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If you're not paranoid, you're not paying attention! :mellow:


Since 2002, the Codex Alimentarius Commission has covertly surrendered its role as an international public health and consumer protection organization. Under the helm of big industry, the sole surreptitious purpose of the new codex is to increase profits for the global corporate juggernauts while controlling the world through food. The implicit understanding of their philosophy is that if you control food, you control the world.
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I think I heard something about this a while back on either the No Agenda or Daily Source Code podcast... Adam Curry (former MTV VJ) is the creator of both podcasts, is a bit of a paranoid/tin foil hat guy, but there is always a grain of truth to his interesting rants..

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Not enough people were "paranoid" in 1939.

Hence millions dead in Asia, Russia & Europe.

Big Government DOES scare me.... not

becasue it can't be defeated but because the

complacent types who have no spine, make

no effort to inform themselves & possess no

foresight far outnumber the people who

actually give a crap.

SAD but true.

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But if you think things through logically, then you realize how ridiculous the whole thing sounds--it's straight out of a Hollywood script. I mean, here in California there is a large movement toward locally-grown, organic produce made by real farmers that is sold in local farmer's markets. No conglomerate/agency is going to be able to take that over--there is just no way it would fly under any circumstances. Therefore, they cannot control the world's supply of food. At the very, very least, I know I will not be affected in LA. Maybe other states will "sell out" and reap what they sow, but I know with certainty that I will not be affected--therefore I do not care.

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And you might want to look up, "Paranoia" and "Delusional Disorder" because you may just learn something about yourself.

Just read the link, oh my god thats absolutely ridiculous, probably the most asinine thing I've ever read.

I'll be sure to look for undercover agents and silent black helicopters at the farmer's market today.

Edited by Satty
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So I take it, 68, you'll be out with your rototiller (V8 pushrod, rear tine no doubt) in a few weeks getting ready to grow your own?

Let's keep the asshattery to these two threads you've started please. Any new ones will be deleted.

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See my reply in the other thread...

I'm not saying I agree with any conspiracy theory, but GLOBALIZATION and globalization of resources IS exactly this... Controlling of the masses by the elite.


It won't begin with food though, you can see the genesis of intrusive world government in the current financial crisis. Multi-state rules governing finance are the first glimmer of this, and I want no part of it. Agreement between states as autonomous equals is fine, but a global authority governing internal dealings is anathema to me.

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I'm pretty sure most corporations would rather just make money, instead of wasting their time 'controlling' the populace.

Besides, a world government can not happen because in the end, we all suck and have our own priorities; just look at the absolute mess at the Doha conferences.

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i think some of you are mocking someone just seriously open the the probability that things like this are happening...

take UN agenda 21... they published it, it has to be in some sort of plan by certain "elite"...

Agenda 21 basically limits human growth.. expands "protected" habitat.. even taking land away from rightful owners...it tries to turn 3rd world countries to 1st, or 1st to 2nd, basically...

It's like the Militia movement report that came out of my fair state's capital. yes, there are prolly people out there that want to do others harm the fit some, or most of those parts, but there are prolly 10's of millions more that would fit those descriptions as ones that could be "terrorists"

Stop ridiculing 68 for his concern.

Edited by loki
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Riiiiiiiiiiight. What are they going to do, buy up every farmer's market across the US? Please.

laws could easily be put in place to prevent farmer's markets..... they don't have to buy them up..... or even to make home gardens illegal (without strict proper food safety measures) . please think a little more. :)

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I'm pretty sure most corporations would rather just make money, instead of wasting their time 'controlling' the populace.

why not both.... or at least limit what the "populace" can spend "money" on..but wouldn't that be controlling them.

Corn is over grown/subsidized... it's so hard to get away from something that hasn't had corn something mixed in.

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Mark Twain -- “Loyalty to the country always. Loyalty to the government when it deserves it.”

“This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it.”

Abraham Lincoln

“A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.”

Edward Abbey

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that'll help keep Satty! Satty! hot for delivery, or pick up. ;):lol:

Does anyone use foil anymore? Pizza Hut used to wrap wings in foil, I'm not sure if they still do, I rarely order and never get wings. It didn't seem to do a great job of keeping stuff warm.

Mah fud, it planz wurld dominashon.


Least retarded post by a Massachusettsian in this thread.

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Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's not get out of hand here. How many briefcases of Canadian Tire dollars is this going to take to resolve?

A dozen Tim-Bits, and a Double Double will be more than enough. We're not greedy.

And sorry about your stepping on my foot.

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I'm pretty sure most corporations would rather just make money, instead of wasting their time 'controlling' the populace.

Exactly... And in order to maximize profits, they will inadvertently CONTROL the masses. Even Henry Ford did this back when he BUILT towns for his employees.

It has already begun... Do you really think people in China want to work for .25/day assembling shoes in a sweatshop? Do you think that the corporation DELIBERATELY fosters work conditions like that? Nope, they're just maximizing profit and as a result controlling the masses.

But no one in leadership takes responsibility because a corporation is an ENTITY in and of itself. (The american government especially views corporations as living entities and lawyers have exploited this to get around labor/marketing laws for years)

Besides, a world government can not happen because in the end, we all suck and have our own priorities; just look at the absolute mess at the Doha conferences.

THAT is the very reason that a world governance will exist IMO. We all strive to elevate ourselves above everyone else... Some people will succeed (or have succeeded) and will dictate the lives of others for their benefit as a result. (SEE: Conflict Theory)

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i think some of you are mocking someone just seriously open the the probability that things like this are happening...

take UN agenda 21... they published it, it has to be in some sort of plan by certain "elite"...

Agenda 21 basically limits human growth.. expands "protected" habitat.. even taking land away from rightful owners...it tries to turn 3rd world countries to 1st, or 1st to 2nd, basically...

It's like the Militia movement report that came out of my fair state's capital. yes, there are prolly people out there that want to do others harm the fit some, or most of those parts, but there are prolly 10's of millions more that would fit those descriptions as ones that could be "terrorists"

Stop ridiculing 68 for his concern.


Yessir... Some people (Most people) just can't see it... And it is that VERY complacency and lack of reality that has left america in shambles IMO.

This world is "dog eat dog" and it will ALWAYS be that way, no matter how well we *think* we know some one, or some other country or some government. If someone has a chance to exploit you for their benefit, then you'd better expect to be exploited.

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laws could easily be put in place to prevent farmer's markets..... they don't have to buy them up..... or even to make home gardens illegal (without strict proper food safety measures) . please think a little more. :)

And with the "green movement" and conservation/preservation increasingly persuading people to give up basic freedoms and expect less, it is VERY likely to happen and succeed albeit, not as overt.

Like I said a few months ago... We haven't even begun to see the worst of the "green movement" yet. It is nothing more than a vehicle for the elites (the government, and the big businesses that control the government) to control the masses (you and I)

"Americans need to learn to live with less so that we have more resources to pump into China to make muchos $$$$"

(Just one example)

Edited by FUTURE_OF_GM
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I realise 99% of this kind of "paranoid" fearmongering

is B.S. Except if you start paying attention these are

strange times & that one percent of the truth is

scarier than even the most paranoid Orwelian

Hollywood plot.... mostly because it's playing out in

the REAL world, not a movie screen.

Riiiiiiiiiiight. What are they going to do, buy up every farmer's market across the US? Please.

1974, Somewhere in Cambodia:

"Yeah right... what are they going to do...? Kill all 1.5 million of us!? Puh-lease!"

No conglomerate/agency is going to be able to take that over--there is just no way it would fly under any circumstances.

You love dealing in absolutes, huh?

I know I will not be affected in LA.

Yup. L.A. does exist in an airtight bubble.

Maybe other states will "sell out" and reap what they sow, but I know with certainty that I will not be affected--therefore I do not care.

Spoken like a typical sheeple, uh... I mean citizen of California.

Let's keep the asshattery to these two threads you've started please. Any new ones will be deleted.

Yes Sir Mr.Göring.

Sorry to interupt Thread #2,948,571 on the topic of

the quality of the plastic on the dashboard of a GM

sedan post mid-cycle refresh.

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FoG gets it.

But a good chunk on here are SHEEPLE about more than just their cars. :(

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You know who is really trying to control the population? Those bastards at Big LASIK. Giving people 20/20 vision without contacts or glasses, there is definitely something up.

I'm sure I'll think of more ways to mock unfounded, irrational fears throughout the day.

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You know who is really trying to control the population? Those bastards at Big LASIK. Giving people 20/20 vision without contacts or glasses, there is definitely something up.

I'm sure I'll think of more ways to mock unfounded, irrational fears throughout the day.

I challenge you to it.

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i think some of you are mocking someone just seriously open the the probability that things like this are happening...

take UN agenda 21... they published it, it has to be in some sort of plan by certain "elite"...

Agenda 21 basically limits human growth.. expands "protected" habitat.. even taking land away from rightful owners...it tries to turn 3rd world countries to 1st, or 1st to 2nd, basically...

It's like the Militia movement report that came out of my fair state's capital. yes, there are prolly people out there that want to do others harm the fit some, or most of those parts, but there are prolly 10's of millions more that would fit those descriptions as ones that could be "terrorists"

Stop ridiculing 68 for his concern.

How's this for concern? Human population cannot grow indefinitely. There needs to be some sort of plan to limit population growth relatively soon. The earth simply cannot continue to support our current way of living at the rate our population is growing. You may only take 700 - 4000 sq feet of living space on this earth, but it take acres and acres and acres of land to support you.

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DF: What the hell is that unintelligible mess?

Point is, we are living in dangerous times and unthinkable thiings are happening as we joke.

So don't dismiss any warning as fringe automatically.

Parody of LOLcats. :P

I'm just not one to go through life paranoid about EVERYTHING and looking over my should over every little thing and taking every conspiracy theory as fact or highly probable. I've got enough to deal with in life, I won't let such things consume me, it sucks all the fun out of living (unless you live for such things I guess, but I don't).


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I like the thought process in this thread.

"Oh No! Evil corporations are going to control the masses for fun and profit!"

Now if I were to suggest regulating and taxing those corporations in a way that manipulation of the masses is no longer profitable.

"Why do you hate America and want to punish the successful!?!?!!!@11111!!?"

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>>"I'm just not one to go through life paranoid about EVERYTHING and looking over my should over every little thing and taking every conspiracy theory as fact or highly probable."<<

This is the mindset that misses the warning signs.

Do you lock your doors at night, or your car in a parking lot? Is this being diligent, or subscribing to conspiracies?

Perhaps there is not a group specifically targeting your house/car, yet it only takes one to rob either. Never been robbed, so think that's 'proof' it won't happen? Why wait until it does to react to the possibility?

Anyone hear the tale of the ant & the grasshopper ?

How about the one where a major manufacturer abandons the family car in favor of high-profit trucks and agrees to staggering pensions & healthcare... no doubt there was a 'DeSotoFan' back in 1972 who laughed it off when someone suggested things were going to change suddenly and irrevocably in that industry.

Hindsight is 'duh!' but it's foresight that comes out ahead.

If one reads the posts here instead of overreacting to what one thinks they're saying, one should pretty quickily see no one here have even come close to suggesting all conspiracies are true.

But the opposite, dismissive, intentionally-obtuse mindset is just as bad. Haven't we all seen the power-mad politicians lining up their dominoes to fall in favor of whomever gave them big money, all short-term PAC-think instead of long-term national think? Hasn't the unilateral hypocrisy and cronyism alarmed anyone with open eyes? 'Rushrushrush' the 1100-page 'stimulus' bill thru signing when NO ONE has read it all thru?? No agendas there, eh?

Yes, there ARE conspiracies/agendas ("to join in a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act or to use such means to accomplish a lawful end" (Websters))... unannounced plans to alter current ways/trends/laws/life, and it's almost always done to feed that insatiable overlord, Greed. How many & where remain a task to reveal, but due diligence, observation & investigation are well-advised defenses.

In other words, it just doesn't feel at all like the right time to bird watch while whistling 'Sunshine on My Shoulder'.

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So I should waste my life worrying about every crackpot stupid ass conspiracy that shows up on the interwebs? No thanks. There a difference between, being aware, and being overly paranoid.

conspire - "To plan together secretly to commit an illegal or wrongful act or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action."

it's not a conspiracy if it's not secret... so unless it's absolutely ridiculous when you hear about it, it's a possible plan, not a conspiracy.

isn't it funny how piracy is in that word. lol

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My garden is all ready for planting once the weather warms up here in Seattle. Let the corps rot for those that think they can control me! :P

Personally I have my wine cellar stocked and with fresh veggies and beef on the barby I am all ready for a relaxing spring and summer.

For now, I will enjoy my spring skiing, snowing hard in the mountains here, Let it Snow, Let is Snow, Let is Snow!!!

At the end of the day another bottle of wine to open and drink. :D

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My garden is all ready for planting once the weather warms up here in Seattle. Let the corps rot for those that think they can control me! :P

Personally I have my wine cellar stocked and with fresh veggies and beef on the barby I am all ready for a relaxing spring and summer.

For now, I will enjoy my spring skiing, snowing hard in the mountains here, Let it Snow, Let is Snow, Let is Snow!!!

At the end of the day another bottle of wine to open and drink. :D

Oh, but didn't you know? Vegetable seeds have been genetically modified by the whim of a madman. I'm sure if you Google it, you'll find "proof".

All I know is our family gardens have been very good at sustaining us for generations with far more nutritional value than anything picked early for the supermarket shelves. Being in the inner-workings of the food industry, I received my fair share of scare related to produce and preserves. Quite frankly, one would have to provide me with far more proof than words on my monitor.

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