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but I... (Microsoft) used Mac computers to make this ad.

Sad but true. Really.


It got out and a Microsoft Exec was already spinning the usual P.R. bull$h! this A.M.

saying something along the lines of

"sure we used Macs... we used LOTS of different hardware including some P.C.s" :lol:



You, being graphic designer by trade do not like Macs?

Wow... good luck wit that.

  Sixty8panther said:

You, being graphic designer by trade do not like Macs?

Wow... good luck wit that.

I think "do not like" is like saying the Chinese have a small problem with quality control (anyone got milk?).

I can if you really want write s short essay one why Macs suck so very much.


In 1997 when I got to college I griped and groaned about Macs, being one

who preferred PCs. After four years in college Using Macs 70% of the time

I learned from experience that Macs are MORE reliable, MORE flexible,

MORE user friendly, MORE intuitive... I could keep going but the point is

as a holder of a Graphic Design degree, (B.A.) you are the VERY first I've

ever met of our peers that prefers P.C.s.

I have a feeling I KNOW what your reasons are.... and I say:

If I had the know-how, tools, time & money to install a Pontiac derived 455

Super Duty/M22 in a tube chassis with 4-wheel independent suspension,

and all the best mechanicals/hardware AND then draped the whole thing in

a 1979 Hyundai pony fiberglass skin...


Posted (edited)
  Sixty8panther said:
In 1997 when I got to college I griped and groaned about Macs, being one

who preferred PCs. After four years in college Using Macs 70% of the time

I learned from experience that Macs are MORE reliable, MORE flexible,

MORE user friendly, MORE intuitive... I could keep going but the point is

as a holder of a Graphic Design degree, (B.A.) you are the VERY first I've

ever met of our peers that prefers P.C.s.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I can't stop laughing. :rotflmao:

Let's start with user friendly and intuitive:

Why is it that you can't rearrange the files when viewing beyond a list or thumbnails? Why are you unable to sort them?

When you use a program, like PhotoShop, on a PC, you have a dedicated background for the program so that you do not accidentally click something else and go to that program. On a Mac you're screwed. If you click anywhere that is not the project window you are working in, you end up clicking on whatever program may be behind you.

Why is it that if you click, say the Firefox icon you can only open one browser window? In Windows you can open multiple ones by clicking the icon multiple times. What a concept!

Speaking of annoying program discrepancies, have you ever used Dreamweaver? On a PC when multiple files are open they are neatly organized in tabs. Not so on a Mac!

How about when you maximize a window in Windows it truly maximizes it, whereas on a Mac it only maximizes it vertically?

How about the fact that until what, last year, you couldn't get a Mac brand Mouse with right-f@#king-click. How is Ctrl+Click better? More user friendly and intuitive? Never mind the fact that there wasn't a scroll wheel.

How about the fact that until the G5, there was no front USB port, and you had to rely on the $h!ty USB 1.0 ports on the keyboard, and even the early G5's only had 1 lousy port.

Oh and let's not forget how EFFING annoying it is when anytime you want to eject a flash drive from a Mac you cannot simply pull it out as on a PC, you must "eject it" and wait for it to tell you that it is OK to remove the device. Intuitive! User Friendly! Bull $h!!

Don't forget that there is no "show desktop" feature on a Mac. Nay, you can press F11 or something like that to move the windows aside. But they come back. Oh yes. And it pisses me off every time.

Flexible? Surely you jest. Try adding another CD/DVD drive on G5's before they came with that empty 2nd bay. What if you wanted to add another? What if you wanted to upgrade RAM without spending a fortune on Apple brand Ram. 3rd party support is cheaper but far more limited in choice.

With a PC you have thousands of parts that are interchangeable and make for easy and painless upgrades.

Wanna play Halo on your Mac? No such luck for you (unless you run Windows on it which defeats the whole point of owning a Mac), or thousands of games in general. No you can go f@#k off with the insanely retarded iTunes.

Let's also talk choice. Don't like Windows Media Player? (I don't), there's plenty of others to choose from. Not so on a Mac.

Stable? Have you tried OSX Leopard? It's terrible. UMass Lowell had so many problems with crashing and lock-ups that they downgraded to the older OS.

Then there's the price, or rather overpriced. The premium you have to pay for the "Mac experience" is just stupid. No thanks, I'd rather save hundreds and build a comparably speced PC or spend the same and build a far more powerful PC.

The ONLY advantage anyone has shown me that a Mac has is the color output settings to what you see is what you get for prints. Woopidy-freaking-doo. Considering I don't do many important print-outs anyway, that advantage is moot.

Edited by Dodgefan
Posted (edited)
  Sixty8panther said:
If I had the know-how, tools, time & money to install a Pontiac derived 455

Super Duty/M22 in a tube chassis with 4-wheel independent suspension,

and all the best mechanicals/hardware AND then draped the whole thing in

a 1979 Hyundai pony fiberglass skin...


Also, what the hell does the 2nd part of your post have to do with anything? That it takes so long to save lots of cash and build it yourself? So coming from the cheap man himself about he likes to do his own work, you'd rather have it done for you? Hypocrisy is not cool my friend.

Edited by Dodgefan
Posted (edited)

One more thing. No dedicated Print Screen Button. It's like 3 or 4 different buttons on opposite sides of the keyboard you have to press on a Mac to get the same result of one button on a PC.


Edited by Dodgefan
Posted (edited)


Says it all. I have no problem when someone uses Apple; hell competition is awesome. What I do have a problem with are people who take any opportunity to tell me their Apple is better than my PC, as if they are somehow superior, even though the joke is on them when they decide to pay through the ass for a measly 1GB RAM upgrade.

Edited by Captainbooyah
Posted (edited)
  Sixty8panther said:

You, being graphic designer by trade do not like Macs?

Wow... good luck wit that.

ZOMG I don't have iPhoto! The interwebs are t3h doomed without it!

All or nearly all of the Graphic programs used in the industry support PC as well as Mac.

Somehow I think I'll get by.

Try working with ASP.NET on a Mac.

Edited by Dodgefan

I'm pricing out a G5 Apple, and it's hilarious.


An extra 'superdrive' costs $100, while I can buy one for my PC for under 20...

Woweee! I can have FOUR ATI 2600 XT's!

  Captainbooyah said:
I'm pricing out a G5 Apple, and it's hilarious.


An extra 'superdrive' costs $100, while I can buy one for my PC for under 20...

Woweee! I can have FOUR ATI 2600 XT's!

$400 is half the price of the computer I just built for my girlfriend! And yeah, it's got 4 Gigs of Ram.


I feel compelled to weigh in on this post.

I have roughly 10 years of web and graphics design experience (and a degree). I started on a 6500-series Power Mac, then upgraded to a G3 B&W Mac. I used to think Macs were better. However for the last 6 years it has been PC only for me (except for class). I do 100% of my design work on PC's using mostly Adobe CS3 master collection, the same software they have loaded on the college Apple computers. I have used G5's and iMac's at college extensively (the latest C2D iMacs), and despite becoming completely comfortable with the OS, I am not nearly as productive as I am on the PC. I even bring my MX518 to college because the "Mighty Mouse" is a mighty gay attempt at a mouse. Windows may not look as nice or be as newb-friendly as MacOS X, but it is far more comfortable and productive for someone who uses mostly keyboard shortcuts to navigate and needs precise mouse acceleration (as opposed to gay MacOS mouse acceleration). Also, from my experience with both OS's, they are roughly the same in terms of stability and crashing potential.

  Dodgefan said:
Try working with ASP.NET on a Mac.

It's easy........ as long as you're using a Windows server. :lol:

Well, there probably is a way to use IIS and develop asp/.net in MacOS X locally, probably with a dual boot. I wouldn't want to set it up though, and I don't see why anyone would want to do coding on a Mac.


Macs are for people that have no idea how to use a computer. After 4 hours of using a mac it gets boring there is nothing more to explore. Windows however is better for the advanced User You can explore and learn things daily. Home networks are awesome Especially with start/run/Shutdown.exe -i Talk about fun stuff.

The best is the Nix' Ubuntu is amazing after you figure out driver issues and set up 3d desktops and such, but the average user will never understand it.

I will always prefer PC's because ease of use and maximum compatibility. However Mac has a very nice laptop design I love the mac book pro for its design and hardware, however it is over priced and should come with windows vista 64.

It a pointless argument and no one will ever win.


Well any of the points you're using for your argument are either too new for

me to be able to give fair judgment on OR I kindly agree to disagree and/or

it is irrelevant to me.

Perhaps the past few years have changed things and there's been a 180*

but I can certainly tell you that last time I was using both on an everyday

basis Macs kicked ass and took names.

Using a Mac for graphics was like using a 9C1 Caprice for a taxi cab... but

using a PC for graphics was like using a fu$%ing Geo Metro Convertible for

rock crawling.

Either way, I'm not going to get that bent out of shape.... this is not one of

my hot-buttons. :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

Good thing they have no B-pillars then! :P

Every mac I have used has been slower than my PC, I'm sure by now their are faster ones but I'd hate to pay for it.

Just admit it. I win this round. :smilewide:

Edited by Dodgefan

uhhhh... sure if you need to feel like you "won" then okay.

You're ten times the nerd I am.

Guess what though?

I've never had a Mac do any of the following:

1. blue screen of

2. continuous crashing

3. viruses, ever

4. really $h!ty performance & the inability to diagnose said problem

5, fried hard drive

P.C. suck imho & based on MY experience I'd own a Mac right now

if I had the money to buy one.

But yes, your "Nerd Kung Fu" is stronger than mine... :P

  Sixty8panther said:
uhhhh... sure if you need to feel like you "won" then okay.

You're ten times the nerd I am.

Guess what though?

I've never had a Mac do any of the following:

1. blue screen of

2. continuous crashing

3. viruses, ever

4. really $h!ty performance & the inability to diagnose said problem

5, fried hard drive

P.C. suck imho & based on MY experience I'd own a Mac right now

if I had the money to buy one.

But yes, your "Nerd Kung Fu" is stronger than mine... :P

  1. Haven't seen that since Windows 98
  2. See #1, but just wait until you spend quality time with Leopard :wink:
  3. I'll give you that
  4. Maybe you just had a $h!ty computer?
  5. Happened once but was a result of the HD actually failing not some mystery virus or because it wasn't graced by a Mac OS to save it from d00m
  6. To each his own, just be willing to pay more for the smiley face logo and the spinning ball of death :)

Oh pulease. Every time someone says something that goes against your idea you try to come up with some way to justify how that can't be right (OMG I get 18mpg on a good day so theirs no way you can get 38. The math is wrong, the odometer is suddenly wrong even though the mileage is the same for every trip, a filter in the space time continuum broketified and caused it to happen" or "I'll agree to disagree"

But it's ok, I hate Macs and you hate pieces of metal that reinforce a car's structure but obstruct the view and look. We've all got our quirks. :P

Posted (edited)

I know MacOS is better these days, but back when i used MacOS the friggen thing crashed more than the god awful Windows ME.

Mac OS 7.5.1

That being said i know my way around Mac OS X, but as a gamer, Mac is not my platform of choice (plus they are too damn expensive for the hardware you get).

oh and...

"I'm a PC, and the red zone is for the immediate loading and unloading of passengers only, there is no parking in a white zone"

Edited by Teh Ricer Civic!
  Sixty8panther said:
I've never had a Mac do any of the following:

1. blue screen of

2. continuous crashing

3. viruses, ever

4. really $h!ty performance & the inability to diagnose said problem

5, fried hard drive

1 macs cant its not in there coding. xp and vista do blue screen very rarely, Its mostly do to hardware failure, which IS no way in any shape Microsoft's problem. Or if key system files are damaged. Always caused by user error. However Macs will either not power up or stay at a grey screen for ever leaving the end user clueless.

2 either system can do that. In Windows its normally caused by user error. Macs caused by programing incompatibilities or user error

3 viruse are user errors. I have never recieved a virus. I use AVG Free omce a month and its always clean. Use firefox and common sense and you will never get a virus. there are viruses for Mac, more classic though like false icons and constant ejecting of CD's. There is a one that will delete system files though.

4 each computer is different you cant compare a celeron PC to a core 2 duo Mac. Irrelevant. Cost is a factor to. Vista is really good at telling you what is wrong now. As for Mac im not sure.

5. Irrelevant. If a HDD fries its a Manufacture's fault in QA. either, Maxtor, Seagate, Samsung, Western Digital, Hitachi, Toshiba, etc. No virus can cause hardware damage. they can format a drive and even than run Recover my files and presto all the data that "fried" away i back.

  Dodgefan said:
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I can't stop laughing. :rotflmao:

Let's start with user friendly and intuitive:

Why is it that you can't rearrange the files when viewing beyond a list or thumbnails? Why are you unable to sort them?

That is rather annoying.

When you use a program, like PhotoShop, on a PC, you have a dedicated background for the program so that you do not accidentally click something else and go to that program. On a Mac you're screwed. If you click anywhere that is not the project window you are working in, you end up clicking on whatever program may be behind you.

No big deal.

Why is it that if you click, say the Firefox icon you can only open one browser window? In Windows you can open multiple ones by clicking the icon multiple times. What a concept!

Because the Mac is smart enough not to keep opening the program, however if you know what you are doing you can ask it to open a new window/page/etc of the same program. This is similar to using ctrl-N in Windows.

Speaking of annoying program discrepancies, have you ever used Dreamweaver? On a PC when multiple files are open they are neatly organized in tabs. Not so on a Mac!

Never used Dreamweaver, but there are some issues when using PC based software on Macs. Not sure if this still applies.

How about when you maximize a window in Windows it truly maximizes it, whereas on a Mac it only maximizes it vertically?

The Mac operating system is smart enough to maximize the window in the dimension that actually requires more space. i.e. If it only maximized vertically, then it's probably because current window width was sufficiently wide to not require horizontal scrolling. Why take more room then it really needs.

How about the fact that until what, last year, you couldn't get a Mac brand Mouse with right-f@#king-click. How is Ctrl+Click better? More user friendly and intuitive? Never mind the fact that there wasn't a scroll wheel.

True, that sucks on the desktops. But, the laptops have had "scrolling" enabled touchpads for a while. Who needs a scroll wheel when you can use the touchpad to move VERTICALLY AND HORIZONTALLY (lat least with the laptops).

How about the fact that until the G5, there was no front USB port, and you had to rely on the $h!ty USB 1.0 ports on the keyboard, and even the early G5's only had 1 lousy port.


Oh and let's not forget how EFFING annoying it is when anytime you want to eject a flash drive from a Mac you cannot simply pull it out as on a PC, you must "eject it" and wait for it to tell you that it is OK to remove the device. Intuitive! User Friendly! Bull $h!!

As if Windows doesn't piss and moan when you remove a USB device without properly "ejecting" it. You can simply pull it out of the Mac, and it will complain just like when you pull it out of a PC.

Don't forget that there is no "show desktop" feature on a Mac. Nay, you can press F11 or something like that to move the windows aside. But they come back. Oh yes. And it pisses me off every time.

"Show desktop," along with other convenient displays are all available on the Mac. You can even program "hot corners" so that you never have to click an icon. The windows only come back if/when you want them to.

Flexible? Surely you jest. Try adding another CD/DVD drive on G5's before they came with that empty 2nd bay. What if you wanted to add another? What if you wanted to upgrade RAM without spending a fortune on Apple brand Ram. 3rd party support is cheaper but far more limited in choice.

My laptop runs great as-is. I don't care about adding extra crap.

With a PC you have thousands of parts that are interchangeable and make for easy and painless upgrades.

Because PC's need upgrades, often. :P

Wanna play Halo on your Mac? No such luck for you (unless you run Windows on it which defeats the whole point of owning a Mac), or thousands of games in general. No you can go f@#k off with the insanely retarded iTunes.

Oh well...

Let's also talk choice. Don't like Windows Media Player? (I don't), there's plenty of others to choose from. Not so on a Mac.

I've used Windows media player and Quicktime. I also know that other players work on Macs. Don't remember the name, bu the icons look like orange cones.

Stable? Have you tried OSX Leopard? It's terrible. UMass Lowell had so many problems with crashing and lock-ups that they downgraded to the older OS.

I'm still using Tiger.

Then there's the price, or rather overpriced. The premium you have to pay for the "Mac experience" is just stupid. No thanks, I'd rather save hundreds and build a comparably speced PC or spend the same and build a far more powerful PC.

I can agree when it comes to desktops... But, MAC LAPTOPS OWN ALL OTHERS! They are more sturdy, well assembled, everything...

The ONLY advantage anyone has shown me that a Mac has is the color output settings to what you see is what you get for prints. Woopidy-freaking-doo. Considering I don't do many important print-outs anyway, that advantage is moot.

Plus... Macs will easily convert .eps to .pdf, and other stuff that I can't prove but can make generalized comments about but am to tired to mention.

Posted (edited)

I have never used an anti-virus except for once when I gave AVG a try for a while until I realized I didn't need it. I honestly don't see how everyone around me, all my coworkers who constantly need help, get so many viruses and malware. It's incredible. I used a no-service-pack WinXP for several years when I built my first (Windows XP-based) PC, no security updates, and never had a problem. For the dumb people, Mac's really are an ok choice. They are far less likely to screw it over just from surfing the Internet.

I've never experienced a BSOD other than either faulty RAM or unstable RAM from overclocking.

A good Windows computer doesn't "just crash".

Most performance problems on PC's are the result of users that load them up. In that case, they may be better using a Mac.

And AAS, the orange cones is VLC Media Player. ;-]

Edited by siegen
Posted (edited)
That is rather annoying.

Quite so.

No big deal.

It's annoying if you happen to accidentally click .01 mm away from the intended window and instead click something in the background.

Because the Mac is smart enough not to keep opening the program, however if you know what you are doing you can ask it to open a new window/page/etc of the same program. This is similar to using ctrl-N in Windows.

How is that smart? Why should I have to use an extra step to open an extra window if I desire?

Never used Dreamweaver, but there are some issues when using PC based software on Macs. Not sure if this still applies.

I believe that Macromedia's program suite was originally for the Mac.

The Mac operating system is smart enough to maximize the window in the dimension that actually requires more space. i.e. If it only maximized vertically, then it's probably because current window width was sufficiently wide to not require horizontal scrolling. Why take more room then it really needs.

I suppose there is logic to that. However I prefer it to actually "maximize" when I tell it to. Otherwise I can actually size the windows myself to my liking, rather than the computer doing what it "thinks" is best.

True, that sucks on the desktops. But, the laptops have had "scrolling" enabled touchpads for a while. Who needs a scroll wheel when you can use the touchpad to move VERTICALLY AND HORIZONTALLY (lat least with the laptops).

That's laptops, I'm mainly referring to desktops. Also most mice today can scroll vertically and horizontally.

As if Windows doesn't piss and moan when you remove a USB device without properly "ejecting" it. You can simply pull it out of the Mac, and it will complain just like when you pull it out of a PC.

Nope. Only if the file you just saved to the drive is still open in a program. In a Mac it doesn't matter if it's closed and not a single program is running...you have to "eject it" or it'll bitch and won't shut up.

My laptop runs great as-is. I don't care about adding extra crap.

It's hardly crap, it depends what your needs are and what you do with your computer, and again, I'm referring to desktops really. Laptops by nature are inherently limited to what you can do to expand them.

Because PC's need upgrades, often. tongue.gif

2 years and I have yet to upgrade my computer. Last year when the school bought new G5's for the Art Department, my computer was still better. I only want to upgrade it now because I play a lot of games and I hate lag. That and lag sucks in Maya.

Oh well...

I suppose, again, it depends on what you do with your computer. I play a lot of games in addition to the work I do.

I'm still using Tiger.

And for good reason. Tiger was at least fairly stable.

I can agree when it comes to desktops... But, MAC LAPTOPS OWN ALL OTHERS! They are more sturdy, well assembled, everything...

Can't really argue because I've never bought a laptop. That being said I would probably consider a Mac laptop since as I said before, laptops are limited to what they can do and be upgraded anyway, and the PC laptops are pricey anyway compared to the desktops. That being said I wouldn't spend the money for a top-of-the-line model. I'll keep my desktop as the powerhouse. Still, I don't really want or need one right now so I'll spend that money on other things.

Plus... Macs will easily convert .eps to .pdf, and other stuff that I can't prove but can make generalized comments about but am to tired to mention.

I can convert .eps to .pdf on my PC easily.

Edited by Dodgefan
Because PC's need upgrades, often.
No more than Mac's do. Where is the logic in this statement?

If you want to play the latest games on PC, like me, you end up upgrading a few times a year. That isn't as big of a problem on Mac's because most people don't buy Mac's for gaming. As far as running the latest Adobe and other programs, you don't need to constantly upgrade a PC any more than a Mac.

Upgrading a PC is easier and cheaper than a Mac, usually. I can build a top of the line gaming rig now, upgrade it in 8-12 months with the latest components, and still have spent less overall than the Mac would originally cost.


If you have deep pockets.

My $450 (total after S&H) Compaq refurbished Laptop is exactly what I needed for college. It is fairly quick with an AMD Athlon X2, 1GB RAM, 120GB HDD, and has all the features I need including a DVD burner. Memory can be upgraded cheaply, but I don't really need more for Office programs and the web.

  siegen said:
No more than Mac's do. Where is the logic in this statement?


I wasn't serious, just throwing that out there to bug you guys.

  AAS said:
I wasn't serious, just throwing that out there to bug you guys.

But really, part of the fun of owning a PC is upgrading is all the time. :neenerneener:


At any rate, weather Mac computers are or are not problematic these days I can

see how their quality might have gone down if for NOTHING else, because they

have spread themselves pretty thin these days, what with the iPod, iPhone & all

the other recent niche/emerging tech products.

  Sixty8panther said:
At any rate, weather Mac computers are or are not problematic these days I can

see how their quality might have gone down if for NOTHING else, because they

have spread themselves pretty thin these days, what with the iPod, iPhone & all

the other recent niche/emerging tech products.

I was not aware that Mac built computers that controlled the weather.


If Apple were smart and really wanted to back MS into a corner, they'd release a version of Mac OS for garden variety PCs. It really isn't the hardware's fault (especially since Apple now uses Intel). I sampled an "altered" version of Leopard on a Dell Inspiron 8200 (P4, 2.0GHz, 512MB RAM) that ran "OK" with XP, and it really moved. Boot time was about equal to XP, but application load times were much faster and the graphics were smoother. IF I could've gotten my wireless card to work with it I'd have never given it up.



There's forums out there for that and with pearls script and Linux code you should be able to get driver to work.


I freaking hate Macs. Yeah, Windows has its problems, but Macs irritate me to the ends of the earth whenever I use one. E-v-e-r-y single time I used one for Photoshop or internet the god damn windows would accidentally get minimized when you click outside of it. Our macs at school always had compatibility issues with the scanners, and I hated the little pop up icons on the bottom because the scroll area was so small that half the time you would end up clicking the wrong one. I hate that when you minimize the window, it still has the program bar at the top; it drove me nuts switching between programs.

I did a lot of graphics work in school and never saw the benefits with Macs. Yeah, you get some extra programs that Windows doesn't come standard with, but I used the Adobe Suite for pretty much everything and it works just as well on PC's as it does Macs.

And when it comes to gaming, it's not even a contest.


I got a New one

I'm PC and in 1997 We bought 150 million worth of apple stock so we could have a competitor.

Your welcome Mac!


No Money for Steve Jobs.

Macs were good in those good ol' days. PC is awesome (Vista Still sucks). Dual Quad Cores with 64X and 16GB can own those mac workstations and run circles around them without a drop of sweat and yet be half as much as Macs when it comes to price and I am mightily impressed with Dell's service for workstations.

I agree with siegen - get refurbished and still have performance beating the Macs.

As for the viruses it is the scale effect - 87% of world uses windows - so lot of losers have spare time trying to outsmart the PC.

  mustang84 said:
I freaking hate Macs. Yeah, Windows has its problems, but Macs irritate me to the ends of the earth whenever I use one. E-v-e-r-y single time I used one for Photoshop or internet the god damn windows would accidentally get minimized when you click outside of it. Our macs at school always had compatibility issues with the scanners, and I hated the little pop up icons on the bottom because the scroll area was so small that half the time you would end up clicking the wrong one. I hate that when you minimize the window, it still has the program bar at the top; it drove me nuts switching between programs.


I totally agree! Those are just a few reasons Macs suck... if all you do is use them occasionally. I would have made the same arguments, until I was "forced" to use a PowerBook for work. Once I set everything the way I wanted it and got accustomed to how things work, I'de say there is no turning back.


All I am going to add is... Vista gets on my nerves to no end. It has some cool features and graphics when it comes to the user interface, but it reminds me more of our old Windows 98 POS than anything else when you actually have to do anything outside of just browsing the desktop. For all the more I do on my computer, I would think a Mac would suit my needs without being such an annoyance. Granted, XP worked fine for me. It was much more stable than Vista and was problem free up until the virus ruined it.

  blackviper8891 said:
All I am going to add is... Vista gets on my nerves to no end. It has some cool features and graphics when it comes to the user interface, but it reminds me more of our old Windows 98 POS than anything else when you actually have to do anything outside of just browsing the desktop. For all the more I do on my computer, I would think a Mac would suit my needs without being such an annoyance. Granted, XP worked fine for me. It was much more stable than Vista and was problem free up until the virus ruined it.

Whats up with all the 98 bashing? 98SE was the best OS around until windows XP came out. And by that time Apple had gotten its act together with OS X.

You have to remember that the older mac systems were FAR less stable than Windows. However, they were easier to reformat (which was a common occurrence).

  Teh Ricer Civic! said:
Whats up with all the 98 bashing? 98SE was the best OS around until windows XP came out. And by that time Apple had gotten its act together with OS X.

You have to remember that the older mac systems were FAR less stable than Windows. However, they were easier to reformat (which was a common occurrence).

Our 98 was fine.....

  Teh Ricer Civic! said:
Whats up with all the 98 bashing? 98SE was the best OS around until windows XP came out. And by that time Apple had gotten its act together with OS X.

You have to remember that the older mac systems were FAR less stable than Windows. However, they were easier to reformat (which was a common occurrence).

My personal experiences with Win98, having used it for a good 8 years have been... let's say, less than stellar. :P


A computer is only as smart as the user.

I loved 3.1 actually.

95 sucked

98SE rocked

ME sucked

2000- Better than XP

XP bleh....

Vista Amazing

Windows 7? Ehh its vista with a new name and more thought out and polished less memory intensive

If you really want to Hate Microsoft and Apple than you need to watch "Pirates of Silicon Valley" The best movie EVER!!! If you have seen it then you can understand that Xerox is retarded and I feel horrible for their development team in the late 1970's. Jobs is a straight up asshole. And Gates is a little conniving weasel. really Steve Wozniak should of ran apple the entire time and it would be so much better. Paul Allen should of never left Microsoft.

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