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OCTUPLETS born to single mom in So. Cal.


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Someone at work comes by and says "Hey, did you hear about that lady who had octuplets?"

I asked where and they said "So Cal, around Whittier or Bellflower." I Googled this and saw that (1) she already had 6 kids, (2) she is a single mom, and (3) she had to have embryos implanted to pull this off. I read that the latter item on this list is considered very uncool among gynecologists when a family already has a certain number of kids. Unbelievable.

This woman has got to be a pimple on California's ass. Just think of the money to pay for the education, health care and possible incarceration of some of these kids downstream. And some people who want just ONE kid, have the income and set-up to raise that kid properly, and have fertility problems will NEVER have that ONE kid.

Edited by trinacriabob
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Yes, I also read that she does this just because she is obsessed with having kids, she lives with her mom, and has no plans to marry.

Now, more than ever, this is poster is so appropriate:


I wondered whether the mom and/or dad are included in the picture.

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You guys are pretty judgmental for not even knowing some of the basic information in the case. The woman wanted one last child, a little girl. It isn't her fault her janked-up fertility clinic used unethical medical procedures to make her pregnant with 8--especially since the 8th wasn't even known to exist until it slid out.

This woman is a victim of bad medical ethics, bad medical decision-making, and gross negligence.

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Why would you want "just one more"? Isn't 6 enough? I mean, as I recall the oldest is only 7. You could always adopt if you wanted another down the road.

Of course, if she has plenty of funds to put these kids through good schools, and raise them so they have a shot at a good life as well, then whatever more power to her I guess. I should find the article to read it myself.

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You guys are pretty judgmental for not even knowing some of the basic information in the case. The woman wanted one last child, a little girl. It isn't her fault her janked-up fertility clinic used unethical medical procedures to make her pregnant with 8--especially since the 8th wasn't even known to exist until it slid out.

This woman is a victim of bad medical ethics, bad medical decision-making, and gross negligence.

Guess it is Satty's turn to pick a case. :P

I talked about this with my girlfriend who happens to work with the vaginas all time, and she said that during artificial fertilization, the doctors have to put more than one egg to let it fertilize. It cannot be said that it was unethical or gross negligence. Human precision is far less than nature's therefore a factor of safety of 8 needs to be applied. Chances are sometimes all those 8 can click and then like the woman, people are screwed.

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This woman is a victim of bad medical ethics, bad medical decision-making, and gross negligence.

Still, she started with six and had no husband, nor significant other, around. My parents were aiming for 3 and, after I was born, that wasn't possible. I guess I broke the mold.

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This is the kinda stuff that raises red flags:

Court records show Angela Suleman filed for bankruptcy last March, but after she failed to make required payments and appear at a creditors' meeting, the case was dismissed. She reported liabilities of $981,371, mostly money owed on two houses she owns in Whittier.


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Sounds like severe incompetence..she should have been sterilised after the first 6...a bit absurd to have such large litters today...maybe in third world countries or in ancient times people needed large families, but not in modern America.

Edited by moltar
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Sounds like severe incompetence..she should have been sterilised after the first 6...a bit absurd to have such large litters today...maybe in third world countries or in ancient times people needed large families, but in modern America.

Which means you have not been to Cabin Creek, WV or Paint Creek Ky. Those people breed babies to live off tax money.

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Still, she started with six and had no husband, nor significant other, around. My parents were aiming for 3 and, after I was born, that wasn't possible. I guess I broke the mold.

So...you're saying a woman needs a husband/boyfriend/significant other in order to be able to raise a family?

Really, it is none of our business WHY she wanted to have one more girl. It isn't even relevant. But the fertility clinic is under fire out here for irresponsibly using fertility treatments with her, allowing her to have such a high-risk pregnancy, and not even determining the proper number of babies. Such negligence.

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So...you're saying a woman needs a husband/boyfriend/significant other in order to be able to raise a family?

I guess that's what I'm saying. Too much Catholic school...I think nuclear families are better.

Also, some of those docs will do anything for a buck...some of the comments by medical practitioners said it fairly clearly they thought this was beyond normal and ethical practice.

We can all guess that the QOL for those 14 kids won't be good.

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I guess that's what I'm saying. Too much Catholic school...I think nuclear families are better.

Also, some of those docs will do anything for a buck...some of the comments by medical practitioners said it fairly clearly they thought this was beyond normal and ethical practice.

We can all guess that the QOL for those 14 kids won't be good.

Take responsiblility for your own views. I went to Catholic school, too, and I'm sitting over here scratching my head checking the calendar to verify it's 2009.

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Which means you have not been to Cabin Creek, WV or Paint Creek Ky. Those people breed babies to live off tax money.

People on welfare should be sterilised after they have a couple of kids. They shouldn't be allowed to have huge litters; the world is overpopulated the way it is.

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Take responsiblility for your own views. I went to Catholic school, too, and I'm sitting over here scratching my head checking the calendar to verify it's 2009.

I do take responsibility for my own views. The Catholic school comment is only about the humorous aspect of that experience. Judging from what I've seen happen with my friends, in the situations that were stable, things are better, and in the situations that were never stable, things are worse. The line in the sand is pretty obvious. I only knew of 2 really big families I grew up with in LA...they each had 9 kids...but the dads had corner offices in towers near Figueroa or Flower or Grand downtown. Still, they were essentially reduced to a more middle class existence because of all the kids rather than an upper middle class existence that they would have had with 2 or 3...but, hey, it's cool...they had the wherewithal.

Don't need to get laid, satty. Lower quality poon always offers and it's easy to turn down. Higher quality poon requires more maintenance and I don't have the time.

Moltie, right on, bring on the sterilization tools.

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To Croc's point.....I don't know this woman.....or why she wanted a 7th child.....

But just from what I've seen, if she indeed filed bankruptcy.....obviously finances are a concern of hers. I would think it highly irresponsible, given all the circumstances I've been made privy to in the news, etc., to even attempt to have another child.

I don't have a problem with a single mother......as long as she is self-supporting and can take care of herself and her children.

It just seems that someone in her position having so many children, much less attempting a seventh child, does smack of irresponsibility in today's times. Perhaps there are other factors and/or rationale that we don't know about......

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To Croc's point.....I don't know this woman.....or why she wanted a 7th child.....

But just from what I've seen, if she indeed filed bankruptcy.....obviously finances are a concern of hers. I would think it highly irresponsible, given all the circumstances I've been made privy to in the news, etc., to even attempt to have another child.

I don't have a problem with a single mother......as long as she is self-supporting and can take care of herself and her children.

It just seems that someone in her position having so many children, much less attempting a seventh child, does smack of irresponsibility in today's times. Perhaps there are other factors and/or rationale that we don't know about......

And again, no one has any right to stand here wagging fingers. A generation ago larger families were perfectly normal. As long as her children get what they need, more power to her. And whether or not their needs are met is between the woman and CPS, not any of us.

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And again, no one has any right to stand here wagging fingers.

Sure we do...she's an incompetent, unemployed ho who has no business having 1 child, let alone 14. I've read that she supposedly wanted a big family because she was raised an only child.

A generation ago larger families were perfectly normal.

Maybe in Utah. Anymore than 4-5 children has been considered large in the US for decades..

As long as her children get what they need, more power to her.

At the taxpayer's expense. Ridiculous. It's ridiculous for people to have children if they don't have the financial means to support them. Haven't they heard of birth control?

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People on welfare should be sterilised after they have a couple of kids. They shouldn't be allowed to have huge litters; the world is overpopulated the way it is.

She def. IS the poster-woman for sterilization!

What a fu&*ing airhead. <_<

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A couple of comments after reading the latest article in the newspaper today.

1. Somebody said "she is going to need some help" -- well none of the big corporate companies that make baby items are going to step up. P&G and Gerber both basically said no. There has been no van donated, no formula, no diapers, no big house donated like the other multiple births of the same magnitude.

One radio show host, who is most likely a bit over the top, is calling this birth "freakish".

2. Somebody said she was a ho -- What kind of ho? She didn't produce ANY of her children by having sex. ALL were eggs implanted into her body with sperm that was donated. All of her children too were from sperm that was NOT from her husband who she divorced in January of 2008.

I am calling SHENANIGANS of the 12th degree on this situation! The mom is F'ed up, the doctors are F'ed up, the mother's dad is F'ed up, and unfortunately in the end, all this is just going to make these poor kids' life harder.

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At the taxpayer's expense. Ridiculous. It's ridiculous for people to have children if they don't have the financial means to support them. Haven't they heard of birth control?

C'mon, Croc, you live here now. Glance at the "pie chart" of the budget spent on social services, corrections and (not necessarily) productive education and you will see that (1) it's no value added, and (2) it's financed on a "credit card."

She is a small part, but definitely a part, of California's ugly woes. California's economic and attitudinal health had generally been fueled by a great distribution of wealth and quality of life, across almost all sectors of society. The middle class has been proportionately more squeezed here and the rich/poor canyon has widened. The curtain on the California Dream seems to be coming down slowly. My 2 cents.

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C'mon, Croc, you live here now. Glance at the "pie chart" of the budget spent on social services, corrections and (not necessarily) productive education and you will see that (1) it's no value added, and (2) it's financed on a "credit card."

She is a small part, but definitely a part, of California's ugly woes. California's economic and attitudinal health had generally been fueled by a great distribution of wealth and quality of life, across almost all sectors of society. The middle class has been proportionately more squeezed here and the rich/poor canyon has widened. The curtain on the California Dream seems to be coming down slowly. My 2 cents.

See, I agree with much of what you're saying, but not on this woman epitomizing everything that's wrong with CA. I think a much larger issue that needs to be tackled is immigration reform, because CA only grew in population this past year when nonlegal new residents were factored in. That's not right. Unfortunately, there's very little CA can actually do on that because immigration is a federal issue.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Saga continues!


Her own father questions her sanity. Her mother thinks she has no grasp of reality. Her home is besieged day and night by an army of paparazzi. The home in which she lives is in the process of foreclosure. And Nadya Suleman, California’s notorious “Octomom,” navigates calmly through life, apparently uncomprehending of the chaos around her and the enormous difficulty of raising 14 kids.

Chris Myers, senior executive editor of RadarOnline.com, described what it’s like in Suleman’s home Tuesday to TODAY’s Meredith Vieira.

“Inside the home, there’s this vacuum,” he said. “She walks in and six kids cling to her legs: ‘Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!’ There’s all this love. She’s totally focused on these kids ... The house is kind of like a day care for kids. It’s kind of like a controlled chaos.

Bickering on camera

Suleman and her mother, Angela Suleman, spent a half-hour in front of RadarOnline’s cameras, most of it spent squabbling over Suleman’s decision to have eight more babies through in vitro fertilization despite already having six other children under the age of 8 at home. The video was posted Monday.

Meanwhile, Suleman’s father, Ed Doud, finally spoke out about his daughter’s situation with Oprah Winfrey on Tuesday. In excerpts from the taped episode of “Oprah” that aired on TODAY, Doud called his 33-year-old daughter “absolutely irresponsible.” He also said, “You know, she needs help. I say to everybody now, ‘People, we do need help.’ Do not punish my daughter for what she has done and do not punish the babies, because they were given by God.”

Help has been offered. Linda West Conforti, a registered nurse who founded Angels in Waiting, a group offering to help care for the Suleman children, appeared on TODAY to repeat an offer of a house for Suleman and her 14 children and around-the-clock professional care worth $130,000 a month. Conforti and her attorney, Gloria Allred, told TODAY’s Meredith Vieira that Suleman has not responded to the offer.

Angels in Waiting has given Suleman until Thursday to respond to the offer. Allred said it was necessary to set a deadline because several of the octuplets are expected to be released from the hospital within the next two or three weeks, and substantial lead time is needed to set up a home for the family and draw up a plan to care for all the children.

Crowded house

Suleman has been living in her mother’s modest house with her six children, but court records show that Angela Suleman, who has filed for bankruptcy, owes more than $23,000 in mortgage payments. The house could be auctioned off as early as May. But even if Nadya Suleman were able to stay in the home, it’s far too small for 14 children and the small army of people it will take to care for them.

“She has to get a house. She has to get another home,” Myers told Vieira. “And she has to do it quick, because two or three of those kids are coming home in the next two weeks.”

A publicity firm that worked with Suleman in the weeks after she gave birth by Caesarean section has quit, citing death threats it received. Myers said that Suleman now has a “handler” who is fielding offers for books and reality shows.

But, he added, Suleman seems to be disconnected from the chaos. “She doesn’t have a computer … she is not focused on all these reports,” he said, adding that the octuplet mom seems oblivious to the paparazzi who pepper her with questions when she leaves her mother’s home.

An offer of help

Allred, a celebrity attorney, had filed a petition with California’s child protection services to have the octuplets taken into state care. After she announced her action, Conforti called Allred to offer to join forces to set up a home for the family.

“Angels in Waiting will give these eight babies the best possible chance they have for growth, for brain development, for integrating sensory disorders, the whole bit,” Conforti told Vieira.

Conforti and Allred said their offer is the only way to save the taxpayers from having to pay for the care of the children and perhaps the only way to keep the family together.

Suleman had been receiving disability payments for an injury suffered while she worked at a state psychiatric hospital. The payments have ended, and she is unemployed. She has denied taking welfare, but she does receive nearly $500 a month in food stamps and another $1,800 in Supplemental Security Income for three of her children who have various disabilities. One of her six children at home is autistic.

In the RadarOnline mother-daughter debate, Suleman says she allowed an in vitro clinic to implant six embryos into her womb because her only other option was to destroy them. She repeats that the chance that all six of the embryos would thrive was a tiny fraction of one percent, and the odds that two of them would split into twins for a total of eight infants are astronomically small.

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Even thinking about this, or this lady, is enough to get one seriously depressed. What has the world come to?

This whole situation is disgusting.

What a truly messed up freak.....it seems every day a new revelation about this woman gets revealed.....also, I heard that she got $400,000 for the People magazine/tabloid interviews that she has done......

So....if she truly got $400,000, then why is her house still in foreclosure?

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So....if she truly got $400,000, then why is her house still in foreclosure?


because it's in the Friendly Hills/Colima Rd. area of Whittier, whereas she should be in the flat and decrepit parts of Pico Rivera or Bell Gardens? Just kidding.

Seriously, would you think that anyone who has 6 kids (prior to the octuplets) and no career / no significant other would have to wherewithal to manage money? It would be inconsistent with the already 'effed up personality profile.

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I wondered whether the mom and/or dad are included in the picture.

Yes the mom and Dad are in this picture, they are mormons and there is a show about their life and how they get along. FYI, this mother is pregnant again. So wrong IMO.

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I saw Cher's interview with ET last night and I agree with her. This mom is a nut case and all 14 kids should be taken away and put into foster homes that will truly love them and care for them.

Maybe Trina and Blue should post pictures so we can vote if they should get together?


Edited by dfelt
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They're on opposite sides of the country. I think I see a real-life, boy-boy version of Sleepless in Seattle coming.


You made my day, There does seem to be a large amount of C&G here in seattle area, but for me, it is all about the hot woman! Nothing like an asian jade box to enjoy all night long! :) Course we could add some Brunett fun with that as a 3 some is always the warmest way to go during the winter. :gitfunky:

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They're on opposite sides of the country. I think I see a real-life, boy-boy version of Sleepless in Seattle coming.

Well, at least Seattle is on the West Coast, closer to where I am, and this means the big airfare is on Blue's tab.

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Well, at least Seattle is on the West Coast, closer to where I am, and this means the big airfare is on Blue's tab.

:deathwatch: This sounds like a good night time soap opera :deathwatch:

Apparently, the Octomom was offered a porn deal: A million bucks! She turned it down, citing that the company was crazy.

I'm not sure that'd be all that hot.

:scared::puke: Is all I would have to say on that one. :scared::puke:

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Don't hold your breath. It won't be happening.

I don't care how much you beg, I am not tightening your tie around your neck for your happy ending ANY. MORE. Last time you passed out, and I am not gonna be responsible for calling your mother and telling her how she lost her widdle son.

And I knew you wouldn't spring for airfare. You've still got the first dollah you ever made! Tight ass! :neenerneener::AH-HA_wink:

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