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Palin's favorability ratings have taken a 21 point nose-dive over the last week. Either the poll included a smaller number of conservatives or people are starting to see the forest for the trees that she's going to cut down to drill for oil, then charge the trees for the cost of their removal.

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Here is a brilliant piece on Palin's extremism and America's acceptance of mediocrity in government. The best paragraphs are quoted below.


A noted provocateur rips Sarah Palin—and defends elitism.

Sam Harris


From the magazine issue dated Sep 29, 2008

Let me confess that I was genuinely unnerved by Sarah Palin's performance at the Republican convention. Given her audience and the needs of the moment, I believe Governor Palin's speech was the most effective political communication I have ever witnessed. Here, finally, was a performer who—being maternal, wounded, righteous and sexy—could stride past the frontal cortex of every American and plant a three-inch heel directly on that limbic circuit that ceaselessly intones "God and country." If anyone could make Christian theocracy smell like apple pie, Sarah Palin could.

Then came Palin's first television interview with Charles Gibson. I was relieved to discover, as many were, that Palin's luster can be much diminished by the absence of a teleprompter. Still, the problem she poses to our political process is now much bigger than she is. Her fans seem inclined to forgive her any indiscretion short of cannibalism. However badly she may stumble during the remaining weeks of this campaign, her supporters will focus their outrage upon the journalist who caused her to break stride, upon the camera operator who happened to capture her fall, upon the television network that broadcast the good lady's misfortune—and, above all, upon the "liberal elites" with their highfalutin assumption that, in the 21st century, only a reasonably well-educated person should be given command of our nuclear arsenal.

The problem, as far as our political process is concerned, is that half the electorate revels in Palin's lack of intellectual qualifications. When it comes to politics, there is a mad love of mediocrity in this country. "They think they're better than you!" is the refrain that (highly competent and cynical) Republican strategists have set loose among the crowd, and the crowd has grown drunk on it once again. "Sarah Palin is an ordinary person!" Yes, all too ordinary.

We have all now witnessed apparently sentient human beings, once provoked by a reporter's microphone, saying things like, "I'm voting for Sarah because she's a mom. She knows what it's like to be a mom." Such sentiments suggest an uncanny (and, one fears, especially American) detachment from the real problems of today. The next administration must immediately confront issues like nuclear proliferation, ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (and covert wars elsewhere), global climate change, a convulsing economy, Russian belligerence, the rise of China, emerging epidemics, Islamism on a hundred fronts, a defunct United Nations, the deterioration of American schools, failures of energy, infrastructure and Internet security … the list is long, and Sarah Palin does not seem competent even to rank these items in order of importance, much less address any one of them.

I care even more about the many things Palin thinks she knows but doesn't: like her conviction that the Biblical God consciously directs world events. Needless to say, she shares this belief with mil-lions of Americans—but we shouldn't be eager to give these people our nuclear codes, either. There is no question that if President McCain chokes on a spare rib and Palin becomes the first woman president, she and her supporters will believe that God, in all his majesty and wisdom, has brought it to pass. Why would God give Sarah Palin a job she isn't ready for? He wouldn't. Everything happens for a reason. Palin seems perfectly willing to stake the welfare of our country—even the welfare of our species—as collateral in her own personal journey of faith. Of course, McCain has made the same unconscionable wager on his personal journey to the White House.
You can learn something about a person by the company she keeps. In the churches where Palin has worshiped for decades, parishioners enjoy "baptism in the Holy Spirit," "miraculous healings" and "the gift of tongues." Invariably, they offer astonishingly irrational accounts of this behavior and of its significance for the entire cosmos. Palin's spiritual colleagues describe themselves as part of "the final generation," engaged in "spiritual warfare" to purge the earth of "demonic strongholds." Palin has spent her entire adult life immersed in this apocalyptic hysteria. Ask yourself: Is it a good idea to place the most powerful military on earth at her disposal? Do we actually want our leaders thinking about the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy when it comes time to say to the Iranians, or to the North Koreans, or to the Pakistanis, or to the Russians or to the Chinese: "All options remain on the table"?

We have endured eight years of an administration that seemed touched by religious ideology. Bush's claim to Bob Woodward that he consulted a "higher Father" before going to war in Iraq got many of us sitting upright, before our attention wandered again to less ethereal signs of his incompetence. For all my concern about Bush's religious beliefs, and about his merely average grasp of terrestrial reality, I have never once thought that he was an over-the-brink, Rapture-ready extremist. Palin seems as though she might be the real McCoy. With the McCain team leading her around like a pet pony between now and Election Day, she can be expected to conceal her religious extremism until it is too late to do anything about it. Her supporters know that while she cannot afford to "talk the talk" between now and Nov. 4, if elected, she can be trusted to "walk the walk" until the Day of Judgment.

The prospects of a Palin administration are far more frightening, in fact, than those of a Palin Institute for Pediatric Neurosurgery. Ask yourself: how has "elitism" become a bad word in American politics? There is simply no other walk of life in which extraordinary talent and rigorous training are denigrated. We want elite pilots to fly our planes, elite troops to undertake our most critical missions, elite athletes to represent us in competition and elite scientists to devote the most productive years of their lives to curing our diseases. And yet, when it comes time to vest people with even greater responsibilities, we consider it a virtue to shun any and all standards of excellence. When it comes to choosing the people whose thoughts and actions will decide the fates of millions, then we suddenly want someone just like us, someone fit to have a beer with, someone down-to-earth—in fact, almost anyone, provided that he or she doesn't seem too intelligent or well educated.

I believe that with the nomination of Sarah Palin for the vice presidency, the silliness of our politics has finally put our nation at risk. The world is growing more complex—and dangerous—with each passing hour, and our position within it growing more precarious. Should she become president, Palin seems capable of enacting policies so detached from the common interests of humanity, and from empirical reality, as to unite the entire world against us. When asked why she is qualified to shoulder more responsibility than any person has held in human history, Palin cites her refusal to hesitate. "You can't blink," she told Gibson repeatedly, as though this were a primordial truth of wise governance. Let us hope that a President Palin would blink, again and again, while more thoughtful people decide the fate of civilization.



I believe that in the unlikely event that Palin would become president, she would be surrounded by the cabinet that McCain has provided her. I also believe she would continue to lead the remainder of the term in the spirit of McCain. Besides, you cannot make fun of the "everyman" because Obama doesn't exactly have any experience either, and hes on the top of the ticket. He has ole Biden by his side who time and time again has made or supported poor foreign policy/military decisions.

Besides, how is a rightest any worse than a leftist? This is not the presidency for social reform. Its a presidency to consolidate our military, to strengthen foreign relations, and prod our economy along.

  Teh Ricer Civic! said:
Besides, how is a rightest any worse than a leftist?

Because we have already had almost 8 years of failed right wing BS? I'm sick of the right wingers always getting their way. F*ck them!

  moltar said:
Because we have already had almost 8 years of failed right wing BS? I'm sick of the right wingers always getting their way. F*ck them!

Well Mr Obama and ESPECIALLY Mr Biden have zero nada zip respect for the 2nd amendment, why do you feel they would honor the rest of the document? Obama supporters, recently polled, only about 30% of them believed that the Supreme court should decide constitutional matters. 30%! thats pathetic! Thats what right wingers would bring to Washington, a disrespect for the constitution.

Hows that any better than having to deal with... well nothing because there's a democrat controlled congress.

  Dodgefan said:
Scary thought indeed.

Excellent article..as a well-educated atheist myself, I despise the idiotic mindset of religious extremist retards like Palin..

  Teh Ricer Civic! said:
Well Mr Obama and ESPECIALLY Mr Biden have zero nada zip respect for the 2nd amendment, why do you feel they would honor the rest of the document?

I couldn't care less about the 2nd amendment.

Posted (edited)
  moltar said:
Excellent article..as a well-educated atheist myself, I despise the idiotic mindset of religious extremist retards like Palin..


Wow. Thats very inconsiderate wording for a liberal such as yourself! Do not forget that this country was founded upon religious principles. Do not forget that those very religions helped us get through 2 world wars. Do not forget that this is still the most religious 1st world nation in the world.

You are entitled to your own beliefs, but your statement is very out there.

FDR was relgious, JFK was religious. Oh wait, they are all extremists i forgot.

I personally am not religious, but i have many friends who are. They are very devout and yet don't go around imposing their religion on others (sure their views may be greatly affected by it). For some people religion is very important to them and gives them their "strength." For others coffee gives them the strength to get through the day. Even if she was a religious extremist, why do you think that she would RUIN her political future by espousing it on the presidential scene?

Moral of the story: It's A-OK for liberals to impose their beliefs on others, but as soon as a conservative does it... Whoa boy, that man/woman is a religious nut!

This is EXACTLY what i got from my educational experience. Liberals were all out front with their liberalness, like it was their sworn duty to inform us of their beliefs (you might even say they were compelled by some god-like thing). Sure i occasionally had a conservative teacher, and sure occasionally one of them MIGHT be open with their beliefs, but they were few and far between among the liberal ones. What makes YOU think YOU are better than everyone else? Your arguments against the Far Right hold just as little credit as the Far Rights arguments against the Far Left.

I couldn't care less about the 2nd amendment.

So you admit the constitution is not important to you? So the paper that got our country through the centuries is unimportant huh? Thats great, im glad to see you honor the very document our great country is founded upon.

Edited by Teh Ricer Civic!
Posted (edited)
  Teh Ricer Civic! said:
Moral of the story: It's A-OK for liberals to impose their beliefs on others, but as soon as a conservative does it... Whoa boy, that man/woman is a religious nut!

I didn't say anything about all religions...I have plenty of friends that are religious..I was talking about the extremists--the fundie, evangelical folks like Palin--she's a Pentocostal. I've lived in the Bible Belt (Colorado Springs)..people like her are very dangerous and have no business being in power, IMHO.

I'm a strict modernist and secular humanist, believe in science and technology and believe religious or spirtual beliefs are a personal choice and have no place in the government, the classroom, or in public life in the modern world.

Irrational extremists like Palin believe the earth is 5000 years old and oppose science research (like stem cell research), want creationism in the classroom, etc. There is no place for someone like her at the top of government..she would try and impose her extremist views on Supreme Court nominees, etc.

Edited by moltar
  mustang84 said:
I'm watching the TV right now and an ad came on for McCain-Palin claiming they are mavericks against pork-barrel spending and that Palin "battled the bridge to nowhere." WTF.......Palin was for the Gravina Island Bridge! She only reversed her support two years later after public outcry against the project was so great.

-- -- -- --


07-29-05 : The Highway Reauthorization Bill, including the $223 million bridge to Ketchikan, AK, passed the United States Senate. John McCain voted against the bill; Barack Obama supported it.

11-16-05 : House and Senate negotiators took the rare step of eliminating a requirement that the federal funds be spent to build the Ketchikan Bridge.

12-05 : The estimated costs of the Ketchikan Bridge reach $315 million.

05-06 : The estimated costs of the bridge now reach between $325 and $350 million.

07-27-06 : Gubernatorial candidate Sarah Palin denies the project is a “bridge to nowhere.”

09-21-06 : Palin said the money for the bridge should remain available for “a link, an access process” for the island.

10-20-06: Palin’s spokesman confirmed she supported the Ketchikan Bridge Project.

12-04-06 : Sarah Palin is sworn in as 11th Governor of Alaska.

12-15-06 : Gov. Palin proposed her first budget which included no additional funds for the "Bridge to Nowhere" saying, "We need to make wise, sensible choices."

01-07 : The estimated costs of the bridge are reported to have ballooned to $400 million (79% increase from the original estimate of $223 million).

02-06-07 : Gov. Palin's transition team released a memo that criticized the "Bridge to Nowhere" project, concluding that the project was "a severe drain on resources that would otherwise be assigned to heavily used commercial and passenger routes."

05-12-07 : Alaska’s 2007 state budget included no additional funding for the "Bridge to Nowhere" to cover the increase in costs.

08-18-07 : Bridge to Nowhere put “on hold” by the Alaska Department of Transportation due to the political fallout and the lack of funding.

09-19-07 : The Alaska Department of Transportation released a statement saying Gov. Palin ordered a halt to the bridge project.

09-21-07 : Gov. Palin: “Despite the work of our congressional delegation, we are about $329 million short of full funding for the bridge project, and it's clear that Congress has little interest in spending any more money on a bridge between Ketchikan and Gravina Island."

09-22-07 : Rep. Kyle Johansen, R-Ketchikan: “For somebody who touts process and transparency in getting projects done, I'm disappointed and taken aback … We worked 30 years to get funding for this priority project.”

09-24-07 : “Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) today celebrated a major victory over one of the most infamous pork barrel projects in recent history, the ‘Bridge To Nowhere.’ On September 19, Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin ® announced the state would abandon the project and focus on other transportation priorities.”

09-26-07 : Anchorage Daily News Editorial: “Gov. Sarah Palin won few friends there with her decision to drop plans for the bridge, but she made the right call.”

-- -- -- --

Dec 4th '06 : Palin sworn in as Gov.

Jan 1 '07 : cost revisions show cost to have risen 79%

Feb 2 '07 : Palin officially criticizes project as "a severe drain on resources" and starves it of state funds.

Elapsed time : 2 months, with an interum cost explosion.

The Don Young's Way bridge in Anchorage was vigorously pushed for by Congressman... Don Young (AK); he helped to secure $231 million in the Highway Bill for it's construction and was publically vexed when Palin killed the bridge.

>>>The Highway Bill Included The $223 Million Bridge To Ketchikan, AK. “Lawmakers packed $24 billion in special projects into the transportation bill that finally passed Congress, including $5.9 million for a Vermont snowmobile trail and $3 million for a documentary about Alaska infrastructure. … One of the bill’s biggest winners is Congressman Don Young’s home state. It is awarded $941 million for 119 special projects, according to an analysis by the government watchdog group Taxpayers for Common Sense. The group found that Young helped to secure $231 million for a bridge in Anchorage to be named Don Young’s Way; $223 million for a bridge to Ketchikan; and $15 million for a Juneau access road, dubbed the Black Ice Highway by group analyst Erich Zimmermann because ‘that’s all you’ll see in the winter if this project is built.’“ (Shailagh Murray, “After 2-Year Wait, Passage Comes Easily,” The Washington Post, 7/30/05)<<<

Posted (edited)
  Teh Ricer Civic! said:
Sure i occasionally had a conservative teacher, and sure occasionally one of them MIGHT be open with their beliefs, but they were few and far between among the liberal ones. What makes YOU think YOU are better than everyone else? Your arguments against the Far Right hold just as little credit as the Far Rights arguments against the Far Left.[/b]

I believe in mathematics, science and technology--rational thought--not mythology. Therefore, I've always assumed that I'm superior to the religious right.. :) The views of the far right religious extremists don't hold up to rational analysis, therefore they are unworthy of consideration.

So you admit the constitution is not important to you? So the paper that got our country through the centuries is unimportant huh? Thats great, im glad to see you honor the very document our great country is founded upon.

I didn't say that. I believe in the Constitution, it's very important to me. But, some amendments have been repealed before (prohibition)...the 2nd Amendment is much less important to me than others like the 1st Amendment..it's not 1776, the Constitution has evolved over time with Amendments...

Edited by moltar
Posted (edited)
  moltar said:
I believe in mathematics, science and technology--rational thought--not mythology. Therefore, I've always assumed that I'm superior to the religious right.. :) The views of the far right religious extremists don't hold up to rational analysis, therefore they are unworthy of consideration.

I didn't say that. I believe in the Constitution, it's very important to me. But, some amendments have been repealed before (prohibition)...the 2nd Amendment is much less important to me than others like the 1st Amendment..it's not 1776, the Constitution has evolved over time with Amendments...

Oh please, prohibition was caving into far right pressure. It was silly and pointless and harmful so it was repealed.

The 2nd Amendment is in the BILL OF RIGHTS. read... RIGHTS. besides, the right to own guns could be argued through the 9th Amendment too, should that be repealed?

Just because you believe that americans should be deprived of the means to defend themselves (from criminals or in an extreme case, perhaps an overreaching oppressive government :scratchchin: ) Doesn't mean that most of America feels that way, and it certainly doesn't mean that we should repeal it.

Edited by Teh Ricer Civic!
  moltar said:
I believe in mathematics, science and technology--rational thought--not mythology. Therefore, I've always assumed that I'm superior to the religious right.. :) The views of the far right religious extremists don't hold up to rational analysis, therefore they are unworthy of consideration.

I didn't say that. I believe in the Constitution, it's very important to me. But, some amendments have been repealed before (prohibition)...the 2nd Amendment is much less important to me than others like the 1st Amendment..it's not 1776, the Constitution has evolved over time with Amendments...

science + technology = SCIENTOLOGY :)


We may as well argue the BCS vs. a college football playoff....

Or whether the chicken or the egg came first.

November 4 can't get here any faster.

  regfootball said:
science + technology = SCIENTOLOGY :)

Noooooooooo...that's science fiction.. :) Never known a Scientologist. They sound pretty nutty from what I've read, though.

Posted (edited)
  moltar said:
Noooooooooo...that's science fiction.. :) Never known a Scientologist. They sound pretty nutty from what I've read, though.

Oh, I met a couple in Rome...they tried to recruit me, but I laughed at their pamphlet and walked away. Members of scientology function much in the same way as people who get hooked on Quixtar or (sc)Amway; get suckered into buying a bunch of commercial junk that will "teach the ways", then get so far over their heads that they lose relationships, friendships, jobs, etc. It's all mind games, and the weak willed are their target.

Edited by mustang84
Posted (edited)
  mustang84 said:
Oh, I met a couple in Rome...they tried to recruit me, but I laughed at their pamphlet and walked away. Members of scientology function much in the same way as people who get hooked on Quixtar or (sc)Amway; get suckered into buying a bunch of commercial junk that will "teach the ways", then get so far over their heads that they lose relationships, friendships, jobs, etc. It's all mind games, and the weak willed are their target.

Not Scientologists, but I have worked with a Jehovah's Witness...kind of a strange fellow..HR warned him not to be trying prosletyze in the office..what I know of JW is that they seem cultish. I was never bothered by them going door-to-door in Colorado (gated community), but they have come to my sister's door here in AZ, ignoring the prominent 'no solicitors' and ADT security signs out front..

Edited by moltar
Posted (edited)
  Teh Ricer Civic! said:
The people i dont get is the Christian Science types...

But whatever, they write great articles about just about everything.

They seem strange, esp. WRT medicine... I have read a number of very good articles on the Christian Science Monitor website, though...on all sorts of topics.

Edited by moltar
  Teh Ricer Civic! said:
I believe that in the unlikely event that Palin would become president, she would be surrounded by the cabinet that McCain has provided her. I also believe she would continue to lead the remainder of the term in the spirit of McCain. Besides, you cannot make fun of the "everyman" because Obama doesn't exactly have any experience either, and hes on the top of the ticket. He has ole Biden by his side who time and time again has made or supported poor foreign policy/military decisions.

Besides, how is a rightest any worse than a leftist? This is not the presidency for social reform. Its a presidency to consolidate our military, to strengthen foreign relations, and prod our economy along.

The "rightest" had the last 8 years to screw up our country like it's never been screwed before. Now it's our turn! </simulated Bush quote>

Obama has demonstrated more than once the thoughtfulness and temperament I require of a President. He DOES BLINK! He is NOT "Shoot first, don't ask questions, and resist any congressional inquiry that would ask questions by invoking executive privilege."

  Oldsmoboi said:
So? They were probably asking for it anyway.

I hope my sarcasm detector is broken, because I just felt like :puke:-ing

  Oldsmoboi said:
Your sarcasm detector is very broken.

I detest Sarah Evita Palin


*gets screwdriver* (the tool not the drink)

*fixes sarcasm detector*

I had no opinion on the lady, but after reading this.... Let's just say it has become clear to me why most of the World outside the US wants Obama to win.

  ZL-1 said:

*gets screwdriver* (the tool not the drink)

*fixes sarcasm detector*

I had no opinion on the lady, but after reading this.... Let's just say it has become clear to me why most of the World outside the US wants Obama to win.

You know Obama had some thin ties to a known domestic terrorist. Maybe obama will try and bomb Lisbon or worse the islands my ancestors came from

However, On medical grounds i do not support charging women for a rape kit.

  moltar said:
I believe in mathematics, science and technology--rational thought--not mythology. Therefore, I've always assumed that I'm superior to the religious right.. :) The views of the far right religious extremists don't hold up to rational analysis, therefore they are unworthy of consideration.


  Teh Ricer Civic! said:
You know Obama had some thin ties to a known domestic terrorist. Maybe obama will try and bomb Lisbon or worse the islands my ancestors came from

However, On medical grounds i do not support charging women for a rape kit.

Which islands? The Azores (Açores)?

Re Palin, she was Mayor at the time, so IMHO she bears direct reponsibility for letting that happen.

  Teh Ricer Civic! said:
You know Obama had some thin ties to a known domestic terrorist. Maybe obama will try and bomb Lisbon or worse the islands my ancestors came from

However, On medical grounds i do not support charging women for a rape kit.

Did you know that Obama is a Muslim and he took the oath of office on a Koran and that his baptist minister hates America for making Obama wear a flag lapel pin on his ancestral African clothes given to him when he was in a Muslim school in Indonesia holding McCain as a POW by drawing a cross in the sand on Christmas Eve while Osama Bin Laden was watching and clinging to his religion and guns?

  ZL-1 said:
Sorry, guys. It's not my country nor my elections to be commenting on, but this is relevant and I admit I felt disgusted when I read it:


Agreed, thats awful and Palin supporters are saying she didn't know, but I really doubt that since the police chief was all over bitching about the law when it was put up in the legislature. So either Palin doesn't care about women who have been raped, or she wasn't paying any attention at all to what her police chief was saying. The former means she's a horrible person, the latter shows she is a terrible politician.

  Satty said:
Agreed, thats awful and Palin supporters are saying she didn't know, but I really doubt that since the police chief was all over bitching about the law when it was put up in the legislature. So either Palin doesn't care about women who have been raped, or she wasn't paying any attention at all to what her police chief was saying. The former means she's a horrible person, the latter shows she is a terrible politician.

Exactly right.

  Satty said:
Agreed, thats awful and Palin supporters are saying she didn't know, but I really doubt that since the police chief was all over bitching about the law when it was put up in the legislature. So either Palin doesn't care about women who have been raped, or she wasn't paying any attention at all to what her police chief was saying. The former means she's a horrible person, the latter shows she is a terrible politician.

but... but... She's a good mother with strong family values, has foreign relations experience, loves moose and polar bears!*

*as long as you look past her drug snorting, knocked up kids, huband with a DWI, the moose burgers in her freezer, her action against protecting the endangered polar bears, and that the sum total of her foreign experience includes being able to see Russia from her back porch.

Posted (edited)
  Oldsmoboi said:
Did you know that Obama is a Muslim and he took the oath of office on a Koran and that his baptist minister hates America for making Obama wear a flag lapel pin on his ancestral African clothes given to him when he was in a Muslim school in Indonesia holding McCain as a POW by drawing a cross in the sand on Christmas Eve while Osama Bin Laden was watching and clinging to his religion and guns?

heh sorry, i did a poor job of separating my sentences, it was supposed to be a sarcastic comment.

Which islands? The Azores (Açores)?

and yes ZL-1, the Azores. I do not remember off the top of my head which ones though.

But uh, did you know that McCain is really Chuck Norris in a costume? When he is president he is going to roundhouse kick Osama. Then he is going to suck all the pollutants out of the air with his super lung and cough the pollution all over Russia until they submit to our whim. Then he is going to drink all the worlds ocean, filter the water through his mighty kidneys and piss out clean water for all the fishies to enjoy. He will crap out biofuels from all the seaweed and plankton he drank and will singlehandedly sever ourselfs from foreign energy. When he farts it will fill up our natural gas reserves for thousands of years. And most importantly, he is going to go to wall street and fix everything with a roundhouse kick and his superior intelligence, all while he is making food for all the starving people in the world.

So remember, Vote Chuck... Vote McCain in 2008.

On a more serious tone, we in the GOP oughta try and get Chuck Norris to run for president next go around, cause that would simply be badass.

Edited by Teh Ricer Civic!
Posted (edited)
  Teh Ricer Civic! said:
You know Obama had some thin ties to a known domestic terrorist. Maybe obama will try and bomb Lisbon or worse the islands my ancestors came from

Senator Obama strongly condemns the violent actions of the Weathermen group, as he does all acts of violence. But he was an eight-year-old child when Ayers and the Weathermen were active, and any attempt to connect Obama with events of almost forty years ago is ridiculous.


The "domestic terrorist" is now a distinguished professor at the University of Illinois-Chicago. Times change, people change.

Edited by mustang84

When I was 11, I visited Niagra Falls.

Lockport, NY is located in Niagra County.

Timothy McVeigh was born in Lockport.

Therefore, I'm a domestic terrorist?


When I was 10 I was shown what a 50 caliber bullet looks like from WWII, does handling that bullet make me a potential gunman who randomly shoots up some stupid ass place like the mall for no apparent reason?

Posted (edited)

No, but it makes you qualified to be VP.

On a completely unrelated not, my bro-in-law has a .50 cal black powder rifle, that thing is freaking insane to shoot.

Edited by Satty
  Satty said:
No, but it makes you qualified to be VP.

On a completely unrelated not, my bro-in-law has a .50 cal black powder rifle, that thing is freaking insane to shoot.

I've seen one of those in action...yes they are insane.

However what is more insane is when those giant rounds are firing at high rate from a machine gun.




Neither would I! Something nice and comfy that you wouldn't have to worry about wear and tear, as opposed to paying $600 for a new one and be afraid to sit on it.

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