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SNL Totally rips domestic auto industry


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I usually watch SNL (because there is nothing else on at the time), but didn't catch it this past weekend....and apparently missed a total undeserved thrashing of the American auto industry. It was full of all of the stupid misinformed opinions that have lead over half of the country to buy foreign cars. View this clip for yourself, and see if you think the portrayal of the Big 3 was "fair":


Unfortunately, people seem to believe everything they see on SNL....I mean, just look at the election......and SNL is using it's time to promote it's Detroit-hating OPINIONS as "FACTS" on a national stage for millions of people. Please join me in emailing them hate-mail to: [email protected] , and boycotting them until they offer an apology for the spreading of misinformation about American car quality, and even safety. They just said in the skit that the Big 3 need to build safer cars (implying that they do not already, but that foreign automakers do), while the latest list of IIHS Top Safety Picks gives top honors to Ford and Volvo, with GM in 4th place tying Toyota.

And Mods, if this is in the wrong forum, please move to the correct one. Thank you!

Edited by BrewSwillis
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Despicable. Where's the skit about the Tacomas braking in half, or the $20 billion Congress just gave to Citigroup no questions asked? Or the rest of that $700 billion bailout that was handed over to the assholes who causes the financial meltdown in the first place? (they may have done that skit, I dunno)


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Shoot, I thought those bitches would continue to fall lockstep in behind Obama, just as they did before the election. They're stupid. Except for very brief moments, SNL has not been funny since the days of Belushi, Aykroid, Curtin, et al.
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I haven't watched SNL in about a decade. Their attempts at humor are often painful. I wouldn't get overly upset about their trashing of Detroit: we know that it is both that particular age group and Hollywood in general that are the result of the me-first generation. They are 'entitled'

to drive their Lexus and Acuras, as we are entitled to watch BBC sitcoms which are far more intelligent and cutting edge.

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You know it's funny to make fun of politicians, because in reality they are all the same, however it's quite another story when millions of North Americans may lose their jobs over this.

Ya, it's not really a humor topic, IMHO. Of course, the demographic that watches SNL today (20-somethings) mostly drive Hondas, VWs and Toyotas, so most of them probably couldn't care less about the Big 3.

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Moved to GM news, because I want it seen by non-members and I want to link it on the front page.

This is absolutely appalling, and exactly the kind of self-loathing humor that got us where we are now.

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I thought it was funny, especially the chart with dates and amounts of money they wanted and how no one watches C-span. Fred Armesen's Barney Frank was good too, better than his Obama. Detroit needs to learn to take a joke if they are offended. If the Detroit 3 didn't lose $100 billion over the past 5 years, and the CEOs didn't look like fools on the first trip they went to Congress SNL wouldn't have had anything to use on them.

Edited by smk4565
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Despicable. Where's the skit about the Tacomas braking in half, or the $20 billion Congress just gave to Citigroup no questions asked? Or the rest of that $700 billion bailout that was handed over to the assholes who causes the financial meltdown in the first place? (they may have done that skit, I dunno)


There was a skit from October that was banned because it struck the wrong nerve with George Soros.


More detailed explanation here:


Edited by longtooth
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They're stupid. Except for very brief moments, SNL has not been funny since the days of Belushi, Aykroid, Curtin, et al.

yeap, the best SNL con only be found on box sets.

They are 'entitled' to drive their Lexus and Acuras, as we are entitled to watch BBC sitcoms which are far more intelligent and cutting edge.


I thought it was funny, especially the chart with dates and amounts of money they wanted and how no one watches C-span. Fred Armesen's Barney Frank was good too, better than his Obama. Detroit needs to learn to take a joke if they are offended. If the Detroit 3 didn't lose $100 billion over the past 5 years, and the CEOs didn't look like fools on the first trip they went to Congress SNL wouldn't have had anything to use on them.

dude its hard to take a joke when your livelyhood is the punch line. and i could care less what the "writers" or those "comedians" think about real world stuff after the little strike they had people should be making fun of them for being so pretentious. i'll venture to say that neither party has had a credible contributing job to society since they were in high school.

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I usually watch SNL (because there is nothing else on at the time), but didn't catch it this past weekend....and apparently missed a total undeserved thrashing of the American auto industry. It was full of all of the stupid misinformed opinions that have lead over half of the country to buy foreign cars....Unfortunately, people seem to believe everything they see on SNL....I mean, just look at the election....

Oh, get a sense of humor. First, Obama was going to win with or without SNL. Second, the Big3 skit was SO over the top that only people with blinders on wouldn't get the joke.

The biggest problem with the skit was that it went on too long. Put the three execs in a car and drive them to Washington...good joke. On-going loans...good joke, but a little too close to the truth.

There's so much discussion on threads around here about the overwhelming conservative nature of the posters and how politically-correct speak has gone overboard, but then someone pokes fun at the Big3 and everyone's up in arms! If it weren't a funny skit, that's one thing...but poking fun at the Big3, especially their executives, is not taboo.

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Shoot, I thought those bitches would continue to fall lockstep in behind Obama, just as they did before the election. They're stupid. Except for very brief moments, SNL has not been funny since the days of Belushi, Aykroid, Curtin, et al.

very brief moments..? will ferrel or.. oh what's his name.. was on news radio.. phil hartman. but I've nver been a big fan of snl.

some things were funny... those were the parts that were not factual, but the skit was pretty bad overall

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I sent my flame mail in a form of stating the facts and scolding them for their poor research on the topic before they just rip millions of Hard Working Americans for the job they have done.

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I sent my flame mail in a form of stating the facts and scolding them for their poor research on the topic before they just rip millions of Hard Working Americans for the job they have done.

SNL wasn't ripping millions of hard working Americans, they were ripping 3 CEOs that make $15 million+ a year to run failed businesses and showed up in front of Congress looking for a loan without a business plan.

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SNL wasn't ripping millions of hard working Americans, they were ripping 3 CEOs that make $15 million+ a year to run failed businesses and showed up in front of Congress looking for a loan without a business plan.

While I do think the skit should be taken as a joke, the statements of the cars falling apart & catching on fire would be insulting to the men & women who (generally) work very hard to build quality cars. The skit makes fun of many people/organizations, not just the CEOs.

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Let's face it, the leftists, greenpeacers and such really want the car companies to fail.

They've detested them from the beginning, especially GM, they hated the corportate

power, they hate anything that is big and American. They actually loathe America.

And want to replace it with something quite different.

SNL is no different, they are left of centre, socialists. Afterall it was created by

my fellow Canadian, many tend to be socialist.

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It's interesting you say that it's leftists that want the car companies to fail, yet there are also plenty of Republicans, and people on the right who are highly opposed to any bailout or intervention.

Yes...the red state retards like Sen. Shelby that hate unions and have Korean, German and Japanese plants in their states..

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very brief moments..? will ferrel or.. oh what's his name.. was on news radio.. phil hartman. but I've nver been a big fan of snl.

some things were funny... those were the parts that were not factual, but the skit was pretty bad overall

I liked SNL when I was in college and grad school, late '80s-mid '90s...Phil Hartman, Kevin Nealon, etc...it was overall still pretty funny then, IMHO. In recent years, overall, it's just $h!e.

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Ya, it's not really a humor topic, IMHO. Of course, the demographic that watches SNL today (20-somethings) mostly drive Hondas, VWs and Toyotas, so most of them probably couldn't care less about the Big 3.

That's just it.

99% of americans are too f*cking stupid to realize that the 3 CEOs aren't the only employees of the big 3.

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Yes...the red state retards like Sen. Shelby that hate unions and have Korean, German and Japanese plants in their states..

Pretty much the whole country wants the industry to fail...

I say, we give them what they want.

10% unemployment. 3.5 million without jobs. No manufacturing for defense. and BILLIONS in pension & re-education costs.

Then we'll see if their opinion changes.

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Let's face it, the leftists, greenpeacers and such really want the car companies to fail.

They've detested them from the beginning, especially GM, they hated the corportate

power, they hate anything that is big and American. They actually loathe America.

And want to replace it with something quite different.

SNL is no different, they are left of centre, socialists. Afterall it was created by

my fellow Canadian, many tend to be socialist.

It's interesting you say that it's leftists that want the car companies to fail, yet there are also plenty of Republicans, and people on the right who are highly opposed to any bailout or intervention.

This is what I find very perplexing. UAW workers will support Democrats till the end of time, but the "liberals" on the West and East coast HATE American cars, and the companies that make them. I believe it is a self/American loathing attitude mixed in with jealousy of these "high paid, high school dropout" UAW laborers with better health plans than 90% of the country. I don't understand why this country now thinks it's ridiculous to pay people a fair wage, with good health care, and a pension?? :confused0071: I understand that most employees nowadays can't even dream of getting a pension, and for that matter even decent health care, but at what had it become stupid, and irresponsible of an employer to offer such things? People are so jealous of others being successful (UAW workers over the years), that they will purposely not buy an American automobile just to smite a UAW worker. Yes, this is a reason that many foreign auto owners give as the only reason that they bought a foreign auto.

Now, the other thing that is perplexing is that the Republican government can give two $h!s about the domestic auto industry....but people that tend to be Republicans, which are typically midwesterners and southerners, are the ones most likely to drive an American car, or even more likely a truck. This is the one reason why I love conservative "rednecks". Because they are usually patriotic, and tend to try and support American goods. Why do you think all of the Asian automakers set up shop in the south? It was a propaganda move to try and convince "rednecks" to buy foreign cars because they are giving them jobs. They didn't need to set up shops on the coasts, because the people there didn't even need the slightest budge to buy a foreign car....they were actively seeking them due to their hate of the US auto industry.

Now, for the people that say lighten up, they only made fun of some CEO's and politicians......they sure as hell did not. If they just made fun of the CEO's flying private jets and getting millions in bonuses while their companies were failing, then I would have been laughing right along side of them. But that's not all they made fun of. They made fun of American car quality, safety, and the workers who make the cars.....all while being grossly untrue. With the exception of the current Chrysler (fresh off of getting $h!ted out by Daimler), GM and Ford are near the top in quality and safety. They are also pretty high in fuel economy considering all of the trucks and SUVs they have sold (to people who wanted them).

And for the people talking about the NBC agenda. I believe that they have become an Ultra-Liberal network who's goal is to push their liberal agenda down America's throat. Whether it be getting "their" president into office, or destroying the US auto industry. I tend to lean a bit to the conservative side on most issues, but can't stand when either side tries to push it's beliefs down the public's collective throat. I can't watch FOX News or MSNBC. :puke:

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Actually, I kind of thought it was sort of funny. But then again, SNL isn't nearly as funny as it was in the 70s, and for a stint in the early 90s. But I digress...It was a little over the top, which is what comedy is supposed to be. I think the gross exaggeration about factories that produce nothing but lemons, etc, etc..I think it was all exaggerated for the sake of comedy honestly.

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For those of you who haven't watched SNL in a while, give it a chance. It is definitely on the up swing with this cast....Andy, Kristin, Seth, Amy up until a few weeks ago....All great!

Anyway, this skit was definitely bull$h!. My roommate said something about the Big 3 bailout and I had to rip him a new one. I asked him where he heard all this $h!......perezhilton.com. I walked away before I lost it. People are misinformed and this skit didn't help at all. If only everyone read C&G.

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This is what I find very perplexing. UAW workers will support Democrats till the end of time, but the "liberals" on the West and East coast HATE American cars, and the companies that make them. I believe it is a self/American loathing attitude mixed in with jealousy of these "high paid, high school dropout" UAW laborers with better health plans than 90% of the country. I don't understand why this country now thinks it's ridiculous to pay people a fair wage, with good health care, and a pension?? :confused0071: I understand that most employees nowadays can't even dream of getting a pension, and for that matter even decent health care, but at what had it become stupid, and irresponsible of an employer to offer such things? People are so jealous of others being successful (UAW workers over the years), that they will purposely not buy an American automobile just to smite a UAW worker. Yes, this is a reason that many foreign auto owners give as the only reason that they bought a foreign auto.

Now, the other thing that is perplexing is that the Republican government can give two $h!s about the domestic auto industry....but people that tend to be Republicans, which are typically midwesterners and southerners, are the ones most likely to drive an American car, or even more likely a truck. This is the one reason why I love conservative "rednecks". Because they are usually patriotic, and tend to try and support American goods. Why do you think all of the Asian automakers set up shop in the south? It was a propaganda move to try and convince "rednecks" to buy foreign cars because they are giving them jobs. They didn't need to set up shops on the coasts, because the people there didn't even need the slightest budge to buy a foreign car....they were actively seeking them due to their hate of the US auto industry.

Now, for the people that say lighten up, they only made fun of some CEO's and politicians......they sure as hell did not. If they just made fun of the CEO's flying private jets and getting millions in bonuses while their companies were failing, then I would have been laughing right along side of them. But that's not all they made fun of. They made fun of American car quality, safety, and the workers who make the cars.....all while being grossly untrue. With the exception of the current Chrysler (fresh off of getting $h!ted out by Daimler), GM and Ford are near the top in quality and safety. They are also pretty high in fuel economy considering all of the trucks and SUVs they have sold (to people who wanted them).

And for the people talking about the NBC agenda. I believe that they have become an Ultra-Liberal network who's goal is to push their liberal agenda down America's throat. Whether it be getting "their" president into office, or destroying the US auto industry. I tend to lean a bit to the conservative side on most issues, but can't stand when either side tries to push it's beliefs down the public's collective throat. I can't watch FOX News or MSNBC. :puke:

Not too be picky, but with respect to the liberal/conservative divide, I would further divide these 'groups' into social conservatives/economic conservatives plus social liberals/economic liberals. This is an important point. Economic conservatives are against any kind of a bailout, as are social liberals. Social conservatives and economic liberals would see bail outs as a necessary evil.

I don't believe we can go by the old labels anymore, which is why most Western countries are becoming so politically fractured and, therefore, paralyzed.

Social liberals want autos banned. Economic liberals want more government intervention. It is harder to nail down a majority of what people believe/want anymore.

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I watched it.

Didn't think it was too funny, the humor was kinda stale.

I didn't think the domestic car bashing was that traumatic, even though the CHRYSLER had the most problems, and the windshield blew out.....


It's just a skit.

Too bad I couldn't write a skit for SNL about the imports.


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The thing about SNL is that it is entirely satire. As such, it makes fun of whatever it can for the day. I don't think I'd ever call bias on them, especially considering all their classic skits on Bill Clinton and Janet Reno back in the day.

It's like what one of the Comedy Central guys said back in 2000: They were hoping Bush would win, because they couldn't imagine having much material with bland, boring Al Gore. Bush and his memorable ideosyncrasies proved to be much better satirical fodder.

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I usually watch SNL (because there is nothing else on at the time), but didn't catch it this past weekend....and apparently missed a total undeserved thrashing of the American auto industry. It was full of all of the stupid misinformed opinions that have lead over half of the country to buy foreign cars. View this clip for yourself, and see if you think the portrayal of the Big 3 was "fair":


Unfortunately, people seem to believe everything they see on SNL....I mean, just look at the election......and SNL is using it's time to promote it's Detroit-hating OPINIONS as "FACTS" on a national stage for millions of people. Please join me in emailing them hate-mail to: [email protected] , and boycotting them until they offer an apology for the spreading of misinformation about American car quality, and even safety. They just said in the skit that the Big 3 need to build safer cars (implying that they do not already, but that foreign automakers do), while the latest list of IIHS Top Safety Picks gives top honors to Ford and Volvo, with GM in 4th place tying Toyota.

And Mods, if this is in the wrong forum, please move to the correct one. Thank you!

I'm not joining you in your "Hate Mail" campaign.

I think it's silly, and serves no purpose. You expect SNL to take a look at your hatemail and decide never to play a skit like that again? Perhaps have remorse? I have a bridge to sell you if you actually believe that. SNL has been on air for over 30 years.... you think that skit ranked even in the top 50% of skits that generated angry letters? Think again.

The skit was obviously a parody, and to a large degree you can fit all the people who look at Saturday Night Live as a factual news program around a small coffee table in a very small room. The skit, like it or not, like all jokes have a grain of truth. In this instance, the CEOs of the big 3 were as a group ridiculous in front of congress. Mulally (as much as I love what the guy is doing at Ford) actually said he's very comfortable where his pay is (over $23 million), obviously oblivious to how this sounded to a congressional panel listening to what is a plea for money. Rick Wagoner was little better dancing around the issue. Nardelli seemed not to be able to articulate any Chrysler plan beyond tomorrow a mere month after GM went to congress for a loan to buy Chrysler.

All 3 arrived on private corperate jets. All 3 spent most all of this past decade shoveling almost all their money and resources into large trucks and SUVs which left them venerable (for the 1st time in their history) to sudden jumps in fuel prices or economic downturns. Ford killed off most every car they had in their pipeline early this decade that Jac Nasser had initiated. GM can develop a new car in less time than it takes to get it approved. Chrysler created the very well made and high quality for the day Chrysler 300 (as well as the Magnum & Charger), then proceeded to make it's successive new models (save the Ram) with even cheaper materials than before.

I understand the issue that plenty of jobs are at stake here. The economy as well. The summer 1998 strike against GM dropped the US economy 2%. 1 in 7 jobs in the US depend on to some degree or another on the US auto industry. But what seems to be forgotten here is that the auto industry itself got itself into this current position.

What if GM devoted as much effort on cars as it did on the GMT900? Or if GM ran all it's car programs like they have done on the new Camaro? From striking design, to streamlined development, to emphasis on quality, to being directly competitive (in more than advertisements) to imported cars. What if Chrysler made the Avenger and Sebring with the same solid materials and the same "make us or break us" mentality that the LX cars were developed under? What if Ford turned a fraction of the resources it used on the F-series towards updating the Crown Vic? Or letting it's stylists enjoy the freedom they have now that Fords against the ropes back when they were doing the Five Hundred?

The unions have their share of the blame too. While they have been very clearsighted and levelheaded the past 2 negotiation cycles (give backs, rule changes, allowing non union people to handle all positions not directly in manufacturing), and they are a mere fragment of their size in the 70s and 80s. But it's odd seeing some of the same people that advocated all but firing the union and hiring minimum wage workers now taking the view that seems to support them.

Returning to the SNL skit, it's going to be offensive to those who see no humor in it. That's the point of edgy humor. Wanting to send hate mail because of some idea that the nation will look at it as fact is ludicrious.

Just as ludicrious is the post on this thread that seems to think treehuggers are behind the thrashing the US industry is getting in congress. It was the republicans that blocked aid, and I don't suspect it was because of treehugging reasons. It was because.... read this part carefully.... as a group, the big 3 had no plans for recovery.

General Motors wanted backed loans to essentially keep the lights on. Republicans (rightfully) wondered what's going to happen when that money runs out unless they have a plan?

Chrysler fell into the same catagory. Chrysler was even worse because only a month before they were saying that they wouldn't survive unless they were bought by General Motors! If they were in that bad a shape, again the correct and rightful question stands: "Why send money into a rathole?"

Ford was there not even looking for money, but a line of credit and making sure GM didn't collaspse bringing OEMs and suppliers GM uses (and Ford also depends on) down with them.

In the end, US automakers will get loans.

Cerberus will be forced to actually plan a future for Chrysler that doesn't involve selling it off in pieces.

Ford will get a line of credit which all but gaurantees it will have more than enough money for it's turnaround.

GM will be forced to revamp it's bureaucracy and streamline it's operations.

The "Job Bank" and other useless union freebees will disappear.

Cars will get more emphasis than trucks.

We'll finally get the great cars our big 3 make overseas instead of dumbed down cars.

And, unlike the outgoing Bush administration, we'll actually have a government that actually is intrested in keeping a US auto industry instead of doing everything in it's power to move jobs and car production overseas.

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if this were any other business, they would have failed or management would have been fired long ago. i believe GM is finally going in the right direction, but how many times has that been said and the results, the actual luster to the product, the thing I want to aspire to own, has failed to live up to expectations. as fans, all we can ask is that our cars be properly executed and that the marketing live up to what we expect for these storied models. GM has failed so badly on those two points in the last decade, they deserve to completely be wiped off the table. however, being a fan of cars in general it would be a sad day to see some of these models and makes not live up to thier potential and given their day to shine.

i have been with gm egging them on to succeed and trying to refocus them on the core issue every buyers looks at in thier everyday lives. it has been thier fault for failing to understand what motivates US. any other business would have been catapulted already.

I feel management needs to completely step aside, perhaps if CPF has not been with the business too long, he can be promoted to CEO, but they need outsiders to turn this ship around. I am growing more disappointed and disallusioned with not seeing that promised product renaissance by the second, i am tired of being patient.

Edited by turbo200
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Guys... you're taking this too personally.

It's supposed to be ENTERTAINMENT and MADE UP.

You're supposed to watch this when you're braindead from work, not watching it and thinking what on earth they said afterwards.

Sadly, more and more people do not use their Brains and take this as fact. Living in Seattle I have found too many idiots here believe what is on the late night TV. I was born and raised here and it is sad to see how many idiots seem to live here now. :(



Not the SNL clip, the people bitching about the SNL clip.

Satty, Those of us bitching are the ones who care enough about the company and the people who work for the company irregardless of the stupid decisions we all know both the Mgmt and UAW have made. While I know not everyone takes pride in their work, I for one do and take insult from them saying todays auto's are Junk.

This is what I find very perplexing. UAW workers will support Democrats till the end of time, but the "liberals" on the West and East coast HATE American cars, and the companies that make them. I believe it is a self/American loathing attitude mixed in with jealousy of these "high paid, high school dropout" UAW laborers with better health plans than 90% of the country. I don't understand why this country now thinks it's ridiculous to pay people a fair wage, with good health care, and a pension?? :confused0071: I understand that most employees nowadays can't even dream of getting a pension, and for that matter even decent health care, but at what had it become stupid, and irresponsible of an employer to offer such things? People are so jealous of others being successful (UAW workers over the years), that they will purposely not buy an American automobile just to smite a UAW worker. Yes, this is a reason that many foreign auto owners give as the only reason that they bought a foreign auto.

Now, the other thing that is perplexing is that the Republican government can give two $h!s about the domestic auto industry....but people that tend to be Republicans, which are typically midwesterners and southerners, are the ones most likely to drive an American car, or even more likely a truck. This is the one reason why I love conservative "rednecks". Because they are usually patriotic, and tend to try and support American goods. Why do you think all of the Asian automakers set up shop in the south? It was a propaganda move to try and convince "rednecks" to buy foreign cars because they are giving them jobs. They didn't need to set up shops on the coasts, because the people there didn't even need the slightest budge to buy a foreign car....they were actively seeking them due to their hate of the US auto industry.

Now, for the people that say lighten up, they only made fun of some CEO's and politicians......they sure as hell did not. If they just made fun of the CEO's flying private jets and getting millions in bonuses while their companies were failing, then I would have been laughing right along side of them. But that's not all they made fun of. They made fun of American car quality, safety, and the workers who make the cars.....all while being grossly untrue. With the exception of the current Chrysler (fresh off of getting $h!ted out by Daimler), GM and Ford are near the top in quality and safety. They are also pretty high in fuel economy considering all of the trucks and SUVs they have sold (to people who wanted them).

And for the people talking about the NBC agenda. I believe that they have become an Ultra-Liberal network who's goal is to push their liberal agenda down America's throat. Whether it be getting "their" president into office, or destroying the US auto industry. I tend to lean a bit to the conservative side on most issues, but can't stand when either side tries to push it's beliefs down the public's collective throat. I can't watch FOX News or MSNBC. :puke:

I was born and raised in Seattle, the portal to the Asian rim. I am a proud Independant Liberal who loves American Auto's and only buy's American Auto's. Proof: 2006 Hummer H2, 2006 Escalade ESV Platinum, 2005 CTS, 2004 SRX, 1994 GMC Suburban.

Not all west or east coast people hate America, you will find many of us are very supportive of our Great Country. Just time to dump the Political Pigs including the destructive current administration.

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Sadly, more and more people do not use their Brains and take this as fact. Living in Seattle I have found too many idiots here believe what is on the late night TV. I was born and raised here and it is sad to see how many idiots seem to live here now. :(

I live in San Francisco and can very well sympathize with you on the idiots we occasionally run into. My experience is that people who easily believe something done as a parody had that belief already. Right now it's trendy to have a Prius or drive Hondas. I myself actually live inside San Francisco, and I drive a Polar White B4C.

I was born and raised in Seattle, the portal to the Asian rim. I am a proud Independant Liberal who loves American Auto's and only buy's American Auto's. Proof: 2006 Hummer H2, 2006 Escalade ESV Platinum, 2005 CTS, 2004 SRX, 1994 GMC Suburban.

Not all west or east coast people hate America, you will find many of us are very supportive of our Great Country. Just time to dump the Political Pigs including the destructive current administration.

I find the political stereotypes funny at times. Other times I just feel the idiot babbling liberal this and Democrat that are just mindless morons. They are the types that instead of actually watching what's really going on ion the world around them, they find it eaiser to go for the same tired labels.

Bush didn't raise a finger to help the US auto industry. In fact, at times he seemed hellbent in driving Us carmakers out of business in favor of import brands. It was Republicans that derailed the US automotive loans (perhaps with good reasons) and are the only ones that seem to prefer they go into bankruptcy, even if that means liquidation and dissolving the company. We import 70% of our oil from outside the country, we've just seen how we can be held ransom by OPEC and how we compete with China on the oil market while at the same time borrowing from them to give to oil producing nations so we can have gasoline for our vehicles.

Yet, still, despite all this, and the fact that till the big 3 CEO's clueless performance 2 weeks ago, & even though the market is driving up actual Corperate Average Fuel Economy quicker than what's mandated by the government (cars should be averaging nearly 32mpg this year... they averaged 30 last year) some here simply can't let go of the "Treehuggers, Liberals, & Democrats are the enemy of cars" mentality.

Since you can't insert a disc in their bottom and scan out whatever virus casuses that mindlock, the only thing you can do is either point out facts till they screw up or simply ignore them. They are simply the diametric opposite of those morons who simply can't accept the fact that something with a Chevy or Ford logo on it can be as good or better than something with a Honda or Toyota logo.

FWIW: I have owned about 22 cars in my life. All of them American brands. All but 6 were V8s. 3 of those had superchargers. Libertarian as well.

Glad to see you posting here again, Guy.

And I hope that the conclusions in your post are a good approximation of the actual results.

I do remain skeptical however, about placing any faith in the congress doing the right thing.

Thanks partner. I don't have as much time to post as I used to, so I tend to limit myself to just a few sites per sitting.

Edited by guionM
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