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As I mentioned in another thread, the blower motor on my car went out last week. So I popped the hood, hoping the it was under there and not in some asinine place under the dash. Lo and behold, it was right there against the firewall on the passenger side, right where it should be. I left it in place (that was my first mistake) and went on my merry way to an auto part store. I go in and tell the guy what I need, he asks for the make and model, I tell him its an '89 LeSabre Estate, he types away furiously, goes to the back and comes back with a box. I look at it, and since it looks like a blower motor, I go on my way(second mistake). Its not until I get in the car and get a couple blocks away that I check the receipt, which states that its a motor for a 1989 LeSabre FWD V6. Since I have to stop and get diapers, I pop the hood in the parking lot to make sure all the connecty-bits are the same. They're not. The one in my car has two separate plugs, the one in the box had a single plug. So I go to the nearest auto parts store (same chain, different location, not Autozone which was a bad idea) and tell the guy at the counter that I got the wrong one. So he hops on his computer, I tell him its an '89 LeSabre Estate wagon with a V8, he comes back with a different blower motor and asks if it looks right. It does not. So he gets the big book of auto parts, goes to the Buick section and starts looking at LeSabre, I then point him to the Estate section, which leads him to a different part number. A part number they dont have in stock. So he orders it (should be at the store in about half an hour) then says, "Huh, I guess it being a wagon makes a difference."

Kids today wouldn't know a real car if it rearended them at 12 mph in a Wendy's parking lot. I saw a comment at one of the other car sites, and I paraphrase: "Pontiac should have gotten the G8 wagon, because they had a wagon before. I think it was called the 6000."

And I have to give a huge "Go f@#k yourself" to General Motors for putting the back screw on the blower motor under the windshield and putting the two outside screws right next to the hood hinge. Really helpful guys. Also helpful, but not particularly related to this task, using Metric for some things, but standard for other things. That makes it so easy, I love having to keep 9,000 sockets nearby.


I was going to get a junkyard blower, but the junkyard is a ways away, and I figured that with my luck the motor would die after a week. So I went the new route for an extra $5.


had some codes checked at autozone, got one for the cam position sensor. I was soooo tempted to let the guy look one up for me. (Hint: there isn't one.)


Yes, when I was a saturn parts guy there were several times when it was very difficult to ensure a cust. that there was no cam sensor to swap out on their 1.9 and why their wires and/or their nasty looking coil towers would be the real fault.

  Satty said:
And I have to give a huge "Go f@#k yourself" to General Motors for putting the back screw on the blower motor under the windshield and putting the two outside screws right next to the hood hinge. Really helpful guys. Also helpful, but not particularly related to this task, using Metric for some things, but standard for other things. That makes it so easy, I love having to keep 9,000 sockets nearby.

It's all about the union guys that put it together on the line baby, no thought whatsoever goes into the poor guy who has to fix it later. Sorry. LOL As far as the parts store, any aftermarket store you go into has nothing but no nothing 12 yr olds making $8 an hour at the counter. Of course I'm biased because I work at the dealer and I'm the parts bitch, but it really is frustrating even for me, when I call the wholesale line at O'Reillys and one of the kids answer, I just hang up and call back, or ask for one the guys over 25 who knows something. LOL

  PurdueGuy said:
had some codes checked at autozone, got one for the cam position sensor. I was soooo tempted to let the guy look one up for me. (Hint: there isn't one.)

If I could, I would go to every Autozone store and take that scanner and shove it up all their asses. I'm so sick of people who come in with one of their printoffs with a freaking EGR code for the love of god, and the people never believe me, they think I'm just trying to get in their pocket. Only Ford has EGR pressure sensors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  gmpartsgirl said:
It's all about the union guys that put it together on the line baby, no thought whatsoever goes into the poor guy who has to fix it later. Sorry. LOL As far as the parts store, any aftermarket store you go into has nothing but no nothing 12 yr olds making $8 an hour at the counter. Of course I'm biased because I work at the dealer and I'm the parts bitch, but it really is frustrating even for me, when I call the wholesale line at O'Reillys and one of the kids answer, I just hang up and call back, or ask for one the guys over 25 who knows something. LOL

HAHAHA....I was dealing with O'Reillys, both guys were young dumbasses. I wonder if I had gone to the dealership with my 20 year old wagon,if it would have been similar, only one guy there who was actually at the dealership, or out of high school, when B-Bodies were on the lot.

Autozone is typically much better, just not as conveniently located.


had to get a replacement fan belt for my 1990 ss 454 one time. he was asking me all these questions partaining to the vehicle. asks me 4x2 or 4x4? um 2 wheel drive. 4x2 (with a smirk) then asks is that a v6 or a v8? i looked at him in disbelief... thats a big block v8 was all i could say.

  gmpartsgirl said:
If I could, I would go to every Autozone store and take that scanner and shove it up all their asses. I'm so sick of people who come in with one of their printoffs with a freaking EGR code for the love of god, and the people never believe me, they think I'm just trying to get in their pocket. Only Ford has EGR pressure sensors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We have that issue around here...I was at the dealership picking up something for the Cavalier, and a guy came in with that sheet...after the guy left, the parts guys told how often that happens.....

  Dodgefan said:
I like AutoZone and C.A.P.

I just about killed someone at Autozone.... :banghead:

Thank God I know something...

It depends on what I am doing..sometimes it's the dealership, the local family owned part store, or Advance Auto...once in a while Murray's auto parts....

Posted (edited)

NAPA is my 1st pick, they're the Cadillac of parts

stores, I use AutoZone a good portion of the

time because they have a god selection of things

like serpentine bets, steel lines/fittings/adapters,

oddball hardware & they're the most receptive to

desperate classic car owners who need to get

behind the counter and compare an old greasy

part to a bunch of new ones sitting in boxes on a

shelf, even if your fingers are soaked in ATF and

you're wearing a pinstriped dealership shirt

embroidered with a "Chevrolet of Xxxxxxxxx" logo,

stained w/ Lucas Products P.S. (molasses) Fluid,

Post-Bled Brake Fluid, 7,500 mile old 10W40 and

a few old & new blood stains.

One time I showed up in July/August or some other

hot month wearing NO shirt, yes I got service.

Of course it helps having two out of your closest 4

friends work behind the counter as Gray-Shirts. :D

Advanced I'll go to from time to time, they've bailed

out my A$ before in a pinch when some crazy GM,

or Datsun or Mercedes part was out of stock at both

NAPA & A-Zone.

Then there's C.A.P. (Consumer Auto Parts) a local

chain that' really hit-or-miss but has some serious

benefits...like a few parts that I wanted like

YESTERDAY for my '68 Camaro but most places told

me had to be special ordered from a restoration

catalog or what not, they had on a shelf.

V.I.P. Auto parts never seems to have $h!, although

there's always at least one hot chick at the counter

so it's sometimes worth the wasted trip.

(shut up XP it's NOT who you're thinking) :P

Pep Boys I've been to like three times in my

entire life, I got some cheap front rotors for my

mother's Grand Am there.

But these days with most of the stuff I drive,

aside from the Suburban & RoadmOnster which

both pack an SCB350, I'm often left to making

phone calls to "Foreign Auto Parts" & local

Mom-n-Pop garages/stores/junkyards relating

to my B-59 or other such oddball.

  Dodgefan said:
Yes, pick a unit f measure and use that throughout the entire vehicle.

I've owned a few GM vehicles that are 100% standard:

- 1959 Buick LeSabre Bubbletop Post, Naihead 364

- 1961 Buick Special Sedan, Fireball 198 (V6)

- 1964 Oldsmobile Super 88 Holiday, 364 Rocket

- 1968 Chevrolet Camaro, (left the factory with a 327)

I think that's about it, actually... the other 46 of 'em

were, at least to a degree, semi-metric.

Edited by Sixty8panther

XP is the MAN, he hooks me up with discounts all the time! 8)


There is a guy at Autozone who really knows his stuff, the only thing about the LeSabre that has stumped him was the dome light bulb, everything else he's been right on. He seems to know what he's talking about when it comes to RWD, BOF, V8 dinosaurs. Then again, he's better since he drives a Marauder.

  Satty said:
There is a guy at Autozone who really knows his stuff, the only thing about the LeSabre that has stumped him was the dome light bulb, everything else he's been right on. He seems to know what he's talking about when it comes to RWD, BOF, V8 dinosaurs. Then again, he's better since he drives a Marauder.

Good Taste, he has.


I've had just as bad of experiences with dealership parts people as I have regular parts stores, so...

Let's see, couple quick examples...

-dealership couldn't find me a driver's side power door lock actuator (brand of dealer = brand of car). After trying to sell me the wrong part, and my insisting that it was the wrong part, they told me they had to make some phone calls and would call me, and never did.

-requested flywheel bolts, got flexplate bolts. (kinda close, but completely wrong.)


And another "go f@#k yourself" to the person at GM who thought light bulbs last forever and therefore the dash would never have to be disassembled. Same reason I haven't swapped the radio.

Posted (edited)


I worked at an Advance for about a year. It's kind of a double edged sword because, sure, I'm a shade tree mechanic. But I'll also be the first to admit that "I'm no professional and there is a lot that I don't know." And that's what people fail to understand. Sales people at parts houses are just that; sales people. They aren't mechanics and they don't receive any sort of training.

That being said, my friends and I that worked at Advance were all on about the same level. It is a small town, so it also helped that we each knew local mechanics really well. If something stumped us and the parts pro wasn't there, we'd just give one of our friends a ring and *problem solved*

I DESPISED that job.... People would ask me the stupidest questions and a lot of times, people didn't even know what motor was in their car much less what the car needed. I dealt with more ignorant and rude rednecks there (a product of the area) than I have ever dealt with in my life. I almost came to blows with one guy over 6 Autolite spark plugs one night. He backed down, but then said "Ima get my gun and see you in the parking lot when you get off." to which I replied "What the f*ck ever, man." In all honesty I was a bit on edge though. I saw the same guy in the local grocery store a couple of weeks later. He tried to speak and be nice, I however wouldn't have it.

I have a related story from a couple of days ago as well. You all remember that my CD player got jacked in August of last year. Well, I've been waiting to put the new one in because the voucher that the insurance company gave me was supposedly only good in Asheville. So, Christmas rolls around and I bounce to the local Circuit City (Since I was to be home for a good number of days) They tell me the voucher is expired. I'm like; 'no big deal, I'll have the insurance company issue an updated voucher.' The insurance company says; "The voucher will be in your email within 48 hours." A week passes and I'm about to head back to Charlotte and I still haven't received a voucher. I call the guy at Circuit City and say; "Look man, I don't want to leave my car with you anyways because it's a big inconvenience. I can wire the CD player in 15 minutes. What say you sign the voucher and just give me the parts?" Of course, that was OUT OF THE QUESTION. And he also informed me that despite the insurance company telling me that the voucher was only good in Asheville, it's good in Charlotte as well. So all that time I've been riding around without music (months) I could've had my CD player installed (You all know how I feel about my metal :D) Fast forward to last friday, still no voucher... So I say 'to hell with this, I'll just go buy the stuff myself and put the CD player in.' (basically take a loss on the voucher)

FIRST STOP: Best Buy... The guy sells me a harness and a kit. I tell him that it isn't the right harness and that I remembered running into this before when I wired my previous CD player but I couldn't remember the part number. He basically calls bull$h! and insinuates that I'm an idiot. I get a little pissed (it's pretty obvious to anyone with eyeballs that this harness isn't correct) and demand my money back. I get refunded and head to the nearest Circuit City (a small town away) Circuit City guy is super cool and knows right away what I'm talking about. He says "Yeah, some Focuses use the european harness and yours is obviously one of those" Good deal. I pay and walk out to the lot. The harness still isn't right, so I go back in and the guy says "Pull it in here and we'll see what fits." Apparently he had just slipped up and handed me the wrong harness because the actual european harness fit (and it's the one I remembered) He says "Unfortunately, you're going to have to hard wire the harness into your CD player unless Best Buy has a harness that will connect this harness to the CD player, since they sell that brand." I did not want to hear this because delicate wiring is not one of my strong points. My old CD player plugged in perfectly, no hard wiring required. I head to the next nearest Best Buy ANOTHER town over (didn't want to go back to the one I was at, and I needed to go pay a bill near Best Buy #2 -- which ended up being very difficult to find) That Best Buy tells me that they do NOT carry a harness that will work and that I will have to wire it. So, off I go to Advance for some wire connectors.

So.... 4 months on a voucher, one day and three towns worth of harness shopping and 15 minutes in the parking lot later I once again have tunage... What a pain in the ass. Cars are a fun hobby, but sometimes it just gets ridiculous.

Edited by FUTURE_OF_GM

I really need to get a buddy of mine to write a book. He works in auto parts sales in a small chain in the midwest. He's much more knowledgeable than the typical parts counter guy, as he has also worked as a mechanic. (He's still wrong on occasion, but it's more the exception than the rule.) He has the BEST "dumb customer" stories. :)

Lessee, there's the kid that was complaining of his brakes not working very well, which turned out to be rotors worn through to the vents, as well as ruined calipers. He sold the kid new calipers, pads, rotors, and explained the core policy on the calipers. Kid goes out in the parking lot & takes the calipers off his car, cutting the brake lines to remove them, and brings them back in.

Then there's the guy that insisted that his dodge truck had a bad turn signal switch, because the blinkers were blinking too fast, and he'd already replaced the blinker module. In the process of helping the guy check his bulbs, the guy snaps his turn signal switch off in a rage, only to walk to the back of the truck and clearly see he had a burnt out bulb.

And soooo many more... Gotta get him to write a book. :)

  PurdueGuy said:
I really need to get a buddy of mine to write a book. He works in auto parts sales in a small chain in the midwest. He's much more knowledgeable than the typical parts counter guy, as he has also worked as a mechanic. (He's still wrong on occasion, but it's more the exception than the rule.) He has the BEST "dumb customer" stories. :)

I also worked ~5 yrs between AZ and O'Reilly part time, and a couple of years at a dealership. I used to joke w/ my coworkers sometime that one of the best perks in the business could be a "Get the **** out!" privilege to use once or twice a year. :wink:


Autozone has good deals on GTX, Syntec and Oil filters for oil changes. You get shop towels, soap, fuel system cleaner and some other crap with their oil change deal.

So there is another country on earth that still uses the standard measurements besides the US?

  CadillacKing3 said:
So there is another country on earth that still uses the standard measurements besides the US?

Surely you have heard of Myanmar in the news in recent months. Hint: we as a country should avoid being compared to them in any way...

  CadillacKing3 said:
Autozone has good deals on GTX, Syntec and Oil filters for oil changes. You get shop towels, soap, fuel system cleaner and some other crap with their oil change deal.

So there is another country on earth that still uses the standard measurements besides the US?

Oil filters? I forgot which brand they sold...as long as it is not fram...

Posted (edited)

Satty: while there are plenty of things I can comiserate with

as far as repair SNAFUS or pre-maintenance dissasembly

FUBARS, your rant about dashboard lights makes me think

you're just not the type who enjoys working on cars...

You can't expect everything to be 100% accessible & easy,

if everything was accesible cars would look like A$$ & there

would be such thing as an ANYTHING "panel". :P

Then again there's a rare exception to that rule, like the

1933 Cadillac chassis in my semi-permanent Sig.

Now THAT's gorgeous style due to lack of body! :yes:

Edited by Sixty8panther
Posted (edited)

I'm definitely not a mechanical guy much beyond checking my oil level and tire pressure, but I did buy myself a check engine light reader tool a while back, it was interesting to see what the fault codes were. But then I still had to pay a shop $400 to replace a sensor that probably cost $25.

Edited by moltar
  moltar said:
I'm definitely not a mechanical guy much beyond checking my oil level and tire pressure, but I did buy myself a check engine light reader tool a while back, it was interesting to see what the fault codes were. But then I still had to pay a shop $400 to replace a sensor that probably cost $25.

Sometimes that's the best way. Better than adding a few bucks more because something else broke.....

  daves87rs said:
Sometimes that's the best way. Better than adding a few bucks more because something else broke.....

Yeah, I don't have the tools, or a lift...trying to drop the transmission to replace a sensor is not something I'd want to attempt myself...

  cletus8269 said:
had to get a replacement fan belt for my 1990 ss 454 one time. he was asking me all these questions partaining to the vehicle. asks me 4x2 or 4x4? um 2 wheel drive. 4x2 (with a smirk) then asks is that a v6 or a v8? i looked at him in disbelief... thats a big block v8 was all i could say.

The best one for me was when I wanted spark plugs for my '85 Continental and the dude behind the counter says "V8 or Diesel?"

I just bluescreened at that point.

  Oldsmoboi said:
The best one for me was when I wanted spart plugs for my '85 Continental and the dude behind the counter says "V8 or Diesel?"

I just bluescreened at that point.

Ford did offer a diesel Continental and Mk VII in '84-85, though...so the question wasn't totally out there. The diesel was a 6, so it probably had totally different plugs.

I went to Checkers a few months ago to buy windshield wiper blades for my Jeep and they asked me it was 4x2 or 4x4 (as if that would be relevant the wiper blades).

  Oldsmoboi said:
Or you could just get a MetWrench set.....

I've got a Crafstman set with 80-billion sockets, its still a pain in the ass.

  moltar said:
Ford did offer a diesel Continental and Mk VII in '84-85, though...so the question wasn't totally out there. The diesel was a 6, so it probably had totally different plugs.

Diesels use glow plugs, no spark plugs involved anywhere in the process.

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