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Sarah Palin.........?

The O.C.

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But you're not discussing her CANDIDACY. You're discussing her ACCENT. You're discussing her T&A. You're discussing everything about her except for her positions on the issues. Not cool, people.

She doesn't have positions... she has note cards that Grandpap McCain wrote for her.

The positions that the "claims" to have are incoherent and often mutually exclusive.

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>>"She doesn't have positions... she has note cards that Grandpap McCain wrote for her."<<

Like this didn't apply at all to Biden, a guy who dressed down BO and judged him 'not ready', then did a 180 once he got fingered; every point he made in the debate that wasn't an outright lie was merely an Alexrod talking point.

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>>"She doesn't have positions... she has note cards that Grandpap McCain wrote for her."<<

Like this didn't apply at all to Biden, a guy who dressed down BO and judged him 'not ready', then did a 180 once he got fingered; every point he made in the debate that wasn't an outright lie was merely an Alexrod talking point.

Biden and Obama disagree on many things... and even admitted to it at least once during the VP debate. The difference is, I trust that Biden actually has positions of his own. Well developed, thoughtful, 36 years worth of experience positions..... Doesn't even matter what those positions are at this point...just that he has them is enough to make him better than Palin.

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The woman is a governor, for God's sake. Before Hillary Clinton was a senator, she had never been elected to anything, she was just an overstepping, meddling First Lady to a governor and then to a president. Let's have some naked sketches of Hillary Clinton up here! Oh wait, nevermind, I don't want to lose my lunch.

In '92, that might have been sweet.

Today, not so much....

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Yeah, Biden looks like he has positions... positions on hair plugs and luggage under his eyes. Obama is wet behind his substantial ears, he hasn't lived... and the difference between BO and SP is, BO is running for the TOP job... he just ain't READY.
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Yeah, Biden looks like he has positions... positions on hair plugs and luggage under his eyes. Obama is wet behind his substantial ears, he hasn't lived... and the difference between BO and SP is, BO is running for the TOP job... he just ain't READY.

Palin as 'Church Lady' is by no means qualified for the top slot should the doddering McCain keel in the middle of a prospective first term in office. Last Wednesday, October 1st, McCain became disoriented after giving a speech, lost his bearings leaving the podium, (might have been looking for his keys) and as some speculate, may have have some sort of 'event' occur. McCain/Palin, unfit for 'doody'...

YouTube has the clip...

Edited by longtooth
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But you're not discussing her CANDIDACY. You're discussing her ACCENT. You're discussing her T&A. You're discussing everything about her except for her positions on the issues. Not cool, people.

You took an ad hominem swipe at Biden for his "hair-plugs", so I'm guessing that you really do know how this all works. It comes down to electing the most qualified/least despised. So right now as it stands, with record Democratic voter registration and leading in the polls, that would be Obama/Biden 2008...Just sayin' (droppin' the 'g', just like Palin)

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Yeah, Biden looks like he has positions... positions on hair plugs and luggage under his eyes. Obama is wet behind his substantial ears, he hasn't lived... and the difference between BO and SP is, BO is running for the TOP job... he just ain't READY.

McCain is unstable. Whatever happened to straight talk from him? He claimed he's not a rich man. He couldn't remember how many houses he has. His positions change daily. He makes snap decisions.... badly.

What troubles me is that he wasn't always like this.... He once was the man he claims he is today... I don't know if it is failing (mental) health or just blind Presidential ambition.... but he is not the man he was.

McCain's time was in 2000. He missed that boat.

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The woman is a governor, for God's sake.

She has been a governor for 2 years. Prior to that she was a mayor of a town of 5,500 population.

the difference between BO and SP is, BO is running for the TOP job... he just ain't READY.

Palin has attended 4 different colleges, before finally earning a degree in communications-journalism, and working as a sports reporter. She started her "political career" in 1992, although in my opinion her real political career didn't start until 2002 when she first ran for governor. The difference between her and Obama, is that Obama has a solid education; a BA in political science, and a Juris Doctor from Harvard. Obama has been doing things far more politically relevant than news reporting and beauty pageants prior to being elected to the Illinois senate and then the US senate. Obama is far more qualified in any political position than Palin is, and is ready for the white house. Palin is not ready to be a VP.

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Yeah, Biden looks like he has positions... positions on hair plugs and luggage under his eyes. Obama is wet behind his substantial ears, he hasn't lived... and the difference between BO and SP is, BO is running for the TOP job... he just ain't READY.

oh please keep the debate on issues and substance, do not refer derogatively to our candidate.

okay, so just got done watching the latest SNL skit, man the writing for Tina Fey is spot on. The classics have to be, "Can I call you Joe, cause I practiced a bunch of zingers with Joe." and, " for the guys watching at home playing drinking games, 'MAVERICK'"

my serious comment though on this all and how it has progressed over the last few days. Sarah Palin is Mccain's Britney Spears. She is high profile because she's good to look at, she's good to look at, she's affable and charming, and most men are imagining what she looks like underneath and many women idealize everything she is underneath.

She isn't a serious substantial person. If she does have substantial issues, she comes across as not being able to defend or truly believe in those because all she does is repeat campaign refrains. She is the media frenzy for the campaign, exactly what Mccain and camp wanted. Ironically and justly, the frenzy is playing out against him since we're in a time where people don't want the "Robot" or 'yes man' campaigner.

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It’s very strange that the McCain campaign can’t seem to figure out which country is where:

Three days after a mostly gaffe-free debate performance, the Alaska governor fumbled during a speech in which she praised U.S. soldiers for “fighting terrorism and protecting us and our democratic values”.

“They are also building schools for the Afghan children so that there is hope and opportunity in our neighboring country of Afghanistan,” she told several hundred supporters at a fundraising event in San Francisco.

There’s some speculation that she meant that Afghanistan neighbors Iraq. But, of course, it doesn’t. Here’s a map to help clear things up:


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Sarah Palin is Mccain's Britney Spears. She is high profile because she's good to look at, she's good to look at, she's affable and charming, and most men are imagining what she looks like underneath and many women idealize everything she is underneath.

In other words, she's like Ann Coulter, the right wing's fantasy hot chick to fondle the balls with memories of.

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She isn't a serious substantial person.

exactly what Mccain and camp wanted.

Yes, a flake. Again, I dislike both candidates (Bush's third term/too much of a puppet and monosyllabic bull$hit of hope/too much of a preacher), but the choice of a Veep is causing me to vote Dem. (I voted Kerry last time and W the time before that).

I don't know if I agree with the last statement. How many people deliberately shoot themselves in the foot, especially ones that are supposedly intelligent?

Edited by trinacriabob
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I thought Afghanistan was in China..... the whole Ackmadinoshad thing and our troops off fighting the terrorists, who are hellll bent on taking down this democracy.

It's some where in Islamistan... :)

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Is this really the kind of administration we want (again)?

No press conferences, no accountability, no Meet The Press, no medical records, and no college transcripts for the Palin Express. And now, the press is barred from even talking to her supporters:

Constantly under the watchful eyes of security, the media wasn't permitted to wander around inside Coachman Park to talk to Sarah Palin supporters. When reporters tried to leave the designated press area and head toward the bleachers where the crowd was seated, an escort would dart out of nowhere and confront him or her and say, "Can I help you?'' and turn the person around. When one reporter asked an escort, who would not give her name, why the press wasn't allowed to mingle, she said that in the past, negative things had been written. The campaign wanted to avoid that possibility Monday.

This is not America. And it's a chilling preview of how Putin-like a Palin-McCain administration would be. Will she get her own ministry of information?

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I'm annoyed that the campaign ads have started turning toward personal attacks rather than the real issues at hand. Once again, the McCain campaign starts it and Obama follows suit, but at least Obama is keeping his attack to a topic that is relevant (the Keating scandal and the economy) vs. McCain who is merely going after character attacks and ambiguous references like Obama "not seeing America like the rest of us."

I have not read anything about Obama yet that makes me nervous about voting for him. I have read plenty of things about McCain that that give me serious doubts about his ability to run the country. His past is far more checkered than Obama's, and his status as a war hero is mostly embellished. He has a history of being hot-tempered and doing whatever it takes to get his way. Palin simply doesn't have the knowledge or experience to lead if McCain passes away. If she somehow happens to take lead, I fear for the future direction of America.

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Is this really the kind of administration we want (again)?

No press conferences, no accountability, no Meet The Press, no medical records, and no college transcripts for the Palin Express. And now, the press is barred from even talking to her supporters:

This is not America. And it's a chilling preview of how Putin-like a Palin-McCain administration would be. Will she get her own ministry of information?

Yes, it's typical Republican BS.... they don't believe in the freedom of the press..

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Monday's Borowitz Report (humour):

Andy Borowitz, Oct 6, 2008:

Palin Blasts Obama's Ties to Weather Channel

‘Palling Around with Meteorologists,' Guv Claims

Alaska governor Sarah Palin went on the attack today, claiming that Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama had longstanding ties to The Weather Channel.

"What does it say about our opponent that he thinks this nation's weather is so imperfect that he needs to be allied with The Weather Channel?" she asked a crowd in Tampa, Florida. "There's a fine line between hating America's weather and hating America herself."

Gov. Palin said that she learned about Sen. Obama's ties to The Weather Channel last week "when I was trying hard to read The New York Times."

"They said that Sen. Obama was hanging out with weathermen," she said. "Do we really want to elect someone who has been palling around with meteorologists?"

Gov. Palin's latest attacks came on the heels of a new poll showing that the only demographic group that still support her are morons, sometimes referred to by political insiders as "no-information voters."

"It may sound like she spouting idiocy, but there's a method to her madness," said Tracy Klugian, a Republican strategist. "She's speaking to her base."

Elsewhere, Sen. John McCain's practice session for the second presidential debate was cut short when his pants burst into flame.

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Monday's Borowitz Report (humour):

Andy Borowitz, Oct 6, 2008:

Palin Blasts Obama's Ties to Weather Channel

‘Palling Around with Meteorologists,' Guv Claims

Alaska governor Sarah Palin went on the attack today, claiming that Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama had longstanding ties to The Weather Channel.

"What does it say about our opponent that he thinks this nation's weather is so imperfect that he needs to be allied with The Weather Channel?" she asked a crowd in Tampa, Florida. "There's a fine line between hating America's weather and hating America herself."

Gov. Palin said that she learned about Sen. Obama's ties to The Weather Channel last week "when I was trying hard to read The New York Times."

"They said that Sen. Obama was hanging out with weathermen," she said. "Do we really want to elect someone who has been palling around with meteorologists?"

Gov. Palin's latest attacks came on the heels of a new poll showing that the only demographic group that still support her are morons, sometimes referred to by political insiders as "no-information voters."

"It may sound like she spouting idiocy, but there's a method to her madness," said Tracy Klugian, a Republican strategist. "She's speaking to her base."

Elsewhere, Sen. John McCain's practice session for the second presidential debate was cut short when his pants burst into flame.


link to the IMDB site for the film. We're nearly there.


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Hey, if Arnold can hang his nnaked ass out in Terminator, Sarah can shake her ass in a red swimsuit and be V.P.

Maybe Hef will get his wish and she will pose? Doubtful, but???


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Yes, it's typical Republican BS.... they don't believe in the freedom of the press..

They do when it is FOX news.

Although several of the local Republican Idiots refuse to listen to even FOX, saying it has been overtaken by liberals.


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I think this is my first post on here since I started it.......as it's been fun to follow.....

Let me say this......

Simply put......I think having Barak Obama as the next president of the U.S.A. is the most frightening thing I could ever imagine.

I'm a registered republican......and I voted democratic in the last two elections.....but there's no way in hell I would ever vote for BO. I simply don't trust him one iota....and I have a real deep gut feeling about how bad he would be for our country. AND, I have this strong feeling that he DOES have some hidden agendas that are so scary, we probably don't want to even know about 'em.

I also have a serious dislike of Bush.....but simply don't see McCain as carrying on "same as the last 8 years."

And what of Mrs. Palin?

Bumbles and all.......I'd rather have her in the oval office than Barak Obama. And that about says it all for me. Frankly, again bumbles and all, I think she brings a certain freshness to Washington that's been all to lacking for way too long.

Edited by The O.C.
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I think this is my first post on here since I started it.......as it's been fun to follow.....

Let me say this......

Simply put......I think having Barak Obama as the next president of the U.S.A. is the most frightening thing I could ever imagine.

I'm a registered republican......and I voted democratic in the last two elections.....but there's no way in hell I would ever vote for BO. I simply don't trust him one iota....and I have a real deep gut feeling about how bad he would be for our country. AND, I have this strong feeling that he DOES have some hidden agendas that are so scary, we probably don't want to even know about 'em.

I also have a serious dislike of Bush.....but simply don't see McCain as carrying on "same as the last 8 years."

And what of Mrs. Palin?

Bumbles and all.......I'd rather have her in the oval office than Barak Obama. And that about says it all for me. Frankly, again bumbles and all, I think she brings a certain innocence and freshness to Washington that's been all to lacking for way too long.

Palin is a conniving cynic and McCain a shriveled old wine-sack whom may or may not have had an 'event' last Wednesday. He would essentially be a 3rd term for George 'Endless War' McBush. I admire your sincere naivete though.

Youtube link to McCain's 'event'.

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I think this is my first post on here since I started it.......as it's been fun to follow.....

Bumbles and all.......I'd rather have her in the oval office than Barak Obama. And that about says it all for me. Frankly, again bumbles and all, I think she brings a certain freshness to Washington that's been all to lacking for way too long.

Nothing 'innocent or fresh' about a Jesus freak that slaughters wild animals..

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