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It's over: Obama wins


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The way I look at it, what we saw tonight is a vote for the future, for modernity; rather than for an outdated worldview of the past, which the failed neocon mindset represents.

Neo cons failed cause they tried to be liberals....

Modernity... at least you didn't put lawfulness in there.... that's a crock o sheet

I Voted for Burr just because neither deserved a vote.

All I can hope for is that Barry can hopefully start to bring our troops back in a safe manner. The house crunch to stop. Credit Crunch comes to an end and that that or economy turns around so we can all afford to buy Camaros and G8 ST's so what we as a community come together and discuss can be thriving.

However everyone seemed to ignore that issue like it was aids. So when Tax dollars are wasted on govt. programs instead of paying our debt don't complain. When the end of his term comes and his approval rating drops don't try to disown him.(Its statistically guaranteed that his approval rating will be lower than what his initial rating will be)

I voted Baldwin. he will have little effect on the economy... but if he does, it can't be good. the fed has more power to change that then the Gov.

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Damn near......you just wait.

I'd LOVE to revisit this conversation four years from now.....'cause you know we'll all be on here at that time....

McCain conceded the election, congratulated Obama, and offered his support in the future. He didn't get up on the podium and say "You'll see! You're all screwed!" So why are his supporters acting that way? Oh that's right, the anonymity of the Internet! FTW! I bet McCain logs on to a bunch of forums under the alias "warhero08" and just bashes Obama left and right and condemns the future. In fact, he might even be a member on this very forum!!

Or not.

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McCain conceded the election, congratulated Obama, and offered his support in the future. He didn't get up on the podium and say "You'll see! You're all screwed!" So why are his supporters acting that way? Oh that's right, the anonymity of the Internet! FTW! I bet McCain logs on to a bunch of forums under the alias "warhero08" and just bashes Obama left and right and condemns the future. In fact, he might even be a member on this very forum!!

Or not.

Yes, McCain was very gracious in his concession speech. But there was certainly plenty of booing in the crowd when he mentioned Obama's name. I'm sure that plenty of the foaming-at-the-mouth, delusional right wingers are quite angry and nasty today. Time for them to STFU and crawl back under their rocks w/ their guns and bibles, IMHO... :)

Edited by moltar
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McCain conceded the election, congratulated Obama, and offered his support in the future. He didn't get up on the podium and say "You'll see! You're all screwed!" So why are his supporters acting that way? Oh that's right, the anonymity of the Internet! FTW! I bet McCain logs on to a bunch of forums under the alias "warhero08" and just bashes Obama left and right and condemns the future. In fact, he might even be a member on this very forum!!

Or not.

What did you honestly expect him to say other than what he did? Even if he feels that we're doomed because Obama was elected, he's not going to stand up there and say so, making himself looking like a jackass.

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Oddly, my boss, who is a big-time Republican regardless of candidate (and talks about it at work loudly even though almost everyone here voted for Obama) hasn't shown up this morning....

Never has a Delawarean been a Vice President. Delaware's own Joe Biden.

My favorite Joe, Joe Biden. If you pull this string he talks for 45 minutes!

Well, we fought the good fight. McCain did a damn fine job giving that every single card was stacked against the Republicans this time around.

I hope Obama has the foresight to not implement all the silly economic ideas that he has as they will make our recession worse... if he must implement them he should slowly stagger their implementation and wait out our current recession.

That being said, i still hold out some hope that perhaps he truly will act in a bi-partisan fashion... but its getting harder to delude myself of this notion. I also hope that he respects the Constitution and does not disregard the document that our country was built on and does not eliminate the rule of law so central to our countries greatness. No man is greater than another under the eyes of the law... as of today... hopefully it stays like that.

Oh well,

Congrats to Obama and all his supporters.

Here's to a reformed libertarianesque Republican party for 2012!

McCain could have won this election if he hadn't run a horrible campaign. The Republicans could have won had they brought forth a better candidate. I have no doubt Bush helped Obama win, but the Republicans did themselves no favors. I'm surprised the margin of victory was only 7+ million.

Curious, who do you think would more closely follow the constitution when making decisions, Obama or McCain? And why?

I argue Obama. In brief, McCain has no formal education in politics or law, Obama has both. Obama lectured constitutional law for 12 years, teaching three courses per year and invited several times to become full-tenure at the law school. He is less tainted by the agendas and politics than McCain is, but still has Biden for the wealth of senate and government experience.

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What did you honestly expect him to say other than what he did? Even if he feels that we're doomed because Obama was elected, he's not going to stand up there and say so, making himself looking like a jackass.

I fully understand that, believe me.

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Well it will be interesting. I am waiting to see what he will do. I am betting this economy gets even worse with his higher taxes.

Considering where the economy is at now it is safe to assume the economy will get worse and taxes will go up even if McCain got elected. This is not the fault of Obama, nor would it have been of McCain, it is what needs to happen for our economy to recover.

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1.) A black man has managed to get elected president

of the USA, maybe he's only 6% black, or 18.75% or

maybe 23.666% but in any case he's managed to break

a barrier many of my generation, of all races, long

thought would be unbreakable for a couple more

generations. This is a good thing, an accomplishment

worthy of praise, by that I mean the voters, not the

politicians. The sad truth is many minorities that voted

for BHO voted BASED ONLY ON RACE, which kind of

saddens me, because in the end it is RACISM that is

partially responsible for the selection of our next Prez.

2.) I was born into socialism, communism what ever the

hell you want to call it. I lived up in CzechoSlovakia

until the age of 8 (1979-87) under the disgusting,

twisted, inefficient & disheartening Socialist regime that

was slowly rotting from the inside out, then when we

came here to the USA (my nuclear family of three) the

vast improvement of quality of life, personal freedoms

& the sheer awesomeness of this country's "can do"

attitude was a stagerring change for me, even at age

8 I could tell just how much different, BETTER the

world could be when you're in charge of your own

destiny, instead of being told by a useless Socialist

puppett what you can and can not do, when & how.

Anyone who embraces the ideals of a society where

you are PUNISHED for genuine, earned financial success

is a Communist & an Anti-American.

I hope to someday have a decent 3 bedroom house for

my family, several used cars & a pickett fence.

If I earn those things through hard work and someone,

some politician with feel-good rhetoric decides I need to

pay a carbon tax on my V8 muscle car, pay a premum in

income/property/sales/healtcare/death taxes & give up

12 out of the 80 posts in my pickett fence just to feed,

clothe & house the lazy, incompetent, parasitic persons

who choose to lead a lazy existance, sleeping away their

days and watching mind-killing TV while I bust my ass at

two jobs... damn this is already an epically long run-on

sentence.... let me just say that I have a very hard time

beleiving all this "change for the better" talk from a guy

who has about as much experience for his job of Pres.

of the USA as I have for Brain Surgery.

Talk is cheap, Obama was fixing parking tickets in Chicago

when Bush was already busy fu**king up his second term

and pissing off democrats & republicans alike.

We shall see what CHANGE comes about, although BHO's

"it may take more than one term" quote in last night's

speech shows how much of a megalomaniac he is, IMHO.

3.) Not drilling for DOMESTIC CRUDE in Alaska is one of

the most un-American, stupid, self-righteous & short

sighted policies that I am afraid of.

Yes, we should be seeking multiple alternative energies

like 1988, but mean time my car, the neighbor's roll-back

wrecker, every 18-wheeler on our highways & most of

your pathetic little FWD $h!boxes STILL NEED CRUDE OIL.

Why the @$#%$&*!? would you want to buy it from an

enemy of the USA, or just foreign land, when we HAVE

our own.

More on that later.

4.) If BHO manages to fulfill what he promissed in his

acceptance speech last night, touching upon Lincoln's

membership in the Republican party & roots in Illinios,

quoting our founding fathers & reassurig us that his

agenda is helping the middle class & protecting our

individual rights, personal freedoms & defeating any &

all enemies who threaten our shores... he just might

be okay in my book.

Problem, is his planned execution of said goals seems

"fundamentally flawed" to put it nicely.

5.) WTF was Biden talking about two weeks ago...

What does he know? What exactly do they KNOW is

going to happen, and why? Why was he, even before

BHO & him won, apologizing to the American people

for actions that "will not seem right" and asking us to

back them up regardless of how much we are in


Am I the only one on this forum that is put-off/scared

of what the |$%#&@ that means?

Are we talking Iraq? Iran? No. Korea? Russia? WW? :blink:

Psssssht......civil liberties are overrated. I feel comfortable knowing that the government can find out that I'm borrowing Berenstain Bears books from the library.

That right there goes to show the utter stupidity

and naive mentality of many of you liberals. You

don't want responsibility, you don't want any

challenge, if it takes effort or thought process

you'd rather have the gov. do it for you.

If Obama does indeed do away with the Patriot

Act, (FAT CHANCE!) he will be much closer to

earning a supported in myself.

Gore as president would have been an unmitigated disaster. As bad as Bush was, there is no end to the damage that would have occured with internet Al in office.


Yes, McCain was very gracious in his concession speech.

I bet many liberals were waiting for him to start

screaming "It's no fair, I want a RECOUNT!" like

some pathetic dip$h!s in their party would have

& HAVE done in the past.

Not sure if Obama will be the lesser of two evils

vs. McCain but I have a feeling I'll actually

despise him less than Al Gore & Hell666y Clinton.

Here's to a reformed libertarianesque Republican party for 2012!


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1.) A black man has managed to get elected president

of the USA, maybe he's only 6% black, or 18.75% or

maybe 23.666% but in any case he's managed to break

a barrier many of my generation, of all races, long

thought would be unbreakable for a couple more

generations. This is a good thing, an accomplishment

worthy of praise, by that I mean the voters, not the

politicians. The sad truth is many minorities that voted

for BHO voted BASED ONLY ON RACE, which kind of

saddens me, because in the end it is RACISM that is

partially responsible for the selection of our next Prez.

2.) I was born into socialism, communism what ever the

hell you want to call it. I lived up in CzechoSlovakia

until the age of 8 (1979-87) under the disgusting,

twisted, inefficient & disheartening Socialist regime that

was slowly rotting from the inside out, then when we

came here to the USA (my nuclear family of three) the

vast improvement of quality of life, personal freedoms

& the sheer awesomeness of this country's "can do"

attitude was a stagerring change for me, even at age

8 I could tell just how much different, BETTER the

world could be when you're in charge of your own

destiny, instead of being told by a useless Socialist

puppett what you can and can not do, when & how.

Anyone who embraces the ideals of a society where

you are PUNISHED for genuine, earned financial success

is a Communist & an Anti-American.

I hope to someday have a decent 3 bedroom house for

my family, several used cars & a pickett fence.

If I earn those things through hard work and someone,

some politician with feel-good rhetoric decides I need to

pay a carbon tax on my V8 muscle car, pay a premum in

income/property/sales/healtcare/death taxes & give up

12 out of the 80 posts in my pickett fence just to feed,

clothe & house the lazy, incompetent, parasitic persons

who choose to lead a lazy existance, sleeping away their

days and watching mind-killing TV while I bust my ass at

two jobs... damn this is already an epically long run-on

sentence.... let me just say that I have a very hard time

beleiving all this "change for the better" talk from a guy

who has about as much experience for his job of Pres.

of the USA as I have for Brain Surgery.

Talk is cheap, Obama was fixing parking tickets in Chicago

when Bush was already busy fu**king up his second term

and pissing off democrats & republicans alike.

We shall see what CHANGE comes about, although BHO's

"it may take more than one term" quote in last night's

speech shows how much of a megalomaniac he is, IMHO.

3.) Not drilling for DOMESTIC CRUDE in Alaska is one of

the most un-American, stupid, self-righteous & short

sighted policies that I am afraid of.

Yes, we should be seeking multiple alternative energies

like 1988, but mean time my car, the neighbor's roll-back

wrecker, every 18-wheeler on our highways & most of

your pathetic little FWD $h!boxes STILL NEED CRUDE OIL.

Why the @$#%$&*!? would you want to buy it from an

enemy of the USA, or just foreign land, when we HAVE

our own.

More on that later.

4.) If BHO manages to fulfill what he promissed in his

acceptance speech last night, touching upon Lincoln's

membership in the Republican party & roots in Illinios,

quoting our founding fathers & reassurig us that his

agenda is helping the middle class & protecting our

individual rights, personal freedoms & defeating any &

all enemies who threaten our shores... he just might

be okay in my book.

Problem, is his planned execution of said goals seems

"fundamentally flawed" to put it nicely.

5.) WTF was Biden talking about two weeks ago...

What does he know? What exactly do they KNOW is

going to happen, and why? Why was he, even before

BHO & him won, apologizing to the American people

for actions that "will not seem right" and asking us to

back them up regardless of how much we are in


Am I the only one on this forum that is put-off/scared

of what the |$%#&@ that means?

Are we talking Iraq? Iran? No. Korea? Russia? WW? :blink:

That right there goes to show the utter stupidity

and naive mentality of many of you liberals. You

don't want responsibility, you don't want any

challenge, if it takes effort or thought process

you'd rather have the gov. do it for you.

If Obama does indeed do away with the Patriot

Act, (FAT CHANCE!) he will be much closer to

earning a supported in myself.


I bet many liberals were waiting for him to start

screaming "It's no fair, I want a RECOUNT!" like

some pathetic dip$h!s in their party would have

& HAVE done in the past.

Not sure if Obama will be the lesser of two evils

vs. McCain but I have a feeling I'll actually

despise him less than Al Gore & Hell666y Clinton.


Some long-winded screed that was.

But, you got it off of your chest.

So consider this: Heroes, my age and older bled their life away in the jungles of South East Asia fighting something we are pleased to label as Communism.

Come forward 35 years from those times and witness the folly of trading with Communist China.

We embraced Socialism a very long time ago here but were not honest enough to admit this to ourselves.

So, put aside your labels and anger and get with the program.

That is all. :unitedstates:

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You bet, S.H., for minorities, it was THE reason.

Look how many people in the media and sports "waltz" into office and then learn "on the job." Look, how, in mundane jobs, people don't get hired because they "dont' have experience." This year, California's capital city elected a black ex-NBA basketball player as mayor over an incumbent with a much lengthier and supposedly competent political career. And, then, these ex-jocks and ex-movie stars learn "on the job". All it says is how stupid the people voting can be...it appears to be only marginally better than voting for class president in high school based on popularity.

You can bet that I was quite pissed when I was walking into church a couple of Sundays ago and heard some Hispanics in front of me yacking in Spanish and for which the words "Obama and amnestia" came on the heels of each other.

Color and gender are one thing. Experience and a track record of equitable and intelligent public policy are another.

Somehow, I think voting rights should be based on some combo of IQ, psychological testing, and a current events quiz.

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1.) A black man has managed to get elected president

of the USA, maybe he's only 6% black, or 18.75% or

maybe 23.666% but in any case he's managed to break

a barrier many of my generation, of all races, long

thought would be unbreakable for a couple more

generations. This is a good thing, an accomplishment

worthy of praise, by that I mean the voters, not the

politicians. The sad truth is many minorities that voted

for BHO voted BASED ONLY ON RACE, which kind of

saddens me, because in the end it is RACISM that is

partially responsible for the selection of our next Prez.

And many did NOT vote for him because he's Black. Or they voted for McCain/Palin because he was White or she was a woman. Or they didn't vote for McCain/Palin because she's a woman.

It goes both ways and it's quicksand.

Also, all the minority races in the US, even if they went 100% Obama/Biden, couldn't get him into the White House by themselves. Obviously they needed some help from somewhere... :scratchchin:

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McCain conceded the election, congratulated Obama, and offered his support in the future. He didn't get up on the podium and say "You'll see! You're all screwed!" So why are his supporters acting that way? Oh that's right, the anonymity of the Internet! FTW! I bet McCain logs on to a bunch of forums under the alias "warhero08" and just bashes Obama left and right and condemns the future. In fact, he might even be a member on this very forum!!

Or not.

Umm... McCain basically ran his whole election by saying "Vote for me or you are all screwed" so it was nice to see him concede like a gentleman.

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Many of us outside of the US are happy with the American people's choice. Not only because of Mr. Obama, and not at all against Mr McCain, but especially because the prospect of Sarah Palin becoming US President in case something happened to Mr. McCain is now just like the faint memory of a distant nightmare...

Edited by ZL-1
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I'm not sure what will come of Obama's term, however, I think it will be good for our country. I do not think McCain would have helped this country and he was more my deciding factor in voting than Obama himself. I think the amount of voter turnout this election speaks for how important this election was and will be in the short and long term future. I don't think I'm the only one with my opinion of McCain. All of us should wait and see what becomes of our new president before blasting him and those who voted for him. In the words of a good friend, "Get over it." :P

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Some long-winded screed that was.

But, you got it off of your chest.

So consider this: Heroes, my age and older bled their life away in the jungles of South East Asia fighting something we are pleased to label as Communism.

Come forward 35 years from those times and witness the folly of trading with Communist China.

We embraced Socialism a very long time ago here but were not honest enough to admit this to ourselves.

So, put aside your labels and anger and get with the program.

That is all. :unitedstates:

Those are some hollow and useless words right there.

Vietnam was entered under a dem. President, and if

anyone is to blame outside of LBJ it would be France.

As far as RED China taking our jobs and in return

giving us cheap (but OVERPRICED) garbage that

pass for "products" even if they are laced with

lead and they ARE dog food or baby formula, you

can thank Clinton & Gore.

THEY got us in bed with "free" trade & China!!!

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Many of us outside of the US are happy with the American people's choice. Not only because of Mr. Obama, and not at all against Mr McCain, but especially because the prospect of Sarah Palin becoming US President in case something happened to Mr. McCain is now just like the faint memory of a distant nightmare...

Don't give up on the stupidity of Americans yet...there is still 2012.

I really like Sarah Palin in some ways as a person, although I do not like her from a policy point of view.

...I'm going to re-run the youtube video of her in that red swimsuit now.


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Those are some hollow and useless words right there.

Vietnam was entered under a dem. President, and if

anyone is to blame outside of LBJ it would be France.

As far as RED China taking our jobs and in return

giving us cheap (but OVERPRICED) garbage that

pass for "products" even if they are laced with

lead and they ARE dog food or baby formula, you

can thank Clinton & Gore.

THEY got us in bed with "free" trade & China!!!

...also thank corporate America and the American consumer.

I buy tools from and independant tool retailer. A lot of people say they want American, but when they look at the price difference, buy Chinese or Taiwaneese.

Money talks, BS walks, and buy and large American consumers don't want to pay higher prices for things. Welcome to that thing called a 'free market"


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Money talks, BS walks, and buy and large American consumers don't want to pay higher prices for things. Welcome to that thing called a 'free market"

I put my money, the little I have, where my mouth is.

I support local business, never gas up at Exxon/Mobil

anymore, go out of my way (and spend ga$) to buy

goods at retailers other than Wal*Mart, & I am a big

beleiver in spreading my message:

I oppose any and all firearm regulation.

I oppose "Real ID" & ALL forms of big brother

I oppose the Patriot Act

I oppose any and all forms of censorship,

----& by extension beleive in protecting the 1st amendment

I oppose big government, always.

As far as Free Trade, it's a falacy & outsourcing is

killing this country, my dad lost his job after 18+

years of working at the same job, for the same

company (mergers aside) in the same building, and

he's got nothing to show for it in terms of new

employment in his field. Massachusetts, & the USA

in general is throwing away jobs, wheather

technology, manufacturing or whatever, like

yesterday's newspaper.

What else woud, you have me do? :blink:

Edited by Sixty8panther
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Don't give up on the stupidity of Americans yet...there is still 2012.
:lol: you guys are not dumber than anyone else... you should see the gentleman we elected as Prime-Minister :nono:

I really like Sarah Palin in some ways as a person, although I do not like her from a policy point of view.

...I'm going to re-run the youtube video of her in that red swimsuit now.

Aha, I see why you like her as a person :smilewide:
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OK OBAMA did win but what will he do with the oil companies? Yes, i am a democrat but i would like to have off shore drilling so we can finally not depend on oil from the middle eastern countries!!!! on the contrary i like what he is doing for the auto makers because its a start to a new era!!

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Those are some hollow and useless words right there.

Vietnam was entered under a dem. President, and if

anyone is to blame outside of LBJ it would be France.

As far as RED China taking our jobs and in return

giving us cheap (but OVERPRICED) garbage that

pass for "products" even if they are laced with

lead and they ARE dog food or baby formula, you

can thank Clinton & Gore.

THEY got us in bed with "free" trade & China!!!

I understand through your posts that you've alluded to a hardscrabble existence as an immigrant to this country, yet, unless you were personally held hostage shackled to a B-pillar by former Romanian strongman-dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu, you haven't the moral authority to dismiss Barack Obama on the basis of his heritage.

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but especially because the prospect of Sarah Palin becoming US President in case something happened to Mr. McCain is now just like the faint memory of a distant nightmare...

ZL, exactly what my relatives in Europe thought...Exactly that. That she was a joke!

Now, Sarah and her "lixo branco" husband won't have to move to Washington.

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One downside I see to Obama being elected is that there won't be any more hilarious SNL skits for at least the next 4 years. I really do hope Palin runs in 2012, because it will give me something to look forward to.

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I understand through your posts that you've alluded to a hardscrabble existence as an immigrant to this country, yet, unless you were personally held hostage shackled to a B-pillar by former Romanian strongman-dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu, you haven't the moral authority to dismiss Barack Obama on the basis of his heritage.

There's a disconnect occuring here somewhere.

I guess I do ramble & go on tangents in your

defense, and we're discussing this same basic

topic in tow, three or somestimes four theads

at once. Here's my Cliff Notes:

1. Obama's policies, "utopianesque" ideals &

"Change coming to Washington" matra ring to

me more and more as socialist propaganda.

I should know. :mellow:

Take from the "rich" (upper middle class) and

give to the poor & strugling who are in some,

nay, MANY cases deadbeat losers & the

hopeless drain on society types, is nothing

but socialism. It has never been & never will

be a genuine 'American Ideal' to rob the rich

and give to the poor, unless the rich are the

trully rich and their wealth is ill-begotten.

What was it that BHO said...?

"Redistribute the wealth"

Think about that.


redistributehttp://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=BJZ...%26sem%3Dgoogle 5 dictionary results for: redistributeDictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This <H2 class=me>re⋅dis⋅trib⋅ute</H2>  var interfaceflash = new LEXICOFlashObject ( "http://cache.lexico.com/d/g/speaker.swf", "speaker", "60", "18", "speaker.gif/ˌrithinsp.pngdɪˈstrɪbthinsp.pngyut/ Show Spelled Pronunciation dictionary_questionbutton_default.gif [ree-di-strib-yoot] Show IPA Pronunciation dictionary_questionbutton_default.gif

–verb (used with object), -ut⋅ed, -ut⋅ing. 1.to distribute again or anew: The corporation will redistribute its share of the profits to its stockholders. 2.to alter the distribution of; apportion differently: Let's redistribute the work more fairly.

That my friend is NOT a platform I support.

That is just scratching the surface.

When the heck did I attack his heritage?

Last night, jokingly I said & texted a few friends:

"He's Kenyan, he should be running the Boston Marathon, not the US-of-A" :P

And maybe you think my LOVe of hardtops, and

by extension, hatred of B-pillars in certain cars

is stupid, but I at least keep it relevant, you

fu**king whacko leftist types are hell bent on

throwing around stupid attacks like that...

What the hell relevance is there in that...?

Grow up, I thought you said you were a baby-boomer. :angry:

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ZL, exactly what my relatives in Europe thought...Exactly that. That she was a joke!

Now, Sarah and her "lixo branco" husband won't have to move to Washington.

Well... she is a joke! An attractive joke, but still a joke.

What surprised me in yesterday's elections was that the Democrats won Congress too... American voters usually like to spread their bets and keep some balance between Republicans and Democrats by electing a President from one party and giving the majority of seats in Congress to the other... Let's see how things change (or not) 2 years from now...

Edited by ZL-1
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There's a disconnect occuring here somewhere.

I guess I do ramble & go on tangents in your

defense, and we're discussing this same basic

topic in tow, three or somestimes four theads

at once. Here's my Cliff Notes:

1. Obama's policies, "utopianesque" ideals &

"Change coming to Washington" matra ring to

me more and more as socialist propaganda.

I should know. :mellow:

Take from the "rich" (upper middle class) and

give to the poor & strugling who are in some,

nay, MANY cases deadbeat losers & the

hopeless drain on society types, is nothing

but socialism. It has never been & never will

be a genuine 'American Ideal' to rob the rich

and give to the poor, unless the rich are the

trully rich and their wealth is ill-begotten.

What was it that BHO said...?

"Redistribute the wealth"

Think about that.

That my friend is NOT a platform I support.

That is just scratching the surface.

When the heck did I attack his heritage?

Last night, jokingly I said & texted a few friends:

"He's Kenyan, he should be running the Boston Marathon, not the US-of-A" :P

And maybe you think my LOVe of hardtops, and

by extension, hatred of B-pillars in certain cars

is stupid, but I at least keep it relevant, you

fu**king whacko leftist types are hell bent on

throwing around stupid attacks like that...

What the hell relevance is there in that...?

Grow up, I thought you said you were a baby-boomer. :angry:


I hope that a truckload of recent emigre Russian mail-order brides are delivered by FedEx to your place in error.

Have fun explaining that to the little-lady.

Seriously, this Saturday I'll be trudging up to Vlad's U-Pull-It in Hazleton, PA with my fuel-cell powered Sawz-All and I'll carve out a few 'B'-pillars in your honor.

Seriously, it sounds like you labor pretty hard and have to get up at an unholy hour.

It's counter-productive to bark at each other like foam-at-the-mouth ideologues over entrenched ideology.

Workers of the world, unite, comrade. :unitedstates:

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OK OBAMA did win but what will he do with the oil companies? Yes, i am a democrat but i would like to have off shore drilling so we can finally not depend on oil from the middle eastern countries!!!! on the contrary i like what he is doing for the auto makers because its a start to a new era!!

For what it's worth, most of your oil comes from Canada. The only really bad people even remotely close to terrorists we have up here are the people that DON'T say sorry when someone steps on their feet. The horror.

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I went out on CNN and looked at the result maps for all 50 states, to see which counties went which way..pretty fascinating to see how counties went blue or red, where the concentrations were, and how those corresponded to demographics. In particular, I studied Colorado and Ohio, two states I'm very familiar with, and what counties went which way.

Some interesting factoids I discovered--only 1 state went totally red---Oklahoma--every county was red, but 5 states went totally blue in every county (all New England states).

Edited by moltar
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Take from the "rich" (upper middle class) and

give to the poor & strugling who are in some,

nay, MANY cases deadbeat losers & the

hopeless drain on society types, is nothing

but socialism. It has never been & never will

be a genuine 'American Ideal' to rob the rich

and give to the poor, unless the rich are the

trully rich and their wealth is ill-begotten.

I don't really want to get into politics but I feel I must point something about this idea of "robbing the rich"

CBS posted poll results taken of people who make over $200,000 annually and asked if they were in favor of Obama's tax increases.

The majority said yes.

Here is the thing: for quite some time now the rich and large corporations have been getting the tax breaks. Now it's time for the common people like you and me, who actually need tax breaks to have a turn. It's like a cycle, and we need it far more than they do. Do you think raised taxed on a millionaire is going to hurt them? Highly doubtful, and according to that poll, the majority of those with income over $200,000 seem to understand that.

Besides, they'll get tax breaks again, when the cycle comes full circle.

While I agree that there are certainly deadbeat losers in society in the lower income spectrum, I'm willing to bet most are hard working Americans trying to get by. People like you and I, who work our butts off making an honest living just trying to get by. We would benefit from tax cuts far more than "Joe the Millionaire" in his mansion with 2 Jags and a Veyron. I would also argue that there are greedy and corrupt people earning very large income. So it's not like either side is without it's faults.


Just a reply to one of your statement last night about keeping jobs in: Obama has said that he would give tax breaks to companies who create and keep jobs in America, and raise taxed for those who outsource.

Tax incentives to create jobs at home instead of offshore

Obama today said companies creating jobs in America should be rewarded with tax cuts rather than giving tax incentives to companies that move jobs offshore. "Right now, we have a tax code that gives incentives for companies to move offshore. Instead, we must have a tax code that rewards companies that are doing the right thing by investing in American workers and investing in research and development here in the United States," said Obama. "Our government has to be looking out for these people who are working hard everyday trying to make ends meet and right now we've got a set of policies that are not reflective of that." Obama's plan to create quality jobs in Illinois will:

* Close loopholes that encourage companies to move jobs abroad.

* Reward companies that create quality jobs in America.

* Ensure fair trade by enforcing existing trade agreements and strengthening future trade agreements.

* Provide needed assistance for displaced workers.


Also here:


Not trying to get into an argument, just my :twocents:

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"He's Kenyan, he should be running the Boston Marathon, not the US-of-A" :P

ha-ha... did you forget he is an American, born in Hawaii, and his mother was white?

You probably need to look up the differences between communism and socialism..different systems. What about modern Western Europe or Canada, they have quasi socialist economies, but are generally considered to have much higher quality of life than the US..

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I hope for the best and the republican party I included must take a look at what went wrong and re-group. We cannot afford a loss like this again. Just wait you can dance for a while folks. Soon Obama will get in the office and the &#036;h&#33; will hit the fan. His nice words, couldn't hide the truth for me and many Americans. I feel bad for all that got hood-winked. As Americans we will get through this and hope for a better turnout in 2010 and 2012.

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I hope for the best and the republican party I included must take a look at what went wrong and re-group. We cannot afford a loss like this again. Just wait you can dance for a while folks. Soon Obama will get in the office and the &#036;h&#33; will hit the fan. His nice words, couldn't hide the truth for me and many Americans. I feel bad for all that got hood-winked. As Americans we will get through this and hope for a better turnout in 2010 and 2012.

We got "hood-winked" when we were stupid enough to elect Bush and the reelect him. Although I wasn't able to vote in 2000 and I voted Kerry in `04.

Edited by Dodgefan
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I hope for the best and the republican party I included must take a look at what went wrong and re-group. We cannot afford a loss like this again. Just wait you can dance for a while folks. Soon Obama will get in the office and the &#036;h&#33; will hit the fan. His nice words, couldn't hide the truth for me and many Americans. I feel bad for all that got hood-winked. As Americans we will get through this and hope for a better turnout in 2010 and 2012.

The Republicans will have had 20 out of the last 28 years in the White House..enough is enough. The conservative agenda has proven to be a failure. It's time for a modern candidate to lead into the future.

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Ah yes...more predictions from the crowd that brought you hits like:

-I don’t think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees

-We'll be greeted as liberators

-The oil will fund the war

-There are weapons of mass destruction

-The economy is fundamentally sound

You know what Nostradamus...maybe you better sit this one out. :)

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As Americans we will get through this and hope for a better turnout in 2010 and 2012.

High turnout usually helps Democrats.

I was nice to my conservative friends today, they were all in pissy moods, I tried to not make things any worse. There is one particular conservative (a small business owner) who is a huge douchebag that I wouldn't mind ribbing a bit, but I haven't run into him in a while.

Self-described Republicans need to take a look at the map, the Republican party is now no more than a regional party. They used to be able to pull off northern states (Bush won NH in 2000 and OH in 2004) but it seems that the party is now limited to the deep south and northern Rocky Mountain states. Dumbf@#kistan has gotten a bit smaller. I think the most telling sign that the party is in shambles is that Chris Shays, a 22 year Congressional veteran, a moderate Republican lost his seat, making New England's entire Congressional delegation Democratic. Moderate long term Congressmen who aren't involved in scandals (and whose views most liberals can live with) dont lose elections by 3%. It was that pesky ® after his name that did him in. The Republican party needs to do some major soul searching and find a path that will appeal to non-rural voters. That means no Mike Huckabee (even though he's a great character) and no Sarah Palin. Move from the far right to the middle and they'll have more success, this conservative (social and fiscal) BS isn't going to bring anyone in.

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Oh now that's just wrong, lol.

We cannot afford a loss like this again. Just wait you can dance for a while folks. Soon Obama will get in the office and the &#036;h&#33; will hit the fan. His nice words, couldn't hide the truth for me and many Americans. I feel bad for all that got hood-winked. As Americans we will get through this and hope for a better turnout in 2010 and 2012.

"We"? Are you one of those 'vote-based-on-party' folks?

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How many times did we read in this forum that Senator McCain was doing "anything he could" to get elected... yet I laughed my ASS off to hear Obama immediately start to backpedal furiously on all of his lofty promises... IN HIS ACCEPTANCE SPEECH!:lol: Edited by ocnblu
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How many times did we read in this forum that Senator McCain was doing "anything he could" to get elected... yet I laughed my ASS off to hear Obama immediately start to backpedal furiously on all of his lofty promises... IN HIS ACCEPTANCE SPEECH!:lol:

You only heard what you wanted to hear.

The text of his speech is posted on-line.

Where did he backtrack?

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How many times did we read in this forum that Senator McCain was doing "anything he could" to get elected... yet I laughed my ASS off to hear Obama immediately start to backpedal furiously on all of his lofty promises... IN HIS ACCEPTANCE SPEECH!:lol:

Yeah, I remember months ago, he said his daughters were going to get a kitty, last night he said puppy. The flip-flopping bastard.

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Both of you have to know what I'm talking about, how could you not? It was clear as a bell. Our problems will take more than one four-year term to fix? There will be many false starts? (How in the hell will he have false starts, with the House and Senate in his pocket?) Many of those who voted for him will not agree with everything he does? GOVERNMENT CANNOT FIX EVERY PROBLEM? That sounds exactly like backpedaling from the flowery talk and pseudo-inspirational speeches he gave throughout his campaign.
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Both of you have to know what I'm talking about, how could you not? It was clear as a bell. Our problems will take more than one four-year term to fix? There will be many false starts? (How in the hell will he have false starts, with the House and Senate in his pocket?) Many of those who voted for him will not agree with everything he does? GOVERNMENT CANNOT FIX EVERY PROBLEM? That sounds exactly like backpedaling from the flowery talk and pseudo-inspirational speeches he gave throughout his campaign.

You speak/write as imprecisely as you drive, in sweeping generalities.

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The financial crisis isn't going to be sorted out in four years, the mess is too big and complicated. The war in Afghanistan and against Al Queda may take more than 4 years. Hunting people down in deserts and caves isn't a quick process. It will take more than four years to get the country off foreign oil and onto a responsible power grid. Its not backpedaling, its stating reality. Running the United States isn't like playing Sim City, you cant click a button and have a school or power plant appear.

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Both of you have to know what I'm talking about, how could you not? It was clear as a bell. Our problems will take more than one four-year term to fix? There will be many false starts? (How in the hell will he have false starts, with the House and Senate in his pocket?) Many of those who voted for him will not agree with everything he does? GOVERNMENT CANNOT FIX EVERY PROBLEM? That sounds exactly like backpedaling from the flowery talk and pseudo-inspirational speeches he gave throughout his campaign.

Dude, he's President of the USA, not Lord of the Universe. He couldn't possibly have all the answers on everything, and just like every field, there are false starts.

Remember when electric vehicles were the wave of the future back in the early 1990s with the EV-1? False start.

Remember when cars were going to parallel park themselves by simply swivelling their wheels and driving into a spot sideways? False start.

Remember LaserDisk? False start.

Betamax? False start.

Do I need to continue?

He did not reneg on any promise. He did not backtrack on any campaign goal. He simply reiterated what he said in the 3rd presidential debate: that he has his goals he wants to do, and he is not willing to comment on any which may get cut due to the national budget, which he won't be seeing until January 2009.

That kind of thinking is prudent. You know, making a decision on what makes the cut when he has all the information, like the actual budget, instead of spouting off beforehand what will or will not be postponed.

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The financial crisis isn't going to be sorted out in four years, the mess is too big and complicated. The war in Afghanistan and against Al Queda may take more than 4 years. Hunting people down in deserts and caves isn't a quick process. It will take more than four years to get the country off foreign oil and onto a responsible power grid. Its not backpedaling, its stating reality. Running the United States isn't like playing Sim City, you cant click a button and have a school or power plant appear.


Props for the Sim City reference. You've gotten in some good one-liners here today 8)

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