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Happened to me today. I have been going to McDonald's last few mornings to get an unsweetened ice tea. Yesterday they were out of ice tea so I said OK and went on my way without it.

Today I go into McDonald's and the manager sees me approaching the counter and says to me in front of a room full of customers, that I have the nicest blue eyes he has ever seen.

I say thank my mother, I got them from her ...

He says we have unsweetened ice tea today ...

I say, that's good, I didn't get any yesterday ...

He then says, well it's always good to get it as much as you can ...

As a matter a fact the more you get it, the better off you are, that's how I feel he said ...

He then says, we are still talking about ice tea aren't we?

I say, I am ...

He says, OK, I was just checking ...

By this time, people are staring at him/me ...

He then hands me my ice tea and a bag of food which I didn't order and says, this is on the house and then says he put two extra hash browns in there for me and winks at me ...

I try to refuse the food, since I do low carb and would never eat a sausage McMuffin and two hash browns, but he says no, no, it's on the house ...

The receptionist at my doctors, got a free breakfast today ... :smilewide:

Has anything like this happened to you? If so what did you do or not do?


Riiiight... you only go in for the tea... :rolleyes:

You were prolly using the queen's English, no wonder the guy was confused.


We need GM to release some new cars....STAT.

Wow. This is what we've degenerated to for thread topics.

It's happened. I just say "thank you" and, to myself, I'm thinking "free food, free food." Lesbians have never given me free food. Those rags. :lol:

  trinacriabob said:
We need GM to release some new cars....STAT.

Wow. This is what we've degenerated to for thread topics.

It's happened. I just say "thank you" and, to myself, I'm thinking "free food, free food." Lesbians have never given me free food. Those rags. :lol:

Well we could talk about your broken door handle for another 5 days ... :smilewide:


I was looking for a new pair of jeans at the Levi's store the other day...This extremely flamboyant Mexican guy who went by the name of "angel" (which he made sure I knew on a couple different occasions) was consistently buzzing around me, and came by the dressing room a number of times to ask me if I needed any assistance.

On an unrelated note, I hate clothes shopping, and I hate the mall. I didn't end up buying anything. I'll probably just order clothes online...but I can't even seem to be able to tolerate that.


:gay: :rotflmao:

I can actually relate, I am happily married and have a friend / coworker who I met the first time back in 1989 that we both interviewed for the same job. He used to politly hit on me all the time until he met my wife and relized that some of us are actually very straight nice guys.

Now when we get together and go out to a movie or dinner and such, his friends depending on what they say get a version of this:

He is married and straight, If and when he becomes available he is mine. :lol:

In regards to my response, I just thank them for their interest and compliments, but not interested and leave it at that. 8)

Posted (edited)

NOW Back to our Current Auto Conversation, Broken Door handles are dull, lets talk about some of the current Recalls! :P

:DAuto Recalls Web Site :D

This place rocks, great place to check out what is current.

Edited by dfelt

Oh yea, it happens every so often. I've had waiters be a little too attentive for my liking, and by that I mean attentive to ME and not to the other members of my party. It's kinda awkward, so I try to ignore it and keep my replies terse and to the point.

Back in HS, an alumnus of my HS was working at the Starbucks that just opened across the street. Flamboyant as hell, but he seemed cool so I would engage in small talk just like I did with the other employees and manager there--I've always noticed that the friendly "regulars" get comped drinks all the time, and I'm fairly friendly and polite with people I see often, so I've always figured win-win, right? But I started noticing that while I would occasionally get a comped drink from any of the employees or the manager, this guy would ALWAYS comp me whenever I came in. Free is free, so I didn't say anything, but also made sure I wasn't being []too[/i] friendly because I didn't want to misrepresent myself. Eventually he got the idea, I think, because then he started being rude and hostile whenever I came in, to the point that the other employees would be like "MAX?!? What was THAT?!" Really don't like it when things degenerate into pettiness like that, but whatever. I enjoyed the freebies while they lasted.

This past summer at a different Starbucks back in IN, another barista I suspected might be gay started being a little overly inquiring about my well-being--like not just "Hey, how's it going?" but more like "So how's your day been? ...Really? Just 'Good'? Is something wrong?" And I'm sorry, but that creeps me out, and kinda violates employee/customer boundaries IMO, so I just reply with a "No...I'm...fine?" and look kinda confused, and then do not engage in any small talk. AWKWARD.

Finally, at yet another Starbucks (I know, right?), some dude there was obviously checking me out/hitting on me because repeatedly he'd get this creepy (to me) smile when he'd ask me what I'm ordering...and then I'd have to repeat my order EVERY TIME because "Sorry, what was that again?" And any polite small talk would get replies from him of "Ohhh...you DO?" or "Ohhh...REALLY?" said with kind of a suggestive tone. Seriously...kinda awkward. As was the look on his face when I showed up there once with another one of my very straight friends--kinda like a "Oh uh huh I know" wink wink, nudge nudge kind of look. No. He doesn't know, but I know his gaydar is seriously in need of the latest software patch.

But like FOG, I just take it as a compliment...how else could I possibly take it? Do I sometimes go out of my way to a different Starbucks if I'm in a bad mood and don't feel like dealing with that? Honestly, yeah. But most of the time it doesn't really faze me. It is what it is. Especially since I've been in CA for 5 years, I know that my style and speech is more reflective of California than Indiana now, and when I'm back in Indy, I don't get as many "Wow, that's a really cool ___," but more of the "Well, that's a very interesting ___...sure is different to say the least." And then my accent. But again, whatever--it is what it is, and I take it as a compliment, and know that some of it is probably because I stand out a little bit more in Indy than I used to.


Hundreds of times.

But even when you exclude the posters on C&G, yeah, I've been hit on by guys a few times. It's really no big deal, unless you're afraid your own latent homosexuality is going to be revealed by another guy's advances.


Nope. Of course I havent been hit on by the opposite sex either.

  Nick said:
Here's an idea...

Stop going to starbucks. :P

Tell me of another place with as large a menu, equal ubiquity, consistent quality, consistently good customer service, and also honors my Starbucks Duetto Visa card, and then I'll maybe consider it.

  Croc said:
Tell me of another place with as large a menu, equal ubiquity, consistent quality, consistently good customer service, and also honors my Starbucks Duetto Visa card, and then I'll maybe consider it.

Have you ever thought of, perhaps, making your own coffee?

  Nick said:
Have you ever thought of, perhaps, making your own coffee?

I've thought of it, considered it for a few minutes, and ultimately decided that since I rarely pay for my Starbucks due to the amount of gift cards I receive, Duetto Dollars I accumulate monthly, and free/discounted drinks I receive monthly, that no, I'd not see any real significant savings. Factor in the convenience and social factors, and I still come out ahead by spending $2.65 nearly every day, getting loads of caffeine with a huge metabolic boost, and socializing with my friends and favorite female baristas. It's also just under a mile round-trip walking to Starbucks from my apartment, so I get some exercise out of it, too.

Back in Indy, occasionally we have our own coffee brewing at home, but I still like to take a short walk and grab a cup at the Starbucks a few blocks away. It's also a great meeting place to see friends I haven't seen in months during vacations and breaks when we only have less than an hour to fit each other into our demanding and busy schedules. Oh, and did I mention the only thing I enjoy more than a Kamel Red cigarette is a Kamel Red cigarette with an iced, unsweetened coffee?

Posted (edited)

omg duetto dollars! sounds a bit homo. so how's your day been? o rly?:AH-HA_wink:

Speaking from the other side of the counter, I am not sure if I treat a goodlooking male customer any different than a female customer. I like to think I don't, but I'd have to get an observer to comment. I know old ladies love me.

Edited by ocnblu
  ocnblu said:
omg duetto dollars! sounds a bit homo. so how's your day been? o rly?:AH-HA_wink:

Speaking from the other side of the counter, I am not sure if I treat a goodlooking male customer any different than a female customer. I like to think I don't, but I'd have to get an observer to comment. I know old ladies love me.

At your age, what do you consider an old lady? :smilewide:


I've had it happen one time at a Kohl's store, but I don't really remember the specifics other than he was an Indian guy and it was sort of awkward with my parents standing just a few feet away.

But I get hit on at the bars by thirty-something single moms with kids all the time. You wonder why they're so good looking and don't have a boyfriend, then they whip out pictures of little Timmy and Jonie.

  Nick said:
This extremely flamboyant Mexican guy who went by the name of "angel" (which he made sure I knew on a couple different occasions) was consistently buzzing around me

What is it with you and Mexicans?

  mustang84 said:
get hit on

by thirty-something single moms with kids all the time.

You wonder why they're so good looking and don't have a boyfriend, then they whip out pictures of little Timmy and Jonie.

(clipped out the bars part, since I don't like alcohol, so insert virtually any other venue).

It just happened to me today...at a food court in a mall.

However, she was a divorced attorney with kids, but attractive enough.

Don't want someone else's kids and am certainly not interested in an attorney, since they would have the legal "upper hand" in a divorce proceeding. Aren't I practical? Gotta think about these things...:lol:

Posted (edited)
You are a hard man to pin down, trinabobbi. What makes you tick? May I interest you in a slightly used Love Ewe?:huh: Edited by ocnblu
  trinacriabob said:
(clipped out the bars part, since I don't like alcohol, so insert virtually any other venue).

It just happened to me today...at a food court in a mall.

However, she was a divorced attorney with kids, but attractive enough.

Don't want someone else's kids and am certainly not interested in an attorney, since they would have the legal "upper hand" in a divorce proceeding. Aren't I practical? Gotta think about these things...:lol:

Agreed about the kids thing. I don't think I could ever date someone that has kids already. I want kids, but I want them to be my own.

  ocnblu said:
You are a hard man to pin down, trinabobbi. What makes you tick?

You wouldn't understand. Conservative European Catholic upbringing (though admittedly a little neurotic) with a big push on education (since Mommy and Daddy didn't have that chance) that I wouldn't trade-in for your upbringing and wouldn't squander on someone who's life is messy. But thanks for your concern.

  trinacriabob said:
You wouldn't understand. Conservative European Catholic upbringing (though admittedly a little neurotic) with a big push on education (since Mommy and Daddy didn't have that chance) that I wouldn't trade-in for your upbringing and wouldn't squander on someone who's life is messy. But thanks for your concern.

I'm Conservative, European and very Catholic, Latin Mass Catholic ... :smilewide:

  Pontiac Custom-S said:
I'm Conservative, European and very Catholic, Latin Mass Catholic ... :smilewide:

So what's your point ?

  Camino LS6 said:

Unless I was just too dense to notice.


Same here.

And, Croc ... you were in Indy?

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...W Grill meal = 02/28/09

WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"Get out there and find someone" ... Good Charlotte ... 'I Don't Want To Be In Love'

Posted (edited)
  knightfan26917 said:

Same here.

And, Croc ... you were in Indy?

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...W Grill meal = 02/28/09

WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"Get out there and find someone" ... Good Charlotte ... 'I Don't Want To Be In Love'

Yup. Indianapolis. It's only overt there, which is pretty ironic. I've had overly-attentive waiters in LA, and once a female friend clued me in that some dude "just totally checked you out" while we were talking outside, but I didn't notice it.

I really think it's because, being in LA for so long and being more at home out here than Indy, I tend to stand out a bit more when I'm back in the midwest, due to my new accent, the more West Coast influence/evolution of my personal style, and probably just the more aloof/less "friendly" demeanor I know I've acquired...oh, and my nice sunglasses that didn't just come out of CVS for $2.99.

Honestly, my freshman year of college, I remember thinking that everyone was gay in LA just because of how much better-put-together every single person is compared to the midwest. The vast majority of people are in decent shape, but even if they aren't, they dress appropriately and generally well. Now that I've been in LA, I wouldn't be surprised if some people back home "pinged" a false positive.

Edited by Croc
Posted (edited)
  Croc said:
I really think it's because, being in LA for so long and being more at home out here than Indy, I tend to stand out a bit more when I'm back in the midwest

the more West Coast influence/evolution of my personal style, and probably just the more aloof/less "friendly" demeanor I know I've acquired...

Part one: Are you staying put? You seem to like it. If you can afford to, I don't see why not.

Part two: Unfortunately, LA can do that to people. So can ATL or SEA or anywhere urban, if you live in certain neighborhoods where making an impression is more important than the underlying substance. I've always chosen to live in "beltway" type suburbs, since college, and have never had to deal with that

Edited by trinacriabob

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