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American Family Association ends McDonalds boycott


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You apparently misunderstand me. Afraid of homosexuals no. Disagree with the LIFESTYLE yes. Any person with a brain would notice that it wasn't meant that way. The only arguement that homosexuals produce for the LIFESTYLE choice is that they are born that way. Well if you are indeed born that way why aren't we seeking a cure?

Like a said before, you disagree with what I think and that is fine. I have no problem with that. You do. That sums up the whole issue nationally.

Fallacy of assumption. You assume that homosexuality is something that needs to be cured. This is incorrect, thus the rest of your argument falls apart.

Any person with a brain would notice that homosexuality occurs in all societies across the entire time line and in many many many species. It is a variant just like left handedness and red hair. To say that homosexuality doesn't occur naturally is to ignore the data. Homosexuality harms no one. Not the practitioners and not the people surrounding them. Thus there is no problem to address, no disease to cure.

Please don't go down the "if everyone was gay" slippery slope.... I'm tired of that argument even though I win it every. single. time.

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You apparently misunderstand me. Afraid of homosexuals no. Disagree with the LIFESTYLE yes. Any person with a brain would notice that it wasn't meant that way. The only arguement that homosexuals produce for the LIFESTYLE choice is that they are born that way. Well if you are indeed born that way why aren't we seeking a cure?

First of all, homosexuality is not a "lifestyle."

Living in a cabin in the mountains of Colorado is a "lifestyle." Living in an apartment in Manhattan is a "lifestyle." Living in the suburbs with your picket white fence with your 2.5 kids and 2.5 dogs is a "lifestyle."

The use of the words "lifestyle" and "choice" when discussing homosexuality is a sheer sign of ignorance......and it's insulting as well.

Now I'm not insinuating that YOU made those above comments in an effort to be "insulting".....I'm just trying to, perhaps, educate you a bit more.

As far as homosexuals "not meant to be that way"......well....although not at all overly (or even remotely) religious, I do believe in God. I also know that I was born gay. God created me, and I'm sure he had a rationale for making me gay. I may not know why, but it is what it is.

(Edit: If being gay was as simple as a "lifestyle choice"....then why would so many people around the world "choose" a "lifestyle" that was so persecuted? Perhaps one that is more persecuted than just about any other ethnic or social "norm?")

Edited by The O.C.
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(Edit: If being gay was as simple as a "lifestyle choice"....then why would so many people around the world "choose" a "lifestyle" that was so persecuted? Perhaps one that is more persecuted than just about any other ethnic or social "norm?")

So there I am hanging out on the Quad during break in my raincoat, Prada of course, looking for fresh recruits. I spot the campus jock walking across the field. I saunter up to him and say "Why don't you be gay? You get lots of sex, but your family will disown you, your teammates will beat you up, landlords won't rent to you, and bosses will fire you" To which he replies, "WHERE DO I SIGN UP!!?!"

I tell him, "First you need to get out of those old stonewashed jeans an into something more form fitting so that it shows off your package better and meet me at the Starbucks across from the gay bar to prepare for initiation... oh.. and bring pomade.... we'll have plenty of lube."

I radio the GAY AGENDA for this evening back to Homo headquarters in San Fran for approval..... and include pics.

New Homo-jock shows up at the Starbucks at 9pm..... I stroll in around 9:20, fashionably late of course, and order myself a grande, spiced pumpkin latte, soy milk, no whip, with a shot of vanilla.

New Homo-jock, looking a bit nervous, glances around to see if anyone is watching. "I'm not so sure about this.", he whispers. "Oh HUSH!", I say, "With that hair, that ass, and those cheekbones, you were just born to be gay!"

"But I don't even like Cher!" he whines. "That's ok sweetheart, you have plenty of divas to choose from. There's Madonna, Celine, Babs, Judy, Liza..."

The rest of the initiation gang shows up... unfashionably late (rolls eyes dramatically)... and after putting in orders that make the Starbucks baristta want to gouge his eyes out with yesterdays petite vanilla scones... begin their assessment. Pomade is applied generously.

Ike offers new homo-jock some tina (god that joke never gets old!) but I wave him away.

"Girls!" I shout, (not a female in the entire store), "It's time to take him over to Babylon. First one to get him into bed is the winner! First to get him to dance on the catwalk with his shirt off covered in body glitter is 1st runner up!"

and so the night of initiation for a new member of the most fabulous clique in the world begins.....

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So there I am hanging out on the Quad during break in my raincoat, Prada of course, looking for fresh recruits. I spot the campus jock walking across the field. I saunter up to him and say "Why don't you be gay? You get lots of sex, but your family will disown you, your teammates will beat you up, landlords won't rent to you, and bosses will fire you" To which he replies, "WHERE DO I SIGN UP!!?!"

I tell him, "First you need to get out of those old stonewashed jeans an into something more form fitting so that it shows off your package better and meet me at the Starbucks across from the gay bar to prepare for initiation... oh.. and bring pomade.... we'll have plenty of lube."

I radio the GAY AGENDA for this evening back to Homo headquarters in San Fran for approval..... and include pics.

New Homo-jock shows up at the Starbucks at 9pm..... I stroll in around 9:20, fashionably late of course, and order myself a grande, spiced pumpkin latte, soy milk, no whip, with a shot of vanilla.

New Homo-jock, looking a bit nervous, glances around to see if anyone is watching. "I'm not so sure about this.", he whispers. "Oh HUSH!", I say, "With that hair, that ass, and those cheekbones, you were just born to be gay!"

"But I don't even like Cher!" he whines. "That's ok sweetheart, you have plenty of divas to choose from. There's Madonna, Celine, Babs, Judy, Liza..."

The rest of the initiation gang shows up... unfashionably late (rolls eyes dramatically)... and after putting in orders that make the Starbucks baristta want to gouge his eyes out with yesterdays petite vanilla scones... begin their assessment. Pomade is applied generously.

Ike offers new homo-jock some tina (god that joke never gets old!) but I wave him away.

"Girls!" I shout, (not a female in the entire store), "It's time to take him over to Babylon. First one to get him into bed is the winner! First to get him to dance on the catwalk with his shirt off covered in body glitter is 1st runner up!"

and so the night of initiation for a new member of the most fabulous clique in the world begins.....

That post was an absolute work of art.....


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Thats it mister, you're test subject #1 for my gay cure. Its a pill I've tentatively named Vaginalishex.

Oh, is this another one? I tried some of that "poon" labeled Tang you had, but all it did was turn my tongue orange.

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Speaking of "converts".......you know what really cracks me up? Those organizations that say they can "heal" the gay homosexual and turn them straight....groups like Exodus International, etc.....


Uh, yeah, that was why I moved out of my parents' house before I could afford to. My parents wanted me to send me to "any one of my choice".

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I will continue to eat McDonalds. (although not a lot)

I really don't care about the AFA and whatever their 'bitch-of-the-month' is about.

I think its stupid that we can't even conduct business in america anymore without some dumb organization whining about this and that.. SO WHAT if MCD has a gay person on their board. Is he/she qualified? Then more power to them! SO WHAT if MCD joined the NGLCC... I would too if I had a business and it meant the possibility of more sales.

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No $h!, are you serious?


You have NO idea how messed up my family is! LOL

Now... this is better... this is funny as hell (because it's so sad)... 4 days before my surgery in April, I had to go to a cardiologist for an EKG. It was my first one ever, and I told my mother it was so cool, I joked that the doctor would tell me I was pregnant (because of the guy that said he was pregnant just around that time), because it's a sonogram of the heart, and my mother said, "Well, one day when you and your wife are looking at your own baby inside her womb, you'll be even more amazed."

I was completely speechless. Here is a woman I told I was gay 8 YEARS EARLIER, referring to me like I was her straight son going to do the wife and kid thing. Talk about the ultimate denial. After the surgery it came back up, and she confessed that she only said that because she knows through prayer, I can "overcome this phase in my life".


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You have NO idea how messed up my family is! LOL

Now... this is better... this is funny as hell (because it's so sad)... 4 days before my surgery in April, I had to go to a cardiologist for an EKG. It was my first one ever, and I told my mother it was so cool, I joked that the doctor would tell me I was pregnant (because of the guy that said he was pregnant just around that time), because it's a sonogram of the heart, and my mother said, "Well, one day when you and your wife are looking at your own baby inside her womb, you'll be even more amazed."

I was completely speechless. Here is a woman I told I was gay 8 YEARS EARLIER, referring to me like I was her straight son going to do the wife and kid thing. Talk about the ultimate denial. After the surgery it came back up, and she confessed that she only said that because she knows through prayer, I can "overcome this phase in my life".


Your mom should see the movie Saved!

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Well, with a nick like "Single Stylish", I thought you were on our team long ago.:blink:

My screen name refers to a stylish single cab chevy I had when I went to college and joined this board. The SS I thought was pretty neat. Had nothing to do with lifestyle choice.

You can all think what you want which is what is great about this country but, there is no convincing me that the gay lifestyle is "okay." Like I have said several hundred times now, I don't think it should be legislated because that isn't the role of goverment. However, if you open your mouth in public it is open for discussion like it or not.

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My screen name refers to a stylish single cab chevy I had when I went to college and joined this board. The SS I thought was pretty neat. Had nothing to do with lifestyle choice.

You can all think what you want which is what is great about this country but, there is no convincing me that the gay lifestyle is "okay." Like I have said several hundred times now, I don't think it should be legislated because that isn't the role of goverment. However, if you open your mouth in public it is open for discussion like it or not.

When you say "don't think it should be legislated", what do you mean by that?

I'm curious where you got the idea that you cannot be incorrect on this matter even when opposing evidence is shown?

Acknowledgment of fallibility is humbling, but it is also the first step in learning.

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When you say "don't think it should be legislated", what do you mean by that?

I am assuming the idea of homosexual marriage is the legislation being discussed. As I stated before, I don't think homosexual marriage should be legalized...nor should heterosexual marriage. They should be BOTH legalized as "civil unions" legal term and churches should take care of "marriage" as a religious union. If a church agrees that two men (or two women) should marry, then more power to them. If a church decides not to allow that, it's their right to believe in that. But the separation of church and state, as I see it, should exist with this point.

A gay couple should be allowed to have a civil union just like any straight couple, allowing both partners to the same rights of insurance, inheretance, etc.

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You can all think what you want which is what is great about this country but, there is no convincing me that the gay lifestyle is "okay."

You haven't learned anything from the people here on this thread.....have you?

I don't particularly care what your opinions are of gay people....but at least you can take away some knowledge from this thread......but you haven't really learned anything because you are still referring to homosexuality as a "lifestyle" when that's so incorrect, it's not even funny.

No one on here is trying to convince you to like gay people.....but your seemingly close-mindedness about the realities of homosexuality is a prime example of what torques so many (gay) people off these days.....

My god....just look at Paulie's recent posts about how his family....his own family.....treats him.....

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My god....just look at Paulie's recent posts about how his family....his own family.....treats him.....

You know what bugs me the most ? That my friends' parents are always so inviting to me and tell me to bring anyone I'm seeing to whatever family occasions they have. Yet my own parents, well, let's just say I was asked to not tell anyone of "my problem".

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A serious question for anyone who thinks homosexuality needs to be "cured." First, for the sake of this question, accept the premise that homosexuality is not a "lifestyle choice" but a born trait, like eye color or Down Syndrome. Now, assume science is able to isolate the "homosexual" chromosome. Should parents be required (or encouraged) to have their unborn children genetically modified? Or aborted? Would more abortions be better than more homosexuals?

Frankly homophobia is an atrocious personality trait and if that could be isolated and modified/eliminated, I'd be all for it. A world with prejudice is a silly, stupid world.

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Frankly homophobia is an atrocious personality trait and if that could be isolated and modified/eliminated, I'd be all for it. A world with prejudice is a silly, stupid world.


There is no quality more disgusting and foul than that of applied bigotry.

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Frankly homophobia is an atrocious personality trait and if that could be isolated and modified/eliminated, I'd be all for it.

Do I hear you working on a new flavor of Tang?

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Truth be, I really find it great that so many people here are comfortable with the Mo's. It's nice to be myself... I can't exactly do it at work. Can't do it at home. At least I have my friends and online friends. :AH-HA_wink:

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Reminds me of a couple years back when Fly remarked that the lounge was turning into a gay dating site, and a lot of the guys were hitting on mute.

Well, I tried to put some subtle moves on you that weekend we did the car show, but you didn't seem to respond positively to my advances.....what a coup' that would have been.....convertin' the Croc!


(just kidding......I wasn't puttin' any moves on you....)

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Well, I tried to put some subtle moves on you that weekend we did the car show, but you didn't seem to respond positively to my advances.....what a coup' that would have been.....convertin' the Croc!


(just kidding......I wasn't puttin' any moves on you....)


Yeah, I was gonna say...I mean you wouldn't be the first gay man to hit on me, but no dice.

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Shirtless pics preferred.......


Guys? Guys?

Yeah, there are some guys on this site that should get their own pinned topic :AH-HA_wink:

What's sad is, my students asked to see a picture of me from the year they were born (1995 (I was 18)). They couldn't believe it was me. One of the teachers said, "Oh my God, you were hot!"

Too bad I didn't know it back then! LOL

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Yeah, there are some guys on this site that should get their own pinned topic :AH-HA_wink:

What's sad is, my students asked to see a picture of me from the year they were born (1995 (I was 18)). They couldn't believe it was me. One of the teachers said, "Oh my God, you were hot!"

Too bad I didn't know it back then! LOL

The teacher said "OMG, you were hot"....??


I think you're a cutie Paulie!

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