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Woah! I spent hours looking for pics reviving this thread and all of a sudden people have posted in it! :P Anyways... my PC is being a bitch again so I need to restart it... Be back soon.
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LA, mute... No Corrado for me. I'm not a fan of them. Empowah... 4-doors are 2 too many. :D Z, Sixty8 (and CaddyXLR too)... That GP has too many things against it: V6 and auto only. I can deal with a V6 if it has a stick, but otherwise I won't consider it. No autos for me what-so-ever.

I can deal with a V6 if it has a stick, but otherwise I won't consider it. No autos for me what-so-ever.


I can respect that... I was just joking around but now WMJ has brought up a great point in terms of making a real neat sleeper.... I once was on the higway in my Brougham next to a Fairmont wagon that sounded like a viper and it was riding on a sick pair of deep dish dubs.

AS far as your photos there BV, I have to admit I've always regarded the last gen. Integra as a neat machine. I'd never buy one but I can respect it, unlike the new civics and RSXs.
that wrx looks great, i'd check into reliability. that v6 firebird, on the other hand... looks... aged. something's goofy with the civic, i think it requires lowering immediately. and maybe a lip spoiler instead of the wing. check into one year later, i think '98, for the 240. those cars are GORGEOUS, and RARE. personally i'm not a big fan of the Lumina Z34, if only because of the horrible 3.4 TDC engine and the... horrible interior. i'd hate to drive a so-called sporty car where i can actually fall between the driver seat and door :-/

personally i'm not a big fan of the Lumina Z34, if only because of the horrible 3.4 TDC engine and the... horrible interior.  i'd hate to drive a so-called sporty car where i can actually fall between the driver seat and door :-/


Ah, I neglected to read the "unreliable 3.4 TDC" comment on the first page.

I don't think the interior's any worse than BV's Grand Am (interpret that any way you want :P ).

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LOL... No Lumina Z34 for me either... :lol: Perhaps its Pontiac sibling, though... A Turbo Grand Prix coupe or just a regular 3.4 or 2.8 with a manual wouldn't be all that bad. However, I'd be dealing with the same sh!t I am with my GA... As for the Firebird, yeah... I thought that too. Matter of fact, I can't help but think how ancient each of those Pontiacs look compared to older imports I posted. Like the Prelude... Damn. And the Civic, I actually think its a Canada-spec one... The 98 and 99 Civics look good. Bigger wheels and lowered suspension are must as you suggested, though. Totally makes the car... Spoiler-less, believe it or not - coming from me, does as well. Just as the Grand Am looks disgusting without one, it looks awesome without one.
if you went with a prelude like that i'd go with a some more import-appropriate wheels. no chrome, it just doesn't look right. you seem to be pretty interested in hondas. generally speaking do you prefer 4th gen preludes (like the ones you've posted) to 5th gens (such as mine)? or are they just out of your price range?
I don't like chrome either. That was just one of the better pics I found... But yeah, I'm into Hondas, but not quite as much as I am into Pontiacs. I just don't usually show it since this is a GM enthusiast site. As for Preludes... both gens have their own unique identity and I love them both. I just have a better chance of affording 4th gens than 5th gens. Damn Hondas hold their value too well... :P
Posted (edited)

Holy crap look at that AMC Concord!!! I traded in a borwn 1981 Concord just like that except more beat up at Bill DeLuca Chevy from an old Geezer. He bought a used Lumina.

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Edited by Sixty8panther
not bad! i'd have definitely given that a look a few months back. go check it out, and make sure you find out the true mileage on it. the motor's not the only part that accumulates wear over mileage... nice catch, though!

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Wow... 300 mile search spreads further than I thought. It's all the way out in New Jersey! Damn... but if it was closer, I'd definitely have to check it out.


dude, that's the one, awesome car, even go back further to the 90 and 91-94, that generation looked pretty nice too.

Good idea on the Corrado Mute...Those are awesome cars. They are pretty comparable to 944's which were also awesome cars (correct me if I'm wrong but were they not competitors?, I know different price ranges, but I always thought they were compared)...Deffinitely go for a corrado if you can, they are great looking, pretty quick, and they handle great. They also have a pretty wide aftermarket...Very cool cars. I love the corrados..


i wasnt the original corrado suggestor just to give credit where its due but i def think that BV should consider it... small zippy cars i like em and theyre fun to drive.... i always thought of em as VW's retarded front enigne fiero.. lol

That 240SX is something I would love to own... not too many nice ones left that have not been wrapped around a telephone pole, turned into drag cars or cut up for drifting.

Ross works wiht a kid at Autozone that has a couple of them, a beater with rotted out floors and one he's restoring. The other day I pulled up in the Coupe DeVille and he wa leaving work and he laid a patch like 30 feet long as he fishtailed out of the parking lot.

If N.J. is too far for you I'm going to tell him about htis car, he'd probably travel that far to pick one up if it was in good shape.

I love RWD Nissans/Datsuns. (as if you guys didn't already know)

Now on to the matter of this ASC/McLaren Turbo GP... do it, buy it!!! It's as rare as eyebrows on eggs! Sure the turbo probably needs to be rebuilt and the car will have certain hard to find parts but damn, imagine rolling in that bitch into a carshow... that'[s a neat car. I'm stil kicking myself for passing on the green one up by the Dragway I saw for sale in 2000. It was a green coupe (they made more 4drs!) and it had all the gold crap on it. Stick, Turbo! :wub:

Get that Garnd Prix, you can talk them down to $3800 or so if you have cash! TRUST ME! (money talks, bullshit walks) :)

Good luck Bro.
Sixty8... If I had already committed to selling everything... it might not be, but I haven't. I'm still very much undecided whether I will or not.... IDK, its just a big step and I don't like change when its something I love. I usually can never let go... Do you guys think I really should? Seriously, do you?
a resounding no for the turbo GP, I haven't seen any evidence that you're much in the way of mechanically inclined, and we're talking heavy work to keep that baby running. but if you wanna get something new, and you have the means, then go for it! get something you really enjoy, don't worry about impressing us/anybody else with your choice.
240 parts and labor probably can get expensive (though I never thought they were terrible on my car); but things don't go wrong often on them. My car was in three major accidents and still it rode and drove like brand new, and had hardly any relability issues. The engine purred and revved like a much newer engine than the 150k miles it had.
Posted (edited)

I'll sell you my 90 Caprice for $1500 and the ATV. that GTO is growing on me every day.

I hope to get pics some new pics soon if my buddy comes over

but here are som old pics I bet you seen already
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The car has either 73,000 173,000 or 273,000 miles i dont have the hundred thousand mile indicator

O yeah It has some Hi school auto body shop bondo job that kinda looks crappy and brand new paint. I hope I can get some new pics. Its shinny right now. :)

Edited by capriceman
I think I'll pass... Anyways, I think I'm selling it for sure now. I had an interesting experience with it today and keeping any longer may flush its value down the drain as I'm not sure how much longer its going to last. If you want to what I'm talking... see Fly's thread once I post in it. :D

I think I'll pass...

Anyways, I think I'm selling it for sure now. I had an interesting experience with it today and keeping any longer may flush its value down the drain as I'm not sure how much longer its going to last. If you want to what I'm talking... see Fly's thread once I post in it. :D


I see you just dont like STYLE and Be the COOLEST kid at School, also V8 POWER :lol: :AH-HA_wink:

If I sell it i would want $4000 or trade it for sumtin elese.
Bleh... Big, floaty sedans are totally not my style and fuel economy is a huge concern for me. No V8s and only V6s if they have a stick. Oh, BTW, I meant Bowtie's thread, not Fly's. :P
cant beleive i didnt say anything before.... try a caddy etc eldorado... northstar V8 and its two door and i knowwwww you can find em for under 4000 ive done it and almost bought one

Bleh... Big, floaty sedans are totally not my style and fuel economy is a huge concern for me. No V8s and only V6s if they have a stick.

Oh, BTW, I meant Bowtie's thread, not Fly's. :P


WHAT?? I get 16 city 27 hiway thats not bad. plus i can scare the crap out of you in that "land yacht"? try taking a 90 degree curve at 65 and stay on the road. You may think slow, big, and, no handling. I treat it as a ZO6. I bet I could take you on at a race track you GA vs. My Caprice.

O wait thats not a good selling point. Yeah I beat the crap out of it and push it untill it'll spin. Im taking it to a road course race up north soon around deer season the close off a road and have races. I'll Inform you of the results.

1 hour of hell for my Caprice 1 hour of enjoyment for my Navagator and me. my Nav. a good freind of mine is bringing a 87 Century so I think i got him at least.

Yeah I knew it was Bowties.
Well... I have a heavy foot and I do no highway driving. It's all city and back roads. My fuel economy suffers enough from all that. I don't need a V8... not unless gas gets back below $2. Oh and I can't forget that insurance will be higher for a V8. Anyways... pfft! Keep trash talking all you want, but in handling alone... my GA can whip your Caprice's ass. Power, though, is another story... :lol: :D
Well... according to Intelliprice (or whatever it's called), my GA is worth anywhere from $1200 to $2010. According to my brain, my 300EX is worth anywhere from $2890 to $3100. :D Hmm... that's still not alot. Damnit.
Your best bet would be to give up short term happiness for long term satisfaction. If you are serious about wanting a nicer car but cannot make the money aspect work out right now, put yourself in a position to get one in a few months. First thing, sell the ATV and put whatever you get for it in the bank. Do not touch that money, treat that money like it has syphillis and the plague and it sings Cher's greatest hits. Next, go get a crappy job. Lets be real you're 16 or 17 (dont remember exactly) you're not going to get a great job. Go do the burger flipping thing or the supermarket stock boy thing or the Wal-Mart cart pusher thing fo a few months and put that money with the Cher singing plague-infected ATV money, only use what you absolutely must, you know for gas, whatever. Yeah, crappy jobs suck, but look at it like this: you are getting paid to be somplace instead of sitting around at home, a side benefit would be that if you ever have another minor depression episode, you'll have co-workers who are far worse off than you are, great way to put life into perspective. So with the job you've got an extra $500ish/month on top of the $3000 you got for the ATV, do that for a while, shop around and when you find the car that is *PERFECT* the car that you wont be tired of in 6 months, sell the GA and spring on it. Patience sucks ass, but in the long run its worth it.
That makes sense... and I've been kind of looking for a job. My idea of not having a job to not interfere with school is kind of like a waste. I'm too unfocused/ADD to do anything anyways. So I end up cruising around, wasting gas, and being bored alot of the time causing me to go dealer hopping more than anyone could imagine and being on the internet almost 8-10 hours a day. Anyways, one of the salesman at the local GM dealer kind of sort of offered me a job there. Atleast I think it was implied. So I may go back and look into it... Then again... I have alot of sh!t I could sell that I want to as well. First there's my $1000 worth of 1:18 scale models, my bicycle, a bunch of electronics, and... oh I could go on and on and on... :lol: :P :D
A job is probably the best way to go. You've got to get one eventually, better learn exactly how much they suck sooner rather than later. And with you working, I would have a chance to catch up in post count.
:lol: Haha... yeah. Having alot of free time equals out to alot of time to post. Just be glad post counts are disabled here... I think my post count in the lounge will soon overtake my overall post count because of that. :D
Caprice: I'll trade you a beat up 1983 Volvo, roll of masking tape, 120 $.37 stamps, a 12 lbs. box of random Japanese car emblems & a rotted out Boat trailer for that beauty of a Caprice Classic. I'm serious. Ball's in your court. Alright, I'll throw in a 25 year old Stop sign, can of Spagheti-Os and a bunch of old college textbooks as well. C'mon! Work wiht me here! :P Seriously, I love those cars. NOw as far as BV is concerned, get that Grand Am, it's hot! Shaved dor handles on a mid 90s Grand Am? That's cool! I'd do up that baby lke a tail dragger. Pin striping, lowrider stance and even the louvres on the hood! No windshield visor though.
Look at Satty with his brilliant flash of clarity. That's excellent advice for our Vipes, Mr. Satman. Listen to Satty, Vipes!
Posted (edited)
BV said: "No matter how much proof I show them, they still think its death trap and (what really pissed me off) that its a "queer car"." Beev, just a question. Does your dad try to make you play football? Edited by C.H.U.D.
He-he.... "Ubber-Alfa-Male" :ph34r: :P How is the Fiero a gay car? A purple of turquoise Tracker? Yes. A baby blue base model Mitshubishi Eclipse with Flower pattern steering wheel? sure But not a mid engined Ferrari 308 wannabe.
Oh, boy. I guess I walked right into that one... [/NedFlanders]
Well Blu.... as I just posted in the "No reverse lights" thread, I am not without a car meaning without transportation to and from a workplace. Basically... it changes everything now. I either have to get the GA fixed (if possible for cheap) or just go ahead and get what I can out of it and deal with it and see what I can afford. Damn.

CHUD/Sevryd/Carnage :P No, he doesn't... but he kind of makes me hunt. If I had a choice, I probably wouldn't, but its not a big deal for me to do it.

As for them callin' the Fiero that... I really don't know why. Well... wait. My mom's guy "friend" used to have an 87 GT and let's just say that my dad... hates him to death. Literally. The cops have been called many times... Maybe that's why.

one vote against the probe here, if it's the 3.0 ford "vulcan" v6 (which i believe it is), it's not going to be horribly reliable, or fast, or pretty sounding.


I was speaking on one in his year range (93-97, the second gen)....they used a 2.5L DOHC Mazda, and won comparos against all the Japanese-badged coupes.

The first gens that used that crappy Vulcan were LXes, I believe....GTs were turbo fours.
68 I really cant sell it If it ever Klunks and rolls over I call you up :AH-HA_wink: BV: Get a JOB you Lazy BUM. We (most of us) got stupid jobs that kept us busy. Go work at a Oil Change shop Learn About Cars so You can keep that GA on the road while Following Satty's Infected bank Idea. How about I take my (In a way not really) 83 Scottedale Pick-up with a zz572ci (785 to the rear whell HP) and race you. Blisten coil overs all around. 6 speed stick with that push button over drive. Even I'll add a 20lb tank of N-O-S for ya. Only car/truck wher you can do aburn out doing 55 mph. To bad It goes up on the Auction block soon. Who would win Now?
Well, Capriceman, how do you expect me to get a job if I can't get to it? I said that my GA is pretty much done for. It's barely running and I can't risk driving it anymore. I'm selling it for sure, now. As for who would win... I have a freakin' 150hp Quad4... who do you think is going to win, stupid?!?!? :lol: :D Same with your Caprice. The only advantage my GA has on it is handling. Jeesh... :rolleyes: :P Anywho... glad to see my thread revived again! Especially since I've decided to sell my vehicles...


You never mentioned this before. Does that make 785 hp on pump gas or race gas? And why are you auctioning it off? Spill the beans man!


Its Charity Crap.

I get paid to build a sweet car send it to another guy that does body and paint. then Auction it off. I get $4000 profit he gets $2000 profit. Rest is charity.

I mentioned it before only smal bits of info at a time.

Yes 93 octane pump.

It means nothing to me really. :blink: :huh: Its to fast to drive and not get a ticket. It leaves me In december :( . Last car a 1944 Willys jeep witha SB 383 went for $55,000. we raisd $40,000 for assorted charitys. I dont know who. It is through this job that Im layed off right now but its fun. The truck needs the bed and a Frame stregthning.

Its makes you temperaly insane becsause all you want to do is just spin tires and go faster.

No pics Availble sry guys.

So go imagine it in your Pinto and think if only....
O BV ride ur ATV to work. Or borrow a parents or huff it on a bike.
so ur looking at Jap Crap Fan boy stuff??....... And yet ur a Pontiac Fan from Hell????????? :huh:
I always liked the notchback 240s better than the hatchbacks. That's a nice car, but I think it's overpriced. Is there really that much demand for these? I guess, with the drifting craze going on.

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