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Did McCain lose your vote....


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For me, the answer is: absolutely

I can't even fathom Palin and her family in Washington, let alone running the country if that should ever come to pass...

I vote Republican about 1/2 the time, Dem the other 1/2....I was set to vote for McCain, but was waiting to see how he would round out his ticket...NOT.

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I didn't plan on voting for John McCain... once Palin first opened her mouth, I knew which way my vote was going.

Seriously, guys... imagine her as President after having alienated the party and the campaign...

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McCain started faltering before Palin, but if he had picked a halfway competent VP I would have considered him at least. I don't think he was that bad of a guy, but he totally lost it the last month. I've already voted early for Obama, so yes his choice of VP sealed the deal for me.

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eh... both "tickets" are pretty horrid...unless BO has been lying to get into office..but that'd mean his career is a lie. Palin is slightly populist according to...ontheissues.org , so is biden.



YAY! ~95% sure


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No, I will be voting McCain/Palin for sure.

I put myself as a independant and look at each candidate equally. The more I hear about Obama, the less I want him in office. He is just too far left. Yeah, he's a good talker, too bad 80% of his promises, he will have no control over if elected. Congress makes the laws. Our economy was good until 2 years ago... Dems ruled congress starting in '06. Bush warned of the housing situation back in '03, was overturned by Dems. McCain again warned in '05 (both tried to do something about it and both were shot down). Regardless, overall it was fault of both parties. Also I cannot see any good out of a Obama/Pelosi/Reed/Frank tie in. That will not be good. And while Obama is a good talker, I have yet to see anything that proves he has more or better experience than Palin. Now with Biden, I don't trust him with anything. He has went from saying many things bad about Obama including that he is not experienced enough in the primaries to now saying the opposite of course since he is picked as VP.

Back to Palin, she is really getting the blunt end of the stick from the media. They are pulling out all stops on the most rediculous stories about Palin to bring her down, yet would they dare do what to the Obama campaign? I have never seen so much biasness before, it's insane.

McCain and Palin both have and believe in good values, and values I fully agree with. I know not everyone agree's with em, and that's the great thing about this nation, that we are able to pick and choose who we want.

I hope everyone will look through all the mumbo jumbo, read between the lines, do research about each candidate and make a honest non biased pick, then vote in that matter and of the better of the nation in the long run as a whole, and not on one's personal agendas.

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No, I will be voting McCain/Palin for sure.

I put myself as a independant and look at each candidate equally. The more I hear about Obama, the less I want him in office. He is just too far left. Yeah, he's a good talker, too bad 80% of his promises, he will have no control over if elected. Congress makes the laws. Our economy was good until 2 years ago... Dems ruled congress starting in '06. Bush warned of the housing situation back in '03, was overturned by Dems. McCain again warned in '05 (both tried to do something about it and both were shot down). Regardless, overall it was fault of both parties. Also I cannot see any good out of a Obama/Pelosi/Reed/Frank tie in. That will not be good. And while Obama is a good talker, I have yet to see anything that proves he has more or better experience than Palin. Now with Biden, I don't trust him with anything. He has went from saying many things bad about Obama including that he is not experienced enough in the primaries to now saying the opposite of course since he is picked as VP.

Back to Palin, she is really getting the blunt end of the stick from the media. They are pulling out all stops on the most rediculous stories about Palin to bring her down, yet would they dare do what to the Obama campaign? I have never seen so much biasness before, it's insane.

McCain and Palin both have and believe in good values, and values I fully agree with. I know not everyone agree's with em, and that's the great thing about this nation, that we are able to pick and choose who we want.

I hope everyone will look through all the mumbo jumbo, read between the lines, do research about each candidate and make a honest non biased pick, then vote in that matter and of the better of the nation in the long run as a whole, and not on one's personal agendas.

Thank you for looking at it from a open minded perspective. Listen I have been trying to stay slient but honestly you make alot of sense. :unitedstates:

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I wouldn't have voted for McCain anyway. I usually always vote Democratic, I just can't bring myself to support the Republicans.

Not to get into any type of pissing match, but why can you not bring yourself to do so??? I can't just always vote for one party, because that party does not always have the best candidate. That's the biggest problem with a 2 party system. It causes people to vote for a person despite differences of opinions.

Thank you for looking at it from a open minded perspective. Listen I have been trying to stay slient but honestly you make alot of sense. :unitedstates:

Cheers! For something this important, I wish more people would be more open minded and put more focus and thought in their votes.... don't get me wrong, a lot do put effort into it, but there's still a lot out there that don't, or just don't care.

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Not to get into any type of pissing match, but why can you not bring yourself to do so??? I can't just always vote for one party, because that party does not always have the best candidate. That's the biggest problem with a 2 party system. It causes people to vote for a person despite differences of opinions.

I just can't support the conservatives... they don't represent me or my reality. If the Republicans had a more moderate, centrist candidate, I could certainly consider them, but I can't support the far right social conservatives.

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That may be a good thing

Until I hear her say anything either intelligent or non-scripted that gives the impression that she indeed COULD lead this country should the need arise, ....

.... no.

Edited by Lamar
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No, he didn't lose my vote when he picked Governor Palin. And some of you can puzzle all day about why a guy like me would go this way, and all I have to say in response is... it's Country First. Not Ocn First.
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I dislike them both to be honest. I wish for once, I could be enthused about the choices I have, but I'm not. In looking back, I think the choice of Palin will be seen as a big mistake but I think mainly McCain did himself in with the type of campaign he chose to run.

I'm including this link to an article about McCain that was in the October issue of Rolling Stone magazine. I take most everything I read about people with a grain of salt because I never know how much is true without embellishment by the writer but this all seems pretty legit to me and it's not a pretty picture. f you haven't read it, it's worth your time.


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No, he didn't lose my vote when he picked Governor Palin. And some of you can puzzle all day about why a guy like me would go this way, and all I have to say in response is... it's Country First. Not Ocn First.

Could you imagine blacks in 1964 voting for Byrd?

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Had the McCain of 2000 been running this would have been a difficult decision for me. The disrespectful, mudslinging, and incoherence McCain has run his campaign with not only cost him my potential vote but also the respect I had for the man. Pandering to the neo-con right wing with Palin when I KNOW he doesn't believe most of the thing she is spouting adds hypocrisy and dishonesty to the list.

He had his chance.... he blew it.

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Had the McCain of 2000 been running this would have been a difficult decision for me. The disrespectful, mudslinging, and incoherence McCain has run his campaign with not only cost him my potential vote but also the respect I had for the man. Pandering to the neo-con right wing with Palin when I KNOW he doesn't believe most of the thing she is spouting adds hypocrisy and dishonesty to the list.

He had his chance.... he blew it.

This is where I can say Obama's poor choices in the recent past aling with compulsive lies and accepting untracable donations, (I could go on) is where he blew it to me. Now on top of that he may not even have been born in the US.... one of the stipulations of being president of the US. A Dem even put a lawsuit out on the DNC about it and said he'd drop if it they just show the paperwork. Whether or not he really was born in the US, there is deffinatly something being hidden here.

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This is where I can say Obama's poor choices in the recent past aling with compulsive lies and accepting untracable donations, (I could go on) is where he blew it to me. Now on top of that he may not even have been born in the US.... one of the stipulations of being president of the US. A Dem even put a lawsuit out on the DNC about it and said he'd drop if it they just show the paperwork. Whether or not he really was born in the US, there is definitely something being hidden here.

Fact check first. Post second.

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This is where I can say Obama's poor choices in the recent past aling with compulsive lies and accepting untracable donations, (I could go on) is where he blew it to me. Now on top of that he may not even have been born in the US.... one of the stipulations of being president of the US. A Dem even put a lawsuit out on the DNC about it and said he'd drop if it they just show the paperwork. Whether or not he really was born in the US, there is deffinatly something being hidden here.

Ummmmm his mom was born here, soooooooo what else do you need? He is a natural citizen by law. Amazes me what the internet can do to some peoples rational thought...

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Ummmmm his mom was born here, soooooooo what else do you need? He is a natural citizen by law. Amazes me what the internet can do to some peoples rational thought...

I don't care where he was born, he lived here in the US his whole life anyway, it just makes you wonder why so much effort it being put into hiding this, and not only keeping it from the public, but also from some of the Democratic party. Remember, it's the Democratic party that is questioning this.

Regardless who wins, I hope that person does what is best in the interest of the US through the next 4 years.

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I don't care where he was born, he lived here in the US his whole life anyway, it just makes you wonder why so much effort it being put into hiding this, and not only keeping it from the public, but also from some of the Democratic party. Remember, it's the Democratic party that is questioning this.

Regardless who wins, I hope that person does what is best in the interest of the US through the next 4 years.

ignoring a crackpot != hiding

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This is where I can say Obama's poor choices in the recent past aling with compulsive lies and accepting untracable donations, (I could go on) is where he blew it to me. Now on top of that he may not even have been born in the US.... one of the stipulations of being president of the US. A Dem even put a lawsuit out on the DNC about it and said he'd drop if it they just show the paperwork. Whether or not he really was born in the US, there is deffinatly something being hidden here.

Obama, as far as everything I've read says, was born in Hawaii...a US state in the year he was born. McCain, on the other hand, was born in the Panama Canal Zone, which was under the control of the US in 1936, but is not and has never been a US state.

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Actually Palin and her fresh look on thing helped seal the deal for me and vote for McCain. McCain is to liberal for me as I am conservative and Palin shares many views I do.

I agree with YOU. She made me decide to vote for McCain.

I think you need a sort of checks-and-balances in the white house.....and I think a democratic congress NEEDS a republican white house.

I also think Palin's conservative views will be a good fit for McCain....who is a bit more to the left on many things than she is.

The only real issue I disagree with her on is her stance on gay issues. BUT, Obama is really no better. At least not from what I've heard.

I also like her demeanor, how she carries herself, how she speaks......to me, she sounds intelligent and well-rounded....regardless of what the media tries to spin.

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Palin running the country. Heh Heh. Yeah right. I could do better and I know nothing about running a country. McCain ruined it by starting in right away on the negetive campaigning. Obama didnt really start that until just lately and even then he keeps it to a minimum. McCain cant seem to state facts he just talks crap about things Obama did 40 years ago. McCain talks about being a war hero. Sure, but that doesnt mean you can run a country. Ulysses S. Grant proved that theory in the late 1860's.

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Palin running the country. Heh Heh. Yeah right. I could do better and I know nothing about running a country. McCain ruined it by starting in right away on the negetive campaigning. Obama didnt really start that until just lately and even then he keeps it to a minimum. McCain cant seem to state facts he just talks crap about things Obama did 40 years ago. McCain talks about being a war hero. Sure, but that doesnt mean you can run a country. Ulysses S. Grant proved that theory in the late 1860's.

Joe the Chair.

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Obama, as far as everything I've read says, was born in Hawaii...a US state in the year he was born. McCain, on the other hand, was born in the Panama Canal Zone, which was under the control of the US in 1936, but is not and has never been a US state.

There was a lawsuit begun in August (by a democrat) that challenges the fact of Obama being eligible to run for president. The lawsuit, apparently, has overwhelming evidence to support he was NOT born in the U.S.A......

I'm surprised it hasn't hit the mainstream media....because this is BIG.....(but then the mainstream media is so overwhelmingly biased towards Obama it doesn't surprise me I guess...)

One interesting item was that apparently Obama travelled on a Haitian passport while he was in college.....and the theory is...IF he had been a U.S.-born citizen, he would have had to denounce his U.S. citizenship in order to get the Haitian passport....


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There was a lawsuit begun in August (by a democrat) that challenges the fact of Obama being eligible to run for president. The lawsuit, apparently, has overwhelming evidence to support he was NOT born in the U.S.A......

I'm surprised it hasn't hit the mainstream media....because this is BIG.....(but then the mainstream media is so overwhelmingly biased towards Obama it doesn't surprise me I guess...)

One interesting item was that apparently Obama travelled on a Haitian passport while he was in college.....and the theory is...IF he had been a U.S.-born citizen, he would have had to denounce his U.S. citizenship in order to get the Haitian passport....


The evidence is not overwhelming and it is not big issue.

It's bull$h!.

The lawsuit you refer to was thrown out because the judge said the claims were "frivolous and not worthy of discussion.


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There was a lawsuit begun in August (by a democrat) that challenges the fact of Obama being eligible to run for president. The lawsuit, apparently, has overwhelming evidence to support he was NOT born in the U.S.A......

I'm surprised it hasn't hit the mainstream media....because this is BIG.....(but then the mainstream media is so overwhelmingly biased towards Obama it doesn't surprise me I guess...)

One interesting item was that apparently Obama travelled on a Haitian passport while he was in college.....and the theory is...IF he had been a U.S.-born citizen, he would have had to denounce his U.S. citizenship in order to get the Haitian passport....


This sounds like the kind of nonsense made up by Karl Rove or Rush Limbaugh. Zero credibility.

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What is it with you guys and this Obama character?


This can't be just a democrat/republican thing.....this guy didn't even EXIST in the spotlight until before he began his run for the presidency....

Don't you find his alliances with so many radical fanaticists even remotely scary?

He's shadier to me than an oak tree forest.....I don't trust him AT ALL......and frankly, his tax-and-spend policies and those of the democratic congress are going to send us into another depression.....

I'm one that voted for Kerry.....and would have considered voting for Hillary.....

But this guy is bad news all the way.....mark my words.....

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There was a lawsuit begun in August (by a democrat) that challenges the fact of Obama being eligible to run for president. The lawsuit, apparently, has overwhelming evidence to support he was NOT born in the U.S.A......

I'm surprised it hasn't hit the mainstream media....because this is BIG.....(but then the mainstream media is so overwhelmingly biased towards Obama it doesn't surprise me I guess...)

One interesting item was that apparently Obama travelled on a Haitian passport while he was in college.....and the theory is...IF he had been a U.S.-born citizen, he would have had to denounce his U.S. citizenship in order to get the Haitian passport....


Please read what I posted already. It is NOT big because it is NOT true. Fact check first, post second.

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I was never going to vote for McCain but I was ok with him winning until he picked Sarah Palin. Then I thought, "OMG he really doesn't stand for anything. What a hypocrite!" and then I lost all respect for him. If he wins it would be the biggest tragedy that this country has ever seen.

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What is it with you guys and this Obama character?


This can't be just a democrat/republican thing.....this guy didn't even EXIST in the spotlight until before he began his run for the presidency....

I was impressed with him when he spoke at the 2004 convention. His calmness is a wonderful relief from the "ZOMG!!@ TEERORITSSS ARE GONNA KILZ US ALL!", "ZOMG!@!!! REGULATION IS GOINA KILZ US ALL!", "ZOMG!!!!@#! ......" mentality of the Bush admin. As I've said before, if McCain of 2000 were running, I would have a difficult choice. It would have been a difficult choice in 2000 if it were McCain v. Gore. His actions since then have been erratic and against just about every core principle he claims to possess.

Don't you find his alliances with so many radical fanaticists even remotely scary?

He's shadier to me than an oak tree forest.....I don't trust him AT ALL......and frankly, his tax-and-spend policies and those of the democratic congress are going to send us into another depression.....

What is so scary about him? I mean, is he going to eat your kitteh or something? Worst case scenario is he raises taxes and tries to negotiate a peace with Iran through diplomatic means. The Ayers thing is a non-starter. The ACORN thing is a non-starter. Even if a few rogue ACORNS registered Mickey Mouse.... do you really think Mickey is going to show up to vote?

But this guy is bad news all the way.....mark my words.....

I shall. I'll subscribe to this thread and we can revisit it in 4 years.

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I was impressed with him when he spoke at the 2004 convention. His calmness is a wonderful relief from the "ZOMG!!@ TEERORITSSS ARE GONNA KILZ US ALL!", "ZOMG!@!!! REGULATION IS GOINA KILZ US ALL!", "ZOMG!!!!@#! ......" mentality of the Bush admin. As I've said before, if McCain of 2000 were running, I would have a difficult choice. It would have been a difficult choice in 2000 if it were McCain v. Gore. His actions since then have been erratic and against just about every core principle he claims to possess.

What is so scary about him? I mean, is he going to eat your kitteh or something? Worst case scenario is he raises taxes and tries to negotiate a peace with Iran through diplomatic means. The Ayers thing is a non-starter. The ACORN thing is a non-starter. Even if a few rogue ACORNS registered Mickey Mouse.... do you really think Mickey is going to show up to vote?

I shall. I'll subscribe to this thread and we can revisit it in 4 years.

What's probably the biggest domestic issue we have right now?

The economy.....

Can you defend how Obama's policies will do anything to reverse the tide? Seriously?

In my opinion, the stronger you make business (big AND small) the more people you employee, or keep employeed.....his policies work against business in just about every facet....

You have a dead economy, then it really doesn't matter how many social programs you intend to introduce.....there will be no one to pay for them (and yes that's you and me paying for them.)

"Spread the wealth! Spread the wealth! Spread the wealth!" I just love it.

And thanks, Joe, for informing us how Obama will be "tested" by a national disaster once he's in office.....that gives me plenty of calm too....


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For me, the answer is: absolutely

I can't even fathom Palin and her family in Washington, let alone running the country if that should ever come to pass...

I vote Republican about 1/2 the time, Dem the other 1/2....I was set to vote for McCain, but was waiting to see how he would round out his ticket...NOT.

This cost McCain about 6 or 7 votes amoung friends of mine. I'd love to know how many it cost him nationwide.

Not that I mind, mind you...but... :scratchchin:


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This cost McCain about 6 or 7 votes amoung friends of mine. I'd love to know how many it cost him nationwide.

Not that I mind, mind you...but... :scratchchin:


Funny because....in my social and work setting......everyone I talk to likes Palin........that's why it's so surprising what's going on in these political threads.....

I really thought the discussions would be much more evenly-split....

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I just can't support the conservatives... they don't represent me or my reality. If the Republicans had a more moderate, centrist candidate, I could certainly consider them, but I can't support the far right social conservatives.

Ford was a very good president, and Noxon had some very good policies. Ike was a wonderful president, and I would be proud to vote for a Republican president with the right kind of values.

This whole reagan/Bush neocon mentality has GOT to go, though.

Chris :convertible:

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