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I never used ME...but was happy w/ 95 and 98 at the time, and liked Win 2000 and XP. My experience w/ Vista has been mixed...a total dog on one machine (Toshiba laptop), fine on another (Compaq laptop). I'm using a Dell desktop w/ Win XP Pro (and Lotus Notes for email) at my new contract, a bit of a step down from the Mac Book Pro at my last place..

Edited by moltar
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GE electric motors ever since they out sourced them.

GE Microwaves

Florescent bulbs

CUBICLES the inventor should be shot.

Anything E Machines/Gateway

Foxconn motherboards

Timex alarm clocks

the Moto RAZR

The Moto Q

Sony/Toshiba Betamax/HD DVD

Any Tool Not a Craftsman besides ratchets and power tools Snap on/bluepoint has the Greatest ratchets ever made.

Husky/Cobalt tools

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i'd only complain about the bloat and security layers from my personal experience. ....i don't use it on my personal pc yet. i have a business ed. i bought through school for ~$15.

old handheld lcd games... the ones that were just one game and didn't have any real "motion" to them, just a few positions and actions.

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there, I'll start.

everyone else, chime in, what products SUCK. i.e. suck so bad you wish you could gain revenge on their maker......

What is the bitching about Vista? I just did a PC build with Vista Home Premium, because I wanted 4 gigs of Ram and XP only supports 2. No problems with it. It looks nice, and can better make use of newer CPU and GPU technologies.

The only thing that is slightly annoying is that it asks you for permission any time you want to run a CD-based game or install a program.

So I have to click one more time than I did with XP. So what?

Vista is a resource hog, but if your computer doesn't suck it runs great.

Wanna talk a $h!ty OS? Besides ME of course, OS X Leopard. Unstable as hell, and my experiences with it's security settings were worse than anything Microsoft has done. The OS is so unstable last year my school uninstalled it and put the OS X Tiger back on the brand new computers.

GE electric motors ever since they out sourced them.

GE Microwaves

Florescent bulbs

CUBICLES the inventor should be shot.

Anything E Machines/Gateway

Foxconn motherboards

Timex alarm clocks

the Moto RAZR

The Moto Q

Sony/Toshiba Betamax/HD DVD

Any Tool Not a Craftsman besides ratchets and power tools Snap on/bluepoint has the Greatest ratchets ever made.

Husky/Cobalt tools

What's wrong with Flourescent bulbs?

Foxconn Motherboards? My computer uses a Foxconn mobo and it has been excellent for me for 2 years now.

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Bluetooth headsets.

Because the headset doesn't work well? Or, because now we are subject to ass wipes with their headsets permanently attached to their head, whether they really need to be hands-free or not, and it's so annoying, and it always takes a few seconds to figure out who some nut is talking to?

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my motorola bluetooth motorokr s9 headphones are FANTASTIC....work with the phone, with the computers and media player, works with everything. I highly recommend them.

Vista is too complex to use, and its so bloated with needless red tape. the interface is garbage. I can't even access files off my old hard drive through vista. 'user access control'....eff you vista, now I've got email, contacts, photos, music and videos that are rendered useless because there is no way to copy them and give them 'permission' on my new vista computer.

yes its a hardware hog. the question is why? Macs run fine on 1gb of ram. they don't need 4 gb to just keep from crashing or locking up all the time.

my next computer if i can swing it is defintely apple. no more windows crap. i've had it. vista is such a failure that many places sell XP downgrades as a choice! If vista were good, everyone would move on from XP!

Edited by regfootball
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Stacker hard drive compression software


Compuserve & AOL Online client software

Just about anything produced by Symantec/Norton within the last 10 years

Any trial software that comes pre-installed on new PC's

Edited by frogger
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Power sliding doors on minivans... 15 yrs. and I don't think anyone has made those **** things reliable yet.

8 years and 66k miles later, my aunt and uncles' 'vacation house car' Venture in San Diego has had zero problems with the power sliding door. It even plays a nice jingle when you close it!

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What is the bitching about Vista? I just did a PC build with Vista Home Premium, because I wanted 4 gigs of Ram and XP only supports 2. No problems with it. It looks nice, and can better make use of newer CPU and GPU technologies.

The only thing that is slightly annoying is that it asks you for permission any time you want to run a CD-based game or install a program.

So I have to click one more time than I did with XP. So what?

Vista is a resource hog, but if your computer doesn't suck it runs great.

Wanna talk a $h!ty OS? Besides ME of course, OS X Leopard. Unstable as hell, and my experiences with it's security settings were worse than anything Microsoft has done. The OS is so unstable last year my school uninstalled it and put the OS X Tiger back on the brand new computers.

What's wrong with Flourescent bulbs?

Foxconn Motherboards? My computer uses a Foxconn mobo and it has been excellent for me for 2 years now.

Amen about Vista I love it! and xp supports 3 1/2 gigs

they give me head aches i can see them flicker and it really annoys the crap out of me. I get anxiety attacks in office buildings.

I never had a good experience with Foxconn. I have received so many DOA's and they die after about 6 months on me.

DFI, ASUS, and EVGA FTW! all extremely overpriced though.

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GE electric motors ever since they out sourced them.

GE Microwaves

Florescent bulbs

CUBICLES the inventor should be shot.

Anything E Machines/Gateway

Foxconn motherboards

Timex alarm clocks

the Moto RAZR

The Moto Q

Sony/Toshiba Betamax/HD DVD

Any Tool Not a Craftsman besides ratchets and power tools Snap on/bluepoint has the Greatest ratchets ever made.

Husky/Cobalt tools

Wrong about everything on this list. (Well I don't know about the GE motor or Foxconn). I mean seriously, GE microwaves?? What did they ever do to you? The RAZR is one of the best selling phones ever and Betamax was superior to VHS.

I think some worse products are:

Alli - the loose bowel diet pill

Sony - minidisc

microwave pork rinds

RCA - videodisc (not the laserdisc) wiki

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What's wrong with Gateway?

I've had 4 (2 right now) that have given me no issues at all...

My old Emachine was junk though...two motherboards in 2 years......

What about Norton? Besides being a space hog, it's been good to me so far (though I'm thinking about AVG)

I have Trend Mirco on my labtop, and it annoys the heck out of me......

And last but not least, would just a headset or a bluetooth be better to use if you do not use it as often?

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New Facebook :lol:

hehe amen... stupid layout!

how about


hehe i got one of those setups... pissed me off cause when i finally got it all together the saturn was to debut in 6 months.

joined the sony bandwagon after than, never to give SEGA a second thought unless i was in the arcade

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my motorola bluetooth motorokr s9 headphones are FANTASTIC....work with the phone, with the computers and media player, works with everything. I highly recommend them.

Vista is too complex to use, and its so bloated with needless red tape. the interface is garbage. I can't even access files off my old hard drive through vista. 'user access control'....eff you vista, now I've got email, contacts, photos, music and videos that are rendered useless because there is no way to copy them and give them 'permission' on my new vista computer.

yes its a hardware hog. the question is why? Macs run fine on 1gb of ram. they don't need 4 gb to just keep from crashing or locking up all the time.

my next computer if i can swing it is defintely apple. no more windows crap. i've had it. vista is such a failure that many places sell XP downgrades as a choice! If vista were good, everyone would move on from XP!

Vista is not hard to use. It's interface is similar to every windows program since 95 save a few details. I can easily access files from my backup HDD.

Dude have you prices an Apple lately? I the PC I just build has an AMD Dual Core, EVGA 8800GT, and 4 gigs of Ram for $700. I dare you to find a Mac that is better that costs twice the price.

Also, before the 4 Gigs Ram I ran it on two and it was just fine...4 is just better :D

Amen about Vista I love it! and xp supports 3 1/2 gigs

they give me head aches i can see them flicker and it really annoys the crap out of me. I get anxiety attacks in office buildings.

I never had a good experience with Foxconn. I have received so many DOA's and they die after about 6 months on me.

DFI, ASUS, and EVGA FTW! all extremely overpriced though.

I thought XP Home 32 bit (what I use) couldn't support more than 2 gigs, or was it 2 gigs per app?

I have a Foxconn mobo and video card and both have been very reliable with no problems. I guess it's a hit or miss sorta thing.

I haven't used DFI but ASUS and EVGA have been great products as well, so has my older ABIT motherboard.

Which reminds me: Chaintech. Total pieces of $h!.

Edited by Dodgefan
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8 years and 66k miles later, my aunt and uncles' 'vacation house car' Venture in San Diego has had zero problems with the power sliding door. It even plays a nice jingle when you close it!

They must be gentle on the equipment. During my stint as a Saturn parts guy it seemed like we replaced all our customers power door gizmos at least once and the imports are'nt any better from what I hear.

Also I'd like to nominate PCChips to the $h! mobo list while I'm here again. :toiletpaper: I loved the US built pre-eMachines buyout Gateway boxes though.

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WINDOWS ME (roughly 2x as worse as Vista)

I liked that one a lot, actually. Never crashed on me. Until XP, this little-used version of Windows was MS's most stable.

New Facebook :lol:

Did you just start using it? I like it a lot better overall.

I'm gonna second the Moto RAZR...may be a popular phone but it's a POS. Battery problems after 1 year on everyone I knew. Weird glitches with bootup, the screen, and sim card errors.

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Did you just start using it? I like it a lot better overall.

Yeah, I've been forever delaying the switchover... now it's mandatory, and to my virgin eyes it's all confusing and cluttered looking, especially with the more dynamic wall. I'm sure I'll eventually get used to it.

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I liked that one a lot, actually. Never crashed on me. Until XP, this little-used version of Windows was MS's most stable.

Did you just start using it? I like it a lot better overall.

I'm gonna second the Moto RAZR...may be a popular phone but it's a POS. Battery problems after 1 year on everyone I knew. Weird glitches with bootup, the screen, and sim card errors.

Windows ME crashed on me AT LEAST once a day, even after reformatting. XP usually would go at least a month before it crashed on me.

Vista has only crashed on me 4 times in the last year, but i still dont like it better than XP.

It was well accepted fact that Windows 98SE was infinitely superior in every way shape and form than Windows ME, there was very very little that ME could do better than 98SE.

Edited by Teh Ricer Civic!
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I liked that one a lot, actually. Never crashed on me. Until XP, this little-used version of Windows was MS's most stable.

Srsly? You must be one of the lucky ones then. The machines I used that had ME crashes and locked up regularly.

XP has been very reliable for me, and rarely crashes.

Vista has been good so far.

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Srsly? You must be one of the lucky ones then. The machines I used that had ME crashes and locked up regularly.

XP has been very reliable for me, and rarely crashes.

Vista has been good so far.

I had a friend in college who ran ME... on a Compaq. That's just asking for it.

I've never had problems with XP... well... until SP3. Had to uninstall that crap and roll back to SP2.

But, umm... any WalMart-brand electronic appliance. After the DVD player that my mom bought me died after less than a year, I swore them off.

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DVD rewinder

Toyota Echo.


It was once said to be both "one of the least expensive and yet most overpriced cars in the USA"

by one of the major auto rags. Now that's a backhanded complement if I ever heard one.

Toyota: epic_FAIL

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My gateway has served me alright.... but I will agree with Reg's microsoft comment.

If Microsoft was a Hyundai Excel than Apple/Mac would be a MINI Coup.with the works package.

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Windows ME was a horrible horrible thing on the computer we bought with it. Seemed as though no matter what you did with it the computer would crash. Best thing I ever did was wipe the harddrive clean and put XP in it. I dont have a problem with Vista on my Acer desktop or Moms Toshiba Laptop. My Desktop is the 64 bit version and has 4 gigs of ram. The laptop is 32 bits with 2 gigs of ram and both work fine.

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My Lexmark printer that wouldn't print colour, made the ink all bubbly, and caught on fire.

Nice... I've had nothing but trouble with HP printers..I had 3 of 'em in the last 10 years, they all failed in one way or another. I have a older Lexmark and a recent Epson (both all-in-ones) that have been great..

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My gateway has served me alright.... but I will agree with Reg's microsoft comment.

If Microsoft was a Hyundai Excel than Apple/Mac would be a MINI Coup.with the works package.

Hmm..interesting analogy. I prefer to think of my Mac Book Pro as a Porsche 911 Turbo or Merc SL 65 AMG of laptops...pricey, fast, complex, fantastic.

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Nice... I've had nothing but trouble with HP printers..I had 3 of 'em in the last 10 years, they all failed in one way or another. I have a older Lexmark and a recent Epson (both all-in-ones) that have been great..

Funny, that: my Lexmark printer that I got in '02 was slow, jammed a lot and drank ink more than import humpers drink Toyota Koolaid. I was glad to shove it down the garbage chute from the 26th floor 3 years ago and listen to it crash all the way down. The HP printer I replaced it with has been faithful to a tee, and it uses far less ink.

However, having said that, my 14 month old HP notebook (loaded with Vista, BTW, which works fine), suddenly decided the WLAN didn't want to work. Judging by the speed with which the woman at the HP helpline offered to whisk the offending notebook in for repairs at no charge, I'd say it is a fairly common occurrence. They cheerfully replaced the motherboard!

Must be all those porno sites I'm on.............. :blush:

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