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Ugh! I need to move away from here.

Camino LS6

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Here's the scene:

It is 59 degrees outside and I decide to take Arkus with me to the local Wawa. I head down RT 252 toward my destination behind a host of fools that think pacing the car next to you constitiutes safe driving. :rolleyes: After a frustrating, if mercifully short, drive I arrive at my destination. I always park right in front of the building so that Arkus can see me while I'm inside, which I proceed to do. I raise the passenger window to a crack of just over an inch so that Arkus can't push the window out of its track (again), and crack my window about half of an inch.

So I go inside and order my breakfast sandwiches and prepare my coffee. when the sandwiches are ready I get in line behind this woman who can't seem to control all of the crap she has spread all over the counter. Giant handbag with contents set here and there while she searches through her stuff for change, re-arranges her purchases, re-stuffs the bag, etc, etc, leaving the rest of us including the clerk twiddling our thumbs while she get her $h! together.

At this point I have been in the store for a total of about 8 minutes.

Arkus is busy jumping in and out of my seat and the passenger seat, sticking his nose out of the crack to sniff, and wagging his tail at those who talk to him as they pass by. He is (as usual) pretty excited.

I step outside and walk over to the truck to scratch his nose and say something to Arkus (the silly sort of thimgs you say to your dog). I then walk back to the sidewalk in front of the store to have a smoke since I don't smoke in the truck.

Just then I notice "Ole slowpoke" from the counter encounter a few minutes earlier. She is staring at me with this odd look on her face. I think , that's a bit strange, and dismiss it as she rounds the corner out of sight.

The next thing I know, she is back staring again... and then again.

I think, "WTF?"

She then proceeds to ask in an angry voice if "that is my dog".

I say, "Yes".

As I'm sayong "yes" she proceeds to give me grief about not having the window lower!

I tell her that both windows are cracked and that he will push his way out if they are lower.

Remember, it is only 59 degrees outside and Arkus has only been waiting in the truck for about 12 minutes or so.

In true "holier than thou" tone, she berates me and asserts that Arkus won't push his way out, blah,blah,blah....

I've had enough and tell her that she should mind her own business, and that she is an idiot and a busybody.

She replies that it is her business and that she is calling the cops.

I tell her, " go ahead"

As she pulls away I add that people like her disgust me.

Though by now pumped full of adrenalin, I decide to lean back against the wall and finish my smoke.

Arkus is looking at me and wagging his tail.

I get back in the truck and pet Arkus in greeting.

It is quite cool and comfortable inside, so I sit there for a few minutes and drink some coffee before heading home.

Why do tools like this woman feel that they have to push their own assumptions and assertions on others?

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Here's the scene:

It is 59 degrees outside and I decide to take Arkus with me to the local Wawa. I head down RT 252 toward my destination behind a host of fools that think pacing the car next to you constitiutes safe driving. :rolleyes: After a frustrating, if mercifully short, drive I arrive at my destination. I always park right in front of the building so that Arkus can see me while I'm inside, which I proceed to do. I raise the passenger window to a crack of just over an inch so that Arkus can't push the window out of its track (again), and crack my window about half of an inch.

So I go inside and order my breakfast sandwiches and prepare my coffee. when the sandwiches are ready I get in line behind this woman who can't seem to control all of the crap she has spread all over the counter. Giant handbag with contents set here and there while she searches through her stuff for change, re-arranges her purchases, re-stuffs the bag, etc, etc, leaving the rest of us including the clerk twiddling our thumbs while she get her $h! together.

At this point I have been in the store for a total of about 8 minutes.

Arkus is busy jumping in and out of my seat and the passenger seat, sticking his nose out of the crack to sniff, and wagging his tail at those who talk to him as they pass by. He is (as usual) pretty excited.

I step outside and walk over to the truck to scratch his nose and say something to Arkus (the silly sort of thimgs you say to your dog). I then walk back to the sidewalk in front of the store to have a smoke since I don't smoke in the truck.

Just then I notice "Ole slowpoke" from the counter encounter a few minutes earlier. She is staring at me with this odd look on her face. I think , that's a bit strange, and dismiss it as she rounds the corner out of sight.

The next thing I know, she is back staring again... and then again.

I think, "WTF?"

She then proceeds to ask in an angry voice if "that is my dog".

I say, "Yes".

As I'm sayong "yes" she proceeds to give me grief about not having the window lower!

I tell her that both windows are cracked and that he will push his way out if they are lower.

Remember, it is only 59 degrees outside and Arkus has only been waiting in the truck for about 12 minutes or so.

In true "holier than thou" tone, she berates me and asserts that Arkus won't push his way out, blah,blah,blah....

I've had enough and tell her that she should mind her own business, and that she is an idiot and a busybody.

She replies that it is her business and that she is calling the cops.

I tell her, " go ahead"

As she pulls away I add that people like her disgust me.

Though by now pumped full of adrenalin, I decide to lean back against the wall and finish my smoke.

Arkus is looking at me and wagging his tail.

I get back in the truck and pet Arkus in greeting.

It is quite cool and comfortable inside, so I sit there for a few minutes and drink some coffee before heading home.

Why do tools like this woman feel that they have to push their own assumptions and assertions on others?

It's one of the big things that have gone wrong with our country. People not minding their own lives and trying to push their belief systems on way too many other people.

It's the same thing as these people that threaten to call Child Protective Services should you <gasp> spank your unruly, misbehaving child in the grocery store....

Or like that bitch from MI years back that wanted to ban "...Married, with Children...." because she found it offensive......NEVER MIND that there are probably millions of people around the country that DIDN'T find it offensive and actually enjoyed the show.....

I would have been just as torqued off by this woman as you were.......

(Slow, dimwitted women at the cashier counter, especially if they are paying by check......ugh.......now that a WHOLE 'nuther thread in and of itself......)

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:huh: Oh, that's farenheit. :blush: My bad.

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:huh: Oh, that's farenheit. :blush: My bad.


I was wearing a sweatshirt and a jacket - only made her whole "display" that much more absurd.

EDIT: And I'm about to go cover some plants to protect them from predicted frost tonight. :rolleyes:

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85 degrees (F), bright sun, no wind.....here in Sin City......


Actually, it's THIRTEEN degrees in the Big City.....psyche! That's about 55 farenheit for the uninitiated.

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People can't seem to mind their own business these days at all. I've probably mentioned my story from a while ago where I couldn't even use a leaf-blower without being talked down about how I'm killing the planet.

Now, in the student parking lot at my school, I get hassled by one of the enviro groups at my school for driving a truck with a diesel engine, with the representative saying that I am driving something that is too big for my needs, and I should get something more efficient. What she DIDN'T know was that I use the truck for the family business, which is owning, and maintaining apartment buildings. I admit I was rude back to her, but after a day of mid-terms, and three hours of sleep the last thing I need to hear is how I'm an asshole. Essentially, I just asked her back, an expletive laden question about how the f*ck I was going to move refrigerators, sheets of plywood, and gallons of paint with a f*cking Honda Civic. To her credit, she was polite enough to just smile, and walk away, realizing I was in a &#036;h&#33;ty mood.

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People can't seem to mind their own business these days at all. I've probably mentioned my story from a while ago where I couldn't even use a leaf-blower without being talked down about how I'm killing the planet.

Now, in the student parking lot at my school, I get hassled by one of the enviro groups at my school for driving a truck with a diesel engine, with the representative saying that I am driving something that is too big for my needs, and I should get something more efficient. What she DIDN'T know was that I use the truck for the family business, which is owning, and maintaining apartment buildings. I admit I was rude back to her, but after a day of mid-terms, and three hours of sleep the last thing I need to hear is how I'm an asshole. Essentially, I just asked her back, an expletive laden question about how the f*ck I was going to move refrigerators, sheets of plywood, and gallons of paint with a f*cking Honda Civic. To her credit, she was polite enough to just smile, and walk away, realizing I was in a &#036;h&#33;ty mood.

She deserved no credit, except for being an overbearing, myopic, pinhead - just like the woman at the Wawa.

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There are lots of annoying old bags you run into in public places. If they're out of bounds, then I feel they are NOT entitled to respect.

But maybe for non-PC reasons, the N.E. tends to have more of them. If not annoying, they can be salt of the earth....so some are cool, like this lady from Queens who works down the hall from me.

Similar story - had a co-worker out West who hailed from Long Island. Some diner was doing a $ 1.99 breakfast. This witch of a (somewhat well-off) matron started going off on this poor Puerto Rican waitress who could barely speak English: "My eggs are runny, my meat isn't done correctly, my toast is cold." My co-worker, who is normally really laid-back, overheard this whole scene and ripped into her. His wife was surprised. But he verbally went for this lady's throat, which she wasn't expecting and this witch was dumbfounded.

Yeah, I take it you're in the outer reaches of metro Philly...I could see the "spillover" effect.

What the heck is a Wawa?

Edited by trinacriabob
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It just reinforces my desire to get a bit farther from the "madding crowd".

I feel the same way, Camino. If there were jobs wayyy up north (UP Michigan, door county Wisconsin, Wyoming, SD, Etc.) I would love to live away from all of the ufking morons....

People make me sick...this woman makes me sicker...


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You know you'll want to take the Wawa with you when you run off to Montana!

Easy on a hasty Intermountain West migration. I don't know if ocnblu is just joking. The West is beautiful, particularly the unpopulated parts, but what you gain in scenery, you may lose in other things.

My experience is that the people who have the toughest time adjusting to the (North)west are the Southern Californians and the Northeasterners. Partly, it's that the locals wished those folks never moved in. The other part is that the transplants speak their minds and the locals are passive-aggressive, typical of the "indigenous" population.

There are so many other beautiful areas of our country that offer more peace and quiet without the shock to one's system.....the Blue Ridge Mountains, the Smokies, the Santa Fe area of New Mexico (though TOO dry), to name a few.

There are a lot of people out there who suck, that's for sure.

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>>"It just reinforces my desire to get a bit farther from the "madding crowd"."<<

You find a place where this sort of thing DOESN'T happen, let the rest of us know, k ?

Well, just getting out of "The Sprawl" of the coastal areas could only help. Not having people in your face every day is quite possible in many,many, places. Might not be a 100% solution, but could easily be a 90% solution. I think I could handle that.

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Easy on a hasty Intermountain West migration. I don't know if ocnblu is just joking. The West is beautiful, particularly the unpopulated parts, but what you gain in scenery, you may lose in other things.

My experience is that the people who have the toughest time adjusting to the (North)west are the Southern Californians and the Northeasterners. Partly, it's that the locals wished those folks never moved in. The other part is that the transplants speak their minds and the locals are passive-aggressive, typical of the "indigenous" population.

There are so many other beautiful areas of our country that offer more peace and quiet without the shock to one's system.....the Blue Ridge Mountains, the Smokies, the Santa Fe area of New Mexico (though TOO dry), to name a few.

There are a lot of people out there who suck, that's for sure.

Montana has never been on my agenda - that was just Ocn's colorful way of responding. :AH-HA_wink:

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Easy on a hasty Intermountain West migration. I don't know if ocnblu is just joking. The West is beautiful, particularly the unpopulated parts, but what you gain in scenery, you may lose in other things.

My experience is that the people who have the toughest time adjusting to the (North)west are the Southern Californians and the Northeasterners. Partly, it's that the locals wished those folks never moved in. The other part is that the transplants speak their minds and the locals are passive-aggressive, typical of the "indigenous" population.

There are so many other beautiful areas of our country that offer more peace and quiet without the shock to one's system.....the Blue Ridge Mountains, the Smokies, the Santa Fe area of New Mexico (though TOO dry), to name a few.

There are a lot of people out there who suck, that's for sure.

My parents live in the blue ridge mountains, they are wayy to overpopulated for my taste.

IMHO I'd still prefer to be just up north. Living with -20 weather is preferable to living with most people.

Although I can find myself "alone" in a crowd, which i sometiems enjoy.


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Well, just getting out of "The Sprawl" of the coastal areas could only help. Not having people in your face every day is quite possible in many,many, places. Might not be a 100% solution, but could easily be a 90% solution. I think I could handle that.

My wife lived in Philly for a little while before we were married. Nice place to visit, but I don't know how anyone lives out there, or in any of the "Caostal" areas.

Where I live is pretty peaceful, I am just south of Columbus, Ohio...25 minutes from downtown, but I am surrounded by farm fields and horse farms.

Still too many idiots for my taste, though.


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My parents live in the blue ridge mountains, they are wayy to overpopulated for my taste.

Whereabouts? I know that Asheville (in NC, though) is kind of "under the spotlight" these days. Way too bohemian for my Catholic school ubringing...

Camino, I know you like colder weather....upstate NY is beautiful..along Interstate 87 north of Albany and south of the Canadian border...if you could only "freeze frame" it in mid-October for the whole year. But moving is always "easier said than done..."

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Whereabouts? I know that Asheville (in NC, though) is kind of "under the spotlight" these days. Way too bohemian for my Catholic school ubringing...

Camino, I know you like colder weather....upstate NY is beautiful..along Interstate 87 north of Albany and south of the Canadian border...if you could only "freeze frame" it in mid-October for the whole year. But moving is always "easier said than done..."

Now you are talking!

I love the Adirondaks.

But all I really need is a bit more distance from population centers and the crowds they create.

PCS: "Californy" will never be on my list. But I like that millionaire part!

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Wow, Camino ... what nerve of her.

I, too, wish to live in a "quieter" area, but alas, I need to be relatively close to hospitals :(.

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker

WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort

"Out in no-man's land on an old 2-lane" ... Bucky Covington ... 'It's Good To Be Us'

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Yes, I do know you, Camino. Now, if I have my timing right... stop reading this and go poop! You know your schedule! :)

Heck, when I went driving out west, I fell in love with Fort Collins, but I knew I'd miss being close to the ocean. No matter where you live, there is going to be something imperfect about it.

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While that lady was annoying and completely unreasonable

I have a "better"one for ya:

About a year ago, having just bought the M.B. 240d Julie &

I went to pick up Sofia at my ex's house after which we

went on a roadtrip. We took Julie's Mercedes, gas was

expensive & I was using the B-59 as my daily driver, she's

a thirsty girl, anyway the point is that Sofia was in the back

of the Mercedes, passed out, taking a much needed nap in

her child seat.

Julie wanted to run into the grocery store so I told her I'd

stay in the car with Sofia. When I got to the store & dropped

off Julie at the entrance I noticed a certain 1964 Chevrolet

Impala in the parking lot. The car is the daily driver of an

older gentleman... I parked about two or three spaces away,

but there were no cars in between the Mercedes and his '64.

I had a 5-7 min conversation with the owner of the '64, while

standing just a few feet away, constantly glancing over to

make sure that Sofia was safe and sound... and still asleep.

I was close enough to the car that I had no concern of any

idiot busybodies getting on my case, in fact the keys were in

the ignition and my wallet was on the dashboard, even

though money and the car were of very little consequence, it

was Sofia I was concerned for.

Well... after that 5-7 minutes,or let's round up to ten, a lady

walks out of the dry cleaners and stares at Sofia in the back

seat through the window with her face almost pressed up

against the glass. I walk over and ask semi-politely if I can

"help her with something" and she's already on the phone

with the cops. Julie at this point, walks out with her gallon of

milk, annoyed at the resulting conversation. I'm laughing at

the lady calling our Mercedes a "2400" since the "D" blends

with the 240.

The cops ran my plate and I explained myself, she got rude

with the cops because they were not "taking action" and they

told her they had it under control and at this point she needs

to leave. Nosy b!tch. <_<

BTW: The cop wrote down my name and number and gave

me the whole "please be more careful" speech. I thanked

him for his concern and we went on our way.

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Hell, if I found "black gold" on my property I'd build my own refinery and

gas station where classic American cars, & all 8+ cylinder contemporary

cars would always be able to gas up at a significant savings. :)

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While that lady was annoying and completely unreasonable

I have a "better"one for ya:

About a year ago, having just bought the M.B. 240d Julie &

I went to pick up Sofia at my ex's house after which we

went on a roadtrip. We took Julie's Mercedes, gas was

expensive & I was using the B-59 as my daily driver, she's

a thirsty girl, anyway the point is that Sofia was in the back

of the Mercedes, passed out, taking a much needed nap in

her child seat.

Julie wanted to run into the grocery store so I told her I'd

stay in the car with Sofia. When I got to the store & dropped

off Julie at the entrance I noticed a certain 1964 Chevrolet

Impala in the parking lot. The car is the daily driver of an

older gentleman... I parked about two or three spaces away,

but there were no cars in between the Mercedes and his '64.

I had a 5-7 min conversation with the owner of the '64, while

standing just a few feet away, constantly glancing over to

make sure that Sofia was safe and sound... and still asleep.

I was close enough to the car that I had no concern of any

idiot busybodies getting on my case, in fact the keys were in

the ignition and my wallet was on the dashboard, even

though money and the car were of very little consequence, it

was Sofia I was concerned for.

Well... after that 5-7 minutes,or let's round up to ten, a lady

walks out of the dry cleaners and stares at Sofia in the back

seat through the window with her face almost pressed up

against the glass. I walk over and ask semi-politely if I can

"help her with something" and she's already on the phone

with the cops. Julie at this point, walks out with her gallon of

milk, annoyed at the resulting conversation. I'm laughing at

the lady calling our Mercedes a "2400" since the "D" blends

with the 240.

The cops ran my plate and I explained myself, she got rude

with the cops because they were not "taking action" and they

told her they had it under control and at this point she needs

to leave. Nosy b!tch. <_<

BTW: The cop wrote down my name and number and gave

me the whole "please be more careful" speech. I thanked

him for his concern and we went on our way.


Arrogant bitch!

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Well, just getting out of "The Sprawl" of the coastal areas could only help. Not having people in your face every day is quite possible in many,many, places. Might not be a 100% solution, but could easily be a 90% solution. I think I could handle that.

One thing I'm finding nice about Las Vegas.....is the fact that, yes, Vegas is now a rather large city.....with numerous suburbs spirialing out away from the Strip.....BUT....from my house, in 45 minutes (less than an hour, I stress) I can be up at Mt. Charleston.....8,000 feet up.....in the midst of pine trees and forests......

It's SO significant, the change in landscape, (and temperature.....an easy span of 30 degrees)....that you simply can't believe there is a desert 6,000 feet below you.

In fact, with a 45 min travel time back to the sprawl of Las Vegas, one could easily imagine living up in the mountains and commuting down to a job in the city (if you could deal with the drive every day.) HELL, in L.A., a 45 minute commute for me could barely take me from O.C. past Long Beach for gawd's sake.....

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