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Drinking games


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In an effort to get my friend drunk the other night, therefore making it easier for me to smack her ass without getting punched, I introduced her to a drinking game I played several years ago. I popped in The Land Before Time and told her to take a shot anytime they said Littlefoot or The Great Vally. She passed out in half an hour.
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Classics: -- Kings: Cards are associated with making up rules, assigning drinks, taking drinks, etc. Look it up if you want to know cause I really don't remember. -- I've Never: Requires at least 4 people, IMO. The more people, the better. You go around the circle and everyone gets a turn to say "I've never (fill in the blank with something dishonest/kinky/nasty)". If someone says something you've done, you drink. If you say something that nobody drinks to, you drink. You can also say something that you HAVE done, but you must drink after you say it. It's a good way to both: a. Get the girls drunk, and b. Find out which girls are dirty. After everyone admits what they've done and drinks, it moves on to the next person to say the next "I've never". Sometimes it can turn into bragging, depending on the people. For example, saying "I've never slept with 3 women at the same time" and then proudly drinking. It's always been fun when I've played. -- Roxanne: Ridiculous. A 2 person game. One person picks "put on the red light", one person picks "roxanne". Drink when you hear your phrase. Play the song, and try to keep up. Good luck!! -- What the f**k: A little childish, but gets people hammered. Everyone picks a name ending in f**k, and there is a rhyme involved which passes the responsibility to do the next verse from person to person based on the chosen f**k names. If you screw up the song, you drink and start it over. The start is hard, so the same person usually ends up drinking about 5 times before the game gets going again. You need someone to teach you this one in person.
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In an effort to get my friend drunk the other night, therefore making it easier for me to smack her ass without getting punched,


At least you're honest. :P

I introduced her to a drinking game I played several years ago.  I popped in The Land Before Time and told her to take a shot anytime they said Littlefoot or The Great Vally.  She passed out in half an hour.

A friend of mine who will go nameless has a realy evil storyb taht started like this... (God I'm going to burn in hell for just repeating this)

...it ended with her waking up the next morning and her eyeball sealed shut with some sort of protein shake. I guess her boobs and hair had some satins as well but she just took a shower and never said anything. :ph34r:

And NO it was NOT me. Although it is damn funny since she never caught on.
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My favorite drinking game is... 1) Sit at a table with bottles of alcohol and friends 2) Serve alcohol 3) Drink* * Drinking pace can be accelerated with repeated toasts (or just go around saying cheers and tapping glasses). Remember, it's bad luck to tap glasses and then not drink.
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"quarters" is an old reliable. my buddy and i used to drink to 'saved by the bell'. everytime they would say 'oh screech' you'd drink. there was all sorts of other drinking prompts...like whenever you saw tiffani amber thiessen being hot, or whenever they were at that soda cafe or whatever. i can't remember them all, i just know it was on like twice on TBS every afternoon.
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The best one is watching BET and drinking every time you see a black person. UPN can be used in non-cable households.


I'm not sure weather that's wicked funny or just in poor taste. I guess a mix of both. I'm sure you meant no harm by it though. Crazy. :P
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When I drank out at partys card games were the most common. Mostly asshole (also refered as President) wich was probly the most overplayed drinking card game in this area (possibly others). Other games that are pretty common is Beer Pong.
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since my last post wasn't really a game, more like how I enjoy to drink... Here's a game! The rules are: 1) you must drink with your off-hand (ex: righties use their left hand) 2) if you are caught drinking with your strong hand then you chug your drink 3) if somebody wrongfully accuses you of using your strong hand, they have to chugh your drink
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1) you must drink with your off-hand (ex: righties use their left hand)
2) if you are caught drinking with your strong hand then you chug your drink
3) if somebody wrongfully accuses you of using your strong hand, they have to chugh your drink


You just gave me a new rule for Kings on Friday night. In the past it's been that the you must ask permission before drinking whenver it's your turn (May I drink Sir?). Another rule that really got 'em was not being allowed to say anyone else's name. Chin on the table until someone else breaks the rule. B)
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Kings is by far the best drinking game IMO. Remember to incorporate the following rules: never have I ever, busta rhyme, thumbmaster, grenade/alligator (down on the ground/off the ground), rulemaster, and everybody's favorite: waterfall. Beer pong is a great game...also known as Beirut (west coasters call it beer pong, even though paddles are not involved). Try adding a rule such as overthrow/drink one to make the game go faster. Flippy cup is another great game...more social than beer pong & another great party-starter. Also try out drinking jenga...you can write on the blocks your own rules...takes time but its worth it. Personal favorite: Quagmire's "Drink the Beer"
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Giggety-Giggety!! :P
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If you watch college football at all how about the Brent Musberger game? Brent Musburger Drinking Game Rule #1: "The pardner". A person is picked to be the pardner at the beginning of the game. The first time Brent says "pardner", the pardner has to take 1 drink, and then picks someone else to be the pardner. The next time Brent says it, the new pardner has to take 2 drinks, and then pick a new pardner, and so on and so on. The pardner must wear a special "pardner" hat. Rule #2: "Folks" Everyone drinks 1 when Brent says "Folks". However, if Brent says "Hold on Folks", everyone must drink once but the first person to drink has to finish their drink for not holding on. Rule #3: "It's a foot race!". Whenever Brent says "It's a foot race" everyone has to finish their drink. The first one done becomes "That Man" and gets to punch the pardner in the arm. Rule #4: "There's that man again". After someone becomes "That Man", they get to give away 3 drinks to someone of their choosing the next time Brent says "That Man". That person then becomes "That Man". If Brent says "That Man" before "It's a footrace", The Pardner becomes That Man. If The Pardner becomes That Man first, he gets to punch the new That Man in the arm twice after giving away the 3 drinks. There must also be a special hat for "That Man". Rule #5: "Dr. Pepper". Everytime Brent says "Dr. Pepper" everyone has to yell out "I'M A PEPPER!" and take 2 drinks. Afterwards, each person must give out a satisfied "AAAAAAAHHHHH!", as if in a Dr. Pepper commercial. Anyone who fails to do so must drink again. Alternate Rule #5: "Budweiser". If the game is sponsered by Budweiser and not DP, Everytime Brent says "Budweiser" everyone has to yell out "THIS BUD'S FOR YOU!" and take 2 drinks. Afterwards, each person must say "TRUE", as if in a Budweiser commercial. Anyone who fails to do so must drink again. Rule #6: "Jack Arute". Whenever Brent says "Our ol' buddy Jack Arute" everyone has to say "AROOOOOOT!" Last one to do it has to do a shot. If everyone does it simultaneously, the pardner must do a shot. Rule #7: "In the college game". Whenever Brent says this little gem, everyone must say "Shut the **** up Brent", drink 2, and punch the pardner in the arm. Rule #8: Mentioning a Big 10 school during a non-Big 10 game. Whenever Brent does this, the first person who names the Big 10 school's mascot gets to make somebody drink for 11 seconds, since there's 11 schools in the Big 10. Rule #9: Calling a touchdown before the player actually scores. For example, during an interception return, Brent says "It's a touchdown!" before the player actually scores. In this case, everyone must start drinking and continue to drink until the player actually does score. If by some odd event, the player does NOT score, everyone must finish their drink. Rule #10: "Gary, my man". Whenever Brent says "Gary, my man", the pardner gets to choose someone to be Gary. From that point on, that person must be referred to as "Gary, my man" until the game is over. "Gary, my man" gets to give away 5 drinks the rest of the game any time Brent says "Gary, my man". If someone talks to "Gary, my man" without calling him that, they have to do a shot. If there is someone playing the game actually named Gary, that person is automatically "Gary, my man". Rule also applies to "Gary, My Friend", But Rule 14 still applies Rule #11: "The Major". If Brent has a pet nickname for one of the players during the game, for example calling Major Applewhite "The Major", everyone must drink 5 anytime Brent uses this nickname. However, "Gary, my man" does not drink but gets to give away 5 drinks since this person already has a nickname of their own. Rule #12: "John Saunders". The first time Brent quips with John Saunders, everyone must drink 1. The next time, everyone must drink 2, and so on and so on. Rule #13: In the booth. Whenever there's a camera shot of Brent in the booth, the pardner must make a toast to Brent. After the toast, everyone must drink 1 Rule #14: "My Friend". Every pardner gets to choose a "Friend". The friend must always get up to get the pardner another drink (since the pardner will be doing quite a bit of that). However, when Brent utters "My Friend" the friend gets to punch the pardner in the arm for making him get up so much..
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  • 2 years later...
It's been a while, but I was at a Festivus party several years ago and we watched Office Space and had a drink everytime a corporate buzzword was uttered (words like cubicle, synergy, process, etc). Another time we watch a couple of episodes of the Sopranos and took a drink everytime the F-word or variants was uttered.
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QUOTE(the_yellow_dart @ Nov 9 2005, 12:06 PM) [snapback]40766[/snapback]
-- What the f**k: A little childish, but gets people hammered. Everyone picks a name ending in f**k, and there is a rhyme involved which passes the responsibility to do the next verse from person to person based on the chosen f**k names. If you screw up the song, you drink and start it over. The start is hard, so the same person usually ends up drinking about 5 times before the game gets going again. You need someone to teach you this one in person.

Fuck me, fuck me.. what's the name of this fucking game... What the fuck?! Frank fuck, Frank fuck.. better than a yellowdart fuck!
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QUOTE(CSpec @ Nov 9 2005, 03:25 PM) [snapback]40833[/snapback]
The best one is watching BET and drinking every time you see a black person. UPN can be used in non-cable households.


I like Fuck the Dealer... The dealer has the deck of cards and looks to see the top card. The next person in the circle takes a guess at the card. The dealer says higher, lower, or fuck. That person gets one more guess (if applicable). If at any time the card is guessed, the dealer takes that many drinks (8 drinks for an 8, 11 for a jack, etc.). If the guesser guesses wrong, they drink the difference (they guess 6 and it's a 10, they drink 4). After the dealer fucks over three people in a row, he or she passes the deck. Gets you real fucked real fast if you're drinking the right stuff.
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There are two card games we play the most:

F*ck the Dealer - Basically you lay down 2 rows of 4 cards, with the last card at the very end being the "chug" card. One row is "gives" and the other is "takes." If you get a red card, you give; and black, you take. You also guess "higher or lower" "in between or outside" and a suit. The dealer deals until three people guess a card wrong, then he gets to pass it on to the next person. And as you are drawing cards, you're continually watching to see which cards have already been placed down so you know what to guess. The whole purpose is to basically get certain people drunk, and my buddy tends to be really good at rigging the game.

Categories - each card is a category....for example, drawing a 4 is "whores" (girls drink) and 6 is "dicks" (guys drink) and 9 is "rhyme" (one person says a word, then everyone has to go around in a circle and rhyme with that until someone can't think of something, then they drink). Some of the others are rulemaster (you get to make a rule, anyone who disobeys drinks), thumbmaster (anytime you put your thumb on the table, last person drinks) waterfall, etc. We haven't played this one in a while, but it gets pretty fun after a while.

There's some others I've played, but I can't remember them at the moment.

And of course flippy cup, but that one makes a big mess...you better have hardwood floors. Edited by mustang84
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Best drinking game of all time: Harvard.

Essentially a combination of beer pong and flippy cup. Use a 6 beer pong rack (or 10, if you really want to), and get teams of 5 or so, each person with a cup for flippy cup. One person on each side stands behind the beer pong rack like a game of beer pong, and they throw the ping pong balls (one person at a time). Both of these people have a cup on the side for flippy cup, and the rest of the people stand along the sides of the beer pong table with cups for flippy cup. Let's say team A makes a cup. The person throwing the ball on team B has to drink the cup that is made from the beer pong rack and their cup for flippy cup, then flippy cup begins for team B. For team A, the person that makes the cup just drinks their flippy cup cup and nothing else (so not making the cup puts team B down by a cup to drink) and flippy cup begins for team A. As soon as the cup is made in the beer pong rack, flippy cup begins. If team A gets done flipping all their cups first, team B has to take away the cup that was made from the beer pong rack. If team B wins, the cup stays. The team that makes all the other team's beer pong cups and then beats them in flippy cup wins.

A little confusing when trying to understand at first, but play a round correctly and it's easy to understand what's going on.
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OMG i will need to be having some coworkers over for 'i've never' smile.gif me needs to find out someteeng about someone. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

anyone ever play the david caruso / CSI Miami drinking game? There are many forms of it, but usually it includes slamming drinks when "H" does his patented 'turn and lift head and take off shades and say something dramatic' move.

in college we used to drink to 'Saved By the Bell'. My memory is slipping a bit on this but it did involve something with Screech and something with anytime they said something like 'aw, zach' i think.


QUOTE(the_yellow_dart @ Nov 9 2005, 11:06 AM) [snapback]40766[/snapback]

-- Kings: Cards are associated with making up rules, assigning drinks, taking drinks, etc. Look it up if you want to know cause I really don't remember.

-- I've Never: Requires at least 4 people, IMO. The more people, the better. You go around the circle and everyone gets a turn to say "I've never (fill in the blank with something dishonest/kinky/nasty)". If someone says something you've done, you drink. If you say something that nobody drinks to, you drink. You can also say something that you HAVE done, but you must drink after you say it. It's a good way to both: a. Get the girls drunk, and b. Find out which girls are dirty. After everyone admits what they've done and drinks, it moves on to the next person to say the next "I've never". Sometimes it can turn into bragging, depending on the people. For example, saying "I've never slept with 3 women at the same time" and then proudly drinking. It's always been fun when I've played.

-- Roxanne: Ridiculous. A 2 person game. One person picks "put on the red light", one person picks "roxanne". Drink when you hear your phrase. Play the song, and try to keep up. Good luck!!

-- What the f**k: A little childish, but gets people hammered. Everyone picks a name ending in f**k, and there is a rhyme involved which passes the responsibility to do the next verse from person to person based on the chosen f**k names. If you screw up the song, you drink and start it over. The start is hard, so the same person usually ends up drinking about 5 times before the game gets going again. You need someone to teach you this one in person.
Edited by regfootball
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Great game I've learned recently called Chandelier.

Great group game that incorparates some aspects of pong and flip cup with an every man for himself vendetta filled atmospher.

Rules -

Everyone fills a solo cup to about 1/3 mark with beer.
Put them in the center of the table in a circle with a pitcher that's at lest half full in the middle.
Person picked at random starts.
They attempt to bounce the ball, like a bounce shot in beer pong, into someone elses cup (usually someone they ave a beef with or just want to get drunk)
If you make it in they drink.
If you miss you drink your own cup.
If you get it in your own cup like a dumbass you have to drink everyones cup.
if you get it in the pitcher by accident or intentionally everybody chugs their beer puts it on the table and races to flip it like in flip cup. The last person to flip it has to drink the pitcher.

There is no treal winners for this game and it only ends when people pass out or run out of beer. Cups are refilled whenever they are emptied.

Played last weekend and everone on the table , save his girlfirend was gunning for my rommates cup because it was his birthday. Byt the end of the night he was chewing on the corner of a cardboard box and barley knew his name.
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QUOTE(Nick @ Jul 10 2008, 01:39 AM) [snapback]410796[/snapback]
I like playing the game "Drink the beer."
Here is how you play:

Step 1: acquire beer
Step 2: open beer
Step 3: drink beer
Step 4: ?????
Step 5: profit.

that just made my day.

But I think golfing is a drinking game. I don't think i ever finished a game of golf sober. My golf bag is loaded with pints of Absolute and Smirnoff. Every stroke after par you take a shot.

Also Boating is a good drinking sport? I mean go out in the middle of the lake drop anchor get drunk and get frisky in the sleeping quarters. sleep. then As the sun rises slowly cruise back to the channel.
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