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  Satty said:
When I was 11, I visited Niagra Falls.

Lockport, NY is located in Niagra County.

Timothy McVeigh was born in Lockport.

Therefore, I'm a domestic terrorist?

I've been through Lockport..went to Niagra Falls about 10 years for a bachelor party.

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  Teh Ricer Civic! said:
But uh, did you know that McCain is really Chuck Norris in a costume? When he is president he is going to roundhouse kick Osama. Then he is going to suck all the pollutants out of the air with his super lung and cough the pollution all over Russia until they submit to our whim. Then he is going to drink all the worlds ocean, filter the water through his mighty kidneys and piss out clean water for all the fishies to enjoy. He will crap out biofuels from all the seaweed and plankton he drank and will singlehandedly sever ourselfs from foreign energy. When he farts it will fill up our natural gas reserves for thousands of years. And most importantly, he is going to go to wall street and fix everything with a roundhouse kick and his superior intelligence, all while he is making food for all the starving people in the world.

That's a good one...I love that Chuck Norris website... I wonder if someone does a 'Chuck Norris feat of the day' mailing list..:)

  Dodgefan said:
I've always loved those big black leather overstuffed couches.

Yes, they are nice..here's mine (well, my sister's, since I'm renting her house in Phoenix currently):


  moltar said:
I've been through Lockport..went to Niagra Falls about 10 years for a bachelor party.

I am totally calling Homeland Security on you!

  Satty said:
I am totally calling Homeland Security on you!

Uh-oh...I'd better watch out for black helicopters and 'burbans.. :)

I've also been to Riyadh and Kuwait City years ago...

Posted (edited)
  Captainbooyah said:
What irks me, is that commentators are saying Palin is experienced because she lives next to Russia.

Why do they have to forget Canada. :(

Cause foreign relations with Canada is like trying to get along with a soft nice fluffy Samoyed as opposed to a rottweiler or a very starved German shepherd.


Edited by Teh Ricer Civic!
  Teh Ricer Civic! said:
FAIL. That's a chaingun not a machine gun.

Orly? Tell that to the EAA and countless other sites which list the B-17's specifications.


Thirteen Browning M-2 .50 caliber machine guns. Fire rate approximately 13 rounds per second. No gun on a B-17 carried more than one minute’s supply of ammunition.


Posted (edited)
  Dodgefan said:

And yes the chain gun is truly badass. Makes for killin' them thar critters nice `n dead eh? :lol:

Maybe if it was a .22LR chain gun... i wouldnt wanna use a vulcan cannon to kill a critter, to damn expensive. Hell a .50BMG costs like over a dollar a round.

Edited by Teh Ricer Civic!

>>>Senator Obama strongly condemns the violent actions of the Weathermen group, as he does all acts of violence. But he was an eight-year-old child when Ayers and the Weathermen were active, and any attempt to connect Obama with events of almost forty years ago is ridiculous.<<<

Of COURSE they are. Trouble is, no one has suggested that. This is an utterly typical democratic attempt to defuse by shifting the focus of the allegation ('BO was a boy when these happened so it's meaningless').

Ayers was never tried & prosecuted and has never repented. His only regret is that 'he's sorry he didn't accomplish more bombings' wasn't made in 1974, but in 2001. What's being called to light here is that regardless of the campaign trail rebuff of Ayers, BO has continued to associate & serve on a board with a known criminal, an orchestrator of a years-long bombing campaign against fellow Americans and public targets of law enforcement. Is he trying to say 'I was 8- I never heard of this man's criminal past and no one told me' ??

What's being called to light here is BO's judgement and his potential actions from being around these scumbag types his whole life. Breezy campaign sound bites are all well & good for the indoctrinated, but influences like these are far more meaningful & indicative than empty platitudes.

I don't know what leftist fringe element would respect this member of the Chicago "intelligentsia" :


Do any of you respect this statement?

Would any of you pose with the Flag under your feet?

And don't give me any of the bull&#036;h&#33; about 'we're free as Americans to do just that'. There's no separating bombing the Pentagon & stomping the American flag with Ayers- it all stems from the same attitude of Anti-Americanism. Ayers may have only contributed a measly $200 himself, but BO's political campaign was launched from Ayer's living room. Am I saying BO is going to set off bombs? No, you nitwits. But I am saying that knowing assocation goes a lo-ong way toward endorsement, and I question the very real influences that association may have instilled.


Sarah Palin who recently said,

"When you run for office, your life is an open book."

McCain Camp: No Palin Medical Records Till After The Election

from The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan by Andrew Sullivan

This Howie Kurtz piece is amazing in many ways but there is one staggering piece of real news buried in it:

"Governor Palin has no history of health problems," [McCain campaign spokesman Michael] Goldfarb says. "We believe that a candidate should be able to preserve some privacy in this process, and we're confident the American people will validate that judgment come election day."

So the only objective evidence we will be allowed to have about Palin's medical history, including the bizarre story of her fifth pregnancy, is Michael Goldfarb's assurance that she has "no history of health problems" and that "privacy" trumps even basic transparency and accountability in a national campaign.


>>"and Palin's husband was in an Alaska separatist movement until 2001...."<<

{sputter} you are equating a grassroots 'effort' at state succession with setting off bombs at NYC Police headquarters and the Pentagon ??????

What exactly did the AIP accomplish- anything? Was it ever taken seriously by anyone in existing government? Was there criminal activity, violence & murder? Did the AIP help launch Palin's political career? Oh snap- no.

Yup- same thing only worse.

  moltar said:
I've been through Lockport..went to Niagra Falls about 10 years for a bachelor party.

I have family in Lockport, nice city to live in...


  Oldsmoboi said:
Obama has demonstrated more than once the thoughtfulness and temperament I require of a President. He DOES BLINK! He is NOT "Shoot first, don't ask questions, and resist any congressional inquiry that would ask questions by invoking executive privilege."



Posted (edited)
  66Stang said:




Sadly, recent history shows us that most Amuricuns want a 'shoot first, silence any questions' cowboy in the oval office... :(

Edited by moltar
  moltar said:



Sadly, recent history shows us that most Amuricuns want a 'shoot first, silence any questions' cowboy in the oval office... :(

I don't think three trillion in costs, a planet full of people who hate us, 4000 dead, a demoralized military, and 4 more years of the same if McCain is elected have sunk in yet.

Methinks the American population is none too brite...


  66Stang said:
I don't think three trillion in costs, a planet full of people who hate us, 4000 dead, a demoralized military, and 4 more years of the same if McCain is elected have sunk in yet.

Methinks the American population is none too brite...


If I dwell to much on the state of the world today, it makes me really depressed...

Phoenix is too sunny... some days I feel like being in gray wintry Cleveland listening to Nine Inch Nails (which is where I was 15 years ago and what I was listening to)...

How are we going to get out this downward spiral?


By Electing McCain...maybe Palin can take us bear hunting and we can foret about things for awhile...



after watching this thread I know understand the importance of rule number #2, And why is this the only subject that people who have perfect manners in any other debate like what GM did wrong with G6. However in politics all they do is bicker back and fourth about 2 idiots that wont make a difference. If you think 1 guy is going to change the situation of America well its not going to happen. A single serial killer can have more effect than 1 president.

Guys Grow up and be civil, bickering gets no where.

As for Palin, She looks like a Nice Outstanding person. We all have done stupid things in the past. And NO ONE is ready to Be president or VP. Who ever takes the thrown Will be hated by the end of their term. Happens every time.


Clinton's approval rating when he left office was 65% according to his Wikipedia page. I dont think that counts as being hated. 19% on the other hand.....

Posted (edited)

I'm pretty sure that in a country of millions with at least some percentage of them being intelligent, there are people better qualified than Palin.

Edited by Dodgefan
  capriceman said:
after watching this thread I know understand the importance of rule number #2, And why is this the only subject that people who have perfect manners in any other debate like what GM did wrong with G6. However in politics all they do is bicker back and fourth about 2 idiots that wont make a difference. If you think 1 guy is going to change the situation of America well its not going to happen. A single serial killer can have more effect than 1 president.

Guys Grow up and be civil, bickering gets no where.

That's been my point the entire time, and someone else sees it too.

What's also funny is how the political threads brought out the beast in some of you to bring forth uninformed views on race and other taboo subjects also.

And that should be allowed to go unchecked here?


if she becomes VP, its going to be bizarre hearing on the nightly news how her yearly vagina check went. but as good journalists, i am sure they feel the public needs to know if her vagina is fit for presidential rigors.


Cant be any worse than this past spring when the Cubs' center fielder Felix Pie suffered a twisted testicle and the Tribune's beat reporter filed stories on it three or four days in a row.

And my thoughts on the political threads are that they're fine as long as we act like grown ups and dont take them into other threads. I'll be all for strictly enforcing Rule #2 if we start getting posts like "You're voting for Obama, so what you think about the Volt doesn't matter, since you're an idiot" or "You like McCain so you're not allowed to comment on the Malibu, dumbass."

  LosAngeles said:
That's been my point the entire time, and someone else sees it too.

What's also funny is how the political threads brought out the beast in some of you to bring forth uninformed views on race and other taboo subjects also.

And that should be allowed to go unchecked here?

That point has been brought up by even the 4-5 of us who are actually participating. But there is some actual debate going on... well not in THIS thread but in the other thread there is.

And Satty, Truman's approval rating was 36% when he left office. Only time will see if Bush truly was god-awful (which it probably will), or if on the .002% chance that it shows that he actually was a good president.

Posted (edited)

G.H.W. Bush hit 29% in July, 1992

Reagan was 58% in January, 1988

Nixon was 24% in August, 1973 (surprisingly high)

(These numbers were compiled from a quick Google search)

Usually things dont change much over time. 20 years from now, people are going to remember G-Dubs for lying to get his way into Iraq and the economy collapsing. History books will only need 6 letters to describe his presidency: Teh Suk. That is assuming schools aren't using history books published in 2000 in 2028.

Edited by Satty

Bush will go down in history as our worst president, the biggest wasting administration of our Tax dollars, the biggest grower of our government, over 200,000 jobs added on his watch and the largest ever blallooning of our debt. WOW, So Much for the GOP mantra of Small Gov and living within a modest tax structure to run the gov for the safety of the citizens.

In regards to Palin, if the bible thumping bimbo gets in office, this country will end up pushing closer to what muslim countries are like, Ruled by Religion from a small group of Idiots telling everyone how to live. Do what I say and not what I do. She would be the worst VP this country ever would have. But then there seems to be this drive for ignorance by the population rather than using ones brain.

When did people feel that a political party was the right way to go in voting rather than voting for the best candidate for each office so that we have the best capable people to run this country. This should be done no differant than a business, Hold the politicians accountable for a balanced budget and cost control.

  dfelt said:
Bush will go down in history as our worst president, the biggest wasting administration of our Tax dollars, the biggest grower of our government, over 200,000 jobs added on his watch and the largest ever blallooning of our debt. WOW, So Much for the GOP mantra of Small Gov and living within a modest tax structure to run the gov for the safety of the citizens.

'Tis true, Bush ruined the GOP. But it appears as though the GOP may be recovering from its Far Right affliction. I believe in the future it will be far more moderate.

  Teh Ricer Civic! said:
'Tis true, Bush ruined the GOP. But it appears as though the GOP may be recovering from its Far Right affliction. I believe in the future it will be far more moderate.

I was on the fence as I am not really a fan of Obama, but I do like Biden and for the most part like McCain but once he choose Palin and she opened her mouth that was it, Obama won.

No wonder they keep her locked away except for photo Ops.

  dfelt said:
I was on the fence as I am not really a fan of Obama, but I do like Biden and for the most part like McCain but once he choose Palin and she opened her mouth that was it, Obama won.

No wonder they keep her locked away except for photo Ops.

Actually i was referring to the young republicans that i see. Many of em are basically just libertarians

  Teh Ricer Civic! said:
'Tis true, Bush ruined the GOP. But it appears as though the GOP may be recovering from its Far Right affliction. I believe in the future it will be far more moderate.

And Palin makes you think that.... how exactly?


John McCain is now head of the GOP. John McCain selected Sarah Palin as his running mate. Sarah Palin is right of Pat Buchanan. Therefore, the GOP is not headed in a more moderate direction, since the head of the party has selected the person he hopes will succeed him (be it in 6 months, 2 years, 4 years or 8 years) and that person is nowhere close to moderate.

  Satty said:
John McCain is now head of the GOP. John McCain selected Sarah Palin as his running mate. Sarah Palin is right of Pat Buchanan. Therefore, the GOP is not headed in a more moderate direction, since the head of the party has selected the person he hopes will succeed him (be it in 6 months, 2 years, 4 years or 8 years) and that person is nowhere close to moderate.

OMG you people suck at reading

  Teh Ricer Civic! said:
Actually i was referring to the young republicans that i see. Many of em are basically just libertarians

You said the GOP was going to become more moderate. A block of voters doesn't make a party. A party makes a party. Unless by "future" you mean 30 years from now, which you may have meant, but didn't specify.

  Satty said:
You said the GOP was going to become more moderate. A block of voters doesn't make a party. A party makes a party. Unless by "future" you mean 30 years from now, which you may have meant, but didn't specify.

Yes 20-30 years from now.


>>"When did this happen? Oh yea... when Obama was 4?"<<

Would you invite Chuckie Manson over to dinner? After all, that bad sh!t was way back in '69, he's a changed man because... the calendar has changed a few times. Oops- there's your doorbell!

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