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hey BV i have an idea... instead of 4 wheeling all over the place... get a mountain bike if you dont already have one... and go bike riding for an hour... thatll get you in shape pretty fast... especially if you ride it out where you normally take your ATV

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3 miles?  I'd die after 1/2 mile.  BV you need tough man Croc.

First of all, I don't think you would. Half a mile is like 5 blocks. If you were morbidly obese with a severe case of asthma, then you might have a problem. My mother, in her mid-50s, runs 8 miles several times a week.

hey BV i have an idea... instead of 4 wheeling all over the place... get a mountain bike if you dont already have one... and go bike riding for an hour... thatll get you in shape pretty fast... especially if you ride it out where you normally take your ATV

Actually, biking is really $h!ty exercise. That's why it is easy to go long distances at decent speeds without much sweating. Walk or run...but biking if wasting your time.
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Actually, biking is really $h!ty exercise.  That's why it is easy to go long distances at decent speeds without much sweating.  Walk or run...but biking if wasting your time.

you're right, biking can be $h!ty exercise if all you do is putts along the street, but if you had a mountain bike, pushed yourself and were climbing up and down hills it would be really good exercise. I have a friend that bought a bike last fall and ended up losing 20 lbs before winter hit.
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hey BV i have an idea... instead of 4 wheeling all over the place... get a mountain bike if you dont already have one... and go bike riding for an hour... thatll get you in shape pretty fast... especially if you ride it out where you normally take your ATV

yea that is ultra good exercise ive rid my no gear bike where i take my dirt bike, now that son is good exercise.

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you're right, biking can be $h!ty exercise if all you do is putts along the street, but if you had a mountain bike, pushed yourself and were climbing up and down hills it would be really good exercise.  I have a friend that bought a bike last fall and ended up losing 20 lbs before winter hit.

Yes, but it is a lot easier to bull$h! exercise on a bike than by walking/running. Also, unless BV invests in one of the newer safety seats, too much biking will make him impotent. Edited by Croc
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Look, I used to bike extensively.  I didn't lose my weight until I switched to walking/running.

trust me if you do some hard mountian biking on some hills around here you will lose weight, compared to flat mountain biking.

BTW BV: those ab lounges are pretty cool, and fun! lol im easily amused

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The same can be said for just about any exercise. At the gym I see people lift 20lbs 10 times and call that a workout. From the pics I've seen, BV has plenty of hills around him, and using a mountain bike an hour at a time would give him plenty of exercise.

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Yea...again...when you're running/walking...you can't bull$h! it like biking. Biking hard constantly through hills requires a lot of discipline...and this is BV we're talking about.

If BV wants the "easiest" way to lose weight...it is through running. Just trust me on this. Chargerino, were you ever needing to lose a bit of weight? I'm speaking from first-hand experience here.

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The same can be said for just about any exercise. At the gym I see people lift 20lbs 10 times and call that a workout.

In defense of that, many repetitions with low weight increases tone instead of bulk.

I like to sit on that oblique bend machine where you rotate to each side. I do that 100 times on EACH side with 30 lbs. This helps definition in the middle. Then I go onto the elliptical for 20 to 30 minutes. Those doing it with 100 to 150 lbs. will build bulk and you don't want that at waist level. I tell those people who pile on the weight on that machine as to what the outcome might be ... some listen and some don't.

At any rate, back to BV, looks like "dem dar Central PA" hills present you with good workout opportunities.

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The same can be said for just about any exercise. At the gym I see people lift 20lbs 10 times and call that a workout. From the pics I've seen, BV has plenty of hills around him, and using a mountain bike an hour at a time would give him plenty of exercise.

He'd get a better workout running those same hills.

Face it, the reason people use bikes for transportation is because they are efficient machines. You go farther and easier than you would on your own.

I'm tired of arguing this. If you don't believe me, ask any trainer which is better exercise: riding a bike on hilly terrain or running on hilly terrain for the same amount of time.

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will make him impotent.

Speaking of that, did you hear about the black guy who went to get a vasectomy wearing a tuxedo?

He said: "If I'm going to be impo'tant, I'm gonna look impo'tant."

Back to the thread. More pictures, please.

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Yea...again...when you're running/walking...you can't bull$h! it like biking.  Biking hard constantly through hills requires a lot of discipline...and this is BV we're talking about.

If BV wants the "easiest" way to lose weight...it is through running.  Just trust me on this.  Chargerino, were you ever needing to lose a bit of weight?  I'm speaking from first-hand experience here.

no i have never needed to lose weight cause i dont sit on my ass all day.

and please never call me "Chargerino" that is trademarked for Bobino/Trinacriabob, and is a decree in the unwritten rules of C&G. :AH-HA_wink:

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He'd get a better workout running those same hills.

Face it, the reason people use bikes for transportation is because they are efficient machines.  You go farther and easier than you would on your own.

I'm tired of arguing this.  If you don't believe me, ask any trainer which is better exercise: riding a bike on hilly terrain or running on hilly terrain for the same amount of time.

Take two of these and call me in the morning: :chillpill: :chillpill:

I wasn't arguing with you, just merely relaying my personal experience with bicycling. See this thread for a little more info. I find riding a bike to be so pleasurable that I don't even care that I'm getting good exercise, it's more of a side benefit. IMO it's the best way to take in scenery. Between the gas price hikes, and the fact that I live 7mi away from my job, I'd be an idiot not to take my bike whenever I can.

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no i have never needed to lose weight cause i dont sit on my ass all day.

and please never call me "Chargerino" that is trademarked for Bobino/Trinacriabob, and is a decree in the unwritten rules of C&G. :AH-HA_wink:

Man, the Crocmeister and Chargerino have some interesting chemistry, that's for sure. :lol:

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God I cannot stand you, boy.  At least the representation you present of yourself here.  Your tone is so goddamned pompous it's unbelievable. :nono:

um...me? :unsure::blink:


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You really just need self-discipline and access to a weightroom.

Or you can go running at least 3 miles every day through a mixture of flat and hilly terrain, but that requires discipline.

Then there's always dieting, but that too requires discipline.

Really, there is no magic bullet.  If you want to lose weight, then instead of sitting on your ass logged into C&G for 4 hours everyday...use at least one of those hours running, doing yoga, weightlifting, dancing...anything physically active.

You don't have very high expectations of me... :P

Anyways, I have a weight machince and try to use it. I also try to do exercise and dieting, too. Yeah... but I get bored easily. That's my problem, I think. But I'm more active than you'd probably think. I hate doing nothing. I have to be doing something and since it's been nice out, I've been outside doing alot of stuff. Another problem is that while I try to diet, I don't eat very healthy food. Not that I don't want to, but that my parents don't buy any. Whether I like certain foods or not, I want to eat them... but I don't like many healthy foods, I'm extremely picky. Still, I wouldn't substitute exerisizing for any time on C&G... Sorry to disappoint. :lol::D

3 miles?  I'd die after 1/2 mile.  BV you need tough man Croc.

Meh... I have asthma and 3 miles isn't bad. The only thing I have a problem doing is running/jogging it constantly. After every half mile or so... I have to stop... :P

hey BV i have an idea... instead of 4 wheeling all over the place... get a mountain bike if you dont already have one... and go bike riding for an hour... thatll get you in shape pretty fast... especially if you ride it out where you normally take your ATV

Well... ATVing works out your arms depending on what you do. For those have never riden one, steering on certain terrain isn't exactly easy. Especially at the speeds I ride... :D

Besides... I don't take my ATV in demanding places very often. I usually stick to dirt roads and fields. Those are easy with bikes... except for when I encounter a hill, of which there are many around here. :P

That and... biking, to me, is more for getting around when I don't want to waste gas than exercising. I never really did that with my bike. Speaking of which, it's broke, although I still have my dad's.

Yes, but it is a lot easier to bull$h! exercise on a bike than by walking/running.  Also, unless BV invests in one of the newer safety seats, too much biking will make him impotent.

Yeah... walking and running is better exercise, I've found.

Yea...again...when you're running/walking...you can't bull$h! it like biking.  Biking hard constantly through hills requires a lot of discipline...and this is BV we're talking about.

If BV wants the "easiest" way to lose weight...it is through running.  Just trust me on this.  Chargerino, were you ever needing to lose a bit of weight?  I'm speaking from first-hand experience here.

Again, I don't get the impression that you have the highest expectations of me. :P Not that I understand why, though... I don't even have high expectations of myself. Damn low self esteem.

C'mon, c'mon, let's get more pix from people we HAVEN'T seen.

Yeah... and don't forget to take off those shirts! ^_^

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It's not low expectations, per se, it's just that since I've been through it, I know the pitfalls and cop-outs all too well. It sucks...but I'd rather tell it to you straight than paint a pretty (and false) picture of how if you just do three things, it'll all magically melt away. Cuz guess what? It doesn't. If there were a magic bullet, we'd all have it and all look like the A&F model on their splash page.

Of course...the weightloss methods I outlined previously are the healthy ones. There are other ways to lose weight...but they are unhealthy and sometimes dangerous. Just stick to the healthy stuff...the other ways might be faster, but they are more trouble than they're worth...

Edited for spelling

Edited by Croc
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Of course that wasn't directed at you, Chicken. The frat boy it was directed toward knows who I was talking to. He's right about walking and running though, they are great ways to work out. But you have to go uphill, both ways, otherwise there's not much of a burn. And you have to step lively. After you're done, you feel like a million bucks. Drink a big glass of water beforehand, and another after.
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Of course that wasn't directed at you, Chicken.  The frat boy it was directed toward knows who I was talking to.  He's right about walking and running though, they are great ways to work out.  But you have to go uphill, both ways, otherwise there's not much of a burn.  And you have to step lively.  After you're done, you feel like a million bucks.  Drink a big glass of water beforehand, and another after.



Anyway here is my actual picture, that other boy-hes my ambassader of human relations.

Posted Image


thats a little bit of the photographer i hired hand. an dthas my friend myrtle in the background.

Posted Image


and here is my friend, he goes by NOS2006, he resembles the NOS2006 on here IMO, ya know with the blonde highlights, dark skin, etc, etc.

Posted Image


Edited by Charger4U
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biking, when done correctly, will work your lower torso, inner/outer thighs, calves, hamstrings, gluteous, and your lower back. It's a good excercise, and can be very effective. And it's relaxing. I don't see what the problem is?

There are always more effective excercises. Swimming laps is about 5 times more effective than running, and it doesn't impact your joints as severely [relatively] as running does. Whatever floats your boat, get your butt in motion.

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Swimming is a mixed bag. It actually promotes fat retention (for bouyancy). Another thing that one should keep in mind is that no matter what you do, your body will get used to it and you will plateau. Trainers always suggest mixing the workout up every now and then so your body doesn't settle into a routine.

Aerobic activity is the most efficient fat-burning, though frequent anaerobic activity can be almost as effective as long as it is intense and frequently recurring.

Trainers generally recommend combining three different exercise activities into one workout regimen: 1 primary aerobic activity and 2 supplementary activities. Swimming, due to the fat-retention propensities, should only be used as a supplementary exercise.

From personal experience, I recommend:

Primary: Running

Secondary: Weight Training

Tertiary: Biking

If you are going to bike, get a spedometer/odometer. Try to maintain a constant speed throughout the different types of terrain. Starting out, 15mph should be easy enough, though push yourself to go to at least 20 ASAP.

Also, incorporate "sprints" into your activities. Sprints can be literal sprints, or intensity changes, such as maintaining constant speed yet going up a hill. The key is to sprint for a couple minutes (2-3) and then return to the same pace/intensity as prior to the sprint. DO NOT REST. Staying constantly active promotes fat loss.

Best weightlifting exercise? Squats. They can be a total body workout when done correctly. Leg presses and leg extensions work wonders as do leg curls. Lower body should take precedent to upper body if fat loss is the prime motive.

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Swimming laps is about 5 times more effective than running, and it doesn't impact your joints as severely [relatively] as running does.

I don't know why...I don't have any stamina in the water but can stay on an elliptical, stair climber or run for a much longer period of time. Swimming seems to wear me out quickly and I sure wouldn't want to pass out in a pool in case someone didn't see me. Maybe I'm just neurotic.

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Heh... Alright, just send a workout buddy my way to make sure I push myself and everything. That's definitely something I'd need.... :P

Anyways, I'm not joking about getting new pics of me, this time... :D

So how long are you going to wait for someone to show up? Log off now and run around your house for 10 minutes!!! SCHNELL!
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Thanks, Charguh, but you can call me NOS. I don't have dark skin. My highlights are fading. :P :AH-HA_wink:


:lol: i was just messin around, and it looks like you have dark skin.. :P

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biking, when done correctly, will work your lower torso, inner/outer thighs, calves, hamstrings, gluteous, and your lower back. It's a good excercise, and can be very effective. And it's relaxing. I don't see what the problem is?

There are always more effective excercises. Swimming laps is about 5 times more effective than running, and it doesn't impact your joints as severely [relatively] as running does. Whatever floats your boat, get your butt in motion.

DUDE! Where did you get that sig pic?! WHERE?! WHERE?! WHERE?! :idhitit:

Is there a bigger version?

Edited by Turbojett
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