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Now that Obama is President, it sets a dangerous precedent for other non-Americans to be elected. Since Obama never proved he wasn't born outside the country, it leaves the door open. Mugabe '12! [/redical right wing moron mode]

Sadly, if he were white, America's far right would love Robert Mugabe.

Edited by Satty
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Now that Obama is President, it sets a dangerous precedent for other non-Americans to be elected. Since Obama never proved he wasn't born outside the country, it leaves the door open. Mugabe '12! [/redical right wing moron mode]

Heh-heh.. those crazy redstaters and their wacky ideas! They probably have their tinfoil hats on firmly now.

Sadly, if he were white, America's far right would love Robert Mugabe.

True enough..he'd be Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage's wet dream, I think...Ann Coulter would want to have his love child. :) (it seems a brutal, fascist dictator is the ideal leader for many right wingers).

Edited by moltar
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Heh-heh.. those crazy redstaters and their wacky ideas! They probably have their tinfoil hats on firmly now.

You better believe it! And I won't be leaving the house for the next four years either! Just kidding, but if Obama had lost every single one of you would be just as upset as many people are that he won.

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At least Obamas birth certificate was likely written in paper. When McCain was born paper wasnt even invented yet. Why some people would have wanted more of the same with McCain is still a mystery to me but to each their own. I hope that Obama can at least get the wheels turning on some economic reforms. People have to have jobs in order for this country to survive. We cannot make it just on the rich. REAGONOMICS hasnt worked!!!!

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You better believe it! And I won't be leaving the house for the next four years either! Just kidding, but if Obama had lost every single one of you would be just as upset as many people are that he won.

Doubtful, because today still would have signified Bush leaving office, which thrilled a lot of people, many of whom aren't too crazy about Obama.

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You better believe it! And I won't be leaving the house for the next four years either! Just kidding, but if Obama had lost every single one of you would be just as upset as many people are that he won.

No, I wouldn't have been that upset because I would just be happy that Bush was gone. I would have been hopeful that McCain would return to being the man he was in 2000 and the campaign he ran was just pandering to get elected.

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Was that really necessary?

I didn't mean it sardonically.

(Please excuse the following rant as I don't mean to pin-point any one person, but a group as a whole: the American citizens.)

However, from the "outside looking in" (i.e. I'm not one of the followers of "change" -- change in what?), the "movement" or whatever it's being called with Obama as the messiah, or king, of his followers looks just like the Lion King to me. All these people are following something that is believed to be the next big thing. All I hear is "Obama: The Future of Change" or something ridiculous like that. I mean, you look at some people, and it's almost cult-like. They're making a freakin' pajama line after him. People are getting their hair cut (which was previously known as a #2 buzz) and calling it "The Obama."

I mean, seriously, are you kidding me? The guy has no credibility in his position yet. He was Senator but has done nothing major yet. I can guarantee that some would already say he's the best President ever, and he hasn't even held the king's crown for 2.5 hours.

Americans picked the celebrity who spoke best, carried the more popular face, and made the headline in more magazines. That's who America is now, and I give Barack credit for taking full advantage of that. He wasn't elected into this position based mainly on what he's done and what he can do; most Americans voted for Obama's tagline because it read exactly what we need: change. He's a national icon because he made himself be. He's a "normal" guy in the lead role of the United States of America. Now seriously, I'm not going to play the Republican role here... this is exactly what Palin tried to do, but she entered way too late and had a smaller role as VP. She related herself to the public being a young, normal hockey mom from a small town. She would've had more support if her stupidity wasn't so exploited. You and I know just from what we see in the auto industry that the media will show what they want and exaggerate it to its fullest. What we read in every newspaper and magazine were the extremes. From how stupid and terrible a mom Palin is (as if she had control of her daughter's body to not get pregnant) to how great Obama is because of whatever factors. It's all out there, and you won't read a single flaw about Obama in any publication. Well, God knows that every man has his flaws, so where were they being exploited? I'm not mad that they haven't shown his flaws, but for something so huge for our entire nation, we don't need to show one's ultimate flaws in comparison to another's ultimate strengths and then tell the People to vote on that.

Okay, I skipped around a bit in frustration, but what this has to do with the Lion King is quite simple: the entire nation "knew" what the next big thing was going to be, so they supported it. Every animal crowded around and awaited their new king to be born so the nation could grow with him. Once born, he grew quickly and was to assume the nation's lead role after going through a huge depression. Hopefully the outcome is the same for our country as it was in Disney's film where the King comes through and gives the nation rebirth.


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I think I would have been quite dissapointed had McCain/Palin won. I can't stand the conservative BS, 20 out of the last 28 years of it was enough to ruin the country, IMHO. Their failed ideology is a large part of the cause of the mess the country is in now, IMHO. I'm optimistic for postive change now. McCain would have been the same old, same old....

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I mean, seriously, are you kidding me? The guy has no credibility in his position yet. He was Senator but has done nothing major yet. I can guarantee that some would already say he's the best President ever, and he hasn't even held the king's crown for 2.5 hours.


Are you serious?

The Whitehouse website has already been updated with his agenda and gives a lot of details. It is well thought out, comprehensive, and inclusive. We can see the direction he wants to take us in. Even if he can only accomplish part of this list it is still a major step forward for this country.

Just looking at how efficiently he has put together the new cabinet and executed the transition. The unknown black man with the funny name out maneuvered the biggest names in today's political game. He raised more money and had more people involved than any candidate ever. I'm not worried about his ability to get things done.

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Sounds like someone wants people to either not vote or to vote for the status quo, neither of which seemed democratic. Obama may have ridden a wave of celebrity into the White House(I dont buy it), but when you look at the choices presented to the American people, he had the best ideas, the best plan for the future of our country.

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Are you serious?

The Whitehouse website has already been updated with his agenda and gives a lot of details. It is well thought out, comprehensive, and inclusive. We can see the direction he wants to take us in. Even if he can only accomplish part of this list it is still a major step forward for this country.

Just looking at how efficiently he has put together the new cabinet and executed the transition. The unknown black man with the funny name out maneuvered the biggest names in today's political game. He raised more money and had more people involved than any candidate ever. I'm not worried about his ability to get things done.

I'm fully serious. How can he have credibility as President of the United States of America yet? Yeah, he did a great job getting the job, but that doesn't mean he'll do a great job on the job. This is a very slight stretch, but I can go out and interview against somebody more qualified than I, but if I'm a much better speaker, even with a worse resume, I'll get the job. Does that mean I'll be perfect for that position because I interviewed well with many different people? Of course not.

He's had the position for almost 3 hours now. He can't compare to some of the guys who have come before him yet: Kennedy, Lincoln, etc.

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I'm fully serious. How can he have credibility as President of the United States of America yet? Yeah, he did a great job getting the job, but that doesn't mean he'll do a great job on the job. This is a very slight stretch, but I can go out and interview against somebody more qualified than I, but if I'm a much better speaker, even with a worse resume, I'll get the job. Does that mean I'll be perfect for that position because I interviewed well with many different people? Of course not.

He's had the position for almost 3 hours now. He can't compare to some of the guys who have come before him yet: Kennedy, Lincoln, etc.

And you think I guy who sold his ideological soul, and went against everything he claimed to stand for to try to win, and his redneck, bible-thumping, clueless VP were a better pick? Please.

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Sounds like someone wants people to either not vote or to vote for the status quo, neither of which seemed democratic. Obama may have ridden a wave of celebrity into the White House(I dont buy it), but when you look at the choices presented to the American people, he had the best ideas, the best plan for the future of our country.

I'm not saying "don't vote" or "vote my way," but at least educate yourself past the whole celebrity figure. I talked to a few different people who were voting for Obama "because we need change" and that was their only reasoning. When I said, "no matter what we're getting change because not every Republican will share the same views," they just responded with, "Well I'm voting for Obama." No intelligence there. I was asking a brick for an opinion.

And on the second half of that... well, opinion is opinion. Some prefer GM, some prefer Toyota. I can't tell you who to vote for because I don't have the same views as you. Having a vote is democracy.

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Do you know how many nutjobs vote Republican? Case in point: McCain himself had to calm down a crowd his redneck, misinformed, religious-nut supports when they started making false accusations and death threats towards Obama. You're basing your opinion on a few encounters. That DOES NOT make up the majority of why people voted for him.

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I'm fully serious. How can he have credibility as President of the United States of America yet? Yeah, he did a great job getting the job, but that doesn't mean he'll do a great job on the job. This is a very slight stretch, but I can go out and interview against somebody more qualified than I, but if I'm a much better speaker, even with a worse resume, I'll get the job. Does that mean I'll be perfect for that position because I interviewed well with many different people? Of course not.

He's had the position for almost 3 hours now. He can't compare to some of the guys who have come before him yet: Kennedy, Lincoln, etc.

Do you think he is going to throw out all of his proposals and just do something completely different? Is he just going to go out back and shoot hoops for 4 years? The President, prior to his election, has shown what he wants to do. We elected him based on that.

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I'm referring to McCain. Bush is just a a war-mongering idiot.

And personally, I didn't think McCain was all that bad, better than Bush, and he's been more of a moderate in the past--- I thought he was too old now for the job and I really, really couldn't stand Palin and the far-right nutters she represents. I wouldn't have voted for McCain, but I do think he would have been a better president than Bush had he been the R's nominee and winner in '00.

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Do you think he is going to throw out all of his proposals and just do something completely different? Is he just going to go out back and shoot hoops for 4 years? The President, prior to his election, has shown what he wants to do. We elected him based on that.


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I'm not saying "don't vote" or "vote my way," but at least educate yourself past the whole celebrity figure. I talked to a few different people who were voting for Obama "because we need change" and that was their only reasoning. When I said, "no matter what we're getting change because not every Republican will share the same views," they just responded with, "Well I'm voting for Obama." No intelligence there. I was asking a brick for an opinion.

And on the second half of that... well, opinion is opinion. Some prefer GM, some prefer Toyota. I can't tell you who to vote for because I don't have the same views as you. Having a vote is democracy.

Most people, including myself, saw McCain as just a continuation of Bush's policies especially regarding Iraq. "We'll stay for 100 years if we have to!", McCain exclaimed. The tax cuts for the rich really sold me as being anti-McCain.

I did not just vote anti-McCain though. I like the President's proposals. I want him to succeed with them.

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I wouldn't have voted for McCain, but I do think he would have been a better president than Bush had he been the R's nominee and winner in '00.

I would have been far happier with McCain as President these past 8 years ... especially during 9-11.

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Most people, including myself, saw McCain as just a continuation of Bush's policies especially regarding Iraq. "We'll stay for 100 years if we have to!", McCain exclaimed. The tax cuts for the rich really sold me as being anti-McCain.

I did not just vote anti-McCain though. I like the President's proposals. I want him to succeed with them.

+1. I'm optimistic for a better way forward for the country as a whole. Economic recovery, better foreign policies leading to respect in the world (rather the butt of jokes and hatred worldwide), the end to two unpopular, pointless wars, etc.... it's a tall order for any President, but I'm confident in my choice.

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Do you think he is going to throw out all of his proposals and just do something completely different? Is he just going to go out back and shoot hoops for 4 years? The President, prior to his election, has shown what he wants to do. We elected him based on that.

No, I didn't say that at all. I just said he's been President for a few hours, and that can't possibly make him the best President ever.

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I think the bottom line is that there's a time to be a smartass/jackass, which everyone here is good at, and there's a time to be respectful. And I think this is one of those times where this:

I like the comparisons of this whole Obama following to that of the Lion King:



...was uncalled for.

Just my :twocents:

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