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How do you brand yourself?


How do you brand yourself?  

28 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you brand yourself as liberal or conservative? (only one choice, sorry)

    • Liberal
    • Conservative

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We've done religion, height/weight, age, ethnicity...why not this?

You can only pick one. However, you can define what you think these concepts mean.

I once heard:

"When you're younger, if you're not liberal, you don't have a heart.

When you're older, if you're not conservative, you don't have a head."

Also, this has NOTHING to do with party affiliation. Liberal/conservative does NOT necessarily align itself with political leanings.

I picked conservative....you know, a Regal with crank windows and 247,000 miles. :wink:

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Why only two choices? I mean, that's like saying the world is black & white, cut and dry.

I'm on the highly liberal side of conservative, so I voted conservative.

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Since there are only two choices, I'll pick conservative if it is of the Goldwater mindset and not Regan mindset of the current crop of conservatives.

i'd have to put myself in there too, even though i'm not familiar enough to know exactly what he was for.

it's more libertarian than "right" if i'm correct.

anyone see Ted Nugent on glenn beck recently? i watched most of it, not all of it.

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Since there are only two choices, I'll pick conservative if it is of the Goldwater mindset and not Regan mindset of the current crop of conservatives.

Ditto with you and Pauli, although I would call myself on the conservative side of liberal.

I personally don't think anyone has done as much damage to our country as Reagan, Bush Sr. and Bush Jr.


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I consider myself Socially Progressive/Liberal and Fiscally Conservative, so I guess that doesn't put me firmly in either category but I identify with Goldwater Conservatism because NeoCons Suck. Goldwater's "Different Strokes for Different Folks" approach to social policy in the US appeals to me. I hate what Reagan, and the Bushes did to the GOP turning it to a Morality Issues party. Goldwater was great but I yearn for moderates in the mantle of Ford and Nixon as well. Better keep dreaming because nothing's happening anytime soon that might realize this.


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I personally don't think anyone has done as much damage to our country as Reagan, Bush Sr. and Bush Jr.



I'm on the moderate side of liberal...I'm not a flaming Prius-driving, tofu eating, birkenstock wearing eco-weenie, but a car enthusiast, SUV driving, rock and roll fan, technologist, and a progressive, secular idealist.

Edited by moltar
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I'm on the moderate side of liberal...I'm not a flaming Prius-driving, tofu eating, birkenstock wearing eco-weenie, but a car enthusiast, SUV driving, rock and roll fan, technologist, and a progressive, secular idealist.

I consider myself Socially Progressive/Liberal and Fiscally Conservative, so I guess that doesn't put me firmly in either category

:withstupid: x2

I picked liberal, though.

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I think we should join the European Union! :rotflmao:

Yo, Borg, if my Dad came over from "the Boot," kept his green card until the day he died (thus never becoming a U.S. citizen, though my Mom did acquire U.S. citizenship), does that mean I can get a dual citizenship with Italy, and thus the EU, and move to Portugal should I win the lottery and stare out at the Atlantic Ocean all day? I wouldn't mind doing that...

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Yo, Borg, if my Dad came over from "the Boot," kept his green card until the day he died (thus never becoming a U.S. citizen, though my Mom did acquire U.S. citizenship), does that mean I can get a dual citizenship with Italy, and thus the EU, and move to Portugal should I win the lottery and stare out at the Atlantic Ocean all day? I wouldn't mind doing that...

Now why would you want to end up like Pedro? After all he won the lottery and now stares at the Atlantic all day long. That's why when I'm in Delaware I keep my blinds closed! I just feel like there are eyes watching me. :smilewide:

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Now why would you want to end up like Pedro? After all he won the lottery and now stares at the Atlantic all day long. That's why when I'm in Delaware I keep my blinds closed! I just feel like there are eyes watching me. :smilewide:

1. Borgmeister, you didn't answer my question.

2. I wouldn't stare past Madeira, or even the Azores.

3. What does that Bundes thing you have in your sig mean -- that there are many Irma Bunts living in the town?

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Yo, Borg, if my Dad came over from "the Boot," kept his green card until the day he died (thus never becoming a U.S. citizen, though my Mom did acquire U.S. citizenship), does that mean I can get a dual citizenship with Italy, and thus the EU, and move to Portugal should I win the lottery and stare out at the Atlantic Ocean all day? I wouldn't mind doing that...

Yes you can do that. My BF is getting his Italian citizenship prior to our move over there.

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(Maybe someday ;))

I'm pretty liberal on the side of economics

But I'm equally conservative when it comes to morals and family.

I guess that would make me a moderate?

I love to hate on both parties though. IMO, it's kinda sad and dumb to lock oneself into a specific mindset "just because" Now, if you have valid personal reason for being locked into that mindset, then more power to you. But just to spit out the terms without putting thought into it is a bit shady.

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This was a poorly designed thread.

Why? That's the choice you Americans have. Black or white.

Given the two choices, I put myself down as 'conservative,' but obviously my moral beliefs would put me at odds with a lot of true blue-blooded conservatives.

We Canucks get to choose between 4 Evils (5 if you count the regional PQ): the Conservatives, the Liberals, the NDP (Commies) and the Greens (??!!)

We get to choose between 4 classes of idiots that will eventually destroy the country. :neenerneener:

You's guys only get 2. :fryingpan:

Since we're both going to the polls this Fall, it's a race to the bottom!

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It's poorly designed because even if there only 2 "official" choices that doesn't mean everyone falls squarely in one category.

Although my party is Dem, I'm certainly not liberal, and there are some issues with the conservative party I like, however too many of them do not appeal to me. You can take your bible thumping politically correctness (oxymoron) and shove it up your ass. That's how I don't fall into one or the other. :P

There should at least have been an "Other" or "neither" option in the poll.

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Why? That's the choice you Americans have. Black or white.

We get to choose between 4 classes of idiots that will eventually destroy the country. :neenerneener:

You's guys only get 2. :fryingpan:

Technically we get Democrat, Republican. Libertarian, Green, Constitution (the last three are on ballots in at least 30 states) and Ralph Nader (on 40ish ballots) but most people only vote for one of the Big Two. Everyone seems to forget that there was a time when the Republican party was a 3rd party, an offshoot of the Whigs, so there is precedent for a new party popping up. Maybe Libertarians will start getting their message to disheartened Republicans, or the Green Party will start siphoning off Democrats until they establish themselves as a major party. I dont see that happening anytime soon, but it could, and everyone would be better for it.

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Technically we get Democrat, Republican. Libertarian, Green, Constitution (the last three are on ballots in at least 30 states) and Ralph Nader (on 40ish ballots) but most people only vote for one of the Big Two. Everyone seems to forget that there was a time when the Republican party was a 3rd party, an offshoot of the Whigs, so there is precedent for a new party popping up. Maybe Libertarians will start getting their message to disheartened Republicans, or the Green Party will start siphoning off Democrats until they establish themselves as a major party. I dont see that happening anytime soon, but it could, and everyone would be better for it.

Satty, it's beginning to scare me how much I find myself agreeing with you in the political threads!

We need a successful 3rd party so badly.

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First off , most people live in a gray-area... the world, or most of

the world anyway, is NOT black & white.

I picked conservative, because push come to shove anything but the

most moderate Liberals are at heart , socialists or communists or in

some extreme cases, modern-day-nazis.

Hitler was the first modern political leader to 1st REGISTER and then

systematically take away a whole population's firearms, & we all

know where THAT got Germany... I grew up in a socialist country &

I firmly believe that many of the same liberals here in the USA that

preach ultra-liberalism, are just naive idiots that lack a firm grasp on

the ugly, cold hard truth of human nature & society.

In the real world, some people are lazy and useless and do not EVER

deserve a handout, some criminals esp. violent ones and ANYONE

who hurts a child or has been proven guilty of rape, will NEVER get

rehabilitated, and should IMHO just be eliminated from the gene pool

no questions asked, that is the only way to deal with the cold hard

reality of child abuse, rape & other evil crimes.

The reality is thousands of illegals come into this country every year,

now think about how much SMALLER & easier to conceal a firearm is

compared to a person, guns, will ALWAYS be easily available to

criminals, so to constantly attempt stricter, more elaborate & very

arbitrary rules for the LEGAL, law abiding citizens who REGISTER

their firearms is disgusting.

Gun laws aimed at law abiding citizens who have REGISTERED guns

are PRO-CRIME laws that perpetuate the cycle of violence , plain and

simple, if you can't see that then IMHO you are a waste of human life

& just another communist zombie.

Without the 2nd amendment the 1st would be in constant jeopardy!


I'm technically in the EU since I'm still not a US citizen... Slovakia is in the EU now.

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Agreed Camino, like yesterday.

....and before I forget I am proud to call myself a Libertarian, IF I had to get "boxed in"

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First off , most people live in a gray-area... the world, or most of

the world anyway, is NOT black & white.

I picked conservative, because push come to shove anything but the

most moderate Liberals are at heart , socialists or communists or in

some extreme cases, modern-day-nazis.

Hitler was the first modern political leader to 1st REGISTER and then

systematically take away a whole population's firearms, & we all

know where THAT got Germany... I grew up in a socialist country &

I firmly believe that many of the same liberals here in the USA that

preach ultra-liberalism, are just naive idiots that lack a firm grasp on

the ugly, cold hard truth of human nature & society.

In the real world, some people are lazy and useless and do not EVER

deserve a handout, some criminals esp. violent ones and ANYONE

who hurts a child or has been proven guilty of rape, will NEVER get

rehabilitated, and should IMHO just be eliminated from the gene pool

no questions asked, that is the only way to deal with the cold hard

reality of child abuse, rape & other evil crimes.

The reality is thousands of illegals come into this country every year,

now think about how much SMALLER & easier to conceal a firearm is

compared to a person, guns, will ALWAYS be easily available to

criminals, so to constantly attempt stricter, more elaborate & very

arbitrary rules for the LEGAL, law abiding citizens who REGISTER

their firearms is disgusting.

Gun laws aimed at law abiding citizens who have REGISTERED guns

are PRO-CRIME laws that perpetuate the cycle of violence , plain and

simple, if you can't see that then IMHO you are a waste of human life

& just another communist zombie.

Without the 2nd amendment the 1st would be in constant jeopardy!


I'm technically in the EU since I'm still not a US citizen... Slovakia is in the EU now.

Not that I agree or disagree with the Second Amendment, but how do you explain the horrific murder rates in the United States? Those numbers are on par with the most abysmally poor, 3rd world countries. Nowhere else in the developed world is there gun crimes and murder rates like the U.S.

This is not 1783. Nobody would dare invade the U.S., whether a little old lady had a pistol in her purse or not. This is not 1933 Germany either. There are a lot of critics who have drawn parallels between Homeland Security and the legislation Hitler's cronies enacted in the mid-thirties in Germany.

I think what shocks many observers of U.S. politics is the sheer polarization of Americans. Black versus white. The coasts versus the 'fly-over states.' The Texans against everybody. The richest country on earth, with some of the poorest citizens.

To a lot of people, America seems manic-depressive: the country is capable of such fantastic highs (the Moon landing, for example) and deep lows (the bible thumpers in the South, for example.)

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Not that I agree or disagree with the Second Amendment, but how do you explain the horrific murder rates in the United States? Those numbers are on par with the most abysmally poor, 3rd world countries. Nowhere else in the developed world is there gun crimes and murder rates like the U.S.

This is not 1783. Nobody would dare invade the U.S., whether a little old lady had a pistol in her purse or not. This is not 1933 Germany either. There are a lot of critics who have drawn parallels between Homeland Security and the legislation Hitler's cronies enacted in the mid-thirties in Germany.

I think what shocks many observers of U.S. politics is the sheer polarization of Americans. Black versus white. The coasts versus the 'fly-over states.' The Texans against everybody. The richest country on earth, with some of the poorest citizens.

To a lot of people, America seems manic-depressive: the country is capable of such fantastic highs (the Moon landing, for example) and deep lows (the bible thumpers in the South, for example.)

So true... it's a very polarized nation. Red states vs blue states.....red counties within blue states and vice versa. Rationality, science and progress vs. conservatism, tradition and irrationality.. etc, etc..

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Can't we all just get along and become PURPLE states? Red + Blue = Purple :smilewide:

And there are some...my beloved Colorado is becoming purple...hard core blue in Boulder, hard core red in Colorado Springs, a mix in other places across the state..

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I blame a lot of this on the media. They love to label everyone. It makes their graphs and pie charts much more interesting.

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I picked conservative, because push come to shove anything but the

most moderate Liberals are at heart , socialists or communists or in

some extreme cases, modern-day-nazis.

Hitler was the first modern political leader to 1st REGISTER and then

systematically take away a whole population's firearms, & we all

know where THAT got Germany...

Just for clarification, Nazism is the polar opposite of socialism.

Hitler's motivation to confiscate firearms from the citizenry would be to ensure that no one could oppose him, not because he was concerned for their safety or because he favored gun control.

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Just for clarification, Nazism is the polar opposite of socialism.

Hitler's motivation to confiscate firearms from the citizenry would be to ensure that no one could oppose him, not because he was concerned for their safety or because he favored gun control.

nazism is a nationalistic form of gov't

both are pretty appalling.

Edited by loki
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nazism is a nationalistic form of gov't

both are pretty appalling.

We're in a form of Fascist Capitalism right now.

Fascism does not require revolution to exist in captialist society: fascists can be elected into office (though their disdain for elections usually means manipulation of the electoral system). They view parliamentary and congressional systems of government to be inefficient and weak, and will do their best to minimize its power over their policy agenda. Fascism exhibits the worst kind of capitalism where corporate power is absolute, and all vestiges of workers' rights are destroyed.

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Satty, it's beginning to scare me how much I find myself agreeing with you in the political threads!

We need a successful 3rd party so badly.

Scrolling through this thread, I find it AMAZING how many people in here have pretty much identified themselves as socially liberal/moderate and fiscally conservative (like me.)

It's always been my beliefs that the far-right and far-left are a far bigger MINORITY than what their media attention gives them credit for.

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Scrolling through this thread, I find it AMAZING how many people in here have pretty much identified themselves as socially liberal/moderate and fiscally conservative (like me.)

It's always been my beliefs that the far-right and far-left are a far bigger MINORITY than what their media attention gives them credit for.

There is a huge middle in the US that neither party in the US really represents, I think...

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