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CNBC: Barack Obama on the Auto Industry


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I agree with FutureofGM and BuddyP they have hit the nail on the head. Obama sucks people in with his strong words and great speeches just like Hitler did. It scares me. It really scares me and my middle class pocket book even more. If that doesn't scare you staying in a mans church that said "Not God Bless America, but God Damn America!" should. As for McCain he has a ton of cars and homes, sure but Obama ain't worried about where his next meal is coming from. Whom is having 65,000 guests in Chicago while McCain will have 2-3K in AZ, for there the victory parties again? If Obama gets in we all need to be very scared and he is the one whom kicks papers off his plane when they endorsed McCain and then he lets on mags like Ebony... What a load of crap. Obama wants to take down talk media and freedom of speech too. That is just what I want, less freedom. Remember liberals are so open unless you disagree with them then they want to hear nothing out of you. Obama is a very liberal man don't let his common man thing fool you look at the man and his positions they aren't the values I share nor many other Americans. If we are suppose to be our brothers keeper like he says why is aunt living in the a slums on the east coast? Sounds like he is taking real good care of her just like he will this country. Yet people get sucked in and vote for him because a (D) is behind his name, he ain't no JFK trust me. I am not young like most of you I am over 50 and have seen it too many times. Go ahead vote with your heart of because you hate G.W.B. but it will be a case of I told you so trust me. This young man B.O. isn't whom he claims to be and his radical friends, liberal record (rated the most liberal senator) and plans to spread the wealth around scare me. Since when is freedom of speech a bad thing Senator Obama. I don't think John McCain is that great and I don't always agree with him but I am voting for the man not against G.W.B. like many people are and when I look past Obama and his great speeches I see a man with lots of promises and no experinse. If Obama gets in mark my words the economy will tank even worse and more jobs will go over-seas due to higher taxes. Just you wait, here comes the second Jimmy Carter.

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Hey, using multi-quote is fun. :)

At this point, no matter who wins on tuesday, anyone who is expecting miracles is going to be terribly disappointed in short order.

National salvation is not at hand!

Quite true. Though at this point, many realize that, the intelligent ones anyway. What you look for is who has the best plan to turn things around (or who has a plan at all).


Sounds like one angry old man voting for another.


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That was then this is now. Senator McCain has consistently voted against veterans and active duty personnel.

Yeah, he's turned his back on his fellow veterans. Two votes here for Obama! 31.5 hours to go before I vote for Obama at the US Consulate in Frankfurt, Germany. Let my vote be the beginning of the landslide for Obama.

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Hey, using multi-quote is fun. :)

Quite true. Though at this point, many realize that, the intelligent ones anyway. What you look for is who has the best plan to turn things around (or who has a plan at all).


Neither of them have given you an actual plan, and both of them have given the same policies, much as they accuse the other of planning something different. As for comparisons to Kennedy, that's as apt for Obama, as it was in different ways for Clinton. Dirty money helped elect Kennedy, and dirty money helped get Obama where he is today. There's no evidence he himself is corrupt, but if he is not completely naive he had to know what was going on. Either way that doesn't bode well for "change". In the climate of the last few years Obama should have been able to win this election easily with almost no budget at all. If he really cares about people, why is he taking all that money, far more than anyone has ever seen in US politics before, in unnecessary self-promotion. It should never have been accepted, and should never have been spent. There are far more worthy causes, from the Red Cross to World Vision to the Nature Conservancy, all of whom could put that much money to far better use than a 30 min prime-time political ad.

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I find it very funny that people on here are referring to ANY politician as a common man. The politicians are the 'haves' and we the people are the 'have nots' and they'll make sure it stays that way.

Senator John Testor of Montana slaughters and dresses his own meat, packs it into a cooler, and brings it back to Washington.

There is a congressional candidate in NY-29, Eric Massa, whose source of income is his disability income as a Naval Commander. He had built up a small lead but his opponent Randy Kuhl just got an infusion of $60,000 from the very people on Wall Street that were just bailed out by the government. Eric doesn't accept any corporate donations.

However, the discussion here was about presidential candidates as everyday people. My wife and I wrote in a politician who at times raised his family in a trailer. When his family car died he rebuilt the engine himself. I don't think either Senators Obama or McCain have done that! Frankly i doubt either of them could do that.

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What scares me is not just Obama but the House and Senate under Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi going unchecked.

That is like leaving a signed blank check on the counter at the local gas station.

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When I vote, I'm going to vote for the lesser of two evils...

Neither one is going to be able to do much, regardless of what they say.

You only have to look at their current anwsers for the mess to see how interesting things are going to get.......

They will be lucky to get anything voted pass congress....

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Obama knows how to give a good speech. But so does McCain. No Politician these days is going to get up on a post and give specific details and a step by step guide on how they plan to go about each issue. They speak at an executive level, which means they define overall goals, not how tasks will be accomplished and their details.

That being said. From everything I've seen, and reading the candidate's websites, Obama is far more detailed in how he will approach each issue than McCain is.

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I find it amazing that nobody expressed single party concerns in 2002.

We were still reeling from 9/11. No one was thinking about parties that much... the sentiment was "get Bin Laden."

Of course, that changed in 2003 when suddenly Saddam became responsible... but that's a discussion for another thread.

Obama knows how to give a good speech. But so does McCain. No Politician these days is going to get up on a post and give specific details and a step by step guide on how they plan to go about each issue. They speak at an executive level, which means they define overall goals, not how tasks will be accomplished and their details.

That being said. From everything I've seen, and reading the candidate's websites, Obama is far more detailed in how he will approach each issue than McCain is.

This. I'm starting to believe that in the last few weeks, McCain et al. have just been "there" with the clichés and attacks based on old accusations.

To (somewhat) get back on topic, it appears that Obama is looking to help the auto industry, but not as much on a corporational level as a working-man level. That's what will resonate more with voters than trying to help out the corporate offices. Of course, both are important, as one can't survive without the other.

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I'm not sure what side I take...

I think Obama will be a bigger catalyst for the change that this country desperately needs. But I think McCain will be the better leader.

I salute your indecision and honesty.

Your analysis is pretty good here too, but I would suggest considering changing McCain being a better leader to a more experienced and deserving leader.

Both parties should have done better in their nomination efforts.

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I'm not sure what side I take...

I think Obama will be a bigger catalyst for the change that this country desperately needs. But I think McCain will be the better leader.

I dunno man. Obama was a n00b to the scene who has run a top notch organization that took out the Clintons and looks likely to take out McCain.

Let me put it this way. If Hillary has won the nomination instead, do you think McCain would have run his campaign differently or do you think we'd be sitting here discussing Hilz's nutcase preacher/husband/fellow board members/less than savory old lawschool friends?

Do you think McCain would have won against Hillary running the same campaign against her as he has against Obama?

Since I think Hillary would have an easier time getting elected than Obama has <no muslim/terrrorist/commie/big ears slurs to throw about and Palin would have been neutralized>, what does that say McCain's leadership?

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I dunno man. Obama was a n00b to the scene who has run a top notch organization that took out the Clintons and looks likely to take out McCain.

Let me put it this way. If Hillary has won the nomination instead, do you think McCain would have run his campaign differently or do you think we'd be sitting here discussing Hilz's nutcase preacher/husband/fellow board members/less than savory old lawschool friends?

Do you think McCain would have won against Hillary running the same campaign against her as he has against Obama?

Since I think Hillary would have an easier time getting elected than Obama has <no muslim/terrrorist/commie/big ears slurs to throw about and Palin would have been neutralized>, what does that say McCain's leadership?

Hmm, I wonder what it would have been like had Hillary won the nomination......

I think McCain would have definitely ran a different campaign. Like you said, there would be no youth/inexperience/Muslim attacks. The only thing that may have stayed the same is the "American Hero" thing. Would he have even selected the same running mate? Perhaps not.

Do you think Hilary would have asked Obama to be her running mate, had she won? And if so, do you think he would have accepted?

For that matter, I wonder how the polls and forecasts would be right now if Hillary was the running mate and not Biden.

Gosh, it must be so much fun being a political analyst, hehe.

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Either one will accomplish much less than they have indicated.

We, as a nation, are in deep trouble. It will take a great deal more from a great many people to get us out of it.



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You would be suprised, though, Satty. We went on a scouting campout this weekend (my son Daniel and I). Most of the fathers and leaders in our scouting group are arch conservitives.

Palin is a Goddess amoung these people.

The other day at the store I saw bumper stickers on several minivans and pickups with the logo SARAH! and McCain for President, or Sarah 2012, or whatever.

She has her appeal to the far right. Mostly people who dislike/distrust McCain.


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...and as I've said before, my older son Joel goes to a mostly African American school for the arts. Even amoung the african-american teen girls, she has her fanboi's (fangirls?)


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gm4life, I am glad that you are a fellow midwesterner. And while our politics are 180 degrees from each other, I will say a couple more nice things about her.

As the father of three girls, I am really glad to see a woman in her position.

As a laid back redneck flannel and blue jeans kind O' guy, I am glad to see some one from "outisde of the belt way" in her position.

And as a horny male, I think she looked great as miss Alaska in that red swimsuit.


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then you should be horrified that Obama is pro-choice.

Why should I be horrified of that? That was a non-issue for me and had no bearing on which way I voted.

I see you left out many connections in Obama's past, yes many we've heard over and over about... and those have fully to do with his political career. Rezko hooked em up with a heck of a deal on a home and property. The fact that someone who's says they believe in this country and then listens to Rev. Wright for the past 20 years really has me scratching my head. But neither of those are even the reason's I'm not voting for him.

Obama and McCain have both had less-than-scrupulous dealings in the past, let's just call it even.

On a side note, why did the dem's put Biden in hiding????

Biden is out campaigning, but hasn't received much air time or any interviews. They probably figure he can't really do much to help in an interview but he could probably do harm. Sort of like how the Republicans have kept Bush in hiding the entire race.

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>>"...let's just call it even"<<

Dems would love for that to happen, and apparently --for a disappointingly huge portion of the voting pool-- it unfortunately has. BO, if put thru the standard background check for federal security clearance, would likely fail.

Do you really believe this? I mean that your remarks are somewhat tame when measured against a broader standard, but nonetheless are dispiriting in some ways.

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Sometimes the truth can indeed be "dispiriting", no?

A lot more is going to come out once the 'glow' wears off and the reality of the continuing long term recession bites down harder on the public, and people are willing to look past the 'feel good' emotion of 'winning' and start demanding some real answers. At least, I hope it comes to that, for the future's sake. Far too much has been ignored in this over-long campaign process. I've read numerous pieces on these connections, but of course they'd be breezily dismissed here.

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Sometimes the truth can indeed be "dispiriting", no?

A lot more is going to come out once the 'glow' wears off and the reality of the continuing long term recession bites down harder on the public, and people are willing to look past the 'feel good' emotion of 'winning' and start demanding some real answers. At least, I hope it comes to that, for the future's sake. Far too much has been ignored in this over-long campaign process. I've read numerous pieces on these connections, but of course they'd be breezily dismissed here.

Yes, Obama will have a tough time digging the US out of the hole that Bush and the Republicans have created. It is possible that the US is already several years into a decline from which they never will recover.

On the flip side, Bush has set the bar so low I really doubt that even your most horrible made up stories would put Barak at his level.

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Yes, Obama will have a tough time digging the US out of the hole that Bush and the Republicans have created. It is possible that the US is already several years into a decline from which they never will recover.

On the flip side, Bush has set the bar so low I really doubt that even your most horrible made up stories would put Barak at his level.

Yeah it's all Bush's fault. Can't wait for 4 yrs from now when I can blame everything on Obama... give me a break, you don't think the shape we're in right now has anything to do with the Dems? You know, Democratic congress that took hold in '06? You know... Congress, that makes the laws??? This is what frusterated me the most about this whole campaign, it's unbelievable just how uneducated people are about politics, how they work, and how we are put into some of the issues we are now. I'd lie to you if I told you I was 100% behind Bush, but if you look at this current financial meltdown and how it derived, it starte with Jimmy Carter in '79, was inhanced by Clinton (which actually passed a law that was to help and backfired), warned by Bush in '03 of the possible"bubble", again in '05 by McCain (both Bush and McCain tried to push a law through to stop where things were headed) only to be stopped both times by the Dems.... Now we are where we are. You don't think Pelosi and Barney Frank new about how things were going and where they were headed???? I'm not going to sit and tell you the Reps didn't have anything to do with it as well, but the Dems deffinatly had a big hand in this ordeal.

Why should I be horrified of that? That was a non-issue for me and had no bearing on which way I voted.

Wow, so your worried about immoral issues of a past marraige but something as important as abortion is a non-issue for you??? I'm speechless! These also are the comments that have me VERY worried about humanity in our country's future.

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Wow, so your worried about immoral issues of a past marraige but something as important as abortion is a non-issue for you??? I'm speechless! These also are the comments that have me VERY worried about humanity in our country's future.

Not everyone has the same priority of values that you do, so you really shouldn't be speechless. I have an opinion on abortion, however it did not affect my vote. I do not feel the national government should be making that decision.

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Wow, so much slander on Obama, and he hasn't even taken up office yet to even begin working on some of the current situations he wants to crack down on. Already, people are quick to deem him a failure even though he hasn't done anything yet. Give the man a chance, and if you think change happens overnight, you're all dreaming. It takes years upon years to turn anything around.

Just remember, even though a past Dem did this, and a past repub did that, doesn't mean future candidates/senators/presidents, etc are going to follow suit to their past party's leaders. Each person is unique to their own beliefs, and even though I'm not an American, I'm curious to see how the future unfolds in the U.S. because it does directly affect my country as well.

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I have a dumb question for the Republican lovers. The Republicans are supposed to be conservatives and save money and be the do gooders for this country. They are supposed to be such wonderful leaders and know how to interact with the foreighn countrys. They are against the so-called Democrats idea of Tax and Spend.

Why then do we have a higher deficit than any other time in history. Kind of funny since Clinton left with no deficit at all. But remember he was a so-called Tax and Spend liberal. Bush and his buddies back in 2003 got us involved in a war that has cost this country billions. Excuse me if I am wrong but doesnt my tax money help fund this war? If thats true than he Taxed me and spend my money for a war with questionable motives.

Think about all of this. Not saying I am right but just think.

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The deficit didn't change much when clinton was in office, he still left office with between $4 and $5 trillion deficit. His tax hikes helped keep it from going up, but his spending didn't really help it go down either. The war recently has not helped obviously. Obama saying he's going to cut taxes is absolute BS, if he does the deficit will grow even more out of control. That's what I've been saying all along. Obama said what he thought we want to hear to get elected, but reality is he won't be able to do those things. Keep in mind, if we could've been drilling offshore for the past decade or two we would be keeping a lot of that $$ here in the US as well. That would also have helped keep the deficit down from where it is today. It's not just Bush, it's everyone. BOTH parties.

Now you have a $700 bil bailout that was highly pushed by Pelosi and the Dem side of congress (still, BOTh parties involved) and now Pelosi wants to push another stimulous package.... in the end $1 trillion more spending in just a couple months. I personally don't agree with the bailout or stim package.

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the public thought clinton erased our deficit. UM NO. but in the time he was in office i don't think it went up substantially and it may have decreased some. But to suggest he got us out of the red? NO. NOT EVEN CLOSE. then bush decided to pile on. Bush is fine spending big bucks in Iraq each month but hems and haws at throwing a bone the automakers way to keep them going. Rather odd since bush and cheney's oil buddies are repsonsible for the crash of people's budgets.

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God willing there is still another Reagan to pull us out of this mess... Anyone? Anyone?

Obama already has Paul Volknar (the guy who actually pulled us out of the mess, not Reagan) as his economics adviser, what more do you want of the man?

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