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Tell me what that one political issue is that is near and dear to your heart. The one that would get you involved enough to support a candidate on that issue alone. Remember just pick your main one.

For me it's Illegal Immigration. Shut down the Southern border of the USA, and I don't care if you have to put a Berlin style wall up manned with soldiers, with orders to Shoot to Kill.

Come in the legal way, no problem! Sneak across the border, well then you take your chances with the wall and the guns.

  ehaase said:
The national debt

Exactly....this is the largest of many failings of the Republican party over the last 30 years.



Outsourcing, we have already lost so many manufacturing jobs in this country. Bic, Bethlehem Steel, Whirlpool, and of course the many jobs cut by the big 3.

And McDonald's doesn't count as job growth, loosing $25 and hour jobs means that $7.65 and hour cashier jobs won't cut it for those who have families etc.


Outsourcing. It has hurt my industry (software engineering) and many others. Though illegal immigration, healthcare, and the national debt are important to me as well.

  Pontiac Custom-S said:
Tell me what that one political issue is that is near and dear to your heart. The one that would get you involved enough to support a candidate on that issue alone. Remember just pick your main one.

For me it's Illegal Immigration. Shut down the Southern border of the USA, and I don't care if you have to put a Berlin style wall up manned with soldiers, with orders to Shoot to Kill.

Come in the legal way, no problem! Sneak across the border, well then you take your chances with the wall and the guns.


  loki said:
pretty much the same thing. +1

Kinda...individual freedom to me connotes less of the "community responsibility" aspect that "civil liberties" connotes IMO. "With freedom comes responsibilities."

  Croc said:
Kinda...individual freedom to me connotes less of the "community responsibility" aspect that "civil liberties" connotes IMO. "With freedom comes responsibilities."

Therein lies the difference between us: I largely see "community responsibility" as bunk.

"Personal responsibility" is another matter.

  Camino LS6 said:
OK, now I'm curious.

What do you mean by a "service-oriented upbringing"?

When I started getting an allowance, 10% had to be set aside for the charity of my choice. I went to a Catholic grade school for 5 years, so there were always food drives, soup kitchens, and service projects to be done. High school always had a "Help for the Holidays" toy/food/clothing drive, and community service was a graduation requirement.

Like, the community/environment I grew up in put an emphasis on service, so as a result I have no problem whatsoever with a "greater good," "community responsibility" mindset with regards to my political views.


The national debt.

It's crippling out country. Our next war will (is??) be fought financially.

Read about what happened to Britain in the 1950s to understand why that was the final blow to them being a major power.

The important bit:

The British Empire eventually declined, of course, and in 1956 it endured the humiliating demise of its great-power status in a clash over the Suez Canal. U.S. policymakers should take note: Britain was brought to its knees not by a military defeat but by an economic one—specifically, America's refusal to support the British pound, which created a monetary crisis for the British government, forcing it to call off its ill-advised campaign with France and Israel to recapture the Suez Canal after nationalization by Egypt. As its international debt grows, the United States becomes ever more vulnerable to its own Suez moment.
  Croc said:
When I started getting an allowance, 10% had to be set aside for the charity of my choice. I went to a Catholic grade school for 5 years, so there were always food drives, soup kitchens, and service projects to be done. High school always had a "Help for the Holidays" toy/food/clothing drive, and community service was a graduation requirement.

Like, the community/environment I grew up in put an emphasis on service, so as a result I have no problem whatsoever with a "greater good," "community responsibility" mindset with regards to my political views.

do you believe these are best personal ideals/responsibilities, or should charity work be required of people?

Posted (edited)
  loki said:
do you believe these are best personal ideals/responsibilities, or should charity work be required of people?

I believe personal charity should be a personal choice, but I'm simultaneously very much in approval of government social programs to help the poor, whether in the form of affordable housing subsidies, welfare, or other aid.

I think every American should engage in some kind of personal community betterment--whether it's with a charitable organization or just by doing park cleanups, adopt-a-road, etc.--but I don't think it should be REQUIRED by law.

Edited by Croc

I give to five charities per anum, and I give big bucks too.

1. American Diabetes Association (Diabetes runs in my family)

2. Delaware Humane Association (Delaware’s only non-profit, lifelong care animal shelter and adoption center)

3. A Catholic grade school in Delaware that is for Catholic children of Italian decent.

4. My Catholic High School in Texas.

5. My Catholic Grade School in Texas.

  Croc said:
I believe personal charity should be a personal choice, but I'm simultaneously very much in approval of government social programs to help the poor, whether in the form of affordable housing subsidies, welfare, or other aid.

I think every American should engage in some kind of personal community betterment--whether it's with a charitable organization or just by doing park cleanups, adopt-a-road, etc.--but I don't think it should be REQUIRED by law.

I agree to your second part. I think the gov't overdoes it to a fault though, generally. I'll try to do more when i'm not in school and have a good job that I don't practially break even with.

  Croc said:
When I started getting an allowance, 10% had to be set aside for the charity of my choice. I went to a Catholic grade school for 5 years, so there were always food drives, soup kitchens, and service projects to be done. High school always had a "Help for the Holidays" toy/food/clothing drive, and community service was a graduation requirement.

Like, the community/environment I grew up in put an emphasis on service, so as a result I have no problem whatsoever with a "greater good," "community responsibility" mindset with regards to my political views.

OK, now I understand.

I've never been much for the "It Takes a Village" thinking - kinda turns my stomach.

For me it's more personal, as in helping an individual person in need.

Just how I'm wired.


Outsourcing... Or helping what little manufacturing we have left in our country (More specifically, Detroit)

Simply because I've been on the front lines of that one.

I country that cannot create or produce cannot defend itself. We will find that out the hard way.


Speaking of charities, I give to several annually--

1. American Cancer Society, since I lost my father and an uncle to cancer... both directly and through my participation in Relay For Life every year


3. American Humane Society

4. Westie Rescue

5. Australian Terrier Rescue

6. Hospice Foundation of America

7. Allied Jewish Federation of Colorado

8. Free Software Foundation

plus my alma maters.

Posted (edited)

Individual freedom, followed closely by the general demise of America (economic, educational, social).

Britain's already pretty far down the path toward an authoritarian government and the British people don't seem to bat an eye; the US seemed to be heading that way, but hopefully a change of leadership will reverse the damage that has been done. Our government has done things that would cause the founding fathers to hang their heads in shame if they were alive today.

Edited by mustang84
  mustang84 said:
Individual freedom, followed closely by the general demise of America (economic, educational, social).

Britain's already pretty far down the path toward an authoritarian government and the British people don't seem to bat an eye; the US seemed to be heading that way, but hopefully a change of leadership will reverse the damage that has been done. Our government has done things that would cause the founding fathers to hang their heads in shame if they were alive today.

Agreed on all counts. Britain kinda scares me, but I look at it that they don't have the history and tradition of individual freedom and liberty to the extent that Americans are accustomed.

  Croc said:
Agreed on all counts. Britain kinda scares me, but I look at it that they don't have the history and tradition of individual freedom and liberty to the extent that Americans are accustomed.

Britain has a few gun rights groups that are spring up in an attempt to get firearms back in the hands of citizens. It is rather funny to see them cite AMERICA for proof that guns are needed. The statistics they use are interesting anyways.

Its a hallmark of an authoritarian government though, disarm your citizens so they cannot defend themselves from you.

Those poor blokes.

  Camino LS6 said:
OK, now I understand.

I've never been much for the "It Takes a Village" thinking - kinda turns my stomach.

For me it's more personal, as in helping an individual person in need.

Just how I'm wired.

We need to attack it from both the left and the right. We need, for instance, real financial help for the gifted Science student when she comes from a poorer family. The governmetn can do that.

We need individuals to give to individual charities.

I'm not religious, per se...but the notion that "God doesn't give a man more money so he can go from a Chevy to a Lexus, he gives them more money so a family in Africa can get one step further from starvation" goes along way with me.


  gm4life said:

The Republicans only pretend to be pro-life so that they can get redneck evangelicals to vote for them so they can pursue their real agenda - supply side tax cuts and Neocon foreign policy.

  ehaase said:
The Republicans only pretend to be pro-life so that they can get redneck evangelicals to vote for them so they can pursue their real agenda - supply side tax cuts and Neocon foreign policy.

that's quite a refutable opinion... and maybe not even worth a response. but seriously... how could you make such a bad generalization.

  ehaase said:
The Republicans only pretend to be pro-life so that they can get redneck evangelicals to vote for them so they can pursue their real agenda - supply side tax cuts and Neocon foreign policy.

I am not going to go there. That is my issue and has always been and will be important to me. The right to life. I don't consider myself a redneck and I do take offense to your sweeping generalization. Sorry I don't have a more trendy or hip issue. THE TOPIC IS NEAR AND DEAR TO YOUR HEART. So I posted mine. If you have a problem with take a hike don't offend someone. :unitedstates::angry:


Regarding Abortion: It should most certainly be allowed under special / extreme circumstances, but not so the woman who sleeps around doesn't have to be burdened with a kid.

My :twocents:

Also regarding drugs: I see no reason why they should be legalized beyond the naive hope that it will slow or put an end to illegal drug distribution. I mean seriously, you have to be a pretty big looser to rely on a drug to escape your problems instead of facing them, or can't find a better way to get a rush.


ahh politics i love them. i hold quit a few issues dear.

Federal/National Debt: What a bunch of $h!. The generation above me (you old chronies) has got away with low taxes (not your fault but your governments fault) and racked up the national debt. The scuffles in the world through out the late 80's through today have caused lots of money to be spent but without raising taxes. During World War 1 or 2 maybe, some old chronie ( a smart one) (The President), made the Income Tax to help finance the war debts. He also said no one should profit from war and heavily taxed the defense companies of america. Instead during the Bush Administration theres been tax cuts. No one to pay for the war or any other debt racked up in the last 20 years

besides the people below you. Demand that the Debt be payed off.

Individual Liberty

Such as things like drug usage. Im no drug user on any standard but i dont think the government should give a flying f about drug usage. I mentioned this as an example for how the government is way to restrictive.


I am pro life. Not because im religious (not at all sadly) but because babies in the womb or not are people too and no one has the right to kill people.

Policing the world.

Its a dirty job but no one better to do it. Basically if Hugo Chaves keeps opening his fat mouth or i hear another cocky peep out of Putin we should go over there and kick some ass. (all while rasing taxes and not violating individuals liberty or killing any babies)

Im opinionated, i know, i love to share as well. I love my Con Law and Am History classes.

  ehaase said:
The Republicans only pretend to be pro-life so that they can get redneck evangelicals to vote for them so they can pursue their real agenda - supply side tax cuts and Neocon foreign policy.

yea they definitely do that because they also want to throw off a bunch of democrats votes. And you see more redneck evangelicals having electoral votes than democrats so its definitely them trying to please a certain more important demographic (rednecks) not them just doing what they think is right.



now that i think about it more.

National Debt if the government has a surplus than it can loan out money for low rates making the housing and buying market work out.

I personally see no point in any welfare programs anymore because the few that abused it make the rest suffer. All "projects" should be privatized like medical systems. Privatized ambulance services work faster and better than government run ones. besides a Capitalist Country needs more things to capitalize on. however there needs to be regulations.

Medicare/Medicaid. needs to go away. we need a new system something like Canada's but better. like mix japans, Canada's, UK's, Germany's, and Switzerland's all in one. Spend a billion in research and take the best and package it together.

Gun control. I love my guns but i understand that their needs to be stricter regulations on the buying process and who is getting them.

Abortion/Gay marriage Should not have anything to do with picking a president.

Taxes. We need a reform big time. however its a double edge sword. you change it then you put people out of a job H&R block, etc. im pro flat rate tax. like 25% 18% Federal 7% state. 5% sales tax that should go towards things like education or alternative energy's. Its fair and can be flexible I mean after there is a surplus than there can be rebates to citizens.

I think We should Make NASA cool again look what it did in the 60's gave us things like microcomputers, wd-40, and pride to be the best in the world.

Military Look at Israel..

maybe I'm crazy but who knows. I do know we need to cut spending/ increase taxes payback our debts and F*** Iraq. give the soldiers there checks and bring them home so they can buy some houses camaros and mustangs and stimulate the economy. think 50's

Posted (edited)

Bush's tax cuts actually increased government revenue ya know.

and caprice, what do you mean by more gun regulations?

are you in favor of the nearly useless assault weapons ban (considering these types of guns are used in less than 2% of gun related crimes, i would consider it a useless banning of rifles because they look "scary") or just forcing people to register their guns?

As our economy quickly fails, government revenue will certainly fall. Iraq spending will start to fade as we give more and more control to the Iraqis. Short of cutting government spending, i dont know how we can help the economy while reducing our debt. If our congress was not so inept, our oil companies no-bid contracts with Iraq would likely have helped bring in some revenue.

Edited by Teh Ricer Civic!
  gm4life said:
I am not going to go there. That is my issue and has always been and will be important to me. The right to life. I don't consider myself a redneck and I do take offense to your sweeping generalization. Sorry I don't have a more trendy or hip issue. THE TOPIC IS NEAR AND DEAR TO YOUR HEART. So I posted mine. If you have a problem with take a hike don't offend someone. :unitedstates::angry:

It wasn't a comment about you, it was a comment about the politicians who use abortion as a political football. You think Bush really cares about abortion? Hell no, he cares about making his cronies richer and killin terrorist with his little GI Joe men. He only cares about abortion as long as it gets him elected.

  Teh Ricer Civic! said:
Bush's tax cuts actually increased government revenue ya know.


Loose money policy, inflation, massive government spending increases, and massive government borrowing increases increased government revenue.


Re: Abortion. I'm very ambivalent on the issue, because I think both sides have a very good point, and I also think that neither side really listens to the other.

I was raised Catholic, so I grew up indoctrinated in the right to life philosophy, which I still largely agree with. And what people who try to use slogans like "my body, my choice" don't seem to acknowledge is that if you view the uterus as a living person, then that argument becomes completely irrelevant once the egg is fertilized.

That's the one side. I get it. But despite this, I can't align myself with that viewpoint. One, I think the main impulse for the pro-life stance is religious (though not for everyone, admittedly.) But more importantly, I realized that the behavior of those politicians who push a "pro-life agenda" isn't consistent with the actions of someone who is working to prevent abortion, but is instead consistent with those who wish to deny women control over their own sexuality and push for a regressive view of sexuality in general. The Sarah Palins of the world, who are against abortion, but are also against teaching teenagers about basic contraception, even though it's been proven to be a horrible strategy. We hold the woman accountable, but men are too easily allowed to get off without responsibility, and our society isn't exactly that supportive of single women who do get pregnant.

Funny thing is, the proponents of neither side like abortion. In fact, both sides seem to be hoping for a world where abortion doesn't exist. And given the choice between the two, I'd rather live in the pro-choice "ideal world without abortion" where it's been made irrelevant due to improvements in contraception and education as well as a more enlightened view of sexuality in general.

  Enzora said:
Funny thing is, the proponents of neither side like abortion. In fact, both sides seem to be hoping for a world where abortion doesn't exist. And given the choice between the two, I'd rather live in the pro-choice "ideal world without abortion" where it's been made irrelevant due to improvements in contraception and education as well as a more enlightened view of sexuality in general.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Abortions should be safe, legal, and very very rare.


I agree with Oldsmoboi, and wholeheartedly with Enzora. His upbringing was very similar to mine, and as I've alluded to in another, past thread, I look at the economics/public health side to the abortion debate: that banning it would decrease safety and accountability because abortion would go underground, and the decreased safety would lead to more ER visits due to botched abortions and/or women trying to force a miscarriage through coat hangers and/or throwing themselves down the stairs.

IMO, it is best to keep it legal, but regulated.

  Teh Ricer Civic! said:
and caprice, what do you mean by more gun regulations?

are you in favor of the nearly useless assault weapons ban (considering these types of guns are used in less than 2% of gun related crimes, i would consider it a useless banning of rifles because they look "scary") or just forcing people to register their guns?

stricter approval process

forcing registered guns.

Don't know how to do that but it should be done.

I'm against the assault ban cause autos are fun. Especially wrecking some melons with 30 round .308 black widow full auto carbines.

  capriceman said:
I'm against the assault ban cause autos are fun. Especially wrecking some melons with 30 round .308 black widow full auto carbines.


  Charger4U said:
Individual Liberty

Such as things like drug usage. Im no drug user on any standard but i dont think the government should give a flying f about drug usage. I mentioned this as an example for how the government is way to restrictive.

Policing the world.

Its a dirty job but no one better to do it. Basically if Hugo Chaves keeps opening his fat mouth or i hear another cocky peep out of Putin we should go over there and kick some ass. (all while rasing taxes and not violating individuals liberty or killing any babies)

those two are pretty much exclusive... if you raise taxes your economic freedom is burdened...less if it's a tax on goods, more if it's on income.

...the debt is related to that too.

  loki said:
those two are pretty much exclusive... if you raise taxes your economic freedom is burdened...less if it's a tax on goods, more if it's on income.

...the debt is related to that too.

You understand that your taxes have already been raised, you just haven't gotten the bill yet...... and interest is growing on that bill every day.


yes... the debt should be #1 thing talked about between JM and OB ...but they'd agree that spending couldn't go down significantly.

  capriceman said:
I'm against the assault ban cause autos are fun. Especially wrecking some melons with 30 round .308 black widow full auto carbines.

Well your against the Gun Control Act of 19 thirty something then.

and how on earth are you going to hold a .308 automatic still?

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