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Well, it's almost over

Camino LS6

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All of the rancor and accusation, lies and half truths, posturing and pronouncing are drawing to a close. About 24 hours from now we should have a pretty good idea who will be piloting the Titanic for the next four years.

Let's all wish him well - he faces the tallest order of troubles of any new President since FDR.

And, let's wish ourselves well while we are at it - it's going to be a tall order for us as well.

New horizons without a doubt.

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I am so sick of the non-stop political coverage we've had for an entire year now...I can't wait for the day I can turn on cable news again and hear about something OTHER than the race to the White House. Just going out on a limb here, but doesn't it seem logical that the rest of the world didn't stop a year ago, and that there are many important international stories that should have been covered but weren't?

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As much as I have stayed away from everything I am glad that it is going to be done for the next 2 years (yeah campaigning will start early 2011 for 2012).

Guess what though, I will be somewhere over Germany when the results finally come in. Three weeks in South Asia. Yay.

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The US election got in the way of our own election in some cases. Some real issues weren't explored that well because a considerable amount of time was put into watching the mania down south.

Either way, whoever wins, lets hope the news focuses on the real issues that the new government will have to tackle after the election, and not the mental state of Britney Spears or Paris Hilton's new line of $80 doggy sweaters.

Edited by Captainbooyah
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At last Bush will be gone!!!!!!! Thats the single most greatest thing about this whole deal. I think the whole Bush family is out of our government or will be after January. Good riddence.

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Ugh, today was absolute torture. Nearly every website I went on - whether it was Facebook, the Los Angeles Times, or even SaturnFans.com - was bombarded by ridiculous and manipulative, deceiving "Yes on Prop 8" banner ads, complete with happy children, doom and gloom imagery, and out-of-context quotes.

Proposition 8 changes the California constitution to "eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry" (as written explicitly on the ballot), and it's a measure funded primarily by the LDS church (as much as 40%), televangelists, and out-of-state religious right groups (James Dobson's Focus on the Family, etc) who wish to make their religious beliefs law. Voters won't buy that, so they've somehow focused the campaign to be about parents' rights and education... which it isn't.

Edited by empowah
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I hope Prop 8 fails, but it is going to be VERY close, unfortunately.

I hope you're voting for Prop 1A and Measure R, empowah. LA really needs both of those to go through, badly, despite what some in SGV have been saying. Yes, the Westside will be the primary beneficiary in the beginning, but continued revenue from R will help better link east AND west in the years to come.

Edited by Croc
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I got to my polling place right at 6am when it opens and there was already a line waaaaaay into the parking lot of the church. When I got into the building, the line snaked around in there too. It took me almost an hour but the line did move fairly quickly and everybody was pretty laid back about the whole thing. I always vote first thing in the morning and I’ve never had to wait. I always get a little emotional on election day. I guess I'm just a patriotic guy at heart but today way just amazing. It was great seeing such a huge diverse crowd of people patiently waiting in line to cast a vote.

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I voted early about a week and a half ago, so today is going to be nice and relaxing. :)

Voted last week, but today is going to be nervewracking until I can ascertain that everything is as it should be. Then it will be a massive bender. Oh the joys of having no class on Wednesday... :unitedstates:

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I voted early about a week and a half ago, so today is going to be nice and relaxing. :)

And I've been miffed ever since that we couldn't do that in Delaware...but with only 3 counties, it's understandable only doing it on the real official day. I've yet to do so.

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At last Bush will be gone!!!!!!! Thats the single most greatest thing about this whole deal. I think the whole Bush family is out of our government or will be after January. Good riddence.

+1 bigtime.


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I voted early about a week and a half ago, so today is going to be nice and relaxing. :)

I voted by mail a couple weekends ago...very easy and relaxed way to do it..it was a long ballot, lots of propositions and judges for re-election, it gave me time to research everyone online and figure out which incumbents, etc to vote against..:)

I went into work early today, before 7, going to head home around 3 ish, plan to be glued to the TV from 4-10 or so...probably watch CNN and flip to BBC America and MSNBC occasionally...while watching a bunch of blogs and my Twitter and Facebook feeds... and play w/ the terriers some.

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The deed is done.

I voted just before 3:30 PM and there had been almost 1,100 votes cast at my polling place.

I believe the polls don't close until 8:00 or 8:30 PM, so turnout appears to be rather high.

Just a side note - the voting instructions on the actual ballot are wrong ( don't agree with the machine you stuff them into) so I had to get a second ballot after following the written instructions since I split my ballot. Stupid that they have this wrong, I hope it doesn't become a big issue but you would think they would have checked for such things. :rolleyes:

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I voted by mail a couple weekends ago...very easy and relaxed way to do it..it was a long ballot, lots of propositions and judges for re-election, it gave me time to research everyone online and figure out which incumbents, etc to vote against..:)


I dropped my ballot off at one of the drop-off locations, although I could have mailed it too. Very easy. Lines should be a thing of a past by next election I would assume.

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I believe the polls don't close until 8:00 or 8:30 PM, so turnout appears to be rather high.

Yeah, some advice for anyone who didn't go vote yet but is going to - bring a chair.

I'm OK with that because it shows people apparently are taking interest in this country and its future. I think the last time, more people voted for American Idol than for the president.

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it couldnt be over soon enough for me. sick and tired of approved messages and junk mail. the last 2 times i voted only took 35-40 min. this time around was a different story. 20 min wait just to sign in to vote, another hour and 45 mins waiting to get to the polls.

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I made the 75-mile drive home today so I could vote (my first time, too), since my registration in York County got messed up. There weren't any lines at my polling place, so it took me longer to read the ballot and cast my vote than anything.

Good riddance to campaign ads!

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I was at my polling place at 6:53 this morning, and the line was LONG, 7 minutes before the polls opened. So I went to work, then took my lunch hour to go and vote. No line by then. The only good thing about having a 1:00 lunch time.
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I couldn't believe this.

I got a voice mail today from a proponent of a Democrat in my district. I'm thinking "WTF?"

My phone is not listed. Unless I have a short memory (and I don't), how did they get my home phone number?

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I couldn't believe this.

I got a voice mail today from a proponent of a Democrat in my district. I'm thinking "WTF?"

My phone is not listed. Unless I have a short memory (and I don't), how did they get my home phone number?

Good question... I've never used my Phoenix home phone publicly, it's not in my name, yet I came home today with two Democratic robocalls--Barack and Michelle's messages, with the local polling place at my Colorado address)--- and two

Republican 'vote for McCain or the country is doomed' messages!!!


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I worked the polls today, and it was an interesting experience. There were people in like at 5:30, by the time the polls opened at 6:00 the line was roughly 100 people long. It took roughly an hour and a half to get things settled down, but nobody had to wait too long (I heard someone say 40 minutes, and they were near the back) and after the initial rush, it was easy going.

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It's done.

They just called Ohio and New Mexico for Obama.

Very happy to see Ohio and Pa go to Obama...it blew my mind to see Tuscarawas County, Ohio projected for Obama (it's the county I'm originally from).

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Obama's strategist Dave Axelrod was/is hoping for as close to 300 EVs so as to proclaim a wider, more inclusive victory. I'd been hoping against hope for so long, so now that a regime-change seems within reach, it feels a little anti-climactic. The real work of rectifying a lot of that which ails this Country will be very difficult. Real people are experiencing real pain out there. I hope that the Democrats can be magnanimous in victory.

May God Bless America and protect its President and citizenry.

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On the bright side, we wont have any "hanging chad" crap this time around. No need for the lawyer armies in a landslide. MSNBC just called Arizone "too close to call" with 0% of the vote in. I'm enjoying flipping between channels, watching results come in, eating Chinese food, drinking some beer. I just dont know what will occupy my time after tonight.

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On the bright side, we wont have any "hanging chad" crap this time around. No need for the lawyer armies in a landslide. MSNBC just called Arizone "too close to call" with 0% of the vote in. I'm enjoying flipping between channels, watching results come in, eating Chinese food, drinking some beer. I just dont know what will occupy my time after tonight.

We ate Chinese tonight. Got fr*ggin' hives from the MSG in Gen'l Tsao's Chicken. The won-ton egg drop soup was excellent.

No chads this time. :scratchchin:


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My Gen. Tsao's was awesome! MSNBC keeps going to shots of Grant Park in Chicago, and I am jealous, I'd love to be there. I've been in Grant Park when there were a million people packed in (the Taste as well as one Bulls championship celebration) and this looks a million times better.

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I got 20 teriyaki wings from Long Wong's on the way home, ate those and have had about 5 Fat Tires... I'm jumping around between CNN, Fox, BBC America, and WGN. Reading updates on CNN's website, the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Columbus Dispatch, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Chicago Tribune, Denver Post, and Arizona Republic websites..this is a fun evening.

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My Gen. Tsao's was awesome! MSNBC keeps going to shots of Grant Park in Chicago, and I am jealous, I'd love to be there. I've been in Grant Park when there were a million people packed in (the Taste as well as one Bulls championship celebration) and this looks a million times better.

I'd love to be there also..I know that park quite well... I live about 2 miles from where McCain's party is tonite--the Biltmore. Should I put my Obama shirt on and go crash the party??? :)

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I'd love to be there also..I know that park quite well... I live about 2 miles from where McCain's party is tonite--the Biltmore. Should I put my Obama shirt on and go crash the party??? :)

Nah, McCain backers are going to have all the liquor drank by 10:00.

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My Gen. Tsao's was awesome! MSNBC keeps going to shots of Grant Park in Chicago, and I am jealous, I'd love to be there. I've been in Grant Park when there were a million people packed in (the Taste as well as one Bulls championship celebration) and this looks a million times better.

Always admired the Bulls for the way they won their Championships with such grandeur. Michael Jordan was something to watch. I started drinking that Citrus-flavored Gatorade, with his picture on the bottle, during summers at work because he 'recommended' it.

Glad your chicken was enjoyable.

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Guys, take a step back and think about this: In the morning, the President-Elect of the United States of America is going to be an Arab, Muslin, terrorist socialist.

And longtooth, those Bulls teams were fantastic. MJ is, without a doubt, the best player in league history (I dont care what kind of numbers Kobe or LeBron put up, they wont touch MJ overall) but MJ also had a good surrounding group. Pippen and Kukoc and Horace Grant and BJ Armstrong and Steve Kerr. None of them were superstars in their own right, but they were the guys who made those championships possible. It just took Jordan's greatness to put it all together.

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Satty: Oh yeah. I'm not even really a basketball fan-at-large or anything like that. I just thought that MJ brought an elegant sort of ease to doing what he did. That last shot of his last game as a Bull in June of '98 was as fine a capper to a career as any in any sport or endeavour.

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Guys, take a step back and think about this: In the morning, the President-Elect of the United States of America is going to be an Arab, Muslin, terrorist socialist.

And longtooth, those Bulls teams were fantastic. MJ is, without a doubt, the best player in league history (I dont care what kind of numbers Kobe or LeBron put up, they wont touch MJ overall) but MJ also had a good surrounding group. Pippen and Kukoc and Horace Grant and BJ Armstrong and Steve Kerr. None of them were superstars in their own right, but they were the guys who made those championships possible. It just took Jordan's greatness to put it all together.

One of my die-hard Republican acquaintences is already going into self-destruct mode and lashing out at Obama supporters over facebook. Her lastest status is something about she'll be the one smirking in four years.

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Has anyone been watching CNN? They're using hologram technology to "beam" people into the studio using 42 camera vantage points. Apparently it's a television first or something.

Kind of freaky, isn't it? I keep thinking of Princess Leia.

I'm wondering how my old home state of Florida is going to go...

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I can't wait to talk to my Mom and brother in Ohio tommorow..they are going to be sulking. Talked w/ my sister a couple hours ago--she was at the airport bar in Charlotte (flying from San Antonio to Dayton via Charlotte), watching Fox news , optimistic for Obama.

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