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>>""Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice president of the United States of America," Biden said. "Let’s get that straight. She’s a truly close personal friend; she is qualified to be president of the United States of America. She’s easily qualified to be vice president of the United States of America and quite frankly it might have been a better pick than me, but she is first-rate.”"<<

Biden again, on Barry : "I think he can be ready, but right now I don't believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training."

But after being picked, suddenly something radically had changed, perhaps Barry had completed a mountain of at-home Presidency Prep courses unbeknownst to Biden, because Biden gushed about Barry at the DNC (duh). So which is the truth: the independant opinion, or the vested-interest opinion?

Bill Clinton did the very same thing- he stated BO was not ready in a PBS interview in Dec '07, that he would be "a risk" and "I don't want a president who's never made a mistake and never had to correct one". Of course, at the DNC he did the typical 180. Which is the truth here ?

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>>""Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice president of the United States of America," Biden said. "Let’s get that straight. She’s a truly close personal friend; she is qualified to be president of the United States of America. She’s easily qualified to be vice president of the United States of America and quite frankly it might have been a better pick than me, but she is first-rate.”"<<

Biden again, on Barry : "I think he can be ready, but right now I don't believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training."

But after being picked, suddenly something radically had changed, perhaps Barry had completed a mountain of at-home Presidency Prep courses unbeknownst to Biden, because Biden gushed about Barry at the DNC (duh). So which is the truth: the independant opinion, or the vested-interest opinion?

Bill Clinton did the very same thing- he stated BO was not ready in a PBS interview in Dec '07, that he would be "a risk" and "I don't want a president who's never made a mistake and never had to correct one". Of course, at the DNC he did the typical 180. Which is the truth here ?

The last paragraph is so great. I am laughing my a$$ off.

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The death of political Correctness needs to happen. Now.

...actually like 1998.

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The reasons I think energy should be controlled at the federal level are:

1. It is a domestic security issue, perhaps the largest one out there.

2. There needs to be national standards for fuels, having 45 different blends of gasoline for 50 states is terribly inefficient.

3. The electricity grid is nationally and internationally connected. The outage in Ohio a few years back took out parts of Canada and NYC also.

4. The need for some sort of alternative energy is clear. I'd rather have us move forward as one country rather than 50 states moving in every which direction and some not moving at all.

5. In energy, buying in bulk matters.... a LOT.

The reasons I think transportation should be controlled at the federal level are:

1. CARB.... do I even need to remind anyone of this?

2. Most transportation is interstate.

3. There need to be national (if not international) standards for emissions, safety, and efficiency. Not just for cars, but for ships, planes, and trains too.

4. The Interstate highway network.

5. Air Traffic Control

I'd prefer that Social Security would be privatized, but I fully admit that I have no idea how to go about doing it.

I disagree with your assessment that the general public won't get a use out of something like ethanol or a bridge in Alaska. There are going to be things that you do help pay for to help the overall common good. That is part of being part of society. Ethanol (though I hate what the corn lobby has done) will benefit us as a nation. That bridge in Alaska might be taking oil workers to their jobs.

I pay school taxes even though I have no (and probably never will have) kids. But I also recognize, as the founding fathers did, that an educated populace is better than an uneducated one. No, the school tax doesn't benefit me directly, but due to education, there are fewer idiots out there arguing economics with me when they don't have even a basic understanding of the subject.

#1 and 3. isn't a decentralized energy grid/production needed to decrease how vulnerable the system is?

#2. i agree, other than high altitude gas/special needs, i would be for phasing out midgrade.

#4.. yeah, that's how it was designed. do you agree with the drinking age requirement for funds?

#5...as in centralize a place for control or standards or...? just vague to me.

I'm all for an educated populace, but when people, that use any service, aren't footing the bill, they won't be so demanding on the quality, typically. gifted kids can be held back by the less intelligent kids in the class room, if gifted programs can't be offered, say by budget and such, the parents can't say ok i'll pay for it, the taxes would have to be raised or maybe not pay the teachers "well",ie cutbacks, but that would hurt more of the other children... right? i was never in a public school till college, so, i might be wrong... but how wrong am I?

there are certainly some things that a federal gov't has to do. I also think that the power of states/individuals can find fixes to these problems, but if they make a huge mistake, it most likely won't affect the vast majority of the rest of the populace, where a mistake at a national level affects everyone.

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McCain used the exact same expression against Senator Clinton and her health care plan back a few months ago.

Also, Palin's whole joke was comparing herself to a pit bull.

Now, had Obama said "you can put lipstick on a pit bull, but she's still a bitch" then I'd agree that there was something uncalled for. But "putting lipstick on a pig, and it's still a pig" while obviously referencing McCain and NOT Palin (if you see the clip within the context of what he was saying), it's moot.


It's the context , not the phrase itself.

His crowd instantly assosciated the comment with Palin - no way did Obama not instantly realize it (look at his face). All I'm saying is that he should have snuffed it out then and there. Too late now.

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>>""Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice president of the United States of America," Biden said. "Let’s get that straight. She’s a truly close personal friend; she is qualified to be president of the United States of America. She’s easily qualified to be vice president of the United States of America and quite frankly it might have been a better pick than me, but she is first-rate.”"<<

Biden again, on Barry : "I think he can be ready, but right now I don't believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training."

But after being picked, suddenly something radically had changed, perhaps Barry had completed a mountain of at-home Presidency Prep courses unbeknownst to Biden, because Biden gushed about Barry at the DNC (duh). So which is the truth: the independant opinion, or the vested-interest opinion?

Bill Clinton did the very same thing- he stated BO was not ready in a PBS interview in Dec '07, that he would be "a risk" and "I don't want a president who's never made a mistake and never had to correct one". Of course, at the DNC he did the typical 180. Which is the truth here ?

I'm glad you brought this up. Since you follow Biden so closely, do you not recall seeing Biden address this very point? Biden said (to paraphrase) that after he's seen the way Obama has handled his campaign so competently, and how he has endured all the stresses placed on him with Reverend Wright, and all the other silliness, and after he has read his policy proposals, he now feels that Obama is ready and that he underestimated him before.

Biden addressed this just a week or two ago.

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It's the context , not the phrase itself.

His crowd instantly assosciated the comment with Palin - no way did Obama not instantly realize it (look at his face). All I'm saying is that he should have snuffed it out then and there. Too late now.

I've seen that clip several times, and in no way did I come to that conclusion. I wouldn't post here while lying for the sole purpose of sticking to a "talking point" or anything. As an aside, I missed the lead-in when I first saw the clip and was trying to figure out why the hell it was newsworthy, then I came here and figured it out. The context of that speech was that McCain was talking "all about experience" for months, and suddenly is trying to run on the "change" platform since the last two weeks. Then he made the you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig comment, followed immediately by "you can wrap an old fish in foil, but it still stinks." He was just using idioms, as he often does in his speeches.

Speaking of pitbulls...

I actually like Biden.

Around here, we have been familiar with him for a very long time.

Agreed. I love Biden. Since a year ago June, when CNN had the 7-candidate debate, I wanted Obama at the top of the ticket, followed by Biden. I'm really stoked my top picks made it, and I haven't had to think twice over any of them since.

Edited by Croc
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Agreed. I love Biden. Since a year ago June, when CNN had the 7-candidate debate, I wanted Obama at the top of the ticket, followed by Biden. I'm really stoked my top picks made it, and I haven't had to think twice over any of them since.

I like Biden..he was my favorite candidate when he ran previously. He seems like a no-BS kind of guy.

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#1 and 3. isn't a decentralized energy grid/production needed to decrease how vulnerable the system is?

#2. i agree, other than high altitude gas/special needs, i would be for phasing out midgrade.

#4.. yeah, that's how it was designed. do you agree with the drinking age requirement for funds?

#5...as in centralize a place for control or standards or...? just vague to me.

I'm all for an educated populace, but when people, that use any service, aren't footing the bill, they won't be so demanding on the quality, typically. gifted kids can be held back by the less intelligent kids in the class room, if gifted programs can't be offered, say by budget and such, the parents can't say ok i'll pay for it, the taxes would have to be raised or maybe not pay the teachers "well",ie cutbacks, but that would hurt more of the other children... right? i was never in a public school till college, so, i might be wrong... but how wrong am I?

there are certainly some things that a federal gov't has to do. I also think that the power of states/individuals can find fixes to these problems, but if they make a huge mistake, it most likely won't affect the vast majority of the rest of the populace, where a mistake at a national level affects everyone.

1. We already have a fairly decentralized grid. Yes there are weak spots that need to be strengthend, but you'll never be able to ship wind energy from the Mid West or solar from the South west without the large national grid. The problem with the grid now is that no one wants to pay for it. There is no profit in shipping electricity.

The rest are just details. What I was trying to show is that on the whole, you and I are a lot alike politically and I'm not some "damn dirty liberal".

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It's the context , not the phrase itself.

His crowd instantly assosciated the comment with Palin - no way did Obama not instantly realize it (look at his face). All I'm saying is that he should have snuffed it out then and there. Too late now.

It's still mock outrage over a hundred year old phrase.

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>>"Biden said (to paraphrase) that after he's seen the way Obama has handled his campaign so competently, and how he has endured all the stresses placed on him with Reverend Wright, and all the other silliness, and after he has read his policy proposals, he now feels that Obama is ready and that he underestimated him before. Biden addressed this just a week or two ago."<<

'Handling a campaign' is nothing compared to being a president, as much as BO wishes it was. It's meaningless, about-face, vested-interest party spin from 2 career politicians (Biden: '72, Clinton: '78)(BTW: Obama: 143 actual days 'in office' as a U.S. Senator). The points are (or SHOULD be), not how Barry has handled the many controversies and skeletons, but the fact that they are there in the first place! 'He has addressed the monsterous gaps in his judgement & dark, worrisome anti-American associations well; he's fully greased to be a slip-n-slide president.' Just great.

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1. We already have a fairly decentralized grid. Yes there are weak spots that need to be strengthend, but you'll never be able to ship wind energy from the Mid West or solar from the South west without the large national grid. The problem with the grid now is that no one wants to pay for it. There is no profit in shipping electricity.

The rest are just details. What I was trying to show is that on the whole, you and I are a lot alike politically and I'm not some "damn dirty liberal".

haha. i never said you were, but i might have certainly implied your socialistic ideas for getting alt energy off the ground is kinda liberal.

no offense, but didn't you say that your family history has been very entrepreneurial ? ... the near idealism of giving "grant money" for alt energy is surprising in face of that

I'm hugely surprised how long this thread has gone on.

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haha. i never said you were, but i might have certainly implied your socialistic ideas for getting alt energy off the ground is kinda liberal.

no offense, but didn't you say that your family history has been very entrepreneurial ? ... the near idealism of giving "grant money" for alt energy is surprising in face of that

I'm hugely surprised how long this thread has gone on.

Look back to where I feel that energy is a national security issue and you may understand my position better. I feel it is a far better investment to spend money on new wind power than it is to spend money to lob a bunch of cruise missiles at middle eastern wedding parties.

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This is beyond karma at this point. Here's John McCain with one of his endlessly repeated, grandpa-at-Thanksgiving, punchline provided, anecdotes:

"We're not going to spend $3 million of your tax dollars to study the DNA of bears in Montana," McCain said earlier this year, referring to a request from Montana for federal money to study the endangered grizzly bear. "I don't know if it was a paternity issue or criminal, but it was a waste of money."

Here's what Sarah Palin brought home to Alaska in pork:

According to a “summary of requests for federal appropriations” posted to her budget office’s website earlier this year, Palin requested millions of federal dollars for everything from improving recreational halibut fishing to studying the mating habits of crabs and the DNA of harbor seals.

Sure, he vetted her. But all this is only really instructive when you listen to Palin on the stump:

“In just three years our opponent has requested nearly one billion dollars in earmarks. That’s nearly a million dollars for every working day,” Palin told a crowd in Lebanon, Ohio, Tuesday. “So as we reform the abusive earmarks in our state our opponent was requesting nearly a billion dollars in earmarks as a senatorial privilege as I was vetoing half a billion as an executive responsibility.”

The DNA of seals?

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Her daughter's pregnancy is none of our business, and I can't help thinking that we'd all be better off not knowing such a private thing about other people's daughters.

Actually ALL Candidates Families are OUR business. Palin preaches about Abstenance and yet her own kid gets nocked up by a boy who posts on his web page that he hates kids and does not want any. Clearly she needs to stay home and focus on her kids, they are barely able to pass the GED tests to move onto the next level of home schooling. This from a woman who has stated that public schools are a waste of time for kids to attend yet she is surly not educating her own kids that well.

That said, I will never understand the agenda of the religious right. Here is a woman who preaches a message of do what I say and not what I do. Double standards just like the current administration.

Agreed on the families and the tabloid mentality, but as to that investigation, that might be a case of payback for her exposure of other corrupt Republicans. I think she ticked-off the good 'ol boy network.

CORRUPT! :confused0071: Take a closer look, she hated her job and used the corruption thing as a way to get out of it and bring herself some attention. She is not a corruption maverick, she is just a new version of the good ol boy network. Wanting total control by having people in place that are her people.

Her positions on social issues disturb me, but she seems to have an overall honesty about her. They should scare everyone as she is a female form of Dick Cheney, total control is what she is about. A horse with blinders on who only believes what she wants to believe and ignor the facts of life. There is nothing honest about her, everything is a planned scam.

She's pretty hot. I'm sure that'll sway some people. NOT, get your eye's checked!

The top of the ticket is all that matters, and it is no contest for people with more than half a brain. McCain 2008. Obama is hot air and nothing more. Anyone who buys his bull&#036;h&#33; will rue the day if he becomes president. Mark my words. You clearly are living in the same bubble of Bush with Rose colored sun glasses on as all Bush and the republicans have done is grow the size of Government, Grow the national Debt and reduce the middle class of america as they build their own Cast system of the Rich and the Poor!

George Bush has not been a fiscal conservative, but he is no match for the capacity for Democrats to give a handout to every non-deserving cause known to man. Democrats only know how to spend money on bull&#036;h&#33;. Universal healthcare? How will it be paid for? Taxes! Don't be so dim. Universal healthcare is waaay too big an expense for the federal government to pay for. I pay too many taxes now for bull&#036;h&#33;. I want McCain in there. Reality Check here, Both parties have had spending idiots in the White house. Just the fact is that W is the biggest idiot and destructor of America! takes office with our debt at 4.8 Trillion and every year raises the approved level to the current 9.6 trillion debt. His legacy will be one of debt and destruction with NOTHING to show for caring for this country, the people who fought for the freedoms, the seniors, etc. He only cared about making his good Ol boy group the richest administration in history of this country. Remember he came in with 200 million networth and Dicky both with 4 Billion and Bush will be leaving with a networth of over a billion and Dicky sure has grown his billion networth due to Haliburton.

You mistakenly call him a tired old man. I see someone who stands up for what he believes, and a man who is in the real world... not some far-off, pie-in-the sky dreamland like Barak Obama. He has proposed nothing of substance. NOTHING.

Ha... how are you going to be paying less for healthcare if it becomes a burden on the Federal government, and in turn, all of our taxes? I agree something needs to be done about the spiraling cost of healthcare... but Federalising it will only bog everything down... it will make things worse.

Going after fraud and waste in regards to healthcare is a mission I would support. And I believe McCain and his running mate have shown a propensity to attack corruption. Think about it. Vote McCain.

OCNBLU you really have not looked at the facts. There is NO corruption fighting by McCain or Palin, you seem to just take their marketing BS at face value. Palin supported the Bridge to no where until it was too unpopular to push and then switched to we do not need this, yet the bitch still took the money the Republicans renamed in the budget and spent it on other stuff. So much for fighting pork barrel spending. She also spent more money than any other mayor on a lobby firm to get earmarks for her town and then did the same for the state. She took over a town with NO DEBT and left it with 22Million in debt. Doing the same to the State. She has no mgmt skills, just the same religous BS message and ability to build BIG DEBT and leave nothing for the future. McCain has not really done anything to change the earmarks or pork barrel politics, he sure brought funds into his state.

Our kids are dumb because their parents are not interested in teaching them anything or instilling a work ethic. All they do is throw video games at them in hopes of shutting them up. Teachers have been stripped of authority by parents with lawyers, and the kids revel in it. Nobody wants to take responsibility for themselves... to make their own lives better... they're all looking for government to bail them out. These are the people Obama counts on... liberal-leaning folk.
Love the way you blame the Liberals and independants when reality is the bible thumping idiots who preach instead of teach. Palin is a perfect example, blames public schools as bad, so will home school but does not actuall teach her own kids who can barely pass the GED testing to move onto the next level. Seems to want to do the same as the Muslims, have IDIOT followers of religion with an elite cast of leaders.

Fact: Clinton went from a deficit and unbalanced budget to a balanced budget and surplus to pay down the national debt.

Fact: Bush inherited a Surplus and doubled the national debt and will leave office with an unbalaced budget, the largest growth in Government, over 198,000 jobs added under his watch.

Neither Republicans or democrats can say they have been fiscally responsible or conservative all the time, clearly both parties have had good and bad leaders. It is time for a change rather than more of the same.

Also this whole thing about 21 drinking age is a crock, you can smoke, vote and kill someone as a soldier for our country at 18 but cannot drink. European coutnries have proven that a lower drinking age actually has lowered DWI and other problems from youth.

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Look back to where I feel that energy is a national security issue and you may understand my position better. I feel it is a far better investment to spend money on new wind power than it is to spend money to lob a bunch of cruise missiles at middle eastern wedding parties.

i know you said that. but I could say that food production is a national security issue so the farmers need to be paid to to farm, not just for the products... instead of military bases in peaceful countries... or something like that. i know it's just your opinion, but other opinions that could also "make sense", can't make sense...to me.

the top link, great last pic on the page. this is what needs to be revealed, the hypocrisy of law enforcement and laws, when that is solved things will be so much better.

the second link(the sound of it) just shows that national power extends too far down and doesn't let locals decide what's best for itself.

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i know you said that. but I could say that food production is a national security issue so the farmers need to be paid to to farm, not just for the products... instead of military bases in peaceful countries... or something like that. i know it's just your opinion, but other opinions that could also "make sense", can't make sense...to me.

Again, I'm not saying permanent subsidies. I'm saying that government help the technology reach critical mass. Farming isn't a new technology and is well past critical mass.

I'm not asking you to agree with me, just to understand the logic behind my reasoning.

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For contrast, here is how Palin handles an interviews with ABC News. I didn't like her before, but after seeing how she not only handled that interview (you can tell Tom wasn't buying her BS) to the fact that she is another bible thumper...that is not a person I want in office. Go back to Alaska.


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Just thought you guys might enjoy David Letterman's interview with Obama...I did.


"Well if you were going to take it that way, Palin is the lipstick.... McCain is the pig."

The End.

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Just thought you guys might enjoy David Letterman's interview with Obama...I did.


Thanks for posting that DF. The more I see of Obama, the more I like him. On a side note, when I'm in the USA, I try to catch a Letterman show. When I worked in Wilmington, I went at least 4 times a year.

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Uhh for the record most mainstream people believe in some sort of God. I thought it was a good interview and enjoyed it alot. Sarah Palin is a public servant to the core. Starting out in the PTA and working her way up because she thought she could help her people. What a concept, serving the public because you want to serve. The media is the tank for Obama, and Charlie Gibson twisted and cut out portions of it anyways. I will tell you this the more the media tears her down the more votes for McCain. This woman is classy and Obama-Biden are each &#036;h&#33;ting there points. Hell Biden said Clinton would have been a better choice than him. Funny, but true. I didn't always agree with Hillary and could have considered voting for her because of the person not the polices. When Obama was picked I knew a far left liberal from Chicago with a record of voting present wouldn't have my vote.

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You realize that a lot of farmer subsidies are paid to farmers to NOT grow a certain crop right?

yes. .. and letting fields lie fallow, yes people can get subsidies for that.

yup, and that's wrong

i agree.

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Sarah Palin is a public servant to the core. Starting out in the PTA and working her way up because she thought she could help her people. What a concept, serving the public because you want to serve.

What do you think a community organizer from the south side of Chicago did?

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Palin on Gibson:

Gibson: Do you agree with the Bush Doctrine?

Palin: In what respect, Charlie?

Gibson: What do you interpret it to be?

Palin: His worldview.

Gibson: No, No, the Bush Doctrine. He enunciated it in September 2002, before the Iraq War.


Palin: I believe that what President Bush has attempted to do is to rid this world of Islamic extremism, terrorists who are hellbent on destroying our nation. There have been blunders along the way, though. There have been mistakes made. And with new leadership--and that's the beauty of American elections and democracy--with new leadership comes the opportunity to do things better.

Gibson: The Bush Doctrine, as I understand it, is that we have the right of anticipatory defense. We have the right to preemptively strike any other country that we believe is going to attack us.

Palin: I agree that a president's job, when they swear in their oath to uphold our Constitution, their top priority is to defend the United States of America.

I know that John McCain will do that and I, as his vice president, families we are blessed with that vote of the American people and are elected to serve and are sworn in on January 20, that will be our top priority is to defend the American people.

Actually, the first priority is to defend the constitution of the United States. Palin doesn't even know the oath she is supposed to swear. And any serious person who has followed the debates about US foreign policy knows what the Bush doctrine is. But we do not have a serious pick for the vice-presidency in the GOP, do we? We have an absurdity. And a joke.

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This is starting already?!?

About one-third of the absentee ballot applications received at the Hamilton County Board of Elections have been ruled invalid because Republican Sen. John McCain’s presidential campaign printed a version of the form with an extra, unneeded box on it.

In a narrow interpretation of Ohio law, Democratic Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner says many of the McCain forms have not been completed properly. If the box stating the person is an eligible elector -- or qualified voter – is not checked, Brunner said, the application is no good.

Even though the box is unneeded, by not checking it voters are essentially admitting they’re not eligible, Brunner said.

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McCain did get a bump in national polls, but mostly in states he was going to win anyway. The electoral college hasn't changed much and it's now more likely that a scenario where Obama wins the electoral college but loses the popular vote could occur.

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McCain did get a bump in national polls, but mostly in states he was going to win anyway. The electoral college hasn't changed much and it's now more likely that a scenario where Obama wins the electoral college but loses the popular vote could occur.

Great..2000 all over again..what a depressing scenario.

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