thought about that...

the constitution does say no state shall enter into a confederacy, alliance..such and such...

attacking ft Sumter wasn't smart either.

they'd have to ...vote on it, i guess, succeed, then do what they want....being hostile at all to the remaining states would not be smart. :)

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...giving a &#036;h&#33; anymore.

About GM

Hell, about the country itself.

It all just seems so hoplessly wrong, and determined to become even moreso.

The popular "visions" for the future that are bandied about are anathema to me.

I'm starting to become very,very, angry.

I'm not loving the time we live in at all.

And it has almost nothing to do with the economy either.

So, what to do?

This is your Depression you can tell your grand kids about. Other wise if you still continue to feel like " I don't give a &#036;h&#33;" Then maybe moving to another country then. Change can always be good if done right.

I know my parents, grand parents etc all complain about times when they were younger and now that they have even gotten older they now talk about it in a gold age type history of the good ol times. You will have a change of heart also as time goes on.

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It's easy to get caught up with what's happening at the federal level, what with our dowdy institutions and inept politicians. And so you should.

But after turning off the TV - and the corresponding stream of pundits, cheap entertainment, and general media circus that sets our national dialogue - and looking to my own backyard instead, I've been encouraged by the things I see.

Change happens from the bottom up, as cliche as that sounds, and there are lots of real, genuinely concerned, organized people out there insistent on making things better. They exist - I've seen and heard them firsthand.

Of course, not everyone advocates for the same things. I wish for more a more inclusive and equitable America - you know, the land of opportunity, country of immigrants sort of thing you learn about in elementary school. That's not something I will compromise on, and neither should those who have other visions or ideals.

But regardless of perspective, it's people from the bottom up who ultimately make decision-makers more accountable, and democracy more direct. This resurgence of public interest and grassroots-level involvement has been huge, and for this reason, I think our country is headed in the right direction, albeit very slowly.

There is still good reason to be optimistic, y'all. :wavey:

Edited by empowah
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The things I was raised to believe in, to expect, to depend on, are all under assault as passe. All of my life I have watched us accept lesser ways of living, a smaller slice of a shrinking pie, and an abdication of freedom and self-sufficiency. I'm just not wired to accept that.

Sacrifice and apologistic thinking are not something to measure progress by, nor a path to a better future.

I can't join the collective that is forming around us, I'm sorry, but it is just wrong.

Innovation and defiance, individuality and freedom, simplicity and privacy - those are watchwords I can get behind.

I think there are alot of us that would like to stand for things like that. I'm only 20 and I feel the same way you do. I'm glad my parents raised me to care about the important things in life and not all the useless bull&#036;h&#33; that society calls important.

Red states, Bible Belt, etc...

That makes you sound just as ignorant as the stereotypes of republicans and religious people.

Just my opinion though...

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That makes you sound just as ignorant as the stereotypes of republicans and religious people.

Just my opinion though...

Just calling it as I see it..just not a fan of the South....have no interest in right wingers, social conservatives, etc that tend to dominate in those areas...

Edited by moltar
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Great discussion everyone!

Thanks for that.

Just to clarify a bit, what I am griping about goes way beyond politics. It is more a matter of philosophy and societal trends that have me so concerned.

Political parties become irrelevant fast at that level.

Things have definitely changed in my lifetime, for better or for worse.. it's a very different world than it was just 20 years ago, IMHO...

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Great discussion everyone!

Thanks for that.

Just to clarify a bit, what I am griping about goes way beyond politics. It is more a matter of philosophy and societal trends that have me so concerned.

Political parties become irrelevant fast at that level.

I can understand what you are saying as you are looking at a much bigger picture than most would do. I am amazed at how many people like to be a horse with blinders on. Perfect example is all the Conservative Bible Thumpers. Even here in Liberal Land of Seattle Washington, I hear more and more idiots talking on the radio and in public that this is the end of times. Get your affairs in order with God and yet the churches are now more than ever asking for money. God does not care about money I tell those that ask.

Course as a person who is proud to be an Atheist, God can shove it up his ass if he exists.

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It works both ways. There are atheist who think they need to call every Christian a moron or dictate how everyone else says the pledge of allegiance or what it say's on our money. Same goes with those kind of Christians.

I'm a Christian, but I don't go around shoving my beliefs down others throats, but at the same time I get highly irritated at those who think just because I'm from a certain state or believe a certain way that I'm an idiot.

Differences aside, we're all citizens of this great land and should be there for each other. Bashing each other will get us no where.

Edited by deftonesfan867
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SAmadei: So true. Messing with cars is a refuge, one that I depend on and am willing to protect. Getting where I need to go is right at the core of my qestioning, unlike so many here in the US, who whore themselves out for a higher place in the pecking order. Whatever I do has to matter to me or it doesn't work. Average has never worked for me.

Exactly. I've always wanted to live my life on my terms. And while many times I've seen that I may be doing some things the hard way, I have to be me. I'm getting there. I see the light (or the train).

I've had my doubts. I've screamed in frustration... "Why can't I have a normal life just like everybody else?!?". Then I quickly reminded myself that I have to live a life less ordinary.

The sheeple can take their fads and bling and jump right off the cliff. "You have to buy this" "You have to buy that" "This is new, so its better" Consume consume consume, waste waste waste. Yeah, yeah... I really don't need your party line... I can think for myself, thank you very much.

Anyway, many of your posts I read (and a few others here) almost sound like they are typed by me. Perhaps its time for you to build a nice artcar to drive around and sing "I just gotta be me". I'm pretty sure I will some day. ;-) After all, I considered building a house shaped (inside and out) like the starship Enterprise... and I'm not even a trekky.

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I guess I'll always have their history to reflect upon. (Like so many things in my life that I've watched become a thing of the past) It seems I was born 50 years too late.

Same here. Rather, I always say I was born in the wrong decade. I'd love to have been around during the heyday of Route 66 ... and the older cars ... GM, Ford and Dodge.... But, instead, I was born in '73 ... just about at the start of the "downfall", as some say. Ah, well. I suppose this way I have an appreciation for the past that others may not.


Things have definitely changed in my lifetime, for better or for worse.. it's a very different world than it was just 20 years ago, IMHO...

Indeed. Things are changing everyday. Heck, people who lived here in Elgin just 10 years ago and came back today would not recognize it. Hell, I still live here ... and sometimes I don't recognize it :(.

Camino ... can't say I know how you feel, but I can understand. This whole week has been a "blah" week for me ... and has left me wondering about way too many things....


Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...RT 66 = Sept 5-16, '09

WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"We can breathe again" ... Seether and Amy Lee (Evanescence) ... 'Broken'

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I too a libertarian, I also agree with Bath, FoG & others with similar sentiment.

It really IS hard to keep your chin up when you try to "fight the fight" & give

people info and inspiration only to see apathy, ignorance & sometimes even

blatant, shamless stupidity.

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