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today i had a visit from lost prevention at blockbuster and they informed me that i had been naughty by giving the neighboring restuarant videos for food. they charged me for every movie i "rented" to them which comes to $200. so that sucks. but on the good side i got another job within 5 minutes of being fired, at the resturant next door...i was also given 2 beers while filling out my application. so its not all bad. just thought it was a bit interesting and thought i would share. anyone got similar stories???

today i had a visit from lost prevention at blockbuster and they informed me that i had been naughty by giving the neighboring restuarant videos for food. they charged me for every movie i "rented" to them which comes to $200.  so that sucks. but on the good side i got another job within 5 minutes of being fired, at the resturant next door...i was also given 2 beers while filling out my application. so its not all bad. just thought it was a bit interesting and thought i would share.

anyone got similar stories???


that sucks, but its awesome at the same time.
Be glad u got fired from Blockbuster. I worked there for about a year then went back a for two weeks before being fed up with their bullshit. That company is the worst I've ever worked for.
Back in the day, I was fired from the gourmet food shop I worked at in SoHo for charging myself about 5 cents on the dollar for some imported cheeses and sun-dried tomatoes. Then a friend got me a job at the Olympics. Needless to say I wasn't that sorry.
So you were pruning the shubs at Blockbuster video got hungry and bartered a video or two for lunch ? Then got fired ? Did you explain to them that you were trying to be more globalized and fit into the new way of doing things ? :AH-HA_wink:
Heh when I worked at Qdoba this summer we all gave ourselves huge discounts whenever we felt like it. The best was when we had to go into the walk-in to restock the coolers and we'd eat cookie dough just chillin in the boxes. Or when we'd make ourselves our own burritos and forget to charge ourselves for the queso and guac as well as all the extra salsa. Oh, yea...drinks were always free unless they were the Nantucket Nectars...management watched those VERY closely.

When I was working at the Pontiac dealership this summer I would always fool around on the computer and never get yelled at because everyone though I was doing real work. Whenever people came in for an oil and filter change, tire rotation, lube job, and belt/hose inspection, I would always just do an oil/filter change and maybe rotate the tires if I thought the customer would notice. No point in trying to do a good job because I knew I would be leaving that hell hole at the end of the summer anyway. Besides, no one else there did and most were even lazier than I was. Let's just say it was payback for the total lack of Firebirds and GTO's that I never got to work on.  :)



When I was working at the Pontiac dealership this summer I would always fool around on the computer and never get yelled at because everyone though I was doing real work. Whenever people came in for an oil and filter change, tire rotation, lube job, and belt/hose inspection, I would always just do an oil/filter change and maybe rotate the tires if I thought the customer would notice. No point in trying to do a good job because I knew I would be leaving that hell hole at the end of the summer anyway. Besides, no one else there did and most were even lazier than I was. Let's just say it was payback for the total lack of Firebirds and GTO's that I never got to work on.  :)


Uhhh...how old are you, again?
Im Layed off does that Count?............... because there is not enough work.

When I was working at the Pontiac dealership this summer I would always fool around on the computer and never get yelled at because everyone though I was doing real work. Whenever people came in for an oil and filter change, tire rotation, lube job, and belt/hose inspection, I would always just do an oil/filter change and maybe rotate the tires if I thought the customer would notice. No point in trying to do a good job because I knew I would be leaving that hell hole at the end of the summer anyway. Besides, no one else there did and most were even lazier than I was. Let's just say it was payback for the total lack of Firebirds and GTO's that I never got to work on.  :)


Please tell me you're not serious. If you are, you were an asshole.
After running my own business for 11 years, I managed two Rogers Video stores for about 13 months. Hated every minute. They have more money than brains, and yes, Blockbuster was worse - we had a few former Blockbuster managers that defected. The pay, even for managers was crap. For my skill level, I should have been Zone Manager, but then one ZM had a nervous breakdown, another's wife demanded he accept a demotion because the stress was killing him - at that point, I decided ZM wasn't for me and I decided on a career change. The biggest problem with working in a video store is that everyone thinks you stand around watching movies all day. There is a lot of work to be done and you haven't lived until you have argued with a customer over a $1 late charge!!!
I've never been fired or quit a job...I've worked at the same job in a meatpacking plant for the last six summers, although I started off making boxes and eventually worked my way up to the office. Last summer my boss had me doing a lot of work with important documents, setting up things that would improve efficiency (example: setting up scanners to scan all incoming and outgoing product instead of having to manifest it by hand), filling out weekly prices on product, and drawing up designs for his proposed expansion. It was a great job because the work I did was really appreciated and I got along with everybody there. This next summer I'm working on getting an internship in the Chicago area, so I probably won't be going back there. But it's one of those places where you can always go back if you're looking for work.
WOW! you got fired for STEALING!!!???? i just can't believe it! I agree that Blockbuster must suck big time for firing its employees for STEALING! what is this world coming to??????? And Wildmanjoe, you were absolutely right. I hope you also didn't tighten the oil plugs so unsuspecting customers would blow their engines once all the oil drained out. Not letting you work on Firebirds or GTO's??? WTF were they thinking? And I agree totally, most shops are "hell holes" - how can they not be, expecting their employees to do a decent day's work for a paycheque? The only closing thought i have is that i hope you do your own maintenance on YOUR car.......... :) Stupid assholes
hey staceface....trip over any sidewalks lately or are you always such a bitch? its know as a good neighbor policy if you have something to exchange to a company around for something that they are willing to exchange, you do it to keep good relations, and sales up. I never stole anything all i did was rent movies on my empolyee account because i do not have time to watch any, and just gave the movies to the people who worked at the resturant next door. plus who said i was bitching? i never complained about it once, just said it happened, i think they are idiots, and that i got another job already. for those of you who understand thank you. for the rest of you who just dont get it, crawl back to your little everyday lives, and take your bullshit and shove it.

hey staceface....trip over any sidewalks lately or are you always such a bitch?
its know as a good neighbor policy if you have something to exchange to a company around for something that they are willing to exchange, you do it to keep good relations, and sales up.
I never stole anything all i did was rent movies on my empolyee account because i do not have time to watch any, and just gave the movies to the people who worked at the resturant next door.

A couple things here. First, you don't get too far in this world treating ladies like that. Second, you don't get fired for being a good neighbor.

-E.S. Mail
Lance Truthhammer??? who the f are you? and that aside why dont you go sit on a rusty nail, cover in hot sauce, and piss off! how about that? thanks for playing jackass. o and btw you have no idea how i treat women. and i will put a strong emphasis that there is a BIG difference between women, bitches, and c**ts. so wake up and welcome to the real world.
Chill man, you made it sound before like you didn't pay for the movies you swapped. It's still graft though and a $200 difference between the employee and regular price sounds like you were overdoing it, and there is more than one reason Loss Prevention would show you the door.
Posted (edited)
Again I must ask...how ol are you? Because right now I am guessing about 17, and that's only due to work experience. You're acting more like 12. From what you have told us, you are a crook of the worst kind, and I personally hope I never eat in your restaurant because at this point I am afraid your customers will get their food spat on or worse just if you think they are giving you any lip whatsoever. Edited by Croc
wow, b&b, your response to ME - when YOU were at fault for getting fired, for stealing? That's priceless! Public relations and the decision to use the good neighbour policy usually comes from a little higher up than the counterboy at Blockbuster. Based on your explosive response, and general immature attitude, let me just give you a phrase that will certainly come in handy with your future career: "would you like fries with that?"
HAHA!!! Stace, I think you're giving him too much credit with that. I think "Paper, or plastic" is much more appropriate. Plus there's no way to strike back at a consumer in that position!
Wildman... that's terrible man. I stopped taking my car to the dealership for service because of people like you. Landscaper - almost everybody cheats their workplace at some point. Be it taking off early, stealing/eating things, or just wasting time on C+G like me right now. You must realize, however, that you are taking a risk whenever you do so, and the cost may be your job. Don't attack Stace.
Don't attack anyone. There was no need for those sorts of responses, Black and Blue Landscaper, especially since you were the one who decided to air your dirty laundry to everyone.

That's what the warning is for.

Anyway, back to normal conversations...

I've never been fired or quit a job...I've worked at the same job in a meatpacking plant for the last six summers, although I started off making boxes and eventually worked my way up to the office.  Last summer my boss had me doing a lot of work with important documents, setting up things that would improve efficiency (example: setting up scanners to scan all incoming and outgoing product instead of having to manifest it by hand), filling out weekly prices on product, and drawing up designs for his proposed expansion.  It was a great job because the work I did was really appreciated and I got along with everybody there.

This next summer I'm working on getting an internship in the Chicago area, so I probably won't be going back there.  But it's one of those places where you can always go back if you're looking for work.


Now thats a good American boy right there ! B)
I haven't been in a Blockbuster's in about 5 1/2 years...ever since I started my Netflix subscription. Speaking of firing, I've never been fired but have lost a couple of jobs back in the dot.bomb era due to startup companies running out of money and shutting down (incl. one that shut down owing me about 10k in wages).

Don't attack anyone. There was no need for those sorts of responses, Black and Blue Landscaper, especially since you were the one who decided to air your dirty laundry to everyone.

That's what the warning is for.

Anyway, back to normal conversations...


I think I have an ingrown toenail...
BBL i know your not like this all the time and im wondering why it is your saying this but i will say i dont approve and it sucks ya got fired but ya got caught it happens same way that crap happens WMJ uh thats messed up thats all ill say a car is a car and someones private property and a saftey device and also a dangerous tool i dont mess with those in any way other than respectful Stace how are ya i havent talked to you in a while hows tha garage doing? Bowtie dude - yah those hurt like crap i had one once and i was like gargargsktnhgsnb man those hurt i hope it falls off soon Flybri- good call i think btw ive never really been fired i snapped once on my boss and didnt come back but that was given to resignation because he wanted me to ceom back and work for him agian.... but i regret that a lot and i dont see it as admirable by any means it was un justitfied in my view
Wow, did this thread ever heat up! I think we can all realize that just like anywhere else, there are all types of people. Some have different ideas on what is acceptable work ethics than others do. Usually a business will sort that type of stuff out (if given enough time). Occasionally people who steal even find great prosperity (I can them "CEO's"), but we are getting a bit off track here.
Posted (edited)
Wow, BBL that sucks. I hope the night we hung out there and ended up eating at Carabas did not somehow bring this upon you. Either way it seems like you got a cool job lined up. Gotta Run. Good luck wiht that. :) Edited by Sixty8panther

I got people I didn't like banned from a mall once.  That was fun being close with the head of security.


I got kicked out of KB Toys for humping a giant stuffed frog one time.

I got people I didn't like banned from a mall once.  That was fun being close with the head of security.


Why does this not surprise me :unsure:

Maturity at its finest

Why does this not surprise me  :unsure:

Maturity at its finest


Well what's wrong with it? I'm not a fan of people who come into a restaurant and urinate all over the bathroom floors intentionally right after they see that they were cleaned. Ooh...now that I specify the reason as to why I did not like these people, it kind of changes things, doesn't it? Trust me, there was a valid reason behind it. When security files a ban report, they have to list the offenses leading to the ban; there always has to be a valid reason behind a ban. The only variable is how strictly one enforces the rules. It is obvious that in life, generally well-behaved people get more of a reprieve than "habitual offenders."

Do you think someone is more likely to get a speeding ticket if it is their first offense or their eighth?
Read, it said

I got people I didn't like banned from a mall once


I got people who urinate all over the bathroom floors intentionally banned from a mall once

so at this point one can only imagine
Razor: you took the words right out of my mouth....
ha looks like this turned into fun...as far as the personal attacks go...next time ill make sure to make them PMs. secondly i want EVERYONE to know that in no way was i bitching about this i could give a sh*t less, these jobs are a dime a dozen. also i believe no one here has the right to say how bad it was in the fact i did not step outside of the general rules of the store, i used my personal employee account in which i get 5 free rentals a week, but do not have time to use them all so i would give them to the employees next door to watch. in turn they would upsell for me while people ate their dinner after which they would come talk to me, so it so happens i caused more sales by doing this. if you dont believe me that's fine believe what you want to. and if you still dont agree thats fine. dont tell me about it.

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