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It will be called Camaro. If you continue reading on like page 4 or 5 guionM said something like "I'll be in Detroit to see the Camaro concept debut."
Eroding profits, sliding marketshare, a company in healthcare crisis....yet lets pay our people to draw names out of a hat? :shakes head:
Thanks for posting this Northie. This is the first time I've truly felt confident in the possibility of a Camaro debut. :) Between this and the production Pontiac news, I CAN'T WAIT for the auto show season to begin!

Eroding profits, sliding marketshare, a company in healthcare crisis....yet lets pay our people to draw names out of a hat?

:shakes head:


Josh sent you a PM. Write back when you get a chance.
Posted (edited)
This is a good find :cheers: This all seems pretty serious in terms of Camaro or future pony car news. Edited by nzr
Interesting indeed.

But, where'd Fbodyfather get the names? Did people send their names in to be considered from these "various sites"? And, how are people deemed "enthusiast" (i.e. what is the definition of or criteria to be an enthusiast)?

Oddly, I'm even more suspicious....

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker
MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
Models.HO = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/trainroom.html
"You've made a fool of everyone" ... Jet ... 'Look What You've Done'
Saw that just now ... here it is, in case ya'll didn't see it as I hadn't to begin with.... "Your name was on the list if: >you post regularly >you have a Camaro or Firebird >you haven't been banned >you show enthusiasm for the Camaro and Firebird. We looked at 5 sites plus the presidents of clubs/websites" Sounds a bit elitist, but as he mentioned, there really is no completely fair way to determine who is on the list and who isn't.... Just a shame that Impala and Monte Carlo enthusiasts don't have something similar to look forward to at this point.... *sighs*

What drugs you on, NOS?  Whatever they are ... I want some ;).

*chuckles devilishly*


Nah, no drugs. Just pretty happy. It's been a great night. And I'm up pretty late considering I have to be up by 7:30ish to check out a college and it's gonna be a longggg day.

Nah, no drugs. Just pretty happy. It's been a great night. And I'm up pretty late considering I have to be up by 7:30ish to check out a college and it's gonna be a longggg day.

What college you checkin' out?

Heh...maybe colleges need to teach people how to question things more often ;).

Honestly none of those 250 people should be there during press days. There are enough actual working media there from all over the world to make press days an absolute mob scene. That's all thats needed is 250 additional yahoos getting in the way and filling up press conferences that are already so packed its a human car wash.


I agree 100% with Chris Doane. If you get 250 people that have no idea about the business, what to say, how to act, in the same building as this business's elite....you're going to have problems.

Totally insane and ludracris in my eyes. Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely happy a new Camaro is coming, however to invite "enthusiasts" to a "screening" of what the car might be is just plain wrong.

It proves everything that is wrong with GM. The NAIAS is nothing more than a "focus group" of Camaro owners, which it shouldn't be. Who wants some crack pot proclaiming the Camaro based off a rough concept at the North American International Auto Show?

Ludracris. I sincerely hope General Motors reconsiders. I sometimes wonder if Bob Lutz is really calling all the shots in the company.

I mean.....letting Jo Blow into the press days? C'mon now.
I said it about how they'll act. Lets face it. If they've never spoken with a Bob Lutz before.....they'll act like complete morons.

I mean.....letting Jo Blow into the press days? C'mon now.


The more important question is... Could I be that Jo Blow?!? :D

A week ago someone told me a Camaro would be shown at the LAIAS and NAIAS, and that it would hit showroom floors in a year or so... I didn't want to post that, figuring it would just cause more drama. But... now it seems like a possibility. I'm prepared for the worst... but I rather it not come to that! Now we just have to wait and see...

Will it be a RWD, BOF, V8, 6-speed pillarless hardtop? Let the rumor mill begin!


Wow... wouldn't that be heaven on earth?
What better way to get teh buzz started an pre-orders than to bring in the group that is super hot about it. It doesn't really matter what GM does for NAIAS, a new Camaro will be sold out which is just what they need.

I mean.....letting Jo Blow into the press days? C'mon now.

Well just for the record, I've seen lots of "Jo Blows" at media events. In fact alot of the press present, are from the lay media (ie., non-automotive)...and frankly don't even have the first clue.

It seems to me that the people that were picked to go to this, are the kind of people who know what to say, know how to say it and know how to act...and WHATDOYOUKNOW...they're Camaro enthusiasts as well. :AH-HA_wink:

Personally, I couldn't be happier to be one of the Camaro Jo Blows selected to go to this VERY SPECIAL unveiling. :) Thanks Fbodfather and all others involved!



Talk to Scott and see if you can take a good video camera in with you. I would love to see really high quality video of the concept inside and out. Heck I wanna hear Scott talk about it. Might be worth it to sell them, if it is OK with Scott. He could include it with his book when it comes out.

So there is no way the public will see what it looks like?


The thread goes on to say that cameras are encouraged, and that they are trying to setup a simulcast....so I'll be willing to bet that within hours of the unveiling, we'll be seeing pics on the cz28 site and elsewhere...probably here too.


The thread goes on to say that cameras are encouraged, and that they are trying to setup a simulcast....so I'll be willing to bet that within hours of the unveiling, we'll be seeing pics on the cz28 site and elsewhere...probably here too.



Awesome! :cheers: :metal:
if the camaro does return it will more than likely be a 2009 model, but it will probably hit showrooms in January 2008. although I wouldnt rule it out being availible in the fall of 2007.. it will take atleast a year to get an assembly plant tooled for the model.. where it will be assembled is still unknown.. spring hill tn is possible if Ion production moves to lordstown.. could be built in Oshwa ontario, Doraville GA, lansing Mich..

Honestly none of those 250 people should be there during press days. There are enough actual working media there from all over the world to make press days an absolute mob scene. That's all thats needed is 250 additional yahoos getting in the way and filling up press conferences that are already so packed its a human car wash.


Maybe those "250 yahoos" will actually have something positive to say about the car, instead of the typical media :bs:
Posted (edited)

I agree 100% with Chris Doane. If you get 250 people that have no idea about the business, what to say, how to act, in the same building as this business's elite....you're going to have problems.

Totally insane and ludracris in my eyes. Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely happy a new Camaro is coming, however to invite "enthusiasts" to a "screening" of what the car might be is just plain wrong.

It proves everything that is wrong with GM. The NAIAS is nothing more than a "focus group" of Camaro owners, which it shouldn't be. Who wants some crack pot proclaiming the Camaro based off a rough concept at the North American International Auto Show?

Ludracris. I sincerely hope General Motors reconsiders. I sometimes wonder if Bob Lutz is really calling all the shots in the company.

I mean.....letting Jo Blow into the press days? C'mon now.


GET OVER IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been posting here since FEB that FBOD said the Camaro was not Canceled even with the Zeta program changes and have been posting since July/ Aug nFbod said that it would be in Detroit in January.

Except for a few who know enough to listen to the Fbodfather all I have seen is Oh ya right. Well it is about time many here wake up and follow what Scott has been saying all along, he is the key player here.

Now for all this crying on who is invited and who is not, keep in mind Scott is not going to invite just any freaks to this. I know some that are in the drawings and they are people who run some of the largest Camaro clubs and part MFG's. in the country. They on a regular baises interact with the same kind of people who will be at press day.

These are not going some rednecks with a jacked up 74 Camaro LT with bad neon lights and cheesey stripes! If your expecting that you need to wise up. They are major club leaders, Camaro collectors and historians and people from the after market like GMMG the builders of some of the best F bodies ever put together. I would not be suprised if Vic Edlebrock make the show since he has some of the rarest Camaros around and will help supply parts for the new ones.

These are also the very same people who have yeilded to Scotts coments and believed him when he said don't give up. They are the very same people who have helped Scott prove the cars buisness case to those in GM such a car was needed and a market was there to sell it to. They are not the one's bad mouthing GM publicly because things were not happening in their personel taste or time frame.

With some of the comments posted over the last few years here I can see why many here would not be invited. I would not want that kind rubbing elbows with the kind of people who will be there.

For what it's worth, Scott has also said all your drawings are wrong and none have shown the car correctly. Also he has repeated the car is styled with many cue's from all Gen's of Camaro, with the quote "think second Gen will also have a part in the styling. [Roof Line? not sure on this yet]. Bottom line this is not a 100% retro car it is a new car with a few cues from the past like the C6.

Finally the name Camaro is free and clear in 2007. I am not sure of the date but if they show this car in Jan it must be clear on 12-31-06? The new Camaro at GM has been just called THE CAR with in GM and the Camaro name has not been tied to it. This is part of the reason why things have been so tight on the name.

The story by Johhny Hudkins in PHR was one thing that those tied to this program did not like and he was never to go public with the story on the problems with the name and the Canadian Union.

If you want to know anyting as I have stated before follow what Fbodfather/redplanet has to say as he is the lead man here on info that you will hear first.

Also if you get the chance to meet Scott and talk, take the time he is a wealth of info [GM legal]. Some of what he says many not add up but as time goes the pieces fit and you will figure it out he will always tell you as much as he can. Edited by hyperv6

I agree 100% with Chris Doane. If you get 250 people that have no idea about the business, what to say, how to act, in the same building as this business's elite....you're going to have problems.

Totally insane and ludracris in my eyes. Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely happy a new Camaro is coming, however to invite "enthusiasts" to a "screening" of what the car might be is just plain wrong.

It proves everything that is wrong with GM. The NAIAS is nothing more than a "focus group" of Camaro owners, which it shouldn't be. Who wants some crack pot proclaiming the Camaro based off a rough concept at the North American International Auto Show?

Ludracris. I sincerely hope General Motors reconsiders. I sometimes wonder if Bob Lutz is really calling all the shots in the company.

I mean.....letting Jo Blow into the press days? C'mon now.


What' s wrong Josh, don't like crazy? :P

Good or Bad, GM is gotta grow some balls...whether is nuts or not-we could use
the hype...

And as long as they don't burn the place down (wait, that might be ok.. :lol: ),
it sure can't hurt.....

Gm needs all the loyal people it can get at this point...

Heck, the mustang people are getting into this too....

GET OVER IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been posting here since FEB that FBOD said the Camaro was not Canceled even with the Zeta program changes and have been posting since July/ Aug nFbod said  that it would be in Detroit in January.

Except for a few who know enough to listen to the Fbodfather all I have seen  is Oh ya right. Well it is about time many here wake up and follow what Scott has been saying all along, he is the key player here.

Now for all this crying on who is invited and who is not, keep in mind Scott is not going to invite just any freaks to this. I know some that are in the drawings and they are people who run some of the largest Camaro clubs and part MFG's. in the country. They on a regular baises interact with the same kind of people who will be at press day.

These are not going some rednecks with a jacked up 74 Camaro LT with bad neon lights and cheesey stripes! If your expecting that you need to wise up. They are major club leaders, Camaro collectors and historians and people from the after market like GMMG the builders of some of the best F bodies ever put together. I would not be suprised if Vic Edlebrock make the show since he has some of the rarest Camaros around and will help supply parts for the new ones. 

These are also the very same people who have yeilded to Scotts coments and believed him when he said don't give up. They are the very same people who have helped Scott prove the cars buisness case to those in GM such a car was needed and a market was there to sell it to. They are not the one's bad mouthing GM publicly because things were not happening in their personel taste or time frame.

With some of the comments  posted over the last few years here I can see why many here would not be invited. I would not want that kind rubbing elbows with the kind of people who will be there.

For what it's worth, Scott has also said all your drawings are wrong and none have shown the car correctly. Also he has repeated the car is styled with many cue's from all Gen's of Camaro, with the quote "think second Gen will also have a part in the styling. [Roof Line? not sure on this yet]. Bottom line this is not a 100% retro car it is a new car with a few cues from the past like the C6.

Finally the name Camaro is free and clear in 2007. I am not sure of the date but if they show this car in Jan it must be clear on 12-31-06? The new Camaro at GM has been just called THE CAR with in GM and the Camaro name has not been tied to it. This is part of the reason why things have been so tight on the name.

The story by Johhny Hudkins in PHR was one thing that those tied to this program did not like and he was never to go public with the story on the problems with the name and the Canadian Union.

If you want to know anyting as I have stated before follow what Fbodfather/redplanet has to say as he is the lead man here on info that you will hear first.

Also if you get the chance to meet Scott and talk, take the time he is a wealth of info [GM legal]. Some of what he says many not add up but as time goes the pieces fit and you will figure it out he will always tell you as much as he can.


Concept car and an approved program with timing and dedicated resources are two different things. Don't get your hopes up yet.

Concept car and an approved program with timing and dedicated resources are two different things. Don't get your hopes up yet.


I'm not getting my hopes up for production yet. However, even getting a concept at this point is enough to make me smile.

Concept car and an approved program with timing and dedicated resources are two different things. Don't get your hopes up yet.


In some cases, a concept car is better then NOTHING. This is one of those cases, and it's how we should look at it.

They did something similar with the C6 Corvette remember, so they they know what to expect.


I was going to say the same thing..... I think it time for some of us to put the "Hater-ade"
Incredible. I will try and be there during public days, maybe I can meet some C&Gers there. I have held hope and as time gets closer it becomes more and more reality. I just hope they show it in different colors and different trims, you know not just one version of it?
Posted (edited)
Wow, funny to read some of the comments. Yup, time is coming for the nay'sayers to eat some crow.

One of the 250 "yahoos" checking in.... and yeah, I think I might have an idea how to act at a car debut. I'm sure many of you saw my pictures from the LA Auto Show back in January.


Just one note, nowhere has the word Camaro been used... that being said..... LA folks arent going to be happy. Detroit folks will be, and will continue to be during the public days at NAIAS. Edited by ChrisL

Wow, funny to read some of the comments. Yup, time is coming for the nay'sayers to eat some crow.

One of the 250 "yahoos" checking in.... and yeah, I think I might have an idea how to act at a car debut. I'm sure many of you saw my pictures from the LA Auto Show back in January.


Just one note, nowhere has the word Camaro been used... that being said. LA folks arent going to be happy. Detroit folks will be, and will continue to be during the public days at NAIAS.


What word did they use if i can ask?

What word did they use if i can ask?


GM isnt saying anything yet.

The invitiation simply stated.... "Chevrolet will be unveiling several new models at the North American International Auto Show at Cobo Hall in Detroit, Michigan"

Totally insane and ludracris in my eyes. Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely happy a new Camaro is coming, however to invite "enthusiasts" to a "screening" of what the car might be is just plain wrong.

It proves everything that is wrong with GM. The NAIAS is nothing more than a "focus group" of Camaro owners, which it shouldn't be. Who wants some crack pot proclaiming the Camaro based off a rough concept at the North American International Auto Show?

Ludracris. I sincerely hope General Motors reconsiders. I sometimes wonder if Bob Lutz is really calling all the shots in the company.

I mean.....letting Jo Blow into the press days? C'mon now.


I don't get it, what's wrong with a screening? It just shows a car to a bunch of people a couple days before the world sees it...

Is there something more important that I'm missing here?

Do people who attend a screening somehow gain executive powers or something?

And who are you going to invite besides enthusiasts? People of the street? Honda fans? The media...? That's been working well...

And who are you going to invite besides enthusiasts?

Exactly. The media obviously will be there en masse too.

It's simply Scott giving back to the F-Car enthusiast community. GM needs more people like him.

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